Zoos Essays (Examples)

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Zoos the History of Zoos
Pages: 5 Words: 1591

Zoos are a problematic institution. They provide for the common good by preserving species and offering facilities for research. Zoos allow for human-animal encounters that could not take place otherwise, and zoos are becoming increasingly pleasant places for individual animals. Many zoos offer extensive spaces for wild animals to roam, barring the ability of those animals to hunt or be hunted. For species preservation, zoos also serve a purpose. Zoos may even inspire visitors to pursue a career in the zoological sciences or a related field of inquiry.

Individual animals are safer in zoos than they are in the wild, in the same way that a house cat is safer inside than out. The animal is not in its natural environment and it depends on human beings for its basic survival needs. Therefore, the animal encounters at zoos are unlike those in wilderness because in a zoo the animal is behaving…...


Works Cited

Baratay, Eric and Hardouin-Fugier, Elisabeth. Zoo. Reaktion Books, 2004.

Kisling, Vernon N. Zoo and Aquarium History. CRC Press, 2000.

Robinson, Phillip T. Life at the Zoo. Columbia University Press, 2004.

Smith, Athena. "Zoo Ethics." The Collegian. 2000. Retrieved April 25, 2009 from  http://www.utulsa.edu/collegian/article.asp?article=223

Zoo Survey Thank You for Visiting the
Pages: 3 Words: 922

Zoo Survey
Thank you for visiting the Houston Zoo today. In order to help maximize the zoo-visiting experience for our guests, we have prepared a short survey to rate guest satisfaction. Your time and participation is appreciated. All answers will be ranked on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being the least satisfied and 5 being the most satisfied.

How satisfied were you with your overall zoo experience today?




How satisfied were you with zoo pricing today?




How satisfied were you with the quality of concessions available for purchase today?




How satisfied were you with the pricing of concessions available for purchase today?




How satisfied were you with zoo staff friendliness?




How satisfied were you with zoo staff knowledge?




How satisfied were you with the cleanliness of the zoo?




8. How satisfied were you with the displays in the zoo?




9. How satisfied were you with the children's zoo area?




10. How satisfied were you with the Hermann Park…...

Zoos Are Categorically Utilitarian in
Pages: 2 Words: 649

Singer would also claim that there is no actual utility in abusing animals in this way, and that it does not promote the greatest good for the greatest number for either the animal or human communities. Even if an individual animal has no inherent rights (as Tom Regan would claim), the human being has a moral duty to respect all animals with the capacity for suffering.
It is important to alleviate suffering, and therefore important to liberate the animals in their collective condition of oppression in an exploitative zoo. Tom Regan would argue that the exploitative zoo infringes on the rights of the individual animals -- as Regan does claim that animals have the same rights as human beings. Therefore, it is more likely that Regan would denounce all zoos including those designed for species preservation -- because Regan would not place any perceived utility before rights. Regan's thesis is…...

Zoo recommendation Research Assignment
Pages: 2 Words: 524

1. Explain the rationale behind collaboration for the zoo, in other words, why would public officials responsible for the zoo want to consider some type of partnership with another organization? (2 points)Pubic partnerships provide a means to enable a much more viable financial future for the zoo. Partnerships with public entities provides as means of capital and personal connections. Here, public-private partnership provides the means to enable relationships that can help ensure the completion of the project. Private relationships provide necessary financial capital necessary for project completion. In addition, the financial acumen of business leaders can be leveraged to create future business contacts. As such, collaboration for the zoo can provide a stable and much more viable funding source, along with contact information for individuals who can provide resources to the zoo in the event of financial difficulty2. Consider the type of collaborations available. Pick two options and discuss how…...

How Zoos Benefit Science
Pages: 4 Words: 1306

ZOOS IN THE UNITED STATESThe Benefits of Zoos in the United StatesIn the past, various arguments have been presented regarding zoos some in support of and some opposing the setting up and operation of zoos. From the onset, it would be prudent to note that there is no standard definition of a zoo. However, to a large extent, zoos could be perceived as establishments that seek to house animals of different kinds for a wide range of reasons including, but not limited to, display to the public, scientific research, etc. This text explores some of the benefits of having zoos in the United States, specifically with regard to the relevance of the said establishments to the scientific community.DiscussionFor many, zoos are only beneficial to the extent that they provide members of the general public with an opportunity to view and interact with wild animals at close quarters. However, zoos…...



Caldecott, J. (2009). Designing Conservation Projects. Cambridge University Press.

Hanski, I. (2011). Habitat Loss, the Dynamics of Biodiversity, and a Perspective on Conservation. Ambio, 40(3), 248-255.

Hancock, L. (2020). Population Sizes Since 1970, Says New WWF Report. WWF.  https://www.worldwildlife.org/press-releases/68-average-decline-in-species-population-sizes-since-1970-says-new-wwf-report 

Kaufman, A.B., Bashaw, M.J. & Maple, T.L. (2019). Scientific Foundations of Zoos and Aquariums: Their Role in Conservation and Research. Cambridge University Press.

Controversy Over Zoos Most People
Pages: 7 Words: 2175

This issue was put in front of the public with the story of Keiko, a killer whale that was badly abused in a Mexican facility. Eventually, Keiko was moved to a better aquarium in Oregon, but activists insisted that Keiko should be released to live in the wild (Staff writers, 1997). In fact, people have worked for animal rights since the 1860's when the first Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was established in the 1860's (Unti & Rowan, 2001), but until recently, most people did not consider holding captive animals in well-designed and well-maintained zoos as inhumane or cruel. ecause of the attention Keiko received, including the animal being represented as the lead character in two "Free Willy" films, Keiko was eventually released. This action demonstrated the difficulty of returning captive animals to the wild. Although Keiko had begun life as a wild animal, he did…...



Diamond, Jared. 1995. "Playing God at the Zoo." Discover, March.

Paulson, Amanda. 2004. "It's No Longer a (Traditional) Zoo Out There." The Christian Science Monitor, June 15.

Staff writers. 1997. "Keiko the Killer Whale at Center of Debate over Animals in Zoos." Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Oct. 6.

Sunquist, Fiona. 1995. "End of the Ark? (Zoos)" International Wildlife, Nov. 21.

Zoo Animal Technology Program I Want to
Pages: 2 Words: 718

Zoo Animal Technology Program
I want to enter the Zoo Animal Technology Program at BLANK University for a number of reasons. First, I have always loved animals since I was very young, and I've always felt I wanted to help take care of them in some capacity as my career. In the past, I've had tropical fish, dogs, cats, hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, and other animals in my family for as long as I can remember. I have always been involved in training, maintaining, and caring for these animals, and I have loved every one of them. I would like to continue in my life.

I also strongly believe in animal conservation and husbandry, and the zoo technology program would allow me to learn more about these important areas of zookeeping. I know that many animals are endangered in the wild today, and the only way to help preserve many…...

Great Apes at the Zoo
Pages: 3 Words: 917

Zoo Observation
I visited X zoo on a warm, sunny day in October. All of the primates I observed in the zoo were confined to a specific area, although they were separated by species (Strier 1-2). The apes were enclosed in a habitat that attempted to mimic their natural environment behind a pane of glass. Although there was a fair amount of greenery, there was, overall, little privacy for the animals.

Although the younger animals appeared to be extremely active, the older estland Lowland gorillas attempted to find what privacy they could in the simulated environment of the rainforest. To conduct my ethnographic analysis was somewhat difficult at first; although primates are diurnal rather than nocturnal, many of the larger animals looked sluggish and sleepy at first and did not interact much with one another (Strier 2). Judging from the people around me, visitors are particularly fascinated by these apes because of…...


Works Cited

Strier, Karen. Primate Behavioral Ecology. Routledge, 2010.

Lincoln Park Zoo Grade Course Recreational Activities
Pages: 12 Words: 3531

Lincoln Park Zoo
Grade Course

ecreational activities can be termed as a necessity for every individual despite his age, social status or society. A man with a 9 to 5 job would certainly prefer a vacation or a short weekend road trip. A housewife who is busy taking care of her children and dealing with the household chores all day long would long for a change. Similarly, children attending schools, tuitions and taking exam would prefer an entertainment to get a break from their routine life. This is because of the fact that humans often want change from their daily routine which builds up stress, work load, tensions and burden them up with worries. Consequently, it is not only their work or the responsibilities which are adversely affected, but their health and well being is also compromised. Therefore, although every man would want shelter, food and clothes for their living, no person…...



Chen, L. (1997). The Effects of Color and Background Information on Children's Cognitive Learning. Journal of Visual Literacy. Vol. 17, no.2

Howe, K. (2000). Understanding Advertising: History, Persuasion Techniques, Mass Media, Target Audiences, Ad Creation. Prufrock Press Inc. San Luis Obispo.

Jam, F. (2010). Impact of Advertisement on Children Behavior. European Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 12, no.4

Lincoln Park Zoo. (2012). Zoo Families. A Magazine of Conservation and Education. Vol. 11, No.3

Scientific Report of Tufted Capuchin Monkeys San Diego Zoo
Pages: 5 Words: 1265

Scientific eport of Tufted Capuchin Monkeys in SanDiego Zoo
Behavioral Differences Between Male and Female Capuchin Monkeys in an Artificial Habitat

Studies have shown that the activity and energy of an animal can be determined through the collection of data and presentation as an activity budget (Altmann 1974, Tacha 1985). An activity budget collects specific behavior data over a predetermined time for an animal or population for analysis in the evaluation of a hypothesis. This study reports the differences in activity between males and females for a population of tufted capuchin primates living in an outdoor artificial habitat within a North American zoo. The hypothesis that there are differences in activity levels between male and females for this population is confirmed for the duration of observation in this study. More study would be required to determine the effects of weather, seasonal variation, and daytime verses nocturnal behavior.


The tufted capuchin (Sapajus paella) is…...



Altmann, J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods.Behaviour 49:227-267.

Bobick, J. 2004. The Handy Biology Answer Book New York, Visible Ink Press 141.

Bohn, K. 2012. Photography Credit, copyright San Diego Zoo

Di Bitetti, M.S. Janson, C.H. (2001) Social foraging and the finder's share in capuchin monkeys, (Cebus apella), Animal Behavior 62, 1, 47-56

Sacramento Zoo Observations Chimpanzee Pan Troglodystes and
Pages: 2 Words: 465

Sacramento Zoo Observations
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodystes) and Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelli)

When I was at the Sacramento Zoo, I observed many animals, including primates. At this time, I chose to further expand on my observations of the Chimpanzee (Pan troglodystes) and Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus abelli).

At this time of observation; I can only see four of the five chimpanzees, two females and two males. Of the five chimpanzees, it seems that the extra female chimpanzee is missing from my observations. According to the Sacramento Zoo, there are a total of five chimpanzees- with three females and two males. Although it is difficult to tell from the distance that we were at, the females are slightly smaller than the males. I would assume that the males would also be heavier since they are larger. Unfortunately, there are no blatantly obvious characteristics that distinguished the males from the females and vice versa from…...

Strategic Planning of Singapore Zoo
Pages: 14 Words: 3656

Strategic Planning- Tourism Strategic Plan Lewis-Clark Valley
Lewis-Clark Valley is the beautiful site of Lewiston, Idaho and Clarkston, Washington. The historical background of this valley is rich in cultural stories and its own heritage that dated back in some 18th century. The area has been land of Nez Perce Indians who had travelled to this valley and lived long in the land and rivers. The valley is so named because in the 1805, the Corps of discovery explorers Meriwether Lewis and William Clark visited this place and was welcomed by the native people. This meeting and warm welcome has developed good relations with the land and its people thus named it after their second names. Lewis-Clark Valley is the land of miners, merchants, railroaders, millworkers and farmers. Its geographical location is somewhere 465 miles from the Pacific Ocean at the convergence of the Snake and Clearwater ivers.

The cities of Lewiston,…...



Aepel, T. (1997). Not All workers Find Idea of Empowerment as Neat as It Sounds. The Wall Street Journal, retrieved July 15, 2011 from http://www.sba.muohio.edu/snavely/empower.htm

David, F. (1999). How Companies Define Their Mission, Long-Range Planning, 22 (3), 90 -- 97.

Langley, A. (1998). The Roles of Formal strategic Planning, Long-Range Planning, 21 (3), 40-50.

Markides, C. (1999). A dynamic view of strategy. Sloan Management Review, 40 (3), 5 -- 63.

Fierce Creatures Who Are the Main Stakeholders
Pages: 3 Words: 978

Fierce Creatures
ho are the main stakeholders in the zoo acquisition?

There are two directly opposing groups in the zoo acquisition. The first group, represented by Rollo, is comprised of the new purchasers of the zoo and the people who thus have a financial stake in the success and progression of the zoo. Rollo has been given strict instructions that the zoo is to be completely and thoroughly reorganized to both increase attendance and provide a surge in the profit margin of the enterprise. His employers, Octopus Inc. demand that each business in the empire have a 20% profit margin. At present the zoo is not making any profit whatsoever. These are the financial stakes involved in the equation. On the opposing side of the equation are those who are involved with the zoo in its current iteration. They have an emotional stake in this acquisition because they are mainly concerned with…...


Works Cited:

Fierce Creatures. (1997) Dir. Fred Schepisi. Perf. John Cleese and Kevin Kline. Universal Pictures, DVD.

Schools Today Are Under Pressure to Provide
Pages: 4 Words: 1444

Schools today are under pressure to provide students with the maximum opportunity for as broad as possible an education. At the same time, the school environment and classroom are relatively safe and protected, but also restrictive in terms of insulating students from the world in general. To strike a balance between safety and learning, teachers often elect to include excursions beyond the boundaries of the school. These field trips are designed to provide students with a practical learning experience to supplement the information they are expected to internalize within the classroom. To maximize the positive effects of this experience, the Western Australian Department of Education has created a policy document to divulge the specific requirements for student safety during such trips.
This is then also the stated background of the policy, in that any risk factors related to excursions outside the school premises need to mitigated in such a way…...

Mastery Over Nature Exotic Animal Trade
Pages: 5 Words: 1388

Mastery Over Nature and the Exotic Animal Trade
Humankind has always had a fascination with nature and specifically animals in nature and even more specifically with conquering the animal or gaining mastery over the animal. The exotic animal has been the focus of great aspiration of humankind to attain mastery over. The reasons for this are varied in nature with some individuals obtaining exotic animals for their own pleasure and as examined in this particular informative study there is desire for obtaining exotic animals so that human beings can experience the animals of nature.

Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide, South Australia

The setting examined in this study is that of the Adelaide Zoo, located Adelaide, South Australia. The work of Kay Anderson entitled "Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontier of Human Geography" reports that in the suburban backyard, people unknowingly "make their more routine interventions in nature by clearing ground and…...



Adams, G., Fisher, L., Le Blond, D., Mazur, N., McMahon, C., Peckover, T., Schmiechen, J. And Sharrad, N. 1991, The role of the Adelaide Zoo in conservation, Report prepared for the Royal Zoological Study of South Australia, Mawson Graduate Centre for Environmental Studies, The University of Adelaide.

Anderson, K (1994) Culture and Nature at the Adelaide Zoo: At the Frontiers of Human Geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. N.S. 20(3) 275-294. Retrieved from:  http://www.uws.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/150953/Anderson95_CultureNatureAdelaideZoo_CCRCopyFinal.pdf 

Tarpy, C. 1993, 'New zoos -- taking down the bars', National Geographic, July: 2-38.

Thomas, K. 1983, Man and the natural world: changing attitudes in England 1500-1800, Allen Lane, London.

How do I create a hook for an argumentative essay on the topic are zoos necessary?
Words: 362

When writing an argumentative essay, you are encouraged to take strong positions that might not be appropriate in other types of academic writing.  This is especially true when you are crafting your hook, which is a dramatic statement, usually a sentence or two, designed to capture the reader’s interest and get them interested enough to read the rest of the essay.  You might find this type of task challenging when focusing on a topic like zoos.  However, if you consider how popular the Netflix Series Tiger King was in the summer of....

Could you give me a unique essay title for a primate behavior assignment?
Words: 370

In order to give good title suggestions for a primate behavior assignment, we would ideally like a little more information.  Is your assignment about primates in the wild or primates in captivity?  Which primates are being studies?  Are you looking primarily at monkeys or apes?  Are you including studies of humans in your primate assignment?  Are you looking at primate intelligence and comparing it to non-primates or looking at it from an evolutionary perspective?  Will your assignment look at what is currently the case or speculate on the results if primates continue....

Can you help me come up with some essay topics regarding topics for toulmin argument?
Words: 207

1. Should social media platforms be held responsible for monitoring and removing hate speech?
2. Is the death penalty an effective deterrent for violent crime?
3. Should college athletes be paid for their performance?
4. Are stricter gun control laws necessary to reduce gun violence?
5. Should the government provide free healthcare for all citizens?
6. Is climate change a result of human activity?
7. Should the minimum wage be increased to a livable wage?
8. Is affirmative action still necessary in today's society?
9. Should standardized testing be the primary measure of student achievement?
10. Is privacy in the digital age a fundamental human right?
11. Should the use....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Animal Rights?
Words: 262

1. The ethical implications of using animals for cosmetic testing
2. The impact of factory farming on animal welfare and the environment
3. The role of animals in scientific research and the need for alternatives
4. The importance of protecting endangered species and their habitats
5. The relationship between animal abuse and human violence
6. The legal rights of animals and the need for stronger animal protection laws
7. The use of animals in entertainment and the ethics of captivity
8. The benefits of adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle for animal rights
9. The role of animal advocacy organizations in promoting animal welfare
10. The connection between animal....

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