World Health Organization Essays (Examples)

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World Health Organization

World Health Organization.
Many people loose life in our society, and they need help from people who can really get down to their problems and help them lead a normal life, some of the issues affecting people in society include over weight, obesity and lack of good nutrition and physical fitness. I seek your financial support to help me reach out to the people and help prevent obesity.

Obesity is an issue affecting so many people in society and many people go through cases of stigma, in places of work and even in families. For that matter this people's self-esteem is affected, they suffer a lot of socio-economic problems and we really need to help them overcome this problem, by running awareness program that will enable obese people understand their problems and get a way of dealing with it, either by treatment or prevention. We can only achieve this by also….

Health Organisation's Dietary Goals
Diet is acknowledged to contribute in a significant manner as a risk factor for chronic diseases. The perceptible fact is that at the international level massive changes in dietary patterns has engulfed the globe since the second part of the twentieth century which started in the industrialized nations has of late spilled over to the developing nations. Conventional, mostly plant-based diets have been switched by high-fact, energy-dense diets having a greater percentage of animal-based foods. (WHO, 2003)

Critical Evaluation of WHO's Dietary Goals

As per WHO report, nutrition related factors comprise majority of the contributory factors of the overall burden of disease in Europe due to which lifestyle improvements play a larger role in treatment as well as prevention of these diseases. In cases where nations have attained target changes in eating patterns, the health enhancements are felt at a considerable and population-wide level. For instance changes in….

Similarly, developing countries are far less likely to be interested in regulation on industries. egulating major polluters is a primary objective of any public health campaign designed to target respiratory illnesses in particular. Because primary, secondary, and tertiary elements are complex and related to the regulatory environment, a public health campaign will be difficult to engage. There needs to be significant financial incentives for a public health campaign to work, making it important to work with local and federal officials on the basis of cost savings in worker productivity and health care. If such incentives can be quantified, it may be possible to get the cooperation of both government and the private sector.
With regards to smoking culture and creating a public health awareness related to respiratory illness, it will also require a thorough cultural transformation that is difficult to effect due to the complex primary, secondary, and tertiary forces….

According to the World Health Organization, hand hygiene is an essential measure for preventing nosocomical infections. This organization has prioritized the improvement of hand hygiene as a means of lessening these infections. The consideration is mainly attributed to the fact that the hands of healthcare practitioners represent the major channel of transmission of nosocomical infections. However, while hand hygiene is crucial in preventing nosocomical infections, compliance with this need is usually low in clinical practice. Consequently, the development and establishment of effective ways of enhancing hand hygiene is one of the major goals in the existing patient safety initiatives in the healthcare sector. One of these measures that have been adopted in the recent past is the development of hand disinfection as an important quality measure that is firmly embedded in clinical practice.

As a basic component of any infection control, hand hygiene is usually considered synonymous with hand washing (Widmer,….

The incubation period ranges from six months to forty years or longer, with the average period being two to three years (Harrop pp). Leprosy is probably spread primarily by airborne droplets from the nasal mucosa and upper airways, and may also be transmitted by insects, skin contact, breast milk and the placenta of infected mothers (Style pp). The communicability of leprosy is very low; perhaps 90% or more of humans are not susceptible to it, and established cases become non-communicable within one week of starting treatment (Style pp).

There are two classifications used to determine treatment strategies:

multibacillary, when acid-fast bacilli are present in skin biopsies or smears, and paucibacillary, when no bacteria are seen in biopsies or smears. The second classification of leprosy is based on the clinical features of the disease and includes three major types: tuberculoid, lepromatous and borderline" (Style pp). Tuberculoid type develops in individuals with a high….

Health for All: Is It a Dream?Ensuring health for all, in accordance with the goals of the World Health Organization, depends upon linking primary health care with public health care strategies and policies (Universal Health Coverage, n.d.). That is why the WHO (2005) have developed strategies and policies for countries from the EU to Indiathe goal is to increase access to quality care universally. The primary health care approach in low-income countries is often focused on preventative care in order to reduce the prevalence of infectious diseases. For example, immunization programs can be effective for the prevention and management of some diseases such as measles. Vaccinations are a major part of the primary health care approach in low-income countries, allowing people to receive the necessary vaccines to protect them from many diseases. A recent example of the success of a primary health care approach towards a specific disease is the….

On the other hand, child malnutrition is becoming worse, due to staff cutbacks from health sector reform. Healthcare workers are in the best position to develop innovative and quality improvements. hey also can guide the effective or wasteful application of resources such as drugs, vaccines and supplies.
his summer, I had the opportunity to attend the National Youth Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C., where youth from all over the country discussed pertinent issues including the need for an improved healthcare system. I was able to talk with students across the nation, and some originally from other countries, about the inequalities in the provision of healthcare. he United States is a very rich country, but ranks very high in the disparity of healthcare services due to factors such as race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and geography. he gap between those who are rich and poor in the United States is the widest….

The text identifies one practical reason that this is the case, indicating that "One of the particularly threatening aspects of this compression of time is that people can now cross continents in periods of time shorter than the incubation periods of most diseases. This means that, in some cases, travelers can depart from their point of origin, arrive at their destination, and begin infecting people without even knowing that they are sick." (3) This means that an epidemic can be spread from multiple "ground zero" locations before it is even clear that the condition in question has come to reflect so significant a threat of proliferation. To the practical interests of preventing the disease's further spread, this denotes a real and substantial challenge to public health and safety administrators in the developed world. Quite to this point, the text reveals that the United States has experienced a greater level….

Global Health ActorsThe global health landscape is characterized by a variety of prominent actors, each with distinct yet intertwined roles in promoting health, preventing disease, and managing health crises worldwide. The United Nations (UN) works towards international peace and security, fostering friendly relations among nations, and promoting social progress, better living standards, and human rights, which inherently includes health. Its specialized agency, the World Health Organization (WHO), is explicitly committed to promoting health, keeping the world safe, and serving the vulnerable. It has led significant strides in disease eradication and prevention, including the eradication of smallpox and near-eradication of polio, and is a major actor in global health crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. National governmental health agencies like the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the UK\\\'s Public Health England (PHE) work to safeguard their respective nations\\\' health, preventing and managing disease outbreaks and health emergencies, and….

One such barrier is the pattern of supply-driven care that has proven extremely costly on the average consumer and patient. Essentially, this method of healthcare has created a multi-billion dollar industry, where patients' needs are put to the side in order for healthcare organizations to make the largest profit margin possible through a system that resembles a production line more so than a hospital facility. Unfortunately, "producers control demand" (O'Toole, 2009, p 48). With so many major companies profiting from this style of healthcare, they will undoubtedly put up a fight for reform initiatives like the Triple Aim Initiative, which is hoping to rework the system in order to save consumers the burden of costs, without reducing the quality of the care they receive. Moreover, the physician-centric model of most of today's healthcare systems also proves a barrier to the aims of the Triple Aim Initiative. Essentially, under this….

Nurses, who have first hand knowledge and understanding of how to live healthy and how to take proper care of themselves, are far better equipped to teach others about these concepts. Certain populations can benefit greatly from prevention, especially those who are prone to specific types of diseases or conditions.
One of the most common behaviors that leads to many chronic and often very damaging health conditions is smoking. Smoking can cause a multitude of diseases and conditions from emphysema to heart disease to lung cancer (Chapman, 2007). The list goes on and on. But smoking is 100% preventable and nurses need to understand not only how to treat these smoking-related diseases but how to more importantly discourage and prevent people from smoking in the first place. Many nurses agree that this behavior leads to many of the worst case scenarios for people with pre-existing chronic conditions. It is therefore….

Health Structures in Government Levels
Health at different Government Levels

Health Structures at Government Levels

Health at Government Levels

A national government has a task in ensuring quality health assurance standards across its region are up-to-date. Similarly, increased rates of unexpected epidemics have put governments under the surge of dealing accordingly with factors that can affect the nation directly and indirectly. Different governmental levels of health are identified and objectified in various agency websites. In this context, I have identified with a state level website; Illinois Public Health Institute website. Information presented to the website articles prioritizes in reducing and preventive, curative diseases, complementing health policies and championing for environmental changes.

Website Article eview

The Illinois Public Health institute articulates its review and implication to health quality through partnership programs. The website has supported state-oriented health involvement in ameliorating health levels, in Illinois. The institution has show-cased partnering programs with the Illinois State Board of Health,….

As a result, millions of Americans remain unable to bear the heavy financial toll of medical expenses. Indeed, the problem of a lack of insurance for many is related to the problem of the cost of healthcare. So confirms the article by Consumer Reports (CR) (2008), which finds that "health-insurance premiums have grown faster than inflation or workers' earnings over the past decade, in parallel with the equally rapid rise in overall health costs. Industry spending on administrative and marketing costs, plus profits, consumes 12% of private-insurance premiums." (CR, 1) This reiterates the case that the undue imposition of costs by the healthcare industry -- a reflection of a free-market industry with little to no regulatory oversight -- has negatively impacted the accessibility and quality of healthcare for many of the poorest users.
Moreover, these users are most vulnerable to the long-term economic damages provoked by unexpected healthcare costs. So….

WHO rates France as having the best healthcare ("World Health," 2000). In addition to universal healthcare, France also has non-profit supplementary providers, which means that the government subsidizes 70% of regular expenses but pays 100% of more expensive or long-term treatment plans (Sandier, Paris, & Polton, 2004). Money for subsidies comes from mandatory earnings contributions such as 5.25% salary, capital income, and gambling winnings (Sandier, 2004).
An argument that often arises is that people say they don't want the government deciding what medical procedures they can have. However, decisions regarding what procedures are covered by a particular health plan are made by the healthcare insurance companies, which are for-profit ("Insurance Verification," n.d.). Many people are denied treatment regardless of the illness. As already mentioned, some of the other nations with universal healthcare have supplementary plans in addition to the government plans that allow the patient more choice.

There are many arguments….

A 2006 study that examined the rates of depression and other mental health disorders following the December 2004 tsunami found that large numbers of people still faced significant health impairment from the event, and that treatment had been negligible when compared to relief and rebuilding efforts in other areas (CDC 2006). These efforts would likely be made far more effective and efficient, however, if mental health issues were dealt with. Addressing the depression and other mental health maladies that the people suffered from following the tsunami would have led to a better adjusted and more productive (as well as healthier) population.
There was an effective degree of trauma care provided immediately after the tsunami struck, but preventative care measures could have been stepped up during this time to forestall and mitigate the spread of infectious diseases that often comes after a major disaster event (WHO 2005). Obviously, trauma care was….

If you want to find out arguments about infectious diseases, we are tempted to tell you to visit almost any social media site, where you are almost sure to find people debating the efficacy of face masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.  However, the reality is that you actually want to avoid looking at sites like that if you are trying to develop a good essay about infectious diseases because internet arguments notoriously fail to follow the steps to developing a good argument.  You want to make a claim, provide support for that claim, and address....

A Comprehensive Guide to Global National Illnesses: Unveiling the Spectrum of Disease

Exploring the Tapestry of National Illnesses: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Unveiling the Hidden Crisis: A Global Perspective on National Illnesses

National Illnesses: A Global Burden Unraveled

The Global Landscape of National Illnesses: Navigating the Diversity of Disease

A Journey into the Heart of National Illnesses: Exploring the Human Toll

Uniting Against National Illnesses: A Global Call to Action

The Socioeconomic Impact of National Illnesses: A Ripple Effect Across Nations

Bridging Borders: Collaborative Solutions for National Illnesses

National Illnesses and Global Health: A Vital Nexus

Unmasking National Illnesses: A Comprehensive Atlas of Symptoms and Treatments

The Role of Culture in National....

Key Steps for Effective Handwashing Technique

Handwashing is a simple yet crucial practice for preventing the spread of infections and maintaining good hygiene. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a specific technique for effective handwashing, involving the following key steps:

1. Wet Hands with Clean, Running Water:

- Turn on the tap and use clean, running water (preferably warm) to wet your hands.
- Avoid using extremely hot or cold water, as this can irritate your skin.

2. Apply Soap:

- Dispense enough soap to cover your hands completely.
- Use liquid soap, bar soap, or powdered soap, but ensure it lathers well.

3. Lather and Rub Hands....

Early Intervention Programs and Enhanced Quality of Life for Individuals with Mild Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of movement disorders that affect muscle tone, posture, and movement. Mild CP is the least severe form, with individuals typically experiencing mild motor impairments that do not significantly impact daily activities. However, early intervention programs can play a crucial role in improving the quality of life for individuals with mild CP. These programs aim to enhance physical, cognitive, and social development, maximizing their potential and promoting a fulfilling life.
Benefits of Early Intervention Programs
1. Improved Physical Function:
- Physical therapy strengthens muscles, improves....

6 Pages


World Health Organization

Words: 1980
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

World Health Organization. Many people loose life in our society, and they need help from people who can really get down to their problems and help them lead a…

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2 Pages

Not Specified

World Health Organization's Dietary Goals

Words: 840
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Health Organisation's Dietary Goals Diet is acknowledged to contribute in a significant manner as a risk factor for chronic diseases. The perceptible fact is that at the international level…

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2 Pages


Diseases the World Health Organization

Words: 658
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Similarly, developing countries are far less likely to be interested in regulation on industries. egulating major polluters is a primary objective of any public health campaign designed to…

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2 Pages
Research Proposal


Nursing According to the World Health Organization

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Nursing: According to the World Health Organization, hand hygiene is an essential measure for preventing nosocomical infections. This organization has prioritized the improvement of hand hygiene as a means of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Leprosy the World Health Organization

Words: 1320
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The incubation period ranges from six months to forty years or longer, with the average period being two to three years (Harrop pp). Leprosy is probably spread primarily by…

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1 Pages


World Health Organization and Health for All

Words: 376
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Health for All: Is It a Dream?Ensuring health for all, in accordance with the goals of the World Health Organization, depends upon linking primary health care with public health…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


World Health According to the

Words: 561
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

On the other hand, child malnutrition is becoming worse, due to staff cutbacks from health sector reform. Healthcare workers are in the best position to develop innovative and…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


World Health and Globalization the

Words: 949
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

The text identifies one practical reason that this is the case, indicating that "One of the particularly threatening aspects of this compression of time is that people can…

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5 Pages


Non Governmental Global Health Organizations

Words: 1552
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Global Health ActorsThe global health landscape is characterized by a variety of prominent actors, each with distinct yet intertwined roles in promoting health, preventing disease, and managing health crises…

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2 Pages


Healthcare in the 21st Century

Words: 757
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

One such barrier is the pattern of supply-driven care that has proven extremely costly on the average consumer and patient. Essentially, this method of healthcare has created a…

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10 Pages


Healthcare Promotion Prevention and the

Words: 3190
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Nurses, who have first hand knowledge and understanding of how to live healthy and how to take proper care of themselves, are far better equipped to teach others…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Health Structures in Government Levels Health at

Words: 1071
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Health Structures in Government Levels Health at different Government Levels Health Structures at Government Levels Health at Government Levels A national government has a task in ensuring quality health assurance standards across its…

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12 Pages
Research Proposal


Healthcare Poverty Health Care Reform

Words: 3343
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

As a result, millions of Americans remain unable to bear the heavy financial toll of medical expenses. Indeed, the problem of a lack of insurance for many is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Health Care Financing Delivery

Words: 774
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

WHO rates France as having the best healthcare ("World Health," 2000). In addition to universal healthcare, France also has non-profit supplementary providers, which means that the government subsidizes…

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2 Pages


Health Tsunami Public Health and

Words: 584
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

A 2006 study that examined the rates of depression and other mental health disorders following the December 2004 tsunami found that large numbers of people still faced significant…

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