Homework Help - Question & Answer

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I would like to get some tips on how to write an essay?

Keyword(s) :    outline research school


By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

You came to the “write” place for tips on how to write an essay.  We have a comprehensive guide to writing essays, as well as a number of shorter guides on how to complete some of the steps (like writing an outline) that you might need to take in order to complete your essay.  The first thing to do is to figure out what type of essay you are being asked to write.  When you know what type of essay you need to write, you can figure out how to approach it.

The next thing to do is choose your topic. Even if you have been assigned a topic, you have to figure out the focus of it.  Information about your assignment can be helpful in choosing your topic, particularly the length.  Most academic essays need to be sufficiently detailed to show that you have knowledge of a subject, so you do not want to tackle an overly broad topic, like World War II, in a five-paragraph essay.  Generally, the further you progress in school, the more detail is expected in your essays.

You also want to choose a topic that is interesting to you, with plenty of available research to support your essay, but not one that is too interesting.  If your topic is too interesting, you may find yourself spending hours going down research wormholes, instead of gathering the information you need to write your essay and handling your assignment. 

Then, you want to spend some time planning your essay.  For some people, this means writing an outline.  Other people just jot down a few notes on some paper and go from there.  If essay writing is a challenge, we encourage you to outline your thoughts and then use that outline as an easy-to-follow skeleton for your essay.

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