Workplace Culture Essays (Examples)

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Workplace Culture the Sears Store I Am
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Workplace Culture
The Sears store I am familiar with has some cultural strengths and weaknesses. Communication flows in a top-down way, because few employees in the store have any real authority. The store has assistant managers and managers for each department, and the managers report to people above them, but real control is highly centralized. New policies are communicated via memos put in each employee's mail slot. For complicated new procedures, such as the use of a new cash register, is done in formal classes.

The store represents a broad range of people including males and females of all ages, gay and straight, including Caucasians, African-American, Hispanic, Caucasian, and Asian. In the lunchroom, the same people eat together each day, with ethnic divisions obvious. Certain groups join certain others, but particular groups rarely intermingle. Conversation is rarely about work, possibly because most people have jobs with limited responsibility.

The store has minimum dress…...



Clark, Margaret M. 2004. "A jury of their peers: giving employees a say in resolving each other's workplace disputes can pay big cultural dividends." HR Magazine, Jan. 23.

Dwan, Sue. 2003. "Weapons of self-destruction: if someone in the workplace has a large chip on their shoulder they will damage much more than just themselves." NZ Business, April.

Meisinger, Susan. 2004. "HR Leadership Is Key To Creating Better Workplaces." HR Magazine, Aug. 12.

Namie, Gary. 2003. "Workplace bullying: escalated incivility." Ivey Business Journal Online, Nov. 2.

Analyzing a Workplace Culture
Pages: 5 Words: 1462

Organizational Culture of NYU Langone Medical Center
As a non-traditional volunteer intern at NYU Langone Medical Center from September to December 2016, I obtained a first-hand look at the organization's culture. My objective as a student intern was to develop my communication and problem-solving skills by shadowing various employees at the center and performing tasks appropriate to my skill-level and background. What I discerned in terms of workplace culture came by way of conversations with employees at Langone, observations of interactions among staff and supervisors, documents like the employee hand book and physical artifacts -- like the promotion of the NYU logo on merchandise almost everywhere one looked. In this paper, I will provide an analysis of the culture at NYU Langone Medical Center and explain why the organization's culture supports organizational goals and the well-being, morale, and productivity of individual employees.

Langone's Culture

The organizational goals of Langone Medical Center are "to…...

Generating a Positive Workplace Culture
Pages: 5 Words: 1617

Unethical Practices at Enron
Enron was a company that imploded in the early 2000s after a public scandal involving its accounting books and organizational leaders. The unethical practices at Enron were essentially accounting fraud. LAX market regulation laws were exploited by these leaders and corruption ensued as these activities quickly paved the way for real fraudulence, as losses and unprofitable investments were virtually "erased" from the books and stashed in entities where they could remain hidden, like a rotting corpse in a cellar. However, this trick did not last for long. Inquiring minds soon wanted to know how Enron was able to rise so quickly -- and what it would take to make it fall.

Enron's management team, led by Skilling and Fastow, was a dynamic, "likeable" force, which lacked two important elements of good leadership -- transparency and accountability. Enron was changing as an organization, moving from being simple energy providers…...


Works Cited

Anand, V., Ashforth, B., Joshi, M. "Business as usual: The acceptance and perpetuation of corruption in organizations" Academy of Management Executive, 19, no. 4 (2005): 9-23.

Bazerman, M., Tenbrunsel, A. "Stumbling into Bad Behavior." The New York

Times. 2011. Web. 21 Oct 2015.

Carter, Stephen. "The Insufficiency of Honesty." Atlantic Monthly. 1996. Web. 21 Oct

Motivation in the Workplace
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

1 Motivation in the Workplace: Recommendations for Case Study Analysis
Addressing Motivation
In order to transform the group at Acme into a working, successful, productive group, they must be motivated. Motivation begins, first, with having a sense of what is expected of one. Transformational leaders must be able to communicate a vision to workers, inspire them to want to be part of that vision and to pursue, provide them with the needed emotional and social support so that they will engage, and give them the logical reasons for why embracing the change is necessary (Xirasagar, 2008). For the workers at Acme, it is clear the goals, objectives and purpose for the group have not been defined. Until these are defined, the workers will not be motivated. Motivating them, therefore, hinges upon their knowing what they are expected to achieve.
Second, motivation can come in terms of extrinsic or intrinsic inputs—i.e., by way of rewards,…...

Increasing Cultural Competency among Employees
Pages: 8 Words: 2373

Workforce Action PlanIntroductionThe workplace is increasingly becoming more diverse, with people from all walks of life coming together to achieve common goals. This is demonstrated in the fact that at Mi-ORG, the older generation of mostly white males is leaving and a new generation of workers, including women and people of diverse ethnic backgrounds is arriving. For example, a Peruvian woman is interviewed during the day for a job at the company. This diversity can bring a number of benefits to the workplace, such as new perspectives and fresh ideas. It can also help to create a more positive organizational culture, where everyone feels valued and included. However, diversity can also create challenges, such as communication difficulties and different approaches to work. This is one reason older generations view diversity with some skepticismalthough not every older worker does, as the retiring individual at Mi-ORG shows when he states that he…...



Earley, P. C., & Mosakowski, E. (2004). Cultural intelligence. Harvard Business

Review, 82(10), 139-146.

Frank, T. (1998). The conquest of cool: Business culture, counterculture, and the rise of

Why Engaged Employees Help the Workplace Culture
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

Plan for Quarterly Employee Driven Engagement EventsPurpose/Goal StatementThe purpose of employee-driven engagement events is to create opportunities for people to interact in non-work-related activities to build community and a sense of team. New employees will have opportunities to meet others, feel included, and build a positive workplace culture.BackgroundWe were tasked with reviewing the results of the All-Employee Survey (AES), identifying a need, researching obstacles, and developing a solution to address the area of need. The end state of this process is to provide the Regional Office Director and Veteran Service Center Management team with an executive-level briefing of our recommendations.MethodologyThis project sought to identify the relationship between engagement, job satisfaction, turnover, and workplace culture. The data was gathered through the All-Employee Survey (AES).The method involved reviewing AE scores and evaluating them categorically to determine the relationship between engagement, job satisfaction, turnover, and workplace culture. The AES is a standard measure…...

workplace culture race religion gender
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Race, class, gender, ethnicity, and religion are all variables that impact a person’s identity, worldview, communication style, and behaviors. Applying the sociological imagination to the workplace environment enables a greater understanding of how these factors impact daily interactions and events, with the goals of promoting harmony and resolving conflict. Being aware of race, gender, and religion has helped me function better in teams. The times that I neglected to recognize race, religion, and gender taught me valuable lessons and helped me to become more emotionally and socially intelligent. Race, gender, and religion are all socially constructed variables rather than being absolute categories; therefore it is always important to remember the fluidity of these constructs and to relate to each person individually as opposed to making sweeping generalizations based on stereotypes and assumptions. Moreover, categories and definitions of race, gender, and religion are not monolithic. What it means to be white, black,…...

Workplace Survey Workplace Change How Long Have
Pages: 1 Words: 309

orkplace survey: orkplace Change
How long have you worked here?

hat is your official position?

How would you rate the difficulty of the adjustment process from your old to your new work environment on a scale of 1-10?

Have you experienced a change in your position while working here (reassignment, promotion, demotion, or other)?

How would you rate the difficulty of the adjustment process from your old to your new work position from a scale of 1-10?

Some people classify workplace culture according to these characterizations: an 'academy' culture, which is stable and hierarchical, a 'baseball team' culture, which is fast-paced, with a great deal of job mobility, a 'club' culture, where employees are judged by how well they fit into a group, or a 'fortress culture' where employees with specialized skills work in a highly pressured and often suspicious environment (McNamara, 1997). ould any of these characterize your experience of this…...


Works Cited

McNamara, Carter. (1997). "Organizational Culture." Management Help.

Retrieved 15 Feb 2008 at

Culture Essay
Pages: Words: 3113

This essay examines the meaning of culture and provides several possible titles and topics that may be used as starting points for developing a paper on culture. It discusses the definition of culture, how culture is developed, and how cultures change. It shows how cultural identity and cultural differences are formed and how culture diversity is a fact of life. It also explains why in spite of diverse cultures commonly existing in one group there is usually a dominant culture that comes to the fore and is promoted by the leaders of the group. The essay closes with recommendations for other ways in which a paper on culture can be written.
Culture is the heart and soul of a society, group or organization: it is the manifestation of what a particular set of people thinks, feels, believes in, and holds as ideal. It is the communication of what a people view…...

Culture and Diversity at Ford an HR Overview
Pages: 2 Words: 628

Ford H
I would ensure that Ford's H is in alignment with the company's business strategy by identifying the aims of the firm and evaluating how well the H's objectives, methods, and outcomes match the goals of the overall business. The is the responsibility of the H Business Operations division (Human esources, 2016).

The H job positions listed for Ford's H department consist of the following categories: Global Occupational Health Services, Compensation & Benefits, Corporate Travel, Global Security & Fire, H Business Operations, H Labor Affairs, Learning & Organizational Development, and Occupational Safety. Current job openings include Applicant Tracking System Administrator, Occupational Health Nurse, Worker's Comp Litigation Attorney, and Plant Physician. In the Global Occupational Health Services department of the H, the work centers on strategically enhancing the health/safety of employees through the improvement of health standards in the workplace. In the Compensation and Benefits department, H employees are tasked with providing…...



Human Resources. (2016). Ford. Retrieved from

Kissack, H., Callahan, J. (2010). The reciprocal influence of organizational culture and training and development programs: Building the case for a culture analysis within program planning. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34(4): 365-380.

Ratnam, V., & Chandra, V, (1996). Sources of diversity and the challenge before human resource management in India. International Journal of Manpower, 17, (4/5), 76-96.

Rogers, S., Jiang, K., Rogers, C., Intindola, M. (2015). Strategic Human Resource

Embedding Leadership Values in the Workplace Culture
Pages: 1 Words: 423

Boldly Go Case StudySection 1 - Introduction to the Organization Providence Healthcare is a healthcare company that has undergone massive change and turnaround in the past four years. The company was facing a financial and innovative crisis, but the current president and CEO led the organization back from the brink. The success of the company so far has depended on the values and character of the CEO as a leader. The CEO is a values-based leader who believes that leadership drives change Her main areas of focus were collaboration, building trust and accountability, and communicating change (Weil & eddin, 2017).Section 2 - Leadership Problems/Issues Facing the Organization The CEO needs to devise a plan to sustain positive change and embed the values that drove change and fostered collaboration. The CEO needs to win the support of key stakeholders to sustain positive change and drive the organization forward. The CEO needs…...


ReferencesWeil, M., & Reddin, C. P. (2017). Boldly Go: Character Drives Leadership at Providence Healthcare. In Leadership in Practice (pp. 188-202). Routledge.

Workplace Sexuality When Does One
Pages: 1 Words: 386

For instance, if one individual "kept telling another employee sexual jokes that the second employee found offensive, it would be sexual harassment in the workplace. If two employees dated and engaged in consensual sex, this would not be sexual harassment. If one of the two then wanted to terminate the relationship, and the other used the unequal relative terms and conditions of employment of the work place to further the relationship, this would be sexual harassment in the workplace." (Sexual Harassment in the orkplace, 2004) in other words, consent is key -- conceivably a man could be made to feel uncomfortable, perhaps by another man, through repeated exposure to sexual jokes even after the perpetrator of the 'humor' was asked to cease and desist.
orks Cited

Hostile orkplace. (April 1997) it's time: Institute for Management Excellence online newsletter and website. Updated 2001. Retrieved on October 3, 2004 at

Sexual Harassment in…...


Works Cited

Hostile Workplace. (April 1997) it's time: Institute for Management Excellence online newsletter and website. Updated 2001. Retrieved on October 3, 2004 at .

Sexual Harassment in Workplace." (2004) Discrimination Attorney.

Workplace Re-Organization and Its Effects
Pages: 10 Words: 2740

In the incipient stages, change causes reticence and this reticence is mostly obvious in the case of the more mature group of employees. While the younger staff members are more opened to change and will embrace it as a new career opportunity, the older population is simply looking to perform its current tasks into retirement. When reticence occurs among the younger population, it can be reduced through change management programs. The reticence of the more mature population cannot however be reduced as it a deep rooted within the individuals.

A second impact, obvious at the level of all employee groups, is that of strain creation. Fedir and Herold argue that organizational change creates two sets of strains. The first set is given by the possibility for the change to modify the job specifics. In other words, the employee is worried that modifications would be incurred in the way in which he/she…...



Barnett, W.P., Carroll, G.R., 1995, Modeling Internal Organizational Change, Annual Review of Sociology

Dawson, P., 2003, Understanding Organizational Change: The Contemporary Experience of People at Work, SAGE

Eric, P., 2008, Definition of Organizational Change, Associated Content,   last accessed on June 3, 2010 

Fedor, D.B., Herold, D.M., Effects of Change Management on Employee Responses: An Overview of Results from Multiple Studies, CPBIS,   last accessed on June 3, 2010 

Workplace Poster for a Roland Retail Company
Pages: 6 Words: 1959

Workplace Poster for a oland etail Company
Workplace Poster for a Sears Holdings Corporation

isk of staff theft poster

The following is a typical illustration of the Sears Holdings Corporation poster that warns against theft and vandalism of the products and services within the company. In order to ensure n equitable safety of the products and services within the retail company, the management team has come up with a lethal facet of model of managing the available avenues of resisting any occurrence of theft. The poster is a general demonstration of the warning that is against any form of theft within and outside Sears Holdings Corporation. Service management is a lucrative feature that often ensures safety and strength if the available avenues of production. In order to have a sound avenue of securing the sustenance of customers in the market, a given protocol must be observed. This protocol is supposed to be observed…...



Dempsey, J.S. (2010). Introduction to private security. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage


Gardner, D. (1998). Using ICT in history: A teacher's resource guide. Cheltenham: Stanley


Workplace Safety Do You Agree
Pages: 1 Words: 309

Boosting job satisfaction by offering employees safety nets should they get MSD or offering as many preventative measures as possible will lead to a corporate culture more conducive to long-term profitability. Firms should move away from the prevailing business model that discounts employee satisfaction (and employee health) and shift toward a more holistic vision of business. No industry or organization will fare well for long if they cannot maintain a healthy workforce. Firms and their leaders also have an ethical obligation to provide their employees with the best ergonomic equipment and the latest knowledge about MSDs.
MSDs are not a problem, regardless of arguments that insufficient research backs up OSHA's claims. Enough research is available and enough case studies testify to the problem. The federal government absolutely should intervene and mandate complete coverage for MSDs because one of the purposes of government is to help maintain public safety....

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Workplace Diversity?
Words: 630

Title: Embracing Diversity in the Workplace: A Catalyst for Growth and Innovation

In today's rapidly evolving global economy, workplace diversity is no longer a mere aspiration but a business imperative. Organizations that embrace diversity reap numerous benefits, including enhanced productivity, better decision-making, and increased innovation. This essay delves into the importance of workplace diversity, exploring the various dimensions of diversity, the challenges organizations face in promoting diversity, and the strategies they can implement to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace.


1. The Significance of Workplace Diversity:
Workplace diversity goes beyond race, gender, and ethnicity. It encompasses various dimensions, including age, socioeconomic background,....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to corona?
Words: 769

Captivating Essay Topics Related to Corona

Introspective Explorations

The Psychological Impact of Prolonged Isolation: Exploring the Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Consequences of COVID-19 Lockdowns
Re-evaluating Priorities in the Face of Adversity: How the Pandemic Has Reshaped Values and Life Goals
The Power of Connection in a Time of Physical Distancing: Examining the Impact of Virtual and Alternative Social Interactions

Societal Implications

The Digital Divide and Social Inequality: How the Pandemic Has Exacerbated Pre-existing Social Stratifications
Rethinking Healthcare Systems in the Wake of COVID-19: Examining the Challenges and Opportunities for Reform
The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception: Analyzing the Influence of....

I\'m looking for a unique and fresh essay topic on east asia women. Any ideas that stand out?
Words: 599

Topic 1: The Invisible Labor: Uncovering the Hidden Domestic and Emotional Burdens of East Asian Women

Explore the often-overlooked societal expectations and cultural norms that place an invisible burden on East Asian women within their families and communities. Examine the emotional labor, unpaid caregiving, and domestic responsibilities that contribute to the stress and well-being of these women.

Body Paragraphs:
Discuss the cultural expectations of women as caregivers and homemakers in East Asian societies.
Analyze the psychological toll of societal pressure to conform to traditional gender roles.
Highlight the lack of recognition and support for women's domestic work and emotional labor.
Explore the....

how workplace can manifest the abuse of power?
Words: 585

Manifestations of Abuse of Power in the Workplace

Workplace abuse of power refers to the misuse of authority or influence by individuals in positions of power to gain undue advantage or control over others. While the specific manifestations can vary depending on the workplace environment and the individuals involved, there are several common patterns that often emerge.

1. Coercion and Intimidation:

Abusers may use threats, fear, or retaliation to force employees to comply with their demands. This can include:

Making threats of termination, demotion, or other negative consequences
Using aggressive or intimidating language or body language
Creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty


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