Zoology Essays (Examples)

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Usually, in hotter climates that are nearer to the equator, spread will be more powerful and Malaria is spread throughout the year. The uppermost spread is initiated in Africa South of the Sahara and in fractions of Oceania such as Papua New Guinea. In less hot areas, spread will be less powerful and very cyclic. In many moderate regions, like Western Europe and the U.S. financial expansion and public well being actions have been successful in getting rid of malaria. The majority of these regions have Anopheles mosquitoes that spread malaria, and so the reintroduction of the disease is a continuous threat (Malaria, 2010).
In Africa where malaria has presented the largest problem, it has been particularly difficult to manage. There are a lot of reasons that account for this. These include: a proficient mosquito that spreads the infection, an elevated occurrence of the most lethal kinds of the parasite,….

In truth, large sharks tend to hunt large blubbery prey with a much higher ratio of flesh-to-bone than human beings. That is apparently why many test bites on a human result in no further attack.
In the last decade, a tourist industry has evolved in parts of the world with access to coral reefs and natural shark populations. Hand-feeding excursions allow divers, lead by more experienced professionals to encounter sharks in the wild without a high likelihood of attack. Typically, divers descend to the ocean floor where they assemble into a tight group that de-emphasizes their appearance as meal-sized organisms and merges them (from the sharks' point-of-view into a single larger organism, too large to eat. But other procedures involve much smaller groups of two or three divers to hand feed sharks, relying only on the fact that most sharks tend not to perceive humans as potential prey, unless we….

In Paleontology, however, these wing digits have been considered as digits 1, 2 and 3 based on phylogenetic assessment of the fossil lineage suggesting that birds have evolved from theropod ancestors that had lost the fourth and fifth digits. Critics of this theory have suggested that birds have evolved from some other ancestors that had lost the first and fifth digits. Studies of developing limbs of chicken, including a polydactylous variety and mouse have confirmed that the wing digits are actually 1, 2 and 3 and support the hypothesis of theropod descent of birds. (Vargas; Fallon, 87)

The origin of birds from dinosaurs is a fascinating study. The discovery of the first fossil protobird, the Archaeopteryx started most of the studies on the dinosaurian origins of birds. Most paleontologists now agree that birds have descended from a particular line of dinosaurs, the theropods, more specifically the coelurosaurs who had features….

Zoology and Medicine

LEECHES: loodsuckers, Life-And-Limb-Savers
"Nothing works as well as leeches when we need to get blood out of a (body) part."


lood clotting is a life-saving body process, but when it endangers life or prevents the resolution of a torn tissue, leeches can come in handy. They have shown their worth as natural blood thinners, painkillers and surgical scavengers with the anticoagulant and anesthetic properties of their saliva. These saliva components hold much promise for the "treatment of cardiological and hematological disorders" (Sohn)

These squirmy bloodsuckers, which naturally occurred in ponds in the Medieval period, were used as a panacea for a variety of diseases and disorders in early times. Surgeons and barbers employed these worms in bloodletting, believing that removing some of the blood in an affected part would cure it. It remained useful until the coming of modern medicine, which discarded it, until its reappearance in the last century as a versatile….

The authors explain that "Large-scale habitat loss and fragmentation…" that results from urban sprawl is a major cause of the lack of biodiversity within the insect species (Acharya, 1999, 27). Even the building of a new road, or street lights, in places where previously there were no roads or lights, what the authors call "undisturbed areas," has an impact on insect biodiversity, Acharya explains. Meanwhile, moths, which are known to be drawn to light, have trigger mechanisms that detect the echolocation signals of bats; and on the other hand bats feed "…heavily" on moths, Acharya continues; in fact many bat species use moths as their "main food item" (Acharya, 27).
The point of that information (and of this study) in this peer-reviewed piece is that if "…eared moths" exhibit behaviors that allow them to avoid bat attacks, they would not be caught as often by bats and hence this would….

In that respect, one of my professional idols was teve Irwin who was tragically killed in 2006 in an encounter with a sting ray (Webber, 2011). While he was best known for his television show, the Crocodile Hunter, he was actually a world-renowned environmental conservationist who had dedicated his life to protecting endangered animal species and to educating the public about the importance of protecting the natural environmental habitat of wildlife species. According to the Queensland Department of Education and Training (2006),
"teve had a significant influence on thousands of Queensland school children and his passion for the environment and wildlife was extremely infectious.


worked tirelessly to protect the world's animals and environment. He was awarded the Queensland Museum's highest accolade in 2003 - the Queensland

Museum Medal - for his exceptional contribution to the understanding and appreciation of Australian wildlife at an international level and his commitment and passion to conservation….

Zoo Animal Technology Program
I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I was very young, and I've always felt I wanted to help take care of them in some capacity as my career. In the past, I've had tropical fish, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and other animals in my family for as long as I can remember. I have always been involved in training, maintaining, and caring for these animals, and I have loved every one of them. I would like to continue in my life.

I also strongly believe in animal conservation and husbandry, and the zoo technology program would allow me to learn more about these important areas of zookeeping. I know that many animals are endangered in the wild today, and the only way to help preserve many….

Phylum Annelida

Phylum Annelida
Annelids are members of the Superphylum Lophotrochozoa. The division of the Phylum is in three classes Hirudineans (leeches), Oligochaetes (earthworms) and Hirudinean (Polychaetes and leeches). They inhibit marine aquatic with Parapodia, like nereis Meglitsch P, 1972()

They are worm like animals that have muscular body walls that elongate. They are also circular in cross section. The major difference between Phylum Annelida and other worm like creatures is that, they have segmented bodies (also known as metameric). Each segment has its own particular function. Phylum Annelida include different types of earthworms, leeches and marine polychaetes. There are those that live in fresh water, marine also terrestrial. Some of them live as parasites. Annelids are skilled in swimming, creeping and burrowing Badea, Gagyi-Palffy, Stoian, & Stan, 2010


Meglitsch P (1972)

, said that Annelids are connected to Molluscs and seem to have arisen from flatworms. Given the characteristics that the Annelida….

In Jamaica, like many other physicians abroad, Sloane collected specimen; later, he acquired the collections of others. Among the botanical material in his collection were exotic plants and bird skins, "unique albums of Durer's prints and drawings" "a vast library of manuscripts and printed books" (Geographical 2003 26+,the second two items of which probably contained abundant botanical engravings.

Not all of the items Sloane collected survived. One that id, however, was cocoa, which he brought back to England and "marketed shrewdly as a medicinal drink valued for its 'Lightness on the Stomach'" (Sterns 2003 411+). The financial incentive was strong in many of the collectors, although with Sloane, it also had a practical side as he went in search of remedies. In 1712, for example, Sloane became keen to purchase the collection of the German physician, Engelbert Kaempfer. A chapter of Kaempfer's book, Exotic Pleasures, mentioned a number of Oriental remedies,….


It is common knowledge that the human body consists of about 65% water. People cannot live any longer than five days without H20. Individuals of all ages love to sail the oceans, swim in the sea and soar under or speed across the waves. It comes as no surprise, then, that some part of the human psyche remembers millions and millions of years ago before animals came on shore. What is still questionable is how or why these animals made the move from water to land. The journal articles discussed below give some of the latest findings on this topic.

Early in the Devonian Era, close to 400 million years ago, all the continents were grouped closely together and surrounded by the seas. The climate ranged from dry weather to torrential rains as some tropical areas do today. Even flowers had not yet evolved on land, let alone vertebrates. Many of….

Double Crested Cormorant "are opportunistic, generalist feeders" (Wires, Cuthbert, Dale, & Joshi, 2001). They feed on slow moving fish species that range from 3 centimeters to 40 centimeters. These birds forage in shallow water and seem to be strict diurnal in the way they eat. They are quick to respond to areas with high fish concentration and flock where the fish can easily be caught.
The Double Crested Cormorant breeds in cold climatic conditions and has been living in Alaska for a long time (Wires, Cuthbert, Dale, & Joshi, 2001, p. 36). According to Siegel-Causey & Savinetskii (1991), the remains of the bird have been found on Amchitka Island dating back over 2000 years. These remains suggest that the there were plenty of the species in the central Aleutian Islands and climate changes have reduced their population in Alaska.

Great Blue Herons

Great Blue Herons are prey generalists, although they forage for fish.….

Behavioral Episodes in elation to Leopard Seals
Leopard seals are widely known for their ferocity and have been acknowledged as top predators for a long time now. These are large but slender mammals, with females usually exceeding males in size and weight. The spotty coats, distributed along their bodies, define the leopard appearance and allure to the hunting abilities they possess. With powerful jaws and canine teeth, leopard seals can prey on creatures of whatever size. Their agility and reputation have long formed individuals' negative perception upon the former. This document is to try to dismantle the negative image leopard seals have been inoculated with for such a long time. This proposal looks at some of the facts that have led people forming drastic opinions as well as some episodes that appear to indicate how little we may in fact know in relation to leopard seals.

Statement of Problem

Explorers in the….

Thoreau was a student of nature for virtually all of his adult life. During Thoreau's life, Cape Cod was a relatively unspoiled area rich with nature and people who worked closely in nature, such as farmers and fishermen. Those who lived on Cape Cod tended to be independent sorts, and Thoreau preferred their company to those of people engaged in commerce or other business-related occupations.
In his small book Cape Cod, Thoreau recounts his experiences on walking excursions around Cape Cod during the mid-1800's. In the process he described much about the unspoiled nature present throughout the Cape at that time.

In the opening chapter Thoreau talks about the ecology of living along the ocean: in the midst of a desperate sight - the wreck of a boat loaded with immigrants, most of whom drowned, he saw people gathering seaweed to use as fertilizer. The seaweed had been tossed up on the….

Vombatus Ursinus Organism Profile
Vombatus ursinus is the scientific name given to the organism commonly known as the common Wombat (Matthews & Green, 2012). The common wombat is also referred to as the bare-nosed wombat, or coarse-haired wombat. There are three subspecies of wombats namely Vombatus ursinus hirsutus, Vombatus ursinus tasmaniensis, and Vombatus ursinus. The common Wombat is mainly found in Flinders Island of the Bass Strait Islands. Wombats prefer living in the temperate forest areas of southern Australia. They tend to avoid rainforests, and they are mostly found in the mountainous areas. In Tasmania and South wales, Wombats are found at lower attitudes win open vegetation like woodlands, heathland, and coastal scrub. Wombats prefer to dig their shelters on slopes above gullies and creeks, and they feed in grassy clearings. Wombats are native to Australia, and they belong to the Vombatidae family. Many people have noted that the wombats appear….

Apart of this macroeconomic force of which he was a part, was a Europe-wide banking network that facilitated not only international trade, but also state making elsewhere. He financed the Florentine intellectual and artistic breakthroughs we now refer to as "the Renaissance."
Cosimo's power was greatly respected, and by 1434 foreign princes went to Florence to work out international relations. Machiavelli, nearly a century later, still regarded the Medici family as the harbinger of everything good and evil in Florentine life to Cosimo's "deep and ruthless machinations." Despite the influence of Medici, he is portrayed as indecisive and in the background of affairs: "Cosimo was anxious to remain in the background, hiding his great influence, and acting, when need arose, through a deputy. As a result, very little is known of the measures for which he was directly responsible." Cosimo did not expect eternal rule, nor did he ever give….

I. Introduction
- Hook: Start with an attention-grabbing statement or anecdote related to biology.
- Background information: Provide a brief overview of biology as a scientific discipline.
- Thesis statement: State the main argument or focus of your essay.

II. Body Paragraph 1: Branches of Biology
- Explanation of different branches of biology (e.g., zoology, botany, microbiology, genetics).
- Descriptions of key concepts and research areas within each branch.
- Examples of how each branch contributes to our understanding of living organisms.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Importance of Biology
- Discuss the relevance and significance of biology in everyday life.
- Highlight the impact of biological research on human health,....

Current Understanding of Butterfly Diversity at Matang Wildlife Centre
Matang Wildlife Centre, located in the state of Perak, Malaysia, is a haven for a wide variety of flora and fauna, including a diverse assemblage of butterflies. The centre's vast forested area, encompassing lowland dipterocarp forest, peat swamp forest, and coastal mangrove forest, provides a range of habitats that support a rich butterfly community.
Several studies have been conducted to document and assess the butterfly diversity at Matang Wildlife Centre. These studies have provided valuable insights into the species composition, abundance, and distribution patterns of butterflies within the centre's diverse habitats.
Species Composition:
Surveys conducted....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Zoology Malaria Research Malaria Is

Words: 983
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Usually, in hotter climates that are nearer to the equator, spread will be more powerful and Malaria is spread throughout the year. The uppermost spread is initiated in…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Zoology - Shark Attacks Under

Words: 1221
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In truth, large sharks tend to hunt large blubbery prey with a much higher ratio of flesh-to-bone than human beings. That is apparently why many test bites on…

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6 Pages
Research Proposal


Vertebrate Zoology - Evolution How

Words: 2034
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

In Paleontology, however, these wing digits have been considered as digits 1, 2 and 3 based on phylogenetic assessment of the fossil lineage suggesting that birds have evolved…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Zoology and Medicine

Words: 1567
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

LEECHES: loodsuckers, Life-And-Limb-Savers "Nothing works as well as leeches when we need to get blood out of a (body) part." Concannon). lood clotting is a life-saving body process, but when it endangers…

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10 Pages
Research Paper


Artificial Lighting -- Impacts on

Words: 3253
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The authors explain that "Large-scale habitat loss and fragmentation…" that results from urban sprawl is a major cause of the lack of biodiversity within the insect species (Acharya,…

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2 Pages
Research Paper


Vocational Interest in Becoming a

Words: 747
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In that respect, one of my professional idols was teve Irwin who was tragically killed in 2006 in an encounter with a sting ray (Webber, 2011). While he…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Zoo Animal Technology Program I Want to

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Zoo Animal Technology Program I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I…

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2 Pages


Phylum Annelida

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Phylum Annelida Annelids are members of the Superphylum Lophotrochozoa. The division of the Phylum is in three classes Hirudineans (leeches), Oligochaetes (earthworms) and Hirudinean (Polychaetes and leeches). They inhibit marine…

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10 Pages
Term Paper


18th C Decorative Botanical Art

Words: 3104
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In Jamaica, like many other physicians abroad, Sloane collected specimen; later, he acquired the collections of others. Among the botanical material in his collection were exotic plants and bird…

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9 Pages
Term Paper



Words: 2619
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Vertebrates It is common knowledge that the human body consists of about 65% water. People cannot live any longer than five days without H20. Individuals of all ages love to…

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2 Pages


Double Crested Cormorant Are Opportunistic Generalist Feeders

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Double Crested Cormorant "are opportunistic, generalist feeders" (Wires, Cuthbert, Dale, & Joshi, 2001). They feed on slow moving fish species that range from 3 centimeters to 40 centimeters. These…

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5 Pages


Behavioral Episodes in Relation to Leopard Seals

Words: 2422
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Behavioral Episodes in elation to Leopard Seals Leopard seals are widely known for their ferocity and have been acknowledged as top predators for a long time now. These are…

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6 Pages
Book Report


Thoreau Was a Student of Nature for

Words: 1782
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Report

Thoreau was a student of nature for virtually all of his adult life. During Thoreau's life, Cape Cod was a relatively unspoiled area rich with nature and people who…

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3 Pages


Organism Profile for a Wombat

Words: 1116
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Vombatus Ursinus Organism Profile Vombatus ursinus is the scientific name given to the organism commonly known as the common Wombat (Matthews & Green, 2012). The common wombat is also referred…

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3 Pages

Drama - World

Renaissance in 1535 a Young

Words: 1035
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Apart of this macroeconomic force of which he was a part, was a Europe-wide banking network that facilitated not only international trade, but also state making elsewhere. He…

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