Workforce Essays (Examples)

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Workforce Planning - Verizon compared Sprint, AT&T T-Mobile. This part group project, discussing difference top phone companies. See attached.
Workforce planning

Workforce planning is a very challenging process for most companies. Most companies will want to cut on extra cost hence some of them end up paying their workers minimum pay with minimal benefit package. Workforce planning encompasses, attracting, recruiting and selecting, induct, train and develop the workers, motivate, manage and reward performance, retain and support, and lastly, leading and communicating. It also entails assisting a business to undertake expansions, restructures and downsize in a strategic manner, by ensuring that the right staff are recruited on time and retained in the business for its future growth (Caligiuri, 2010).

Workforce planning involves five key steps, having a workforce gap analysis to ascertain the workforce future supply and demand and to establish the future gaps, then the workforce plan is developed and implemented, developing it….

Future Workforce Profile

The most significant difference between the current and future workforce profiles at Amaze is the planned expansion of the organization, which will enable it to hire fifteen more individuals. As the organization is devoted to providing autism assistance services, the new hires will need to be willing to work in this environment and to receive ongoing training and development towards providing individuals with autism and their families with always-improving services, however current knowledge or experience in the area is not really required. Even so, there are many applicants on file in the external workforce with experience, knowledge, and a strong desire to work at Amaze, such that if the experience and knowledge considerations were to become more important in the future this would not present a problem to the organization in the slightest. The desire to work for amaze in the wider external workforce is so strong, in….

The projected workforce in 2016 in the U.S. is expected to reach 166.2 million. By 2039, the minorities will become a majority, accounting for half of the working population, and for more than 55% by 2050. The percentage of employees with college degrees has increased and the trend is expected to continue (H Magazine, 2008).

egarding the workplace, organizational innovation will become a must for building successful companies. A stronger emphasis will be directed towards developing a sustainable, green, healthy workplace that will help companies retain talented employees. A new workforce culture is required in order to cope with modifications determined by globalization, international collaboration, and other transformations that will take place within business processes.

eference list:

1. Canton, J. (2010). The Top Ten Workforce Trends. The Institute for Global Futures. etrieved February 1, 2010 from

2. Workforce trends (2008). H Magazine. etrieved February 1, 2010 from

Chapter 14

Leadership is a special case of interpersonal influence to get an individual or group to enact the leader's objective. Leadership and management differ in that management is designed to promote stability or to make the organization run smoothly, whereas the role of leadership is to promote adaptive change. Trait, or great person, approaches to leadership argue that leadership traits have a major impact on differentiating between leaders and non-leaders and predicting leadership outcomes. Leader situational contingency approaches argue instead that leadership, in combination with various situational contingency variables, can have a major impact on outcomes. Attribution theory extends traditional leadership approaches by recognizing that substantive effects cannot always be objectively identified and measured. The new leadership focus consists of classifying leadership into charismatic, transformation, and visionary modes of leadership, and the leadership of self-directing work teams.

Chapter 16

Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages with attached meanings. The….

Our company has low turnover, so new positions are not that common. hen they do arise, we like to hire the best people. There is a risk in enacting a mandatory policy of hiring minorities we lack that we may be taking on inferior candidates. They may allow us to reach some ethnic communities, but at the expense of overall efficiency and productivity (Pfeifer, 2009). There could also be a backlash amongst our current workers if they feel that we are no longer hiring on merit. The third drawback is that we may have difficulty finding the appropriate ethnic candidates in our home geographic area. e could significantly increase the cost of brining on new people if we begin offering relocation allowances to attract ethnic candidates from other towns and counties. Lastly, the existing sales force could feel slighted in that their talents as sales people may take a….

workforce of today is marked by a general realization that the traditional work arrangements have known are inadequate to address the challenges that business organizations encounter today. This essay explored a pragmatic worldview and how it links to a study on the effects of firm features and contextual characteristics on workplace diversity. Additionally, this essay aligns this worldview with a mixed research method and describes how the proposed study uses the research method. The essay concluded that because the study of multicultural workplaces is aligned with a pragmatic worldview, a mixed method approach was best suited to ground the research.
How does the pragmatic worldview link to a study on the effects of firm features and contextual characteristics on workplace diversity?

Hypothesis: The pragmatic worldview links to the study on the effects of firm features and contextual characteristics on workplace diversity by demonstrating how diversity can lead to a company's success.

2. How….

People who work often do more harm than good and fundamentally distort the basic and good human drives to enjoy life and to treat their friends with kindness.
Part 2

In their essay "Proletarians and Communists" Marx and Engels point out notable abuses of the capitalist system of their era (Marx & Engels 96). Marx and Engels propose a solution to the social inequalities of bourgeois democracy (or non-democracy, as they think of it) in the form of a dictatorship of the proletariat, where everything is owned in common, and decision-making takes place in a common fashion. The problem with Marxism in action, however, is that such a consensus is difficult to achieve on a mass scale, and Marx and Engels are proposing a mass scale, international revolution. The result is that to enforce a proletarian dictatorship requires a strong-armed leader and bureaucracy, and the administrators of that bureaucracy become the….

The list of changes could go on for pages, but the bottom line is that the world is changing and the employee responsive programs are being developed and implemented in order to allow employers to integrate these changes and help employees cope with them. These programs have the primary merit of allowing the individuals to better balance their personal and professional lives. This subsequently materializes in better satisfied staff members, who are better able to enhance their performances and support the company in reaching its overall objectives.

At a personal level, the employee responsive program which offered the highest levels of satisfaction was the flexible working schedule. As mentioned before, it allows for the balance of professional and personal responsibilities and it creates satisfied staff members who better complete their tasks. From a managerial standpoint however, increased flexibility brings about a decentralization of the operations, which could subsequently materialize in administrative….

Workforce Diversity
In quite a number of organizations there has been an increase in workforce diversity as compared to early times, this has been brought about by demographic factors such as immigration and economic factors including globalization (Christian et al., 2006). In many economies, the minority workforce is expected to rise as the years come and go. This expected shift in the workforce has brought a lot of interest in programs aimed at managing workforce diversity. The process of adopting such programs has been affected by various challenges especially regarding the change in organizational behavior. In order to manage workforce diversity effectively, it is vital that the distinction between functional and non-functional diversity is clearly identified. It should be understood that functional diversity has positive contribution to organizational behavior and effectiveness while non-functional diversity deter organizational performance, this is why it is important to understand the impact of diversity on organizational….

Aging Workforce:
The issue of an aging workforce is one of the major growing challenges that organizations and industry experts face. This issue not only presents an actual safety challenge but also a huge opportunity to address other socio-economic forces. For employers seeking to maintain a top-notch workforce, the issue of aging workforce is not only a challenge but an opportunity for employees who may want to earn extra income in retirement. In the United States, the aging workforce accounts for one-third of the country's workforce and are set to retire by the end of this decade (eeves, 2005). However, the country faces a challenge regarding the lack of enough younger employees to replace the aging workforce. Consequently, industry experts need to radically rethink about recruitment, retention, adjustable work plans, and retirement due to labor shortages in major industries.

Dealing with Labor Shortages:

According to Ip (2011), the United States shortage in….

Casualisation of the Workforce in Australia

What exactly is casualisation?

Casualisation tends to have two distinct meanings. According to the international literature, casualisation refers to the general spreading of poor, working conditions. Some of the conditions deemed bad include; insecurities in employment, low wages that are hardly satisfying to the workers, lack of benefits of employment, working during irregular times and intermittent employment. In the Australian concept and labor market, the word casualisation has been narrowed down to a more solid meaning. Due to the availability of prominence in certain employments of the labor market, the employments are deemed to be of 'casual nature' (May, Campbell & Burgess, 2011, p.1). The word "casual" has always been used both in the Australian labor market and in the country's sociological setup for many years. These social entities include aspects of law (agreements and legislation), offices or general organizations, everyday conversations judicial deliberations, in….

Volunteers, volunteering and the way they are organized and managed differ from context to context, and in viewing the Olympic Games, management of the administration of questionnaires is essential for overall management of volunteers and of the overall research project at hand (Graham and Stebbins 2004, pp.177).
Data analysis techniques for the administering of questionnaires must include the evaluation of all the major personality inventories samples, methods for integrating questionnaire data and findings from observation studies, the use of computers in analyzing personality data, elimination of bias, and requirements for the construction of scoring personality measures (Cattell 1973, pp.532). In the case at hand and with the simplicity of the questionnaires used in the initial experiment, scoring these questionnaires will prove simple if handled correctly. In order to eliminate any bias, some of the initially-used open-ended questions can be eliminated altogether or turned into closed questions in order to eliminate….

Other organizations, however, must also include ample information regarding external and industry-wide trends as well as a variety of other factors, and the more comprehensive and accurate this information is, the more realistic workforce planning predictions will be (Flynn et al. 2010). Developing techniques to encourage employees to stay, to attract applicants, or to ease into individual or group terminations in a way that minimally disturbs the remaining workforce is also the result of accurate information gathering and analysis on a historical and ongoing basis, and is also a major part of many developing workforce planning software tools (Frauenheim 2009).

Google no longer holds the number one spot on Fortune's "Best Companies to Work For" list, but it is still ranked quite highly. Ongoing workforce planning efforts designed to attract and keep talent will likely continue to bolster this company's reputation in the industry and as a model for corporations….

Diverse Workforce
Today, there are nine billion people in the world living in more than 200 countries and the need for informed approaches to the management of a diverse workforce have never been greater. Effectively managed, a diverse workforce can create a wide range of beneficial outcomes for organizations. Although many observers champion a diverse workforce because of the numerous benefits that are possible, the research will show that there are a number of challenges to the effective management of a diverse workforce that must be overcome in order to achieve the intended outcomes. To determine the facts, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to evaluate the benefits and challenges of having a diverse workforce. A summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues are presented in the conclusion.

eview and Evaluation

How can diversity in age, gender, ethnicity, skills, background etc. influence social cohesion and group….

Effects and issues related to the promotion and use of women and their skills into the American workforce

This paper explores the promotion of women within the American workforce. Specifically the aim of this study is to discover whether organizational systems within the U.S. are utilizing women to their fullest potential. The aim of the researcher is to examine whether or not women are still subjected to a 'glass ceiling' or barriers to advancing to the highest levels of organizations (senior and executive management roles in particular). For purposes of this study a survey was conducted of women and men in the workforce. The aim of the study is to examine what limits females desiring career advancement may face, and what common beliefs and perceptions are regarding female leadership and innovations within organizations.

In addition to the fieldwork portion of this research study, a literature review was examined to explore what….

Strategic human resource management refers to a specific approach that must human resource (HR) practitioners take to handling a company’s employees (human resources).  Strategic human resource management is a philosophy of management, not a defined approach, so it is possible for different HR professionals to take varied approaches and still fit under the umbrella of strategic human resource management.  In fact, it is not only possible, but probably necessary, given that HR needs do differ according to the type of profession, the working environment, the size of an organization, and the demographics of the workforce.  Generally, strategic....

There are four different philosophical approaches in education: idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism.  While each of these four philosophical approaches can be seen in parts of modern-day education, realism is probably the most pervasive current philosophical influence.

Realism developed from the teachings of Aristotle and can be thought of as concerning objective facts.  While different people may perceive things in various ways, the objective truth of an event does not change.  This emphasis on rational thought means that realism underpins much of what we think of as truth. 

Realism is reflected in educational approaches that teach critical thinking skills....

One of the struggles facing anyone in a management situation is figuring out how to keep the workforce motivated.  In fact, working on developing management techniques requires concentrating on how to motivate people, whether it is directly focused on techniques that can increase motivation or simply focused on changing worker’s perceptions of leadership, which can either be motivating or demotivating, depending on the perception.  There are various different theories of motivation that are often used to describe what motivates workers, how to increase motivation, and how to avoid things that decrease employee motivation. 

Your analysis needs....

Job opportunities and working conditions for Canadian women during the period between 1880 and 1920 were fairly limited.  Women were expected to be part of the labor force, but only until they married.  At that time, men were expected to be the primary breadwinners and married women were discouraged from participating in the workforce.  In fact, over all the progress towards women’s rights in Canada has been relatively slow. 

Technically, the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century offered many opportunities for advancement for women’s rights.  Women began to attend universities and....

4 Pages


Workforce Planning - Verizon Compared Sprint AT& T

Words: 1477
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Workforce Planning - Verizon compared Sprint, AT&T T-Mobile. This part group project, discussing difference top phone companies. See attached. Workforce planning Workforce planning is a very challenging process for most companies.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Workforce Profile of Amaze in

Words: 524
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Future Workforce Profile The most significant difference between the current and future workforce profiles at Amaze is the planned expansion of the organization, which will enable it to hire fifteen…

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1 Pages


Workforce and Workplace Trends the

Words: 308
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

The projected workforce in 2016 in the U.S. is expected to reach 166.2 million. By 2039, the minorities will become a majority, accounting for half of the working population,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Workforce Diversity or the Demographic

Words: 441
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Chapter 14 Leadership is a special case of interpersonal influence to get an individual or group to enact the leader's objective. Leadership and management differ in that management is designed…

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4 Pages


Workforce Diversity a Diverse Workforce

Words: 1257
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Thesis

Our company has low turnover, so new positions are not that common. hen they do arise, we like to hire the best people. There is a risk in…

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2 Pages


Workforce of Today Is Marked by a

Words: 890
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

workforce of today is marked by a general realization that the traditional work arrangements have known are inadequate to address the challenges that business organizations encounter today. This essay…

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3 Pages


Workforce for Benjamin Franklin and

Words: 1096
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

People who work often do more harm than good and fundamentally distort the basic and good human drives to enjoy life and to treat their friends with kindness. Part…

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2 Pages


Workforce Trends and Employee Responsive

Words: 595
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The list of changes could go on for pages, but the bottom line is that the world is changing and the employee responsive programs are being developed and implemented…

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4 Pages

Business - Management

Implications of Workforce Diversity

Words: 1230
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Workforce Diversity In quite a number of organizations there has been an increase in workforce diversity as compared to early times, this has been brought about by demographic factors such…

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4 Pages


Aging Workforce The Issue of an Aging

Words: 1294
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Aging Workforce: The issue of an aging workforce is one of the major growing challenges that organizations and industry experts face. This issue not only presents an actual safety…

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8 Pages


Casualization Casualisation of the Workforce in Australia

Words: 2580
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

casualization? Casualisation of the Workforce in Australia What exactly is casualisation? Casualisation tends to have two distinct meanings. According to the international literature, casualisation refers to the general spreading of poor,…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Sharon Kemp's The Hidden Workforce

Words: 2277
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Volunteers, volunteering and the way they are organized and managed differ from context to context, and in viewing the Olympic Games, management of the administration of questionnaires is…

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7 Pages

Business - Management

Google HR Workforce Planning and

Words: 1797
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Other organizations, however, must also include ample information regarding external and industry-wide trends as well as a variety of other factors, and the more comprehensive and accurate this…

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10 Pages


Diverse Workforce Today There Are Nine Billion

Words: 2726
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Diverse Workforce Today, there are nine billion people in the world living in more than 200 countries and the need for informed approaches to the management of a diverse…

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22 Pages
Term Paper


Women-Workforce Effects and Issues Related to the

Words: 6393
Length: 22 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Women-Workforce Effects and issues related to the promotion and use of women and their skills into the American workforce This paper explores the promotion of women within the American workforce.…

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