Youtube Essays (Examples)

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On Valentine's Day in the year 2005, a group of already wealthy young computer geniuses began their brainstorming and introductory work on a videography platform for the Internet . Similarly to the origination point of the massively successful firm Facebook, the ideation for Youtube began as a system for rating and classifying video material, as opposed to a forum for video sharing. Not long after's registration on February 15th, the group of young men began posting homemade videos of all sorts. The first video posted on the website depicted one of the founding members (Jawed Karim) at the San Diego Zoo with the elephants . Shortly after Youtube's official launch in December 2005, the company and its previously successful group of young leaders (the founders of Youtube were also responsible for the creation of PayPal, which was extraordinarily successful and subsequently sold to Ebay) began attracting some serious attention.….

In addition to the implications earlier described, YouTube clips have succeeded in coining certain expressions, characters, behaviors that were copied by the audience. For example, the Hong Kong us uncle case in which a middle-aged man - Chan Yuet Tung reacted furiously to a young passenger's request to lower his voice while traveling by bus, had a tremendous effect. Hong Kong teenagers borrowed Chan's expressions, radio programs and commercials drew analogies between their content and his behavior, video games were purchased because of the similarities existing between their characters and the protagonists of the bus quarrel (
To conclude with, one could say that YouTube has both negative and positive effects. On one hand, it reveals undiscovered talents of ordinary people, offers freedom of speech and, implicitly, an alternative to unidirectional messages, and, on the other hand, it breeds violence because of the numerous users who are inclined to stand….

New Media and Opportunities for Ordinary Citizens
Content Bringing People Together

This paper examines how YouTube is able to provide a strong lifeline for marginalized people. YouTube is the fundamental public forum and is one which is able to offer individuals a means of showcasing their story for the world. YouTube offers people who are minorities, repressed or otherwise pushed to the fringes of society a means of sharing their story and of showcasing their unique experience. For some, YouTube allows them to show the violations of government and civil rights -- this creates a level of accountability along the world stage. For others, YouTube helps them foster an online community of marginalized individuals otherwise sharing their story. This paper will look at two specific groups of marginalized people: transgendered teen and ordinary civilians in Venezuela and discuss how YouTube is able to offer them a means of sharing their story while….

Copyright Laws, Should the Government Search for Copyright Violators?
YouTube and other websites like Facebook, allow users to post videos of things that interest them. While this promotes creativity and sharing among people, it also proliferates copyright infringement and copyright violation. Although YouTube has cracked down on such violations, by taking down even videos that simply use copyrighted music and nothing more, it still does not stop people from posting copyrighted material. This is because it is such a prevalent problem that little can be done to completely manage it. Therefore, it is a waste of resources to try to search for copyright violators, especially when it applies to the government.

YouTube is a private company. If it decides to remove copyright violators to improve business and traffic, that is their decision. However, when the government tries to do this, it relies on taxpayer money. Streaming sites like Spotify allow musicians to….

Google acquisition of YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion. The deal will be analyzed in both the financial and strategic contexts. ith respect to the former, the net present value of YouTube's future cash flows will form the basis of the evaluation. ith the latter, there are a number of considerations including the market position of each of the companies at the time of the merger and during the post-merger period. The analysis leads to the conclusion that YouTube was a money-losing entity in 2006 and remains so today, giving it a negative intrinsic value. The company does have significant strategic value for Google however. hile this strategic value may be difficult to quantify, it should be taken into consideration, especially since Google could easily afford the deal.

In October, 2006, Internet giant Google purchased the young startup YouTube for $1.65 billion. Despite being only a year-and-a-half old, YouTube was….

RAIT PROOF FENCE youtube.. The professor give directions watch movie youtube give a page response. The paper Ethnic Studies 100 class. The designed assist student development a "ethno-sociological imagination" interpret social prejudice discrimination forces influencing .
While society experienced notable progress in the field of discrimination during the recent decades, matters were very different at the beginning of the twentieth century, considering that race was an influential factor at the time. Philip Noyce's 2002 motion picture Rabbit-Proof Fence puts across an account regarding individuals of mixed descent in Australia as they struggle to avoid falling victim to the persecutions inflicted by the Half-Caste Act. The government's attitude regarding half-castes was especially discriminatory and addressed an absurd matter, considering that it wanted to make it impossible for people of mixed descent to continue to exist in a presumably perfect Australian environment.

Although the film initially seems to be lacking action and other….

YouTube has agreed with CBS, Universal Music, Lionsgate, Electronic Arts and other media businesses to have copyrights to their videos and be able to claim them and show ads alongside them. The goal is to be able to share the revenue. The movie industry needs to pursue the lead of the music industry by embracing the technological progress that has allowed millions of people worldwide to benefit from the electronically provided content (IAA, n.d.). By developing new ways to deliver things technologically the more revenue that can be obtained instead of lost.
4. Should motion picture companies continue to use YouTube to promote their new films? Why or why not?

Yes, motion picture companies should continue to use YouTube to promote their new films. YouTube's enormous audience can be used to improve the entertainment experience while engaging viewers in ground-breaking new ways is the best way to promote new movies (NBC….

Video Reviews
Social Networking and Kids

We live in a world that is immersed in technology. In this context, the rise of social networks and their increased popularity among children, teens and adults is a hot topic today. I have chosen to review a video that describes in detail a social network called Everloop, designed especially for children under 13. The video is an interview with this network's Chief Strategy Officer, who presents the advantages of Everloop, its main features, why it is suitable and attractive for children and how it allows for parental control and supervision.

Children should not be banned from having access to networking utilities. These have almost become indispensable, people of all ages somehow relate to them and therefore being excluded from such environments also excludes them from normal social interaction with their peers. However, one thing is essential: parents need to make sure their children are not….

actor James Garner's accomplishments and his "greater importance" to the history of television as a whole. Actor James Garner became a legend in Hollywood because of his "manly man" portrayals of characters like Bret Maverick and Jim ockford. He has been honored for his work, and his portrayals helped make television a more popular medium in its early years.
When Garner was still in his teens, he came to Hollywood, but did not want to become an actor; he became a model and attended school, then went home to Oklahoma. His aunt wanted him to be an actor, but he was not interested. In fact, it took several visits to California and some coincidences for him to sign with an agent and become an actor, even though he had been approached. Finally, he signed with an agent in the mid-1950s and began learning how to act. He worked on the….

Chicago writing format! a) Go youtube watch Rosewood b) Do similarities treatment Black Americans 1800's movie? c) Discuss Ku Klux Klan an awakening 1920's
Rosewood massacre and anti-black sentiments in the early twentieth century

Although African-Americans experienced liberation consequent to the Civil ar, conditions did not change significantly for several decades. Black people continued to be discriminated by whites through laws that were implemented as a means to control and limit the emancipation of African-Americans. John Singleton's motion picture Rosewood relates to the 1923 historical event in Rosewood, Florida. Official numbers show the death of six African-Americans and two white individuals along with the persecution of practically black people in Rosewood. The film reflects events in the 1920s through relating to feelings expressed by the Second Ku Klux Klan and one can actually find a great deal of similarities between anti-black thinking present in the nineteenth century and anti-black sentiments in….

Tube in India
SWOT of YouTube in India





Globalism drives culture, culture drives usage.

Copyright infringement.

Localized events, pages, languages.

Competition from another group -- too little, too late.

Able to use template for Global access with localized tweaks, add ons and language.

May be seen as an American product making advertisement money for Google.

Increase localized presence with localized advertising, education, and links.

Requires households have Internet access.

Well-funded, well-developed software platform with over

Uses "dark horse" business model; on paper losing millions per annum.

eer to peer clicks and usage is up; almost 1/4 million more users per month since 2006.

Rival with Facebook for "hits" per day.

Extremely well-known logo and web presence.

Because peer user uploads, quality variable -- some incredibly bad.

Continue to increase technical standards and/or help desk schemata.

Cumbersome download and video quality without high-speed Internet.

art 2- Assess YouTube's growth through alliances and partnerships. -- YouTube is very effective in using alliances and partnerships to grow. The company was….

coaching session was found on YouTube. The name of this session was "Sample Coaching Session with David Rock -- Choose your Focus" (Rock, 2008). In this video David Rock is coaching a female executive who wants to focus on improving her ability to present information to a busy executive who does not have a lot of time to digest information or sit for a formal presentation. David Rock first states that he is no expert on the topic but that he will help coach the executive by helping her think through the problem.
Rock continues to ask a number of probing questions about the top. One question he asks is about the priority of the issue. The executive states that the problem is not on the top of her list, but the issue is probably in the "top 5." It is incredibly interesting how he is able to frame his….

Meth Video on Youtube

The author of this report has been asked to offer an opinion on what should be done in terms of marijuana and the laws that surround it. The four general options are keeping the status quo, decriminalizing its possession or legalizing possession and controlled distribution (e.g. Colorado, Washington, etc.). The author of this report has been asked to define what "decriminalizing" marijuana would mean. Basically, it means that people that possess marijuana would not be arrested although fines might still apply. An exception to this would be if someone is possessing enough marijuana that they are ostensibly into trafficking or dealing without a license or in a state where it's not legal to sell weed as a business. Of the three options, the status quo is certainly not a way to go. Indeed, the federal and state/local laws relating to marijuana completely conflict in many instances. This would….

An entire industry has emerged for companies that produce content for YouTube channels.
YouTube's partnership program is popular, but it is not without its criticism. While the program does allow people to earn money from the ads, there are many who feel that they do not earn enough, and YouTube has been accused of lacking transparency with respect to how it pays out on its Partnership Program, according to Lazarus (2012). This presents a challenge to the reputation of the program, which needs to be profitable for the partner companies as well as for YouTube in order to fend off competition from other video-hosting sites.


Lazarus, D. (2012). Trying to make dollars and sense out of YouTube's partner program. Los Angeles Times. etrieved April 8, 2014 from

YouTube. (2014). Working together. YouTube. etrieved April 8, 2014 from

Freedom and Terrorism Online

policy makers underestimate internet independence?
YouTube independence of positing video content

The internet moderated terrorism

egulating the internet for anti-terrorism

Freedom and Terrorism on the Internet

The purpose of the study is to explore the use of internet by terrorist organizations and the degree of independence that terrorist enjoy while conducting and coordinating their terrorism activities from the cyberspace. The topic is an area of interest for the researcher as it is significantly relevant in today's environment when cross-border terrorism has increased. As part of the academic and citizen world, the researcher feels it is essential to gauge the scale and severity of terrorism moderated by internet sources.


The main audiences of the research paper are academic instructors, research students of cyber security and government policy makers who can influence to control terrorism originating from the freedom of internet use for every user irrespective of the underlying motive.

1.2 Hypothesis

There are three main hypotheses for the….

You can find great information on Scene 3 of A Streetcar Named Desire here: The use of language varies a lot between Stanley (very coarse) and Blanche (full of lyric and emotion when she speaks about her husband). Symbolism is particularly important, because Tennessee Williams was very focused on more than just what was said by the characters. He wanted the people who read his work to experience more than just the words of the people in the story. It's also possible to find the scene on YouTube so you can watch it and understand more about the motifs and....

Criminal investigation is a broad field of study that covers any and all of the elements that go into solving a crime and building a legal case against the suspects.  Considered one of the applied sciences, there are actually several career paths for the criminal investigator.  Likewise, people from different disciplines may find themselves doing criminal investigative work.  For example, as science has evolved, the role of geneticists and genetic genealogists in criminal investigation and forensic science has really explored. 

When writing your paper, you have two distinct approaches you can take.  You can write a....

1. The Rise of TikTok: How a Short-form Video App is Revolutionizing the Entertainment Industry
2. The Impact of Streaming Services on Traditional Television and Film
3. The Influence of Social Media on Celebrity Culture
4. Gender Representation in Video Games: Breaking Stereotypes and Promoting Diversity
5. Virtual Reality Entertainment: Exploring the Future of Immersive Experiences
6. The Evolution of Memes: How Internet Humor is Shaping Pop Culture
7. The Role of Podcasts in Modern Media Consumption
8. Diversity and Inclusion in Hollywood: Progress and Challenges in Representation
9. The Power of Fandom: Examining the Passion and Influence of Fan Communities
10. The Intersection of Music and Social Justice:....

Topic Sentence:

Scientology's influence on social media in America is multifaceted, shaping both the dissemination of its doctrines and the public's perception of the organization.

Body Paragraphs:

1. Scientology's Social Media Strategy

Scientology has embraced social media as a powerful tool for outreach and promotion. The organization maintains active presences on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, where it shares content designed to pique curiosity and attract new followers. This content often focuses on the personal experiences of Scientologists, highlighting their perceived benefits from the practice. By showcasing positive testimonials and success stories, Scientology aims to cultivate a favorable image and dispel negative....

5 Pages

Education - Computers

Youtube on Valentine's Day in the Year

Words: 1666
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Youtube On Valentine's Day in the year 2005, a group of already wealthy young computer geniuses began their brainstorming and introductory work on a videography platform for the Internet .…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Youtube's Impact Named the 'Invention

Words: 1830
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In addition to the implications earlier described, YouTube clips have succeeded in coining certain expressions, characters, behaviors that were copied by the audience. For example, the Hong Kong…

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10 Pages

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Youtube and Marginalized People

Words: 3061
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

New Media and Opportunities for Ordinary Citizens Content Bringing People Together This paper examines how YouTube is able to provide a strong lifeline for marginalized people. YouTube is the fundamental public…

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2 Pages


Youtube Facebook and Copyright Violation

Words: 663
Length: 2 Pages

Copyright Laws, Should the Government Search for Copyright Violators? YouTube and other websites like Facebook, allow users to post videos of things that interest them. While this promotes creativity and…

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17 Pages
Research Paper


Google Acquisition of Youtube

Words: 5092
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Google acquisition of YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion. The deal will be analyzed in both the financial and strategic contexts. ith respect to the former, the net…

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2 Pages


Rabbit Proof Fence Youtube the Professor Give

Words: 618
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

RAIT PROOF FENCE youtube.. The professor give directions watch movie youtube give a page response. The paper Ethnic Studies 100 class. The designed assist student development a "ethno-sociological…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Information Systems Youtube the Internet

Words: 756
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

YouTube has agreed with CBS, Universal Music, Lionsgate, Electronic Arts and other media businesses to have copyrights to their videos and be able to claim them and show…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Video Reviews Social Networking and Kids Http Www youtube com Watch v -80rtgqtgq

Words: 1314
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Video Reviews Social Networking and Kids We live in a world that is immersed in technology. In this context, the rise of social networks and their increased popularity among children,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


James Garner Interview at Youtube com TV Legends

Words: 1752
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

actor James Garner's accomplishments and his "greater importance" to the history of television as a whole. Actor James Garner became a legend in Hollywood because of his "manly…

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3 Pages


Chicago Writing Format A Go Youtube Watch

Words: 847
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Chicago writing format! a) Go youtube watch Rosewood b) Do similarities treatment Black Americans 1800's movie? c) Discuss Ku Klux Klan an awakening 1920's Rosewood massacre and anti-black sentiments…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Tube in India SWOT of Youtube in

Words: 446
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Tube in India SWOT of YouTube in India Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Globalism drives culture, culture drives usage. Copyright infringement. Localized events, pages, languages. Competition from another group -- too little, too late. Able to use template for…

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2 Pages


Coaching Session Was Found on Youtube The

Words: 622
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

coaching session was found on YouTube. The name of this session was "Sample Coaching Session with David Rock -- Choose your Focus" (Rock, 2008). In this video David…

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2 Pages


Meth Video on Youtube

Words: 945
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

DUGS & SOCIETY The author of this report has been asked to offer an opinion on what should be done in terms of marijuana and the laws that surround it.…

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1 Pages

Education - Computers

Youtube Partnerships Youtube Has a

Words: 314
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

An entire industry has emerged for companies that produce content for YouTube channels. YouTube's partnership program is popular, but it is not without its criticism. While the program does…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Freedom and Terrorism Online

Words: 3136
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

policy makers underestimate internet independence? YouTube independence of positing video content The internet moderated terrorism egulating the internet for anti-terrorism Freedom and Terrorism on the Internet The purpose of the study is to…

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