Web Page Essays (Examples)

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Web Page Research Properly Analyze a Web
Pages: 3 Words: 1032

Web Page. esearch properly analyze a web page. Search Internet identify a Web site intended a resource human services analyze site. This website I chosen: http://www.
Website evaluation is done to sort out the good sources of information from the junk that is on the internet. There is a criterion that is formally used to evaluate websites. The criterion as per Lesley University begins by looking at the purpose of the website, then the authority, objectivity, appropriateness and relevance, currency, responsibility, clarity, and lastly, the accessibility Lesley University, 2007()

The purpose of the site or webpage can be seen by looking at various aspects in the text or graphics of the website. This will help to place the site as commercial, personal, institutional, educational, informative, persuasive, entertaining, or a hoax. One can check the purpose of the website by looking at the website UL to find the top level domain of…...



  S.E. (2009). Evaluation Criteria Retrieved March 27th, 2012, from Lesley University. (2007). Evaluating Web Sites Retrieved March 28th, 2012, from  http://www.lesley.edu/library/guides/research/evaluating_web.htmlhttp://lib.nmsu.edu/instruction/evalcrit.htmlBeck ,

Web Pages Devoted to Mental Health in
Pages: 4 Words: 1312

web pages devoted to mental health in general and mood disorders in specific. CANMAT and Dr. Ivan's Depression Central are two worth investigating. The Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) is an organization of Canadian mental health professionals who specialize in mood and anxiety disorders. CANMAT runs an educational and informative website, http://www.canmat.org.hilenot the most navigable site on the eb, http://www.canmat.org/isa non-commercial, reliable source of information about depression and anxiety. hile the "here to Find Help" section is aimed at Canadian residents, the information on mood and anxiety disorders contained in the site is universal.
The CANMAT board of trustees consists of 21 psychiatrists and one psychologist, all of whom are associated with major Canadian universities. They are not trying to sell anything; there are no links to pharmaceutical companies nor are there pop-up ads. The site's content is edited and compiled by an MD. There are sections…...


Works Cited

Canadian Health Network. Health Canada. 2002. http://www.canadian-health-network.ca/customtools/homee.html

CANMAT. Ed. Sagar V. Parikh. 2001  http://www.canmat.org/index.shtml 

Dr. Ivan's Depression Central. Ed. Ivan Goldberg, MD. 2002.  http://www.psycom.net/depression.central.html 

Mayo Clinic. 2002.  http://www.mayoclinic.org/

Web Page Works Cited Page 1 Sketch a
Pages: 2 Words: 756

web page works cited page. 1)Sketch a treatment plan experiencing anorexia. Make account long-term treatment . 2)Alcohol misused abused U.S.
Q1.Sketch out a treatment plan for one experiencing anorexia. Make sure to take into account both the immediate and long-term treatment needs.

or extremely underweight individuals suffering severe health consequences, the most critical initial aspect of treating anorexia is the restoration of body weight and addressing any resulting complications (such as heart problems). or some patients, this may require hospitalization; others may benefit from an outpatient setting which combines communal meals with a therapeutic program. "Cognitive-oriented therapies, focusing on issues of self-image and self-evaluation, are likely to be the most beneficial to the client" (Anorexia nervosa treatment, 2013, PsychCentral).

Some involvement of the family is often thought to be necessary, including using the family as an aid for the patient's treatment and making eating a non-negotiable priority at home. However, it is…...


Freedman, D. (2013). 12 health risks of chronic heavy drinking. WebMD.

Retrieved from:  http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/alcohol-abuse/features/12-health-risks-of-chronic-heavy-drinking 

Johnson, B. (2010). We're addicted to rehab. It doesn't even work. The Washington Post. Retrieved from:  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/08/06/AR2010080602660.html

Web Pages and Attack
Pages: 12 Words: 3908

Auditing, Monitoring, Intrusion Prevention, Intrusion Detection, and Penetration Testing
"Unlike IP fragmentation (which can be done by intermediate devices), IP reassembly can be done only at the final destination. What problems do you see if IP reassembly is attempted in intermediate devices like routers?" [ ]

IP fragmentation is defined as the IP (Internet Protocol) that breaks datagrams into smaller fragment to assist packets passing through links and forming a smaller MTU (maximum transmission unit) than its original size. However, the fragments reassemble themselves when reaching the receiving hosts. After the receiving hosts have received the fragmented IP packet, they have to reassemble the datagram before passing it to the higher layer. In practices, the reassembly happens in the receiving hosts, however, a reassembly may be carried out by the intermediate router. For example, the NAT (network address translation) is designed to reassemble the fragments to the translate data streams. Several problems…...


Reference. San Francisco.No Starch Press Series.

Kukoleca, M., Zdravkovic, M., & Ivanovic, I. (2014). Securing Linux Servers: Best Practice Document. AMRES/RCUB.

Rehman, R.U. (2003). Intrusion Detection with SNORT: Advanced IDS Techniques Using SNORT, Apache, Mysql, PHP, and ACID. Indianapolis, Prentice Hall.

Security Site (2016). Snort Analyzer. Retrieved 23 November 2016 from  http://asecuritysite.com/forensics/snort?fname=nmap.pcap&rulesname=rulesportscan.rules 

Tews, E., & Beck, M. (2009). Practical attacks against WEP and WPA. In Proceedings of the second ACM conference on Wireless network security, 79-86.

Wide Web Pages Web Pages
Pages: 3 Words: 987

However, interactive Web sites require more extensive programming expertise. Java is one of the programming languages used to create more robust, interactive, and dynamic Web sites.
If HTML coding is not an option, the person could either use a software application like Microsoft Front Page or one of the free applications hosted online by companies like Yahoo. Software applications are based on the "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWIG) method of Web design. The software allows the user to visually compose the Web site as if starting from a blank canvas. Whatever content, font, layout, and colors the user chooses are coded into HTML by the software. Software liberates the user from needing to learn coding but in many cases, some HTML knowledge is helpful to enhance the functionality of the application.

The next main step in the process of creating a Web site is uploading it. Using software…...



How to Create a Web Page." Retrieved Mar 7, 2009 at  http://www.make-a-web-site.com/ 

How to Create a Website." Retrieved Mar 7, 2009 at  http://www.2createawebsite.com

Age and Exercise Web Page
Pages: 1 Words: 318

The information starts with warm-up activities and ends with cool-down exercises. This logical or chronological order and progression helps with ease of understanding the topics as well. As far as using it to help train clients, this information can be useful in every stage of exercise. Also, the clients should expect to receive credible, useful information with traceable resources. This site provides these things and helps to detail exercises for specific populations as well, like people with diabetes or other limiting diseases or disabilities. The page is devoid of any misleading information and does not contain any information for marketing purposes either, which makes the information much more credible as it comes from a place of wanting to inform instead of wanting to sell a product....


Website used for research:  http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/age.html 

This website is based at the University of New Mexico's homepage and is relatively credible given the fact that it comes from an educational resource. Also, the site is written by a professor with a Ph. D. This person is familiar with citation and referencing the resources used to make specific arguments on the page. The information is very credible compared with other sites and I would be comfortable having older clients read and understand this information. As far as the usefulness of the information provided, the page is broken down into different types of training. This helps make it more useful to people looking for specific exercises or information relative to aging and exercise. The page also includes information that is useful to professionals as well as older adults, adding to the usefulness of the information it contains.

The author, also a UNM professor, seems to have an excellent grasp on dividing the information up in a way that allows it to be useful as well as easy to read and digest. The information starts with warm-up activities and ends with cool-down exercises. This logical or chronological order and progression helps with ease of understanding the topics as well. As far as using it to help train clients, this information can be useful in every stage of exercise. Also, the clients should expect to receive credible, useful information with traceable resources. This site provides these things and helps to detail exercises for specific populations as well, like people with diabetes or other limiting diseases or disabilities. The page is devoid of any misleading information and does not contain any information for marketing purposes either, which makes the information much more credible as it comes from a place of wanting to inform instead of wanting to sell a product.

Web Design Evolution for Common
Pages: 11 Words: 3229

Skills must be honed that create a functional page that users will view and use as the client hopes them to.
Many new eb designers produce eb pages that seem to ignore fundamental principles of "good design": full of colored backgrounds, animated pictures, multiple colors and styles of text, and little to no navigation or eb-based structure. Even in courses devoted to eb design, students still produce pages that lack unity, coherence and emphasis: "though they [students] seem to understand (and can critique) others' efforts, they're stymied when it's time for production. Few have the skills or experience writing in this medium" (Yancey & ickliff, 2001, p. 180). Similarly, individuals working on their own or working from documentation struggle with being able to create eb pages due to the same lack of experience writing on the eb.

Karper 340)

For this reason, relative examples, as explained in the previous subheading may provide…...


Works Cited

Chan, Henry, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, and Elizabeth Chang. E-Commerce: Fundamentals and Applications. New York: Wiley, 2001.

Castro, Elizabeth HTML 4 for the World Wide Web Berkeley, CA Peachpit Press, 1998.

Dix, Alan. "3 Human-Computer Interaction and Web Design." Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design. Ed. Robert W. Proctor and Kim-Phuong L. Vu. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005. 28-46.

A www.questiaschool.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5002374808

Web Design for a Few Decades Now
Pages: 3 Words: 911

Web Design
For a few decades now, since the introduction of the Internet, the World Wide Web has become the most used form of information resource. Thousands of web sites owned by public and private sectors are currently accessible over the Internet. Aside from quick provision of information the World Wide Web provides, ease of accessibility is one of the factors that has made it a popular choice. One doesn't need to bother going to a library, whose accessibility is usually limited within an area, and find for the necessary information from large volumes of books. With the World Wide Web, the availability of Internet cafes almost everywhere, as well as the ownership of computers in many households these days, the accessibility of information has provided convenience to many users.

A group of people in the Internet community, however, was somehow not taken into account when most of the current existing web…...



Bruce, Marlene. Accessibility: More Than the Right Thing to Do.

Evolt.Org. 11 June 2003.  http://www.evolt.org/article/Accessibility_more_than_the_right_thing_to_do/4090/381/index.html 

W3C. Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.

2000. W3C. 11 June 2003.  http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10-TECHS/

Web 2 0 Tools the Term
Pages: 2 Words: 558

0. Alexander (2006), poses that "users can set up accounts, then write and revise their collaborative work."
Online social networking used as part of instruction in various institutions of higher learning, students have been able to exchange e-mail or text messages for educational purposes in institutions. Facebook-style online utilities for educational purposes, and opportunities to communicate online with students from other geographic areas with the aim of sharing information. For instance political science students can use the Web 2.0 tools to get to know what new political unfolding there are in other parts across U.S. Or the world.

There are also provision of online learning games and simulations. Fans of software games can get online drilling and practice games, multiplayer simulations, and virtual world and Second Life-type environments. These can be made possible through Virtual Worlds such as Second Life which utilize Web 2.0 technology.

Web 2.0 has also enabled students to use…...



Alexander, B. (2006). Web 2.0: A new wave of innovation for teaching and learning?

Educause Review, 41(2), 32-44. Retrieved from  http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERM0621.pdf 

Elaine et al.(2007). Online Nation: Five Years of Growth in Online Learning. Needham,

MA: Sloan Consortium. Retrieved from  http://www.sloan-c.org/publicationa/survey/pdf/online_nation.pdf

Web Analysis of the David M Rubenstein Rare Books and Manuscript Library
Pages: 4 Words: 1298

Web Analysis of the David M. Rubenstein Rae Books & Manuscipt Libay

David M. Rubenstein Rae Books and Manuscipt Libay is located in William R. Pekins libay within Duke Univesity campus. The libay has moe than five thousand nine hunded and ninety-one achival collections. Among them, seven hunded and seventy-nine have a finding aid that enables eseaches, students and othe inteested paties to access the collections online. The libay segmented the website into dissimila sections to make seaching easy. These sections include a catalogue seach, a finding seach aid, a digital collection seach, a collection aea and a section to conduct eseach. The seaching options povide and demonstate useful seaching pactices and infomation (Cox & Achives Students, 2007, P. 32).

How does the institution pesent its holdings, and how useful is this pesentation fo a eseache

Fo any website to be useful…...



Cox, R. & Archives Students, 2007, Machines in the archives: Technology and the coming transformation of archival reference, First Monday: Peer-reviewed journal on the internet. 12(11). Retrieved from:  http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2029/1894 

Duke University Libraries, 2011, Inventory of the Bill Bramberg Collection, 1955-1956.

Retrieved from:


Web Security the Internet Places
Pages: 10 Words: 4006

Less satisfied knowledge dealing processes like keeping copies of old as well as unused spreadsheets which have several Social Security numbers instead of transmitting such data to long period and safe storage- persistently involve data at vulnerable stage. (Schuster 140-141)
Security concerns are associated with primarily to the system security, information security and also to Encryption. Taking into consideration the system security, it is applicable that what is pertinent to make sure that a system is quite secured, and decrease the scope that perpetrators could break into a website server and change pages. System security is a real responsibility particularly if one regulates one's owned Website server. (Creating Good Websites: Security)

There are two primary concerns in system security. One is in the application of passwords that ought to be selected and applied securely. But however protected a system could be, it is ordinarily exposed to the world if the password…...



Cavusoglu, Huseyin; Mishra, Birendra; Raghunathan, Srinivasan. The Effect of Website security Breach Announcements on Market Value: Capital Market Reactions for Breached Firms and Website security Developers. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 9, no.1, Fall 2004. pp: 70-104.

Creating Good Websites: Security.   / de Vivo, Marco; de Vivo, Gabrieal; Isern, Germinal. Website security attacks at the basic level. SACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, vol. 32, no. 2, April 1998. pp: 4-15.http://www.leafdigital.com/class/topics/security 

Farmer, Melanie Austria; Hu, Jim. Microsoft not alone in suffering security breaches.

October 27, 2000,  http://news.com.com/Microsoft+not+alone+in+suffering+security+breaches/2100-1001_3-247734.html

Web 2 0 and Cloud Computing
Pages: 3 Words: 1055

Web 2.0
The Business Uses of Cloud Computing and Web 2.0

When it comes to being successful in the business world, there are many options companies can use. Two of the most significant and most widely considered today are cloud computing and Web 2.0. Cloud computing offers companies a chance to store a high level of data "in the cloud," instead of keeping it on their own servers. Because of that, these companies are able to collect much more information about customers, and are also able to provide those same customers with a great deal more knowledge (and faster speed) than they would otherwise be able to offer (Hassan, 2011). Companies that operate the cloud do so through the use of sophisticated servers, that are generally much faster than what a smaller company could afford on its own. That gives the customers of that company a higher chance of getting what they…...



Gehl, R. (2011). The archive and the processor: The internal logic of Web 2.0. New Media and Society, 13(8): 1228 -- 1244.

Hassan, Q. (2011). Demystifying cloud computing. The Journal of Defense Software Engineering (CrossTalk): 16 -- 21.

Web Design Designing a Web
Pages: 12 Words: 3427

Make a link for Home Page, Previous Page, Next Page.

Offering a Content Page to users can provide them an idea of the contents of the web site. With a Content Page, users do not anymore need to pass through pages just to go to the page that they intend to go to.

Make sure that links and buttons have a keyboard shortcut. Keep in mind that some users find it easier and quicker to use keyboard shortcuts than pointing and clicking the mouse device.

Provide a page ID, such as window title page. Even though users reached several levels of navigating from one page to another, the information, in the form of a simple title page, can help them remember the reason why they are browsing the page.

Provide a link or button to pages that are related or relevant to the current page. Although search functions are useful, links and buttons to…...



Maguire, J. (2004). Site Design Tips to Improve Your Sales

Retrieved on Jan. 29, 2005, from E-commerce Guide Online. Web site:  http://www.ecommerce-guide.com/solutions/customer_relations/article.php/10363_3390731 

Ward, M. A Decade of Good Website Design.

Retrieved on Jan. 29, 2005, from BBC News Online.

Web 2 0 Technologies & Applications
Pages: 24 Words: 6227

Most well-known was obert Scoble of Microsoft.
With the 2004 U.S. Presidential elections, blogs' growth accelerated dramatically as nearly every news network, candidate in both U.S. Senate and House of epresentative races, and political pundit has their own blog competing for the publics' attention. The era of 2004 to today in fact has created a blogging industry that is pervasive in its availability of publishing platforms (USC Annenberg School of Journalism) and also in its readers for organizing and aggregating content of interest (Boeri, 2007).

Since 2004, technologies have emerged for completing text mining of blogs to find linguistic patterns in the mass of posts and also build linguistic models that represent public opinion. The use of latent semantic indexing as a technology has become prevalent as a result.

Wikis are also a form of consumer-generated media and were initially developed in 1994 with the first Wiki being introduced in 1995.

The term…...



Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. 2008. Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review 49, no. 3 (April 1): 36-42.   (Accessed March 14, 2009)http://www.proquest.com 

Robert Boeri. (2007, December). Content 2.0 Converges. EContent, 30(10), 22.

Retrieved March 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1394701741).

Eric Bonabeau. (2009). Decisions 2.0: the Power of Collective Intelligence. MIT Sloan Management Review, 50(2), 45-52. Retrieved March 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1625861001).

Web-Based Surveys and Their Usefulness in Reducing
Pages: 15 Words: 6102

web-based surveys and their usefulness in reducing the cost of business research. The writer explores several aspects of web-based surveys including performance and comparison to traditional type surveys. There were 10 sources used to complete this paper.
There are many reasons that people gather information today. ealth professionals gather information to help determine health trends, needs and problems. Marketing professionals gather information so that the consumer can be better served. Churches gather information to better provide for the spiritual needs of the public. Law enforcement officials gather information to ascertain crime trends as well as other information that is useful for predictions and budgeting needs. Different sized governments gather information for the purpose of providing public services to those who live within their geographic area as well as estimations and predictions about the future of the area. There are many reasons to gather information and there are very few instances…...


Hart is a managing editor at the Oregonian. ()

Author not available, SPSS Announces Surveys with Confidence; Complete, Easy-To-Use Survey Design, Collection and Analysis Package., Business Wire, 02-08-1999.

Author not available, Total Research Signs Letter of Intent to Exclusively Use WebSurveyResearch for Online Survey Research., Business Wire, 02-20-2001.

How do you do research for an annotated bibilography?
Words: 130

If you can only have three web pages, you might want to do those first to get them out of the way. You can search for books that are related to your topic and use them in your bibliography. Google Books and Amazon are good places to search. Also try Google scholar (scholar.google.com), where you can search for journal articles to use. Another way to find research articles and books is to find the Wikipedia entry on your subject, and scroll to the bottom. See what sources are used there, and see if you can find those sources online or....

how html and www become popular?
Words: 317

HTML and the World Wide Web (WWW) gained popularity due to their significant contributions to the evolution of the internet. Proper spacing and format are necessary to ensure clarity and readability.

HTML, which stands for Hypertext Markup Language, was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in the late 1980s. It provided a standardized way of structuring web pages, allowing users to format and present their content uniformly across different platforms and browsers. This uniformity and ease of use led to widespread adoption of HTML as the primary language for creating web pages.

On the other hand, the World Wide Web, introduced in 1989, revolutionized....

How does the CDC\'s use of titles impact user engagement on their website?
Words: 281

1. Analyzing the CDC Website: A Comprehensive Review
2. A Critical Examination of CDC's Online Presence
3. Navigating Through the CDC Website: An In-Depth Analysis
4. The Impact of the CDC Web Page on Public Health Awareness
5. Decrypting the CDC Website: A Closer Look at its Content and Features
6. Evaluating the Effectiveness of the CDC Website in Promoting Health Education
7. Unveiling the Strategies Behind CDC's Web Page Design and Layout
8. Assessing the User Experience of the CDC Website: A Comparative Study
9. Exploring the Role of CDC's Website in Disseminating Health Information
10. An Overview of the CDC Website's Role in Public Health Communication
When examining....

How does the CDC\'s use of titles impact user engagement on their website?
Words: 521

Impact of Title Usage on User Engagement on the CDC Website
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website plays a crucial role in providing health information to the public. The effective use of titles on its website is essential for capturing user attention, influencing engagement, and guiding navigation.
1. Attention-Grabbing Headlines:
Captivating titles serve as the first point of contact with users and must entice them to delve into the content. The CDC's titles often utilize:
- Keyword Richness: Titles incorporate relevant keywords that users are likely to search for, increasing visibility in search engine results and making content more discoverable.
- Emotional....

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