Warehouse Management Essays (Examples)

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Warehouse Management Systems WMS the
Pages: 10 Words: 3044

elow, we study, both the primary and secondary drivers, to get a clear picture of WMS.
Choosing a WMS

Primary drivers include a group of fundamental functions and operatives of a warehouse system like the software components, technology, cost, support and other utilities as well as the precise graphic business necessities. elow is the further explanation of the applications included in the primary drivers (Sahay and Gupta, 2003).

Software Components

Software components and the operations play a huge part in the advancing market and rising competition. The more efficient and updated the software components, the better the pace of the implementation of the functions of the warehouse, as well as the transferability and amalgamation of the advanced software application and prior-used components with new ones, etc. (Sahay and Gupta, 2003).


With the increasing competition in the market, technological advancements have paved their way into becoming one of the essentials drivers. Of course any purchase…...



Helo, P and Szekely, B. (2005). Logistics information systems. An analysis of software solutions for supply systems chain co-ordination. University of Vaasa, Industrial Management, Vaasa, Finland.

Nynke Faber, Rene, (Marinus) B.M. de Koster and Steef L. van de Velde. (2002). Linking warehouse complexity to warehouse planning and control structure. An exploratory study of the use of warehouse management systems. Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Sahay, B.S. And Gupta a.K. (2003). Development of software selection criteria for supply chain solutions. Management Development Institute, Gurgaon, India.

Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)

Warehouse Management Systems Why Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1129

The use of analytics for redefining inventory strategies based on greater visibility and more efficient optimization of
resources is yielding a 20 - 30% reduction in inventory carrying costs,
according to research on this best practice done by Aberdeen Group (22) in
its report, Best Practices in International Logistics. The study concludes
that greater visibility of inventory dynamics with analytics and better
planning coordination with manufacturing, suppliers and buyers can
manufacturers together can enable order management systems to be more
effective through the use of a more integrated WMS platform.
Integration with and synchronization between a state-of-the-art WMS and
other critical systems in an organization including the CM, Enterprise
esource Planning (EP), Supply Chain Planning, Pricing, and Service all
must contribute to the highest level of inventory accuracy possible.
Organizations that commit to implementing a WMS at a strategic level are
doing so to first create a more agile warehouse environment to support
customer-specific demands.
While in previous generations of WMS systems, the main dynamic…...



Aberdeen Group (2006). Best Practices in International Logistics.

Aberdeen Group Research Report , January, 2006. Boston, MA. Page 22.

Manufacturing Engineer (2005). The goal of synchronized demand. IEE

Manufacturing Engineer Magazine. August/September, 2005. Pages 32 - 35

Warehouse Management Systems The Costs vs The
Pages: 3 Words: 915

Warehouse Management Systems:

Warehouse Management Systems enhance all warehouse operations through advanced technology and operating processes ("Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)," 2004). It combines computer hardware, computer software and external equipment with new operating practices in order to manage inventory, space, labor and equipment in warehouses and distribution centers ("Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)," 2004). This paper will take a look at how a WMS works, as well as the challenges and advantages to having one.

A WMS should at least help the warehouse employees perform their daily duties, but they can also be advanced enough to replace the employees all together (Muehlbauer, 2011). egardless of how advanced it is, every WMS utilizes at least two key elements -- portable computer terminals and barcodes. The portable computer terminals help the warehouse employees track the work that they perform in real time (Muehlbauer, 2011). The use of barcodes reduces the amount…...



Anonymous. (2002). "WMS drives efficient parts distribution." Modern Materials Handling. 57:12, 55.

Eclipse Systems Pvt. Ltd. (2004) "Warehouse Management Systems (WMS)" Retrieved November 13, 2011 from www.bestwms.com/about_wms.htm .

Muehlbauer, Bill. Distribution Strategies. "What is a Warehouse Management System?"

Retrieved November 13, 2011 from www.distributionstrategies.net/uploads/What_is_a_WMS.pdf .

Facility Layout in Warehouse Management
Pages: 3 Words: 925

Facilities Layout
The future of warehouse will primarily be based on software, which will choreograph most of the work in tomorrow's warehouse. In essence, the warehouse of the future will not be based on technology but be centered on a combination of technology, machine, and human resource. The use of this blend as the basis for future warehouse is fueled by the different forms of innovation that take place in the realm of technology. Notably, the use of technology to drive work in tomorrow's warehouse is also based on the need to achieve considerable operational metrics that exceed the requirements of customer service while supporting the movement of goods in more profitable means. Therefore, technology will play a crucial role in management of warehouse and distribution center in future. As a result, there is need for organizations to consider how flexibility can be incorporated in warehouse planning and design in a…...



Freese, T.L. (2000, June). The Dock: Your Warehouse's Most Valuable Real Estate. Material Handling Management, 55(6), 97-101.

Graham, D.D. (2003, April). Warehouse of the Future. Frontline Solutions, 4(4), 20.

"The Warehouse of the Future." (2014). Vocollect. Retrieved July 4, 2014, from  http://vocollect.com/uploads/landing-page/wotf/the-warehouse-of-the-future-2014.pdf

Warehousing Warehouse Management Systems Warehouse
Pages: 2 Words: 561

Also, the right products should be shipped to the right locations and this makes WMS labor-intensive and complex. However, a well established WMS is essential to reduce incidents and loss.
Customer Service

An effective WMS is essential to ensure a high quality customer service. Errors in deliveries can lead to empty shelves and in turn, this will result in a financial loss for the company because the product was not available for sale. Also, customers will be unhappy if they see empty shelves all the time. They will also be dissatisfied if products are not delivered within the stipulated time. To prevent these problems, a state-of-the-art WMS is necessary.

Logistics Cost

Logistical costs account for roughly 9% of a company's total sales price (Van Den Berg, 2007). Though it depends on the industry to a large extent, the costs are nevertheless significant. These costs are likely to increase with a poor WMS and…...



Van Den Berg, Jeroen. (2007). Integral Warehouse Management. Publisher: Lulu.com.

Richards, Gwynee. (2011). Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse. London: Kogan Page Publisher

warehouse management information'systems and technology
Pages: 2 Words: 636

1. Privacy laws are continually in flux. The most recent blow to consumer privacy was the 2017 Congressional overturning of Internet privacy protections. According to the ACLU, those pro-privacy laws “would have prevented ISPs from sharing our browsing history with advertisers, forced ISPs to be clear about what information they’re collecting, and required ISPs to take reasonable steps to protect our data from hackers,” (ACLU, 2018). Several states, including Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and most of the Northeast have since begun the difficult process of working to reinstate Internet privacy laws (ACLU, 2018). The decision made in Washington, supported by the Trump administration, bequeaths a tremendous amount of power to Internet Service Providers (ISPs), giving them leeway and control over consumer information. Prior to this federal legislation, ISPs were not able to share customer data such as browsing history with marketers. The only potential benefit to customers would have been…...

Warehouse of the Future Software
Pages: 3 Words: 921

This form of technology serves to not only eliminate unneeded expenses, as it does the work that previously required numerous employees and technology formats, at a relatively low costs, it tracks and ships merchandise quicker and more accurately. Whereas in the past the function of product tracking and inventory maintenance involved a complex system of labels, bar codes and inkjet stenciling, according to Carver, "With RFID you have the ability to encode additional data, allowing you to track merchandise more precisely."
During the 1990s, the "future" of warehouses was seen as involving highly automate functions involving scanning and bar coding. However, these technologies were not only expensive to purchase, they were even more costly to implement into the warehouse's overall operation scheme. Thus, the result was that many warehouses failed to become automated due to the expense involved.

The future warehouses on the other hand, which like those of the 1990s…...



Graham, Douglass. "Warehouse of the Future: Software will Choreograph Tomorrow's Warehouse Work." Frontline Solutions. Duluth: Frontline, April 2003.

Thompkins, James, a., Smith, Jerry D. The Warehouse Management Handbook. Minneapolis: Tompkins Press, 1998.

Managing Projects Operations and Information
Pages: 8 Words: 2210

The performance of each team member depends on the performance of all others, this being a team project. Constraints include time and financial resources; as such improvement requires permanent improvement effort.
isk Management. No risk has been identified related to the project's completion.

Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms. The data analysts will develop a metric system to measure each member's performance on a weekly basis. This weekly performance will be submitted to the project manager for potential adjustments.

V. Operations management plan

Operations Strategy. An easy way to understand the meaning of operations strategy is to break the word into the two separate words: operations and strategy - these words being the opposite of each other (Slack & Lewis, 2002). 'Operations' is about the functions and procedures regarding the day-to-day processes, while 'strategy' is about the direction and scope of an organisation over a long period of time. The operations strategy in this case…...



Aberdeen Group. 2008. Operational KPIs and Performance Management -- Are Your Daily Decisions Based on Fact?,  http://www.aberdeen.com/ 

Cooper, M. & Lambert D. 2000. Issues in Supply Chain Management. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 29: pp. 65-83.

Johnson, J. C. And Wood, D.F. 1996. Contemporary Logistics, N.J.: Prentice Hall Upper Saddle Creek.

Keah C.R.K. And Handfield, R.B. 1998 .Supply Chain Management: Supplier Performance and Firm Performance. International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management: pp.2-9.

Management Part I The Biggest
Pages: 5 Words: 1848

(Bhatnagar, 2004)


The following Decentralization orksheet contains some observations on decentralizing. As you review each of the statements, provide an example that illustrates why this statement is important and related problems and benefits of the situation or condition indicated in the statement. SELECT ANY 2 Decentralization orksheet: A large number of factors determine the extent to which a manager should decentralize. Clearly, anything that increases a manager's workload creates pressure for decentralization because only a single person can accomplish a finite level of work. As with many facets of management, there are advantages and disadvantages to decentralization.


The greater the diversity of products, the greater the decentralization.

An organization, such as a national supermarket chain, that sells a diversity of products will benefit from decentralization because decentralization allows local and regional managers to tailor the selection of goods to the specific market -- and also prevents a stocking up of goods…...


Works Cited

Bhatnagar, Parija (17 Nov 2004) "The Kmart-Sears Deal." CNN/Money. Retrieved 20 Jan 2005 at  http://money.cnn.com/2004/11/17/news/fortune500/sears_kmart/?cnn=yes 

CNN.com (17 Feb 2004) "Cingular nabs At & T. Wireless for $41 B." CNN.com. Retrieved 20 Jan 2005 at  http://money.cnn.com/2004/02/17/technology/cingular_att

Managing People -- Wal-Mart Summary of the
Pages: 10 Words: 3113

Managing People -- Wal-Mart

Summary of the Company and Facts

Wal-Mart is among many multi-national retail businesses that are well-known. It runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouses all over the world though it's an American multinational retailer corporation. It is also the biggest private employer in the world, to employ such a big number of workers can be very challenging and hence the employee relationship with the management requires thorough evaluation. With corporations such as Wal-Mart always chasing to grow higher and getting better returns come with the temptations to go really wrong in many ways. Wal-Mart does a lot right; it has expanded its productivity by being more efficient and leaner when compared to many companies. Shoppers accrue a lot of benefits from the expansion of Wal-Mart. Like all this retail businesses the employees in Wal-Mart are given low wages, they work on part-time conditions particularly having a…...



Ludensky, A. (2008).Wal-mart's Labor problem. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from  http://campusprogress.org/articles/wal-marts_labor_problem 

Cherry, K. (2009).Hierarchy of needs. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from  http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/hierarchyneeds.htm 

Unlimited marketing. (2012). Walmart Workers For Change.Retrieved November 23, 2012 from  http://www.walmartworkersforchange.org/2012/08/walmart-works-to-empower-women/ 

DE-DE Group LLC (2012). Wal-Mart Workers on Strike. Retrieved November 23, 2012 from https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/653-walmart-workers-on-strike

Warehouse Stock Records An Analysis
Pages: 6 Words: 1922

Agreeing upon audit expectations goes a long ways in solidifying the workers' perspective of their own role in helping to keep track of warehouse stock and how they can benefit the company. When set up properly and carried out thoroughly and regularly, an audit is one of the best tools a business has in helping to keep warehouse stock inventories well managed and in keeping records accurate and reliable.
There are many contributing factors to warehouse stock record inaccuracies and in keeping the warehouse employees as productive and efficient as possible. Many of the causes of warehouse stock record inaccuracies are very basic in nature, and stem from an improper balance between prudent, logical actions and a businesses inability to keep track of their products, stock, and employees. When businesses understand the factors in keeping stock accurately accounted for and safe, they can build and grow through time and money…...



DeHoratius, Nicole and Raman, Ananth. (2008). "Inventory Record Inaccuracy: An

Empirical Analysis." Management Science, August 2008.

Ernst, R., Guerrero, J. And Roshwalb, A. (1993). "A Quality Control Approach for Monitoring Inventory Stock Levels." Journal of the Operational Research Society, 44, 1115-1127.

Johnson, J, R., Leitch, R.A., and Neter, J. (1981). "Characteristics of Errors in Accounts

Management Global Logistics Management How
Pages: 4 Words: 1625

Logistics refers to all the move and store actions from the point of raw materials attainment to the point of final use. Effective and efficient logistics management is a key to the success of business firms as well as to Just in time (Lai and Cheng, n.d.).
Logistics management is so crucial for JIT because the entire premise is that a company orders just the product that it needs and it is supposed to arrive just as they need it. If the product does not arrive on time them the company has no product to sell and if they product arrives too early then they more than likely will have storage issues in regards to the product.


Azaria, Erez. (2009). Supplier Consolidation in Weakening Economy. etreived May 20, 2010,

from Supply Excellence Web site:


Fernie, John and Sparks, Leigh. (n.d.). etail logistics: changes and challenges. etreived May

20, 2010, from Web site:



Glossary of Terms.…...



Azaria, Erez. (2009). Supplier Consolidation in Weakening Economy. Retreived May 20, 2010,

from Supply Excellence Web site:


Fernie, John and Sparks, Leigh. (n.d.). Retail logistics: changes and challenges. Retreived May

Management of Information Systems Business Strategy Lessons
Pages: 6 Words: 1699

Management of Information Systems Business Strategy: Lessons to Be Learned From the Clinic and esort Cases about the Creation, Implementation and Use of Business Intelligence
The objective of this work is to examine the lessons to be learned from the clinic and resort cases about the creation, implementation and use of business intelligence in management of information systems business strategy.

Business intelligence is described as the "business capability of extracting actionable insight from business and market data to support better decision-making and improved corporate performance." (The Business Intelligence Guide, 2011) Furthermore, Business Intelligence is the business reported to be the "most wanted technology by business across the world" because business intelligence "even in current times of economic downturn, when IT budgets are being cut, is still at the top of the list of urgently needed business capabilities." (The Business Intelligence Guide, 2011) The critical need for business intelligence was learned by the…...



Briggs, Linda L. (2011) BI Case Study: Hospitality Firm Clean Up with BI. 26 Jul 2011. TDWI. Retrieved from:  http://tdwi.org/Articles/2011/07/26/Case-Study-Hospitality-Firm.aspx?Page=1 

Business Intelligence (2011) The Business Intelligence Guide. Retrieved from:  http://thebusinessintelligenceguide.com/bi_solutions/index.php 

Konitzer, Kate and Cummens, Mike (2011) Case Study: Using Analytics to Improve Patient Outcomes and Billing Accuracy at Marshfield Clinic. TDWI. 11 Jul 2011. Retrieved from:  http://tdwi.org/Articles/2011/07/11/CASE-STUDY-Using-Analytics-to-Improve-Patient-Outcomes-and-Billing-Accuracy-at-Marshfield-Clinic.aspx?Page=1

Managing Behaviors & Teaching Social Skills Antisocial
Pages: 30 Words: 9724

Managing Behaviors & Teaching Social Skills
Antisocial behavior in schools in on the rise and has become a concern in school systems, from both a learning perspective and from a safety perspective, as well. Previously, schools have dealt with such behaviors using punitive measures such as expulsion, or even law enforcement measures to attempt to discourage youth from behaving in an undesirable manner. These programs have had little or no effect on curbing behavior problems in schools. Second Step and Boys Town are programs, which implement a positive approach to behavior management. These programs teach youth alternatives to violence and stress problem solving, coping, and conflict management. These programs have had considerably greater success than their predecessors. This research will qualitatively explore the theoretical issues behind the success of these two programs and take a critical look at them to explore ways in which they may be further improved for greater…...



Butterworth, F. (1998, July 26). Why the South's murder rate is so high. The New York Times on the Web. ( http://www.nytimes.com )

Capra. F. (1996). The Web of Life. New York: Anchor Books.

Carlson, N.R. (1994). Physiology of behavior. Boston: Allyn & Bacon

Cohen, D., Nisbett, R.E., & Bowdle, B.F. (1996). Insult, aggression, and the southern culture of honor: an "experimental ethnography." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 70, 945-960.

Warehouse Role in Postponement Over
Pages: 8 Words: 2457

Where, you are bringing different elements of the business together, to be able to effectively address various supply chain issues. The most notable include: the business model, inventory reduction strategies / risk reduction strategies, inventory levels and effective warehousing. The business model is: where they are examining how the current model, could help to contribute to various supply chain related issues. The inventory reduction / risk reduction strategies are: when the business is seeking out ways to reduce the inventory levels and possible risks as much as possible. Inventory levels are when you are monitoring the effectiveness of using this strategy. Effective warehousing is when the company is utilizing its different warehouse space, to effectively control the inventory levels. These different elements are important, because they illustrate how the warehouse would play a vital role in the postponement process. Where, it is playing role in helping a company to:…...



Baker, P, 2008, Design for Postponement and Operation of Distribution Centers,

The Role, Design and Operation of Distribution Centers, PHD Thesis, Canfield University

Bates, A, 1977, 'Warehouse Retailing', California Management Review, vol. 20-page 74.

Chiou, J, 2002, 'The Adoption of Form Postponement Strategy in a Global Logistics System', Journal of Business Logistics, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 107 -- 125.

What innovative approach did you take to solve a critical problem in your professional career?
Words: 543

Innovative Approach to Solving a Critical Problem in Professional Career


In my previous role as a supply chain manager at a multinational manufacturing company, we faced a complex and recurring problem: optimizing inventory levels across multiple warehouses to minimize storage costs while ensuring high order fulfillment rates.

Traditional Approach:

Typically, companies rely on statistical models and spreadsheets to forecast demand and set inventory targets. However, these methods often struggled to account for seasonal variations, product mix changes, and unexpected disruptions. As a result, we often ended up with either excess inventory or stockouts, both of which had significant financial and operational implications.

Innovative Approach:


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