Christianity The Christian Religion Sprouted Term Paper

Papal authority is challenged by Protestants, who generally support a more personal relationship between the individual and the divine. However, all Christians share several fundamental philosophical beliefs in common, including monotheism; dualism; sin and salvation. These beliefs are expressed through the Christian worldview, concepts of afterlife, and commentary on the major metaphysical problem of human existence: sin.

First, monotheism precludes anyone sympathetic to polytheistic worship from completely embracing Christianity, although Catholic veneration of saints can approximate such an approach to the divine. Second, dualism pervades Christianity and has powerfully influenced the worldview of most persons in Western society. The notions of absolute good and absolute evil are central concepts in Christianity, influencing moral philosophy as well as concepts of afterlife. For instance, the Christian afterlife is divided into Heaven and Hell, both of which are considered to be eternal states of being. Dualism provides a simple means of dividing human acts and even human beings into absolute categories. Dualism also...


Such a dualistic worldview prevents philosophical and moral flexibility, and thus might prevent someone from fully embracing the religion.
Third, the concept of sin is central to Christianity. The notion that all human beings are born essentially flawed (original sin) is more common in Catholicism than in Protestant denominations but Christianity nevertheless focuses firmly on sin in its general teachings. Certain acts are generally considered sinful. This focus on sin might put off those who would prefer to view humanity in a more positive or optimistic light or those who ascribe to moral relativism.

Fourth and closely linked to the concept of sin is the Christian notion of salvation. Salvation can be attained in a number of different ways depending on the denomination. Salvation alleviates the basic human problem of sin through divine assistance and intervention. Salvation may be an appealing concept for some would-be followers, as it allows for grace and divine forgiveness for sinful acts and would also permit a sinner to enter Heaven in spite of past deeds.

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