Victorian Age Essays (Examples)

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Poor working conditions had a tremendous and negative effect on the health of the working class in England in the Victorian Age. The Victorian Age (the nineteenth century) saw the rise of a large working class, where women, men, and children are spent long hours in employment in substandard conditions. Working conditions were poor, and physical mistreatment was common, as were long hours, unhealthy conditions, and poor wages. As a direct result of these poor conditions and ensuing poverty, the health of the average working class Victorian was poor. Nutrition and hygiene were poor, and disease was common, as was malnutrition.
During the Victorian age, the image of employment is often one of the male worker toiling in factories that were established during the Industrial evolution. While this image is certainly true, as discussed later, women were also an important part of the workforce. A number of factors led to the….

Carmilla chooses her victims (young women isolated from society and without friendship) mainly because they are easy prey. She is a sensual, tender and affectionate woman herself -- beautiful to behold, as Laura describes: "She was slender, and wonderfully graceful…her complexion was rich and brilliant; her features were small and beautifully formed; her eyes large, dark, and lustrous" (Fanu 30). Bertha is a young woman intended to meet and befriend Laura, till she falls victim to Carmilla; and Laura is equally young and eager for a confidante. The fact that Carmilla first introduces herself to Laura when Laura is a girl and crying because she has been left alone in the nursery suggests that Carmilla is an altogether different kind of femme fatale -- not one who preys upon men to achieve her own aims but rather one whose very nature compels her to seek the embrace of young women….

Victorian Age and Women

Elizabeth Browning's Changed Role Of omen In The Victorian Age Using Poetry
During the course of the nineteenth century including the Victorian Age, the rights and roles of women were widely controversial and debated. The controversy and debates relating to the Victorian roles for women were particularly centered on middle-class women. There were concerns on whether these women should be educated, allowed to work in other settings other than the home, and have a political voice. As these debates continued, many Victorian women such as Elizabeth Barrett Browning made significant contributions to the roles and rights of women through their literary works. As one of the most prominent writers during this period, Browning made powerful and engaging contributions based on her belief that educational training was a crucial factor towards the success of women in the society. Through poetry, Elizabeth Browning explored and challenged the conventional rights and roles for women….

Meanwhile, Melmotte introduces Marie into the matrimonial arena at an extravagant ball for which, in hope of favors that will come, he gains the patronage of several duchesses and other regal individuals. Marie, believed to be the heiress of millions, has many highly placed but poor young noblemen asking for her hand in marriage. She falls in love with Sir Felix Carbury, who is the most shady of them all. Felix's interest in Marie has nothing to do with love, but only with her wealth. This behavior is expected, since he is just following through on all that he has been told while growing up. He has learned his lessons well. His mother commends him often for winning Marie's heart, even if it is for the wrong reasons.. As Trollope writes:

It was now his business to marry an heiress. He was well aware that it was so, and was quite….

In the face of this awareness of human decline and despair the protagonist pledges love to his partner. This love is described as "true," which implies a love that is faithful and enduring and which can transcend the loss of faith in the world.
This vision or poetic image of loss of faith in human nature can be seen, albeit in a different light, in the work of Browning. An example would be the poem "Fra Lippon Lippi." In this poem the poet questions the nature of art and whether it should be true-to -- life or idealistic. The question is related to the way that art can best serve religious purposes and also refers to the gap between ordinary life and religious faith. The argument that runs throughout the poem is that the religious authorities are more concerned with appearances than expressing deep religious convictions.

Many of Browning's poems were….

Victorian Female Sexuality
Victorian Sexuality: George Bernard Shaw's Mrs. arren's Profession and Thomas Hardy's "The Ruined Maid"

omen in the Victorian era must have suffered enormously under the massive double standards and the shameful image of a woman who wanted to be on her own. It is clear from examining the literature of the period how much discrimination was placed on women in the era. George Bernard Shaw's Mrs. arren's Profession and Thomas Hardy's "The Ruined Maid" show the intense sexual and gender discrimination that women in the Victorian era had to endure and the extreme consequences that were reserved for them upon breaking such strict traditions on sexuality and love relationships; however, George Bernard Shaw does allow for a greater sense of freedom for his female characters as his work was written much later at the tail end of the Victorian era, as long as they avoid the contact of men….

Alice in Wonderland as Victorian Literature -- Being a child in Victorian England was difficult. They had to behave like the adults did, follow all rules, they had to be seen but not heard. Children, however, are naturally curious; unable to sit for long periods of time, and as part of normal cognitive development, consistently asking questions about the world. In fact, childhood is the period when a child acquires the knowledge needed to perform as an adult. It is the experiences of childhood that the personality of the adult is constructed. Alice's adventures, then, are really more of a set of curiosities that Carroll believed children share. Why is this, who is this, how does this work? and, her journey through Wonderland, somewhat symbolic of a type of "Garden of Eden," combines stark realities that would be necessary for her transition to adulthood.

For Victorians, control was part of not….

life of a clergyman in Victorian society as presented in the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The paper explains how the society of those days perceived Church and focuses on the negative portrayal of clergymen by Austen.

Pride and prejudice is undoubtedly the most important work of Jane Austen and one, which presents Victorian society in its true light. The novel sheds light on the society of those days and shows how various characters evolved under restriction posed by societal rules and regulations. This is probably one reason why we find Austen's clergymen to be repressed figures who were more inclined to serve themselves than others. The negative portrayal of the life of a clergyman in Pride and prejudice is closely linked with the fact that Victorian society was a highly class conscious society where people of humble professions were not given….

Victorian literature was remarkably concerned with the idea of childhood, but to a large degree we must understand the Victorian concept of childhood and youth as being, in some way, a revisionary response to the early nineteenth century Romantic conception. Here we must, to a certain degree, accept Harold Bloom's thesis that Victorian poetry represents a revisionary response to the revolutionary aesthetic of Romanticism, and particularly that of ordsworth. The simplest way to summarize the ordsworthian child is to recall that well-known line from a short lyric (which would be appended as epigraph to later printings of ordsworth's "Ode: Intimations of Immortality, from Recollections of Early Childhood") -- "the child is father of the man." Here, self-definition in adulthood, and indeed the poetic vocation, are founded in the perceived imaginative freedom of childhood.
Thou little Child, yet glorious in the might

Of heaven-born freedom on thy being's height,

hy with such earnest pains….

dining room. day.
MOTHER, ALICIA, and BOBBY are seated around the table. ALICIA and BOBBY are eating hungrily; MOTHER is staring at the wall vacantly.


What's wrong, Mom?





I asked you what's wrong. You've been taring at the wall for the past five minutes.


It's nothing, honey.


It's the kitchen.

MOTHER looks sharply at BOBBY.




The kitchen. it's weird in there. I don;t really like it. It feels...funny. Like someone is after you.


(in a spooky voice)

And if you aren't a good little boy, the spirit of the kitchen will put you in the oven and make you into Thanksgiving dinner!

ALICIA cackles wickedly. FATHER enters, dressed for work and carrying a briefcase. He kisses MOTHEr on the top of the head.


Isn't it a little early for evil laughter? What's going on?


I'm just telling Bobby hat he's right about the kitchen being haunted...


That's enough, you two. This house is not haunted.


No, that would be too exciting.

ALICIA flounces up….

Horizontal Violence
The Victorian and Other Healthcare Facilities still have issues with horizontal violence in their work environments where many of these incidents occur, however, their facility feels, according to the Contemporary Nurse web site, that the main reason that there is so much animosity in the Victorian health center is because of the constant aggression that these nurses receive from dementia patients which causes some of these nurses to be more anxious, uptight, restless, and more likely to say something to offend other nursing staff especially the younger, less experienced, new graduates that have just joined the healthcare team. The Victorian chairman addressed in a letter he had wrote to the Minister for Health to politely ask him to think about his opinion on the report that the Victorian's Taskforce hostile working environment even though he shares his own beliefs and facts, noted in the "Victorian Taskforce on Violence in….

Religion and Family on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Children in a Cup of Water Under My Bed: A Memoir by Daisy Hernandez (2015)
In her memoir, A Cup of Water Under My Bed, Daisy Hernandez describes her first-hand experiences growing up in the United States as the daughter of Latin American parents from two different countries. Although Hernandez provides a number of salient examples of how cross-cultural issues affect her life, perhaps the most poignant issue explored in her memoirs concerns her coming to grips with being bisexual and what this meant for her and her family based on her Catholic education and her parents' views about human sexuality. Given the increasingly widespread acceptance of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the United States in recent years including legislation and changes in social practices, it is important to identify any significant issues that could hamper this process.….

Realism and Compromise

Victorian Prose and Poetry, by Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom. Specifically, it will discuss ealism and compromise in Victorian Literature. How do Victorian writers search for realistic compromises with the world around them?

In Victorian literature, ealism followed the age of omanticism, and ealism quickly evolved into Naturalism, practiced by many authors of the time, including Jack London, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Sinclair Lewis. "There was a time when the intellectual and spiritual life of Europe as a whole was dominated by neo-classicism; it was dominated in the next era by omanticism; and then it was dominated by ealism, which developed into Naturalism" (Baker 58). ealism in literature attempted to portray things as they really were, scientifically and without emotion, placing man in balance with nature.

The task of realism, Howells felt, was to defend "the people" against its adversaries. The realist, he wrote, "feels in every….

Lives of Female Saints in

Women identified their hrist Jesus who was food during mass as the redemption of humanity. The women believed reaching spirituality was through food, since naturally they were food from their ability to breastfeed. The Medieval women associated the breast as seen in Holy mother, Mary's own breastfeeding as a Eucharistic feeding of the soul.

The painting also indicates that to the Female saints of the Middle Ages, prayer was an important element in their connection to God. In the "The life and Miracles of Saint Godelieve," Godelieve makes prayer requests and offerings of food to God, that are answered by angels who bring delicacies for the poor.

Annotated Bibliography

Amy Hollywood. "Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History (Religion and Postmodernism)," University of hicago Press, (2002).

This article carries out an analysis of anthropological studies of the medieval times, and looks into the connection of the body, the soul and physical….

omen's Nature In Oliver Twist
hen assessing women's original nature and how it is manifested and displayed in Oliver Twist, it becomes clear that the three main female characters all portray a different version of how women can be perceived and render themselves. Rose, Agnes and Nancy. However, the exploration of women's nature and how it was defined in the Victorian age need not be limited to those three. It is illuminating and revealing how Dickens poses and presents the women of Oliver Twist and the reactions that tend to be elicited by those that read and review this work. On the whole, it is obvious and clear that Dickens levied a full-frontal assault against the system and regimentation that were held against women, the poor and the ruffians of society. As it pertains to women, this obviously included the concept and idea that woman that keep themselves virginal, prim and….

3 Pages
Term Paper


Working Conditions and Their Results in England in the Nineteenth Century the Victorian Age

Words: 1173
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Poor working conditions had a tremendous and negative effect on the health of the working class in England in the Victorian Age. The Victorian Age (the nineteenth century) saw…

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13 Pages
Research Paper

Sports - Women

Who Is Carmilla and Why Is She a Threat to Victorian Age

Words: 4607
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Carmilla chooses her victims (young women isolated from society and without friendship) mainly because they are easy prey. She is a sensual, tender and affectionate woman herself -- beautiful…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal

Literature - British

Victorian Age and Women

Words: 990
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Elizabeth Browning's Changed Role Of omen In The Victorian Age Using Poetry During the course of the nineteenth century including the Victorian Age, the rights and roles of women were…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Women

Victorian Women During the Victorian

Words: 3277
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Meanwhile, Melmotte introduces Marie into the matrimonial arena at an extravagant ball for which, in hope of favors that will come, he gains the patronage of several duchesses and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Victorian the Significance of Love

Words: 1072
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In the face of this awareness of human decline and despair the protagonist pledges love to his partner. This love is described as "true," which implies a love…

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6 Pages


Victorian Female Sexuality Victorian Sexuality George Bernard

Words: 2004
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Victorian Female Sexuality Victorian Sexuality: George Bernard Shaw's Mrs. arren's Profession and Thomas Hardy's "The Ruined Maid" omen in the Victorian era must have suffered enormously under the massive double standards…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Victorian Childhood and Alice in Wonderland

Words: 3889
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Alice in Wonderland as Victorian Literature -- Being a child in Victorian England was difficult. They had to behave like the adults did, follow all rules, they had to…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Life of a Clergyman in Victorian Society

Words: 1323
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

life of a clergyman in Victorian society as presented in the novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The paper explains how the society of those days perceived…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


Treatment Representation of Women or Children in Nineteenth Century Victorian Literature

Words: 3472
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Victorian literature was remarkably concerned with the idea of childhood, but to a large degree we must understand the Victorian concept of childhood and youth as being, in some…

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15 Pages

Urban Studies

Kitchen Stairs Final Ext Victorian

Words: 4730
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Thesis

dining room. day. MOTHER, ALICIA, and BOBBY are seated around the table. ALICIA and BOBBY are eating hungrily; MOTHER is staring at the wall vacantly. ALICIA What's wrong, Mom? MOTHER (distracted) Hmm? ALICIA I asked you…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Horizontal Violence the Victorian and Other Healthcare

Words: 1352
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Horizontal Violence The Victorian and Other Healthcare Facilities still have issues with horizontal violence in their work environments where many of these incidents occur, however, their facility feels, according to…

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4 Pages

Gay/Lesbian Studies - Raising Children

Coming of Age with Bisexuality

Words: 1309
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Religion and Family on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Children in a Cup of Water Under My Bed: A Memoir by Daisy Hernandez (2015) In her memoir, A Cup of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Realism and Compromise

Words: 1189
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Victorian Prose and Poetry, by Lionel Trilling and Harold Bloom. Specifically, it will discuss ealism and compromise in Victorian Literature. How do Victorian writers search for realistic compromises…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Lives of Female Saints in

Words: 1365
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Women identified their hrist Jesus who was food during mass as the redemption of humanity. The women believed reaching spirituality was through food, since naturally they were food from…

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5 Pages

Sports - Women

Unreasonable Social Expectations

Words: 1670
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

omen's Nature In Oliver Twist hen assessing women's original nature and how it is manifested and displayed in Oliver Twist, it becomes clear that the three main female characters all…

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