Wikipedia Essays (Examples)

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Sexology as Defined by Wikipedia
Pages: 5 Words: 1532

oth the "Theory of Universal Integralism" and "The General System Theory" were regarded as meta-theories because they were both drawn from other theories. Consider the theory of Universal Integralism, for instance. As mentioned above, Wilber's contributions were derived from various books and articles. He combined the best of empirical science and rational philosophy, visionary religion, and mysticism. He even integrated the three cultures of science, morality, and art. Wilber conferred great severity on evolution, as we all know, was a theory that was originally formulated by Charles Darwin.

With regard to the General System Theory, the subject matter focused on the formulation and derivation of various models, principles, and laws to generalized system. This is because the General System Theory is consist of complex systems from the phenomena of the physical universe and life; the organized group of people characterized by common interests but distinctive culture and institutions; and to the…...



Sexology. (n.d.). Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved 17 April 2008, from Website:  

Wiki Controversy the Controversy Over Wikipedia and
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Wiki Controversy
The Controversy over Wikipedia and the Democratization of Information

In the age of information, few things are more controversial than source validity and intellectual property. The free and easily accessible availability of information and the capacity for individuals to express themselves without limitation have both been stimulated by the proliferation of the web. And just as this has improved the ability of many to self-educate or to take part in creating a body of human knowledge, it has simultaneously presented an array of risks to the validity and reliability of said knowledge. Perhaps the most prominent example of this dilemma is that reflected by Wikipedia. An extremely valuable resource, this online database constitutes the world's largest and most varied periodical. One of its most important philosophical features is that any user can contribute to the entries which make up the online encyclopedia. According to Farber (2006), "Wikipedia, made by humans,…...

Network Engineer Wikipedia Defines a
Pages: 3 Words: 889

Network engineers will have to work hard to keep pace with the rapidly developing field of computers. We probably cannot even imagine the advances computer technology will make in the next ten years. The companies with network engineers who keep abreast of these advances and who know how to apply them for their company's benefit will have a competitive edge.
However, no person works only because he or she can benefit the company they work for. Maslow's theory argues that we are motivated by unmet personal needs that range from basic survival to "self-actualization," or understanding ourselves in terms of important issues such as truth or justice. That highest level in Maslow's hierarchy has little application in the business world for most people, but the rest of them do. We get pay so we have the money to meet our most basic needs for habit, food and safety. He believed…...

Milgram Experiment Information Located at
Pages: 4 Words: 1424

However, it has some very valid aspects that make it a good research tool. First, it is up to the minute. The Milgram Experiment page was last edited on March 17, only a little more than a week ago, and often the most immediate current events are already on the site when the researcher goes to look for them. Thus, it is much more up-to-date than any comparable print media, which go out of date nearly as quickly as they are printed. It can be updated from anywhere in the world on a moment's notice, and there is a large group of readers and editors who are quite involved in critiquing and editing articles to ensure their authenticity and accuracy.
The site would probably be more academically correct if the editors were experts in their field, professors, or other professionals, and if certain respected academic resources were used as references.…...



Blass, Thomas. "The Man Who Shocked the World." Psychology Today. 2007. 26 March 2009.


Editors. "The Milgram Experiment." 2009. 26 March 2009.


Henry Thomas Buckle's Original 1858
Pages: 50 Words: 12518

As activists in women's liberation, discussing and analyzing the oppression and inequalities they experienced as women, they felt it imperative to find out about the lives of their foremothers -- and found very little scholarship in print" (Women's history, 2012, para. 3). This dearth of scholarly is due in large part to the events and themes that are the focus of the historical record. In this regard, "History was written mainly by men and about men's activities in the public sphere -- war, politics, diplomacy and administration. Women are usually excluded and, when mentioned, are usually portrayed in sex-stereotypical roles, such as wives, mothers, daughters and mistresses. History is value-laden in regard to what is considered historically 'worthy'" (Women's history, 2012, para. 3).
In what Kessler (1994, p. 139) describes as "the all-too-common historical exclusion or devaluation of women's contributions," the male-dominated record of human history has either diminished the…...



American Health Information Management Association. (2012). Wikipedia. Retrieved from  

Societal Institutions Law Politics Education and the Military
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Carvin, A. (2008) Wikipedia in the Classroom: Consensus Among Educators? Retrieved October 4, 2009.
The Internet has its advantages and disadvantages. It has greatly increased the amount of information available to people worldwide. At the same time, it has also greatly increased the amount of questionable information disseminated worldwide. As a result, teachers and students alike recognize that it is not always possible to trust online sources. This is even true of Web sites that profess to be "encyclopedias of knowledge" like Wikipedia.

In his article, Carvin writes about his debate with Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales on how teachers perceive his online resource. Carvin believes that many educators are not that thrilled about the electronic publication, in fact are hostile. Wales, naturally, says he has found the opposite to be true. Who's correct? Actually, those who responded to the controversy are mixed in their opinion about Wikipiedia.

On the whole, the…...

Internet Is Arguably the Greatest Revolution in
Pages: 3 Words: 1059

Internet is arguably the greatest revolution in Human History. In considerably less than a century, information-gathering and communication have skyrocketed with no apparent end in sight. Google and ikipedia are merely two examples of Internet developments that were probably unimaginable even 20 years ago but are widely-used realities today.
Searching for information on Google IS and IS NOT like trying to find a needle in a haystack. as the library of the 19th century more efficient? Explain.

The answer to this question depends on several factors. At first blush, searching for information on Google is certainly like "trying to find a needle in a haystack" because "Some people have suggested that there are 155 million eb sites, 1 trillion eb pages, and 5 million terabytes of data out there" (Anonymous, Introduction to Computer Literacy | Chapter 6 | The search is on, 2012, p. 8). Since Google allows a person to…...


Works Cited

Anonymous. (2012). Introduction to Computer Literacy | Chapter 6 | The search is on. Retrieved March 17, 2012 from Web site: 

Anonymous. (2012). Introduction to computer literacy | Chapter 7 | Web 2.0. Retrieved March 17, 2012 from Ashford. edu Web site: 

Cohen, N. (2011, June 6). Paul Revere, Sarah Palin and Wikipedia. Retrieved March 17, 2012 from New York Tiimes Web site: 

Lynch, S.N., & Mulero, E. (2007, July 14). Dewery? At this library with a very different outlook, they don't. Retrieved March 17, 2012 from New York Times Web site:

Understanding and Evaluating Art
Pages: 6 Words: 1610

The Wikipedia web site defines "art" as a "generic term for any product of the creative impulse," while Encarta Encyclopedia considered this concept as "the product of human creativity in which materials are shaped or selected to convey an idea, emotion, or visually interesting form." These definitions are related in the study of eight web sites, all of which center on the subject of (various forms of) art:

The Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (HSDC) web site ( centers on and provides an overview about street dancing through providing information about different institutions and centers that offer street dancing tutorials, competitions, other street dance-related events.

The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. ( showcases the not only the works of Andy Warhol, but also functions as a venue for artists to take advantage of grants and art projects that would be beneficial for their development/improvement as visual artists.

Music Television's (MTV)…...

Participatory Journalism -- The Act
Pages: 10 Words: 3501

But, significantly, the category "politics and history" is the second most popular at 15 per cent" (Cohen, 2008).
Consensus vs. Credentials -- Scholarship implies a certain level of expertise on a given subject. The public must trust its sources, and those sources must be authoritative and peer reviewed. Most anyone can "read up" on a subject, but lack the rigorous academic analysis required in graduate school -- the pool that forms experts. Individuals may, or may not be, familiar with the latest in scholarship because they may or may not have access to the journals within a given field, or have the time to attend conferences to listen to the new directions and discoveries that academics are paid to pursue (Boyd, 2005).

eliability and Accuracy -- Without any general editors, fact checkers, or other controls, Wikipedia encourages those without verifiable credentials to present material on which no one knows if they…...



Ahrens, F. (July 9, 2006). "Death by Wikipedia: The Kenneth Lay Chronicles."

The Washington Post. Cited in: 

Baker, N. (2008). "The Charms of Wikipedia." The New York Review of Books. 55(4):

Ferdinand Magellan There Is a
Pages: 2 Words: 659

The authors of the article relied on several credible sources to compile their article. For example, one of the sources cited is a first-hand account of Magellan's voyage. In addition, the authors recommend other first-hand accounts as additional reading. Because the number of contemporaneous accounts is somewhat limited, the use of these sources is significant. However, the authors also use a number of secondary sources. The use of secondary sources can be as critical as the use of primary sources, because secondary sources can oftentimes provide important historical context, which may be missing in primary source documents. The sources are properly cited, though they do not contain information about the authors of the secondary sources. In this instance, an annotated bibliography might be helpful. However, many of the secondary sources are available online. For those that are not, ikipedia standards mean that the references almost always contain sufficient information to…...


Works Cited

Wikipedia contributors. "Ferdinand Magellan." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia,

The Free Encyclopedia, 29 Dec. 2009. Web. 25 Jan. 2010.

Credible Sources in the Context of Online
Pages: 2 Words: 683

Credible Sources
In the context of online research and analysis, it is important to determine the credibility of sources whether they are scholarly or not. This is especially important when research is compiled and synthesized into new studies or academic, scholarly, or philosophic proposals or insights. It is important to recognize the validity of sources, especially when so many online sources and sites claim to be able to provide insight, and sometimes complete assignments, into ongoing discussions among students and professors at an undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level.

One of the sites most frequently cited for a lack of credibility is While Wikipedia may attract students due to its ease of use and the information contained on the site, it is often not considered a credible source due to its aggregate nature and because many of its entries are written, edited, and submitted by its users. While many educators do…...



***** (n.d.). Accessed 21 July 2013, from http://*****/.

Chesney, T. (November 2006). An empirical examination of Wikipedia's credibility.

First Monday, volume 11, number 11. Accessed 21 July 2013, from 

Spiro, L. (2008, Sept 1). Is Wikipedia becoming a reliable source? Digital Scholarship in the Humanities: Exploring the Digital Humanities. Accessed 21 July 2013, from

Crime and Punishment in the
Pages: 2 Words: 717

Some of the entries are closely related, but the search function appears to pull up every entry that has any of the words for which a person searches. That can be very frustrating, because it produces a large number of entries that are not related in any way to the original search. Encyclopedia Britannica also requires a person to sign up for a free trial period in order to read any of the entries (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011). After that trial period is over, one must pay for the service. ikipedia requires no sign-up, and there is no cost for searching or reading on the site (ikipedia, 2011).
Overall, ikipedia excels over Encyclopedia Britannica when searching for crime and punishment in the 18th century or anything else. hile neither site has a page specifically dedicated to that issue and it is necessary to perform several searches on each site in order…...


Works Cited

Encyclopedia Britannica. 2011. Britannica - the Online Encyclopedia. Web. 30 September 2011.

Wikipedia. 2011. Wikipedia. Web. 30 September 2011.

Difficult for Today's College Students to Imagine
Pages: 2 Words: 587

difficult for today's college students to imagine, but a generation ago, writing an undergraduate research paper involved at least one prolonged visit to a bricks-and-mortar library. The student would consult the printed tome titled Guide to Periodicals and follow up with a search of periodical backfiles. It was often a tedious and time-consuming way to work, and it could be frustrating if the journals needed were not part of the library's collection.
Fast forward to 2011, when students enjoy not only the use of online library resources but online institutions of learning as well. This generation of college students is computer-savvy, important to a population that is often busy juggling obligations at school, home and the workplace. It is important to find reliable information fast so that assignments can be completed in a timely manner and allowing students to work anytime and anywhere. Wikipedia is a resource that provides that…...



Chandler, C.J., & Gregory, A.S. (2010). Sleeping with the enemy: Wikipedia in the college classroom. History Teacher 43(2), pp. 247-257.

Role of Lech Walensa in
Pages: 6 Words: 2117

" (Walsh, est, and Rai 133) Neither does the article pay sufficient attention to the motivational aspects that led Walensa to enter the Solidarity movement, and the reason for the rejection of communism.
For example, the important aspect that personally motivated Walensa was not so much any intellectual disagreement with communism - in fact he virtually ignored the student protests of 1968, which he felt was "... A problem for the intellectuals." (Walsh, est, and Rai 133) However this attitude was to change when"...on December 12, 1970, the Communist regime decreed steep increases in the prices of basic foodstuffs. The suddenness of this action in the immediate pre-Christmas season shocked Polish workers, and many went into the streets in spontaneous protest. "(Walsh, est, and Rai 133)

Not enough attention is given to the reasons that lay beneath the Soviet reaction to Walensa. This refers to the"... change in Soviet leadership with the…...



Lech Wa?

sa November 2, 2005.  

Internet News Information Business Executive
Pages: 2 Words: 744

Generally, Wikipedia pages also include references and many of them are legitimate sources of information. In that sense, Wikipedia can be helpful as a starting point for online research more than as an authoritative source of any information.
Website 3 -- the National Anti-Vivisection Society:

The National Anti-Vivisection Society appears to be a legitimate organization with many links to established animal welfare organizations such as the Human Society of the United States and ASPCA. On the other hand, it is more of an advocacy site than an information or news site. The main concept of the organization is based on subjective belief and opinions in connection with the relative rights of non-human animals. While that position actually seems appropriate and more justifiable than the opposite position (i.e. insensitivity to the suffering of animals for human benefit), it is not, strictly speaking, based on objective facts. Because the website is so…...

What is the best way to choose a research paper topic?
Words: 414

Choosing a research paper topic doesn't have to be difficult. In many cases, an instructor will choose a topic for you. Some instructors allow you to choose your own topic, but request that you get approval from them before beginning your paper. If you're left completely alone to choose a topic and start writing, consider the following questions as you're thinking about topic ideas: • What is the class about? • What are some of the main points or themes addressed by the instructor? • What about the class specifically interests you? • What ideas or themes from the class naturally lend themselves to research? • Is your topic idea....

What role does business communication play in your day-to-day activities?
Words: 234

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

Need info on Boston Tea Party?
Words: 116

There are a lot of places to find information on the Boston Tea Party. has pictures, videos, and articles. The link to that is You can also get info on Wikipedia. You may not be able to cite information from there, but you can still learn about the event. At the end of the article (, there are listed sources that can help you get more information. Also try ( and the Boston Tea Party Historical Society ( to find out a lot about what happened during that period in history.....

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