Water Crisis Essays (Examples)

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The most fundamental assumption of Lohan's article is that access to clean drinking water is a human right. Anyone who reads the article and believes that to be the case will have no trouble agreeing with Lohan's claims; but those who do not believe that access to drinking water is a human right might disagree.
Lohan also manages to conclude the article on a positive note, thereby encouraging the reader to become involved in water politics and take action where needed. Because the audience is presumed to be primarily Americans, Lohan understandably uses American interests as one of the primary points. Yet the author also links what is happening in America with what is happening in other parts of the world. Already there are one billion people around the world, per day, without access to safe drinking water. This alarming statistic is then juxtaposed with the fact that 35 states….

Both Segerfeldt and Barlow also emphasize that the crisis especially affects the developing world. Poor people are dying from dirty water, both Barlow and Segerfeldt claim. Barlow cites the orld Health Organization, claiming that "every eight seconds, a child dies from drinking dirty water," (299). Segerfeldt agrees that "the shortage of water helps to perpetuate poverty, disease, and early death," (294). Finally, Barlow and Segerfeldt both acknowledge that technically the earth does not "run out" of water (Barlow 299). Segerfeldt similarly claims that there is "no shortage" of water, "at least not globally," (294).
Segerfeldt and Barlow disagree on what causes the water crisis and most importantly, on what to do about it. Although Barlow and Segerfeldt both agree that water is a potentially renewable resource, only Barlow notes that "there is a finite amount of available fresh water on the planet," (299). The earth cannot run out of water,….

Water Crisis and Water

publicized Water Crisis at Michigan's Flint city, which first emerged in the year 2014. In specific, it will address associated challenges and concepts, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis of the issue, and solutions and recommendations in order to resolve the issue.
Situated about 70 miles to the north of Michigan's largest city, Detroit, the city of Flint is home to 98,310 inhabitants, of which an alarming 41.6% are classified as economically underprivileged. The United States Census Bureau estimates reveal that the average household income of the city's residents is around 24,679 dollars, while the state average stands at 49,087 dollars. Over half (i.e., 56.6%) of the city's inhabitants belong to the African-American ethnic group. At one time, the city headquartered the biggest General Motors manufacturing unit in America. Flint suffered an economic downturn in the eighties, when the company decided to downsize this expansive industrial unit (Flint….

Water Crisis and Ethics

ater Crisis
Background on ater

The Planets ater Problems

Freshwater Shortage Ideas


There is an abundance of water on the planet and the melting of ice continues to contribute to even more water in the oceans through sea level rise. However, the water in the oceans is not something that can sustain life for most of the population of the world and fresh water is of key importance. Although water is the most abundant chemical compound in the universe, the fresh water cycles that support life on the planet Earth have been rapidly changing. Some have predicted that we will have a full-blown water crisis in the near future which will be followed by a range of problems that result from the lack of the availability of water. Not only does this affect people in Third orld, but there are examples in the First orld where marginalized communities have had trouble affording clean….

The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan The water crisis at Flint resulted from a series of poor decisions by city officials dating back to the 1960s. In 1967, the City of Flint switched from the Flint River to the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) as the primary source of drinking water (Masten, Davies & Mcelmurry, 2016). The switch was geared at ensuring sufficient water quantities for the city’s growing population (Masten et al., 2016). The decision, however, opened up the Flint River to unregulated discharges from municipalities and industries as well as continued failure by officials to properly treat the water (Masten et al., 2016). After 1967, for instance, the Flint Water Service Center only treated the Flint River water two to four times a year; yet the agency had permitted the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System to discharge treated water back into the river (Masten et al., 2016). Worryingly,….

The New River in California is so polluted that border patrol agents will not venture in, even when undocumented workers are crossing (Glennon 68). Another source of contamination is the use of methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) in gasoline, which significantly worsens the risks posed by gasoline spills. Gas spills with MTBE are much worse than regular gas spills because they penetrate the surface rather than hovering above -- it is more difficult to clean up and more difficult to go below the surface to find a clean source of water (Glennon 71). ithout greater regulation of this contaminant, people have little ability to limit its use, other than limiting fuel use in general.
There have been attempts to improve government regulation and oversight of the water supply. For example, the Safe Drinking ater Act requires that all municipalities regularly test their local water supplies for a series of chemicals.….

1.0 Introduction
Flint Water Crisis is one of the worst incident of toxic lead poisoning to occur in the history of the city and in Michigan. This crisis occurred in April 2014 as an unprecedented consequence of austerity measures that were adopted in the city of Flint to deal with the existing financial crisis. The measures to address Flint’s financial crisis involved utilizing the Flint river as the main water supply for the city. As a result of this decision, Flint Water Crisis emerged and affected poor communities and minorities living in the city. Since then, this issue has attracted considerable attention and become the subject of numerous studies. The existing studies on this issue focus on examining the different aspects relating to it with respect to its cause and impact on the communities. This paper examines Flint Water Crisis from an environmental perspective since its regarded as a case of….

Flint water crisis is an issue that took place in Flint, Michigan that started in April 2014 and involved contamination of drinking water. The origin of the crisis can be traced back to the decision by Flint to change its water source to the Flint iver from treated Detroit Water and Sewerage Department. During this change, relevant officials failed to utilize corrosion inhibitors, which contributed to a series of issues that ended up in lead contamination. The lead contamination of the drinking water created a serious health danger and water crisis. This paper examines the issue or problem of drinking water contamination in Flint following the change of water source. Based on disaster management theory, the author examines the public health danger and concerns arising from the crisis and its implication to nursing. The author provides recommendations for enhance nursing practice, management, and administration in the future.
Background of the Problem


Global ater Crisis & the Middle East
The entire premise of the hydrological cycle is apparent when one views the planet as a living organism, the Gaia idea. From condensation through evaporation and precipitation, all aspects of the cycle work together to form the basis for the Earth being an organism called "The Blue Planet." Interruptions of any aspect of the cycle have negative effects that multiply in seriousness as they progress through the cycle. Nature's filtration system, along with the balance between the large mega-forests and weather, kept the relationship between potable water and human life viable (Lovelock 2000).

The Gaia Concept - Too, taking the Gaia concept a bit further, if we look upon the world as a Global Village, with some areas that have plenty of water, and other places that are continually experiencing a shortage. In fact, the problem is so great, that the orld Health Organization estimates….

turning on the taps and nothing comes out. It wasn't like that yesterday, but today, there's no water. Maybe they're doing work on the pipes and you missed the memo, right? You call the city, and ask when it will come back on. They tell you it won't. There's no more water. They're going to truck some in so people have something to drink while they pack, but that's it, the water's gone and it's time to leave. This isn't a fantasy situation. It has actually happened throughout human history, usually when we do not have the technology to manage our water supplies. The problem is that today, even with all we know about water management, we are still facing this very situation in our lifetimes, in major cities.
California has had a drought for the past four years. Even before the drought, the state was using water at an….

Water Crisis in the Middle East
What is the Six Day War, and what are the various events that led to the War? What is the background of the War, and what were its consequences? The Six Day War took place in the month of June 1967. The crisis had actually begun in the early months of 1965, when the PLO, through Fatah, led a campaign of attacks on the borders along Jordan and Lebanon. This campaign was severely criticized and opposed by not only the people of the country but also by the Arab Government, and this led to the Fatah attempting to adopt a totally new strategy that came to be known as the 'entanglement theory'. According to this strategy, Israel would be forced to adopt an 'offensive' position with the technique of 'sabotage', and this meant that the Arabs would become more wary and would in turn be….

Flint water crisis

The Flint, Michigan water crisis has become a poster child for environmental injustice, environmental racism, and inequitable resource distribution in the United States. It has also represented a case of bleak mismanagement of precious natural resources and the inability of the United States to adequately respond to the most basic human needs. The water crisis was but a grim manifestation of decades of racist land use policies and political realities, which can be traced back to periods of segregation and the white flight to the suburban sprawl. Moreover, the Flint water crisis showcases the role government plays in colluding with polluters, with issues related to the not in my back yard (NIMBY) phenomenon also relevant in this case. As Bell (2012:28) points out, “environmental justice...concerns patterns of inequality in the distribution of environmental goods.” Flint residents lacked access to environmental “goods,” such as clean drinking water given the long-term contamination….

Clean Water Crisis Introduction
Every human being on earth necessitates at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water on an everyday basis for the purposes of drinking, cooking, and basically maintaining themselves to be clean. However, there is a significant need for clean water in countries. In the contemporary setting, statistics indicate that 1 in 9 individuals lack accessibility to clean and safe water (Water.org). There are 844 million people across the globe that are presently living without access to clean water. This lack of clean water has resulted in a health crisis as it causes diseases. Notably, access to safe water leads to poor sanitation, which consequently adds to deteriorated health and increases the spread of infectious diseases. The inference of this is that it results in increased child and mortality rates. Statistics further indicate that every 2 minutes in the present day, a child does because of a….

Water in the Middle East
PAGES 75 WORDS 22307

While on one hand, the Nile gets the highest discharge from rainfall on the highlands of Ethiopia and upland plateau of East Africa, located well outside the Middle East region; on the other hand, discharge points of the other two rivers, Euphrates and Tigris, are positioned well within the Middle East region, prevailing mostly in Turkey, Syria along with Iraq. In other areas, recurrent river systems are restricted to the more northern upland areas of Iran and Turkey, in common with the coastline of Levant (Peter eaumont, Gerald H. lake, J. And Malcolm Wagstaff, 1988).
The conflict in the Future

It is widely believed by many experts that those who control the waters in the Middle East; control the Middle East; and those who control the Middle East; control the oil supply of the world (David M. Hummel, 1995). From the above mentioned facts it is clear that the water resources….

Black StudiesABessie Smith\\\'s \\\"Backwater Blues\\\" and Mos Def\\\'s \\\"New World Water\\\" both touch on environmental themes and the impact of natural disasters on Black communities. These songs demonstrate the ways in which Black artists have been instrumental in shedding light on environmental issues and advocating for environmental justice.In \\\"Backwater Blues,\\\" Bessie Smith describes the devastation caused by a flood in the Mississippi Delta. She vividly describes the rising water levels, the destruction of homes and crops, and the desperate efforts of those affected to escape the flood. Through her lyrics, Smith portrays the human toll of environmental disasters and highlights the disproportionate impact such events can have on marginalized communities.Similarly, in \\\"New World Water,\\\" Mos Def speaks about the global water crisis and its impact on urban communities. He addresses the lack of access to clean water, the corporate control of water resources, and the environmental degradation caused by industrialization.….

2 Pages


Water Crisis in Crossroads of

Words: 634
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The most fundamental assumption of Lohan's article is that access to clean drinking water is a human right. Anyone who reads the article and believes that to be…

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4 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

Water Crisis in Private Water

Words: 1207
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Both Segerfeldt and Barlow also emphasize that the crisis especially affects the developing world. Poor people are dying from dirty water, both Barlow and Segerfeldt claim. Barlow cites…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Public Administration

Water Crisis and Water

Words: 3059
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

publicized Water Crisis at Michigan's Flint city, which first emerged in the year 2014. In specific, it will address associated challenges and concepts, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities…

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7 Pages

Family and Marriage

Water Crisis and Ethics

Words: 1980
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

ater Crisis Background on ater The Planets ater Problems Freshwater Shortage Ideas Argument There is an abundance of water on the planet and the melting of ice continues to contribute to even more…

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6 Pages


Water Crisis in Flint Michigan

Words: 1802
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan The water crisis at Flint resulted from a series of poor decisions by city officials dating back to the 1960s. In 1967, the City…

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3 Pages

Urban Studies

Fouling Our Nest From Unquenchable America's Water Crisis

Words: 928
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

The New River in California is so polluted that border patrol agents will not venture in, even when undocumented workers are crossing (Glennon 68). Another source of contamination…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Flint Water Crisis Environmental Injustice

Words: 3139
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

1.0 Introduction Flint Water Crisis is one of the worst incident of toxic lead poisoning to occur in the history of the city and in Michigan. This crisis occurred in…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Flint Water Crisis Nursing Implication

Words: 1952
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Flint water crisis is an issue that took place in Flint, Michigan that started in April 2014 and involved contamination of drinking water. The origin of the crisis can…

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5 Pages
Book Report

History - Israel

Global Water Crisis & the Middle East

Words: 1799
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Book Report

Global ater Crisis & the Middle East The entire premise of the hydrological cycle is apparent when one views the planet as a living organism, the Gaia idea. From condensation…

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2 Pages


California's Pending Water Crisis

Words: 779
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

turning on the taps and nothing comes out. It wasn't like that yesterday, but today, there's no water. Maybe they're doing work on the pipes and you missed…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Water Crisis in the Middle East

Words: 1444
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Water Crisis in the Middle East What is the Six Day War, and what are the various events that led to the War? What is the background of the War,…

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6 Pages


Flint water crisis

Words: 1701
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

The Flint, Michigan water crisis has become a poster child for environmental injustice, environmental racism, and inequitable resource distribution in the United States. It has also represented a case…

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5 Pages


Doctors Without Borders and Clean Water Crisis

Words: 1581
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Clean Water Crisis Introduction Every human being on earth necessitates at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water on an everyday basis for the purposes of drinking, cooking, and…

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75 Pages
Term Paper

History - Israel

Water in the Middle East

Words: 22307
Length: 75 Pages
Type: Term Paper

While on one hand, the Nile gets the highest discharge from rainfall on the highlands of Ethiopia and upland plateau of East Africa, located well outside the Middle…

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1 Pages


Water in Black Music and Liberation

Words: 368
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Black StudiesABessie Smith\\\'s \\\"Backwater Blues\\\" and Mos Def\\\'s \\\"New World Water\\\" both touch on environmental themes and the impact of natural disasters on Black communities. These songs demonstrate the…

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