World War Ii Essays (Examples)

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World War II or the

Governments turned out to be involved with original subjects for instance rationing, manpower distribution, home defense, removal in the time of air raid, and reply to job by an enemy control. The confidence and mind of the persons replied to management and publicity. Classically women were militarized to an exceptional degree. The achievement in rallying financial production was a main factor in secondary battle processes. Altogether of the power complicated had educated from their involvements on the Home front throughout orld ar I and strained to use its educations and evade its errors.

The harassment and genocide were done in different stages. Numerous laws to eliminate the Jews from the civil humanity, most conspicuously the Nuremberg Laws, were passed in Germany years earlier the eruption of orld ar II. Concentration camps were recognized in which convicts were exposed to slave labor up until they expired of tiredness or illness. here….

World War II in the Context of History and Modern Warfare
he 20th Century was simultaneously a Century of exceptional advancement and unsurpassed violence. Why was this a Century of incomparable violence? he quick answer is that we, as a human race, used many of our advancements to become far more efficient killers; where advancements of prior centuries allowed armies to kill tens of thousands, the advancements of the 20th Century enabled armies to kill tens of millions. he longer answer involves military technological revolutions, military inventions used in World War II, business methods that drastically increased war production, the transformation of national wealth to effective fighting power, and the conversion of civilian moral energies into the will to win. Keegan, Overy, Ferguson and Weinberg, in turn, either support those conclusions or, at the very least, do not deny them.


a. he Four Military echnological Revolutions

Knox and Williamson point to four military….

These men represented a number of virtues and standards that were in accordance with those core, basic elements of humanity that the war threatened. The affection that the author feels for the old breed, in their attempts to help him and others ultimately win their own personal wars against debauchery, are alluded to in the following quotation.
War is brutish, inglorious, and a terrible waste. Combat leaves an indelible mark on those who are forced to endure it. The only redeeming factors were my comrades' incredible bravery and their devotion to each other. The Marine Corps training taught us to kill efficiently and to try to survive. ut it also taught us loyalty to each other -- and love. 4

This sense of loyalty and love was the chief 'ammunition' in the real war within World War II. This was a war to maintain one's perspective, dignity, and values in circumstances….

World War II

Manhattan Project: Begun in 1939, this project was the codename for the United States' secret Atomic Bomb project. With America's entry into the war, the project grew substantially and ultimately involved more than 125,000 people, 37 separate installations, 13 university laboratories and a number of the nation's top scientists. ( "World War 2: Atomic Bomb") In 1942 the project was put under the control of the U.S. Army with General Leslie Groves in command and obert Oppenheimer as its director. It was also at this time that the project was consolidated and moved to Los Alamos New Mexico where it culminated with the building and detonation of the first atomic device on July 16, 1945.

Hiroshima: Hiroshima is the site of the first atomic bombing of a city in wartime and took place on August 6, 1945. The attack was the culmination of the Manhattan Project, America's secret….

World War II Home Front

Not only did a consumer need the money to make their purchase, they needed government approval in the form of ration stamps and cards. This severe restriction on the economic freedom of American citizens was tolerated due to the dire nature of the conflict. Another change in American society was less noticeable, but every bit as restrictive. Americans became the victims of a constant stream of propaganda ranging from posters covering the walls of public buildings to the newscasts and films shown in theaters. Again, for the sake of the nation, Americans again tolerated an intrusion into a sphere that had traditionally been independent of the government. Members of the Hollywood community participated in propaganda films, made speeches at bond rallies, and performed for the troops. The newspapers and radio media reported only what was approved by the government censors and the American people received a very one-sided view….

orld ar II -- a Catastrophic Event that Changed the orld
hat was the most crucial and important cause of orld ar II?

It would be fair to look to the Nazis and Hitler's fanaticism as the most crucial and important cause of orld ar II. And certainly historians and scholars have few doubts as to Hitler's accountability in the tragic, bloody and catastrophic slaughter in Europe. But what were the events and issues that allowed the Nazis to come to power? hat propaganda did the Nazis use to seal their hold on Germany? Other causes need to be weighed in the matrix of II prior to making the judgment that the Nazi obsession for expansion and for building an Aryan race constituted the most crucial cause of the war.

Thesis: The main, the most crucial and important underlying cause of II was the Treaty of Versailles. This paper will detail the specific….

World War II -- Life

Food, gasoline, oil, soap, and clothing were all scarcely distributed so as to not take too much away from the people at war (Ames Historical Society). For the first time as well, income taxes were implemented on items as well as withheld from people's checks. Bond buying also became a popular way of funding the war (PBS). Life in the United States transformed after its involvement in World War II.
Despite the positive changes that the United States had seen in their economy, Great Britain's experience was not so positive. Europe had already been participating in the full war effort for two years prior to the involvement of the United States. Due to their proximity to enemy countries such as Germany, Japan, and Italy, Great Britain felt the full effects of the war (BBC). While the United States was busy avoiding the war, the citizens of Great Britain lived in….

World War II
Economical and military abilities of major participants of the war -


Soviet Union


Great Britain

Important military campaigns

France (including Belgium and Holland)

Balkan campaign (Greece and Yugoslavia)

ussian campaign

Industrial production in 1943

World War II is the most tragic but extremely interesting period of human history of al centuries. It was a regular continuation of previous absurd bloody conflict - World War I. New war began after Germany was defeated in WWI and after winners didn't give Germany any chance to have enough resources to feed own citizens and reconstruct national infrastructure. But British Empire wanted to become richer; United States wished the same. France in fact was destructed even more than Germany and wished to capture not only new territories but also to get as high contribution as it was necessary to restore ruined economics and rebuild vast lands bordering Germany (France was one of the main theaters of war in Europe). ussia….

World War II bring a number of images to the minds of most Americans: the Atomic omb, the Japanese Internment Camps, fighter planes, military jeeps, assault rifles, and soldiers in battle. The overall impression of the war is very masculine, from troops of male soldiers to songs about our "boys" overseas. However, women played a very significant role in World War II, and it is believed by most war historians that without such a strong backing by the female population, America would not have been victorious in the war effort. Women had many roles in the second World War; American propaganda posters proclaimed, "Women In the War: We Can't Win Without Them!" (Giampaoli) Women had to enter the workforce to increase production of wartime goods and to take the place of the male workers that were drafted. Housewives had to completely reinvent the way in which they ran their households.….

World War II
The role that the President of the United States of America played in the entry of America into the II World War is a question that has been debated by historians again and again over the years. The widespread belief is that President Roosevelt, upon becoming aware, by 1937, of the threat being caused to America by Japanese and German expansion, saw no other option but to try to arouse an isolationist nation. The famous speech by the President in October 1937 delivered in Chicago is referred to as the Quarantine Speech. This speech was made about two months after the Japanese invasion of China in order to create awareness of the dangerous situation brought about by the Axis Powers. FDR was also demonstrating, in a landmark decision on America's foreign policy, his stand against the Axis Powers. Due to the widespread opposition to this resolve of the….

The generally accepted reasoning behind that bombing is that thousands of United States troops would have died in a protracted war and a clear message had to be sent. Regardless of how one assesses the issue, the fallout, no pun intended, from Japan's choice was massive.
Depending on how one perceives Weinberg, he did cover all of the normal bases but perceptions of his worldview may lead some to believe that he did not. After all, some may view Truman's choice to bomb Japan as heroic and proper while others may view it as tragic and vile even with the attack on Pearl Harbor and the aggregate actions of both Japan and Hitler over World War II up to and including the Holocaust. No matter how noble and academic someone may seem or portend himself/herself to be, worldview and historical perceptions almost inevitably color the research, perspective and findings of….

orld ar II
Japan's wars of aggression and conquest began long before the fascist takeover of the 1930s and the alliance with Nazi Germany in 1940, and the idea that the Japanese were a superior race also had a long pedigree -- as indeed did the Nordic-Aryan racism of the Nazis. Both used the tactics of blitzkrieg and surprise to end up in control of most of Europe and Asia by 1942, before the tide began to turn against them at the battles of Midway and Stalingrad. In 1940 the U.S. armed forces were smaller than those of Belgium and Romania, grew to eleven million by 1944, and became a far more formidable force than the Germans, Japanese, British or Russians would have imagined at the outset. The U.S. military very quickly overcame the deficiencies in training, command and effectiveness it had shown in the early battles like Kasserine Pass and….

Even before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government began targeting Japanese-American businessmen and placing them under arrest. Following Pearl Harbor, the efforts expanded beyond businessmen and targeted the whole of the Japanese community. Executive Order 9066 "set into motion the exclusion from certain areas, and the evacuation and mass incarceration of 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry living on the est Coast, most of whom were U.S. citizens or legal permanent resident aliens." (Children of the Camps). The conditions faced by these people absolutely contravened the principles of liberty that underlined American participation in the war; they were incarcerated without due process, lost their jobs, had to leave their homes, had inadequate medical care, and were surrounded by barbed wire and armed guards, despite the fact that there was no evidence to suggest than even a single Japanese-American was aiding Japan in the war effort. (Children of….

World War II and Print

Source: German Propaganda Archive, Calvin University

This poster translates: "Unshakable, determined to fight, certain of victory! "(German Propaganda Archive). Typical themes in German Propaganda posters were anti-Semitism, a call to the labor force, support and loyalty for Hitler, paper and clothing drives, as well as special programs, such as programs to send children to the countryside for safety.

Many of the themes overlapped with American messages. However, as one examines the collection of war posters as a whole, it becomes apparent that both sides had entirely different agendas and different techniques for getting the message across. American posters were more personal and used imagery that captured the audience and pulled at their heartstrings. German posters were often unrealistic in their presentation.

The Office of War Information

There were several forms of media available during World War II. However, there were several reasons for the choice to use posters as the medium of choice for….

World War II D-Day

orld ar II - D-Day
D-Day, during orld ar II, June 6, 1944, symbolizes the most significant military accomplishments of this century (Alter, 1994). It was an assault in Normandy, France, between the United States and German Soldiers ("D-Day," 2004). orld ar II was a preventable tragedy and its occurrence represented an immense political failure. It was a national trauma that permanently changed us. The shared experiences of scrap drives rationing, anxiety issues, and personal loss inspired a generational solidarity that still endures. The need to finance the war led to the development of income tax withholding. In 1941, only 7 million Americans filed tax returns and by 1944, 42 million did. Migration of individuals to California and Northern cities was a result of the war (Samuelson, 1994).

According to Charles Richardson, of the North Shore regiment, at the time of war, he and his peers had trained and practiced for so….

One of the more shameful moments in American history was the establishment of internment camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II.  Ostensibly started because the United States was at war with Japan, it is interesting to note that there were no similar internment camps for people of Italian or German descent, despite the fact that Italy and Germany were also part of the Axis powers that fought against the Allies in World War II. 

Prior to World War II, Japanese began immigrating to America for work opportunities.  They initially immigrated to Hawaii, which was annexed by the United....

One of the most interesting issues in international relations is the role that nuclear weapons play in the effort to obtain peace.  Many people suggest that nuclear weapons can preserve peace.  The United States was the first country to actively deploy nuclear weapons in an effort to shorten a war by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. The widespread destruction, which was unlike anything ever experienced in a war up to that point, is often credited with ushering in the end of World War II, at least in the Pacific....

You came to the “write” place for tips on how to write an essay.  We have a comprehensive guide to writing essays, as well as a number of shorter guides on how to complete some of the steps (like writing an outline) that you might need to take in order to complete your essay.  The first thing to do is to figure out what type of essay you are being asked to write.  When you know what type of essay you need to write, you can figure out how to approach it.

The next thing to....

Visual communication covers a wide array of topics and has become increasingly important in the modern world.  With people constantly attached to a smart device of some sort, marketers and others have a means of continuously influencing people through visual communication. Visual communication involves the use of graphics to quickly and efficiently effectuate communication.  If you have ever heard the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words,” then you understand a little about visual communication.

Some topics to consider if you are writing an essay or a speech about visual communication include:

  1. The....

5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II or the

Words: 1623
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Governments turned out to be involved with original subjects for instance rationing, manpower distribution, home defense, removal in the time of air raid, and reply to job by…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

World War II in the Context of History and Modern Warfare

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

World War II in the Context of History and Modern Warfare he 20th Century was simultaneously a Century of exceptional advancement and unsurpassed violence. Why was this a Century of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II When Attempting

Words: 1647
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

These men represented a number of virtues and standards that were in accordance with those core, basic elements of humanity that the war threatened. The affection that the…

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7 Pages

Drama - World

World War II Ww II Manhattan Project

Words: 2243
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

World War II WW II Manhattan Project: Begun in 1939, this project was the codename for the United States' secret Atomic Bomb project. With America's entry into the war, the project…

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5 Pages

Drama - World

World War II Home Front

Words: 1676
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Not only did a consumer need the money to make their purchase, they needed government approval in the form of ration stamps and cards. This severe restriction on…

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4 Pages

Drama - World

World War II -- a Catastrophic Event

Words: 1463
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

orld ar II -- a Catastrophic Event that Changed the orld hat was the most crucial and important cause of orld ar II? It would be fair to look to the…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

American History

World War II -- Life

Words: 1485
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Food, gasoline, oil, soap, and clothing were all scarcely distributed so as to not take too much away from the people at war (Ames Historical Society). For the…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II Economical and Military Abilities

Words: 6582
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

World War II Economical and military abilities of major participants of the war - Germany Soviet Union France Great Britain Important military campaigns France (including Belgium and Holland) Balkan campaign (Greece and Yugoslavia) ussian campaign Industrial production in 1943 World…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

WWII World War II Bring a Number

Words: 2127
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

WWII World War II bring a number of images to the minds of most Americans: the Atomic omb, the Japanese Internment Camps, fighter planes, military jeeps, assault rifles, and soldiers…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

World War II the Role That the

Words: 3359
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

World War II The role that the President of the United States of America played in the entry of America into the II World War is a question that has…

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2 Pages

Drama - World

World War II Choices Reexamining

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

The generally accepted reasoning behind that bombing is that thousands of United States troops would have died in a protracted war and a clear message had to be…

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3 Pages


World War II Japan's Wars of Aggression

Words: 1154
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

orld ar II Japan's wars of aggression and conquest began long before the fascist takeover of the 1930s and the alliance with Nazi Germany in 1940, and the idea that…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


World War II Propaganda Posters

Words: 3976
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Even before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government began targeting Japanese-American businessmen and placing them under arrest. Following Pearl Harbor, the efforts expanded beyond businessmen…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


World War II and Print

Words: 2876
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Source: German Propaganda Archive, Calvin University This poster translates: "Unshakable, determined to fight, certain of victory! "(German Propaganda Archive). Typical themes in German Propaganda posters were anti-Semitism, a call to…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


World War II D-Day

Words: 1620
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

orld ar II - D-Day D-Day, during orld ar II, June 6, 1944, symbolizes the most significant military accomplishments of this century (Alter, 1994). It was an assault in Normandy,…

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