Wind Farms In Canada Insert Subject/Subject Code  Business Plan

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Wind Farms in Canada [insert Subject/subject Code]

How Will the Use of Wind Farms Benefit Canada?

In Canada, the development of helpful energy saving concepts is in debate, because of the issues present in the economy. The primary goal of this proposal is to focus on the benefits of the use of wind farms for Canada. This is a business proposal, related to the researcher's business degree, discussing how the business of creating wind farms in Canada can be environmentally and economically beneficial for Canadian residents. The use of wind forms could help provide a sustainable solution to an overall environmental need, harnessing natural energy and therefore decreasing the monetary costs of other energy alternatives. Basically, while wind farms require an investment, they will eventually pay for themselves because they will harness free energy, and energy is an item that always costs money.

Why is it important to find a sustainable energy solution? Sustainable means a resource, a source or a supply that is beneficial for a society in fulfilling current needs without endangering the needs of future generations. Current use of energy resources like electricity and gasoline is depleting our planet and threatening the availability of such natural resources for future generations. One of the major problems present in Canada is the fact that much natural, free energy that is available -- like solar power and wind power -- is not being utilized, and therefore Canada is depleting its natural resources and also wasting its money. Why not hep future generations, and why not save money? This is where wind farms will come in.

Research Questions


Do the benefits of developing wind farms in Canada outweigh the proposed costs?
2. What are the major economical, environmental, and health benefits of using wind farms?

3. What kinds of incentives can be offered to Canadian communities to inspire them to develop wind farms?

Focus of the Study

At first glance, the high initial installation costs of wind powered turbines looks extremely intimidating. However, there have been several market based instruments developed, and complex financial systems allow for longer payback periods to decrease the financial burden. There are other mechanisms present as well. For example, Renewable Energy Certificate schemes offer the additional bonus of guaranteed revenues per mega watt for producers of wind power energy. There are also some locations where the community forms cooperatives to address the investment cost concern. The community can pull together to help fund the project and thus help capitalize on the use of this renewable energy resource, with the incentive that their own energy bills will most likely decrease in the long run. By focusing on community development, the project has an increased chance of success (American Wind Energy, 2005).

Using the new developments in design and technology, costs to generate electricity by wind power can now equal or be much lower than conventional power generation. What matters more in most cases is the transmission cost. But this can be regulated by the state after consultation with parties concerned. Policies and tax incentives in many areas push the costs further down. Saving of oil reserves, cutting on raw material imports, reduced operational costs and lower maintenance costs are among the other economic add-ons. Farmers can also have added income from land rentals if the turbines are situated on their farm lands. The wind power technology can be used in existing agricultural lands. It can also restore productivity in barren lands which need irrigation, for example, by driving pumps in distant open areas. Local cooperatives can explore…

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"Wind Farms In Canada Insert Subject Subject Code " (2011, May 18) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Wind Farms In Canada Insert Subject Subject Code ", 18 May 2011, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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