Christianity Essays (Examples)

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Christianity Compared to Hinduism
Pages: 5 Words: 1680

Christianity and Hinduism are among the major religions in the world. Christianity being one of the world tremendous religions has the largest number of followers. This is as a result of forces that accompanied the civilization of the western world, which has contributed a lot in terms of social and material hence, out doing other religions. Many people have attained highest levels of spiritual realization, faith and beatitude through the practice of Christianity. This has lead to self-evident work and teachings contributing to the understanding that God is unquestionable[footnoteRef:1]. Hinduism can also be associated with the Hindus civilization which spread throughout Asia and the rest of the world. It is from Hinduism that emerged the Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Many Hindus find themselves in a majority of Christian nations, Due to ever increasing need to migrate and this has lead to isolation of many Hindus from the existing communities, therefore;…...


Work cited

Davies, A.P. The First Christian: A Study of St. Paul and Christian Origins. (New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1957), 99-105

Michael K. Wilson July 2007

O'Flaherty, W.D. The Rig Veda: An Anthology. (London: Penguin Books 1981), 20-59

Schaefer, Jame. "Appreciating the Beauty of the Earth," Theological Studies 62: 1 (March 2001): 23-52.

Christianity in 'The Stranger' the
Pages: 5 Words: 1641

2, 4:16). Flesh and spirit, accordingly, work together to help the man serve God, and are both are good. In this way, it is not just soul that deserves to return at the end of days but body too and this is what Meursault along with many others are unaware of. That Christianity is not just about hankering of immortality of the soul and does not separate itself to solely focus on the soul. On the contrary, Christianity, at least early Christianity, saw the body as equally good, and placing little focus on immortality of the soul, accentuated immortality of both: body as well as soul.

Meursault may have refused to fantasize about the continuation of a soul saying that Christianity was wrong in passing out hope for immortality. Whilst correct in his avowal to base life on a reality, Meursault would have been astounded to discover that it was…...



Camus, A. (1986) The Stranger, Penguin, UK,

Cullmann, O. (1956). Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection of the Dead?

Christianity and Buddhism From the Time the
Pages: 5 Words: 1674

Christianity and Buddhism
From the time the man first walked on the globe, they have divided and segregated themselves into different and diverse categories of cultures, religions, race and ethnicity. Therefore, it can be well sated that the humans belong to diverse and different civilizations and cultures that give them a unique social and cultural identification and distinguish them from others in terms of background, ways of thinking, norms, rituals, values and so forth. Viewing this aspect, the thesis statement is "Even though both the religions Christianity and Buddhism are conceived by mankind, yet they are very different and diverse religions from one another due to their origins, belief systems, and even rituals."

Christianity and Buddhism are two of the commonly and widely practiced religions by millions of people that are scattered in many nations of the world. Numerous differences have been found in both the religions that include their means of…...


Works Cited

Cornish, J.A.E., Schreier, B.A., Nadkarni, L.I., Metzger, L.H. & Rodolfa, E.R. Handbook of Multicultural Counseling Competencies. New Jersey, USA: John Wiley & Sons, 2010. Print.

Hastings, A. The Construction of Nationhood: Ethnicity, Religion and Nationalism. UK: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Print.

Evan-Moor. The 7 Continents Asia EMC 3734. USA: Evan-Moor Educational Publisher, 2010. Print.

Jones, F.L. Pastoral Leadership Skills for the Multicultural, Multiethnic Church: A Case Study of Southeast Asians in an American Church. USA: Xlibris Corporation, 2010. Print.

Christianity Originated Approximately Two-Thousand Years
Pages: 5 Words: 1386

Subsequently, other Daoist sages who were influential include Yu, Shun, and Yao. The principle early Daoist text was written by unknown individuals in the 3rd century BC and based on the earlier teachings of Lao Zi. Unlike most other religions Daoism does not emphasize any specific doctrines or beliefs, instead focusing mainly on the mechanisms for teaching and sharing communal values. The most popular deity accepted by Daoists is Guan Di, a 3rd century BC military leader who was executed.
7. Confucianism

Confucius lived in the 5th and 6th centuries BC, exactly at the same time as Buddha. It is believed that Confucius encountered Lao Zi and that Lao Zi tried to convince Confucius that he was excessively concerned with logical ethics instead of appreciating the natural ways of the world. Confucius authored many texts but they were not compiled into sacred works until the 3rd century, when his followers authored…...



Renard, J. (2002). The Handy Religion Answer Book. Visible Ink Press: Canton, MI.

Christianity Great Britain and the
Pages: 7 Words: 2031

The two documents agree with each other in preserving monasteries from episcopal interference, and thus are in sympathy with the Benedictine spirit (Bettenson, 1972). Chapter III of the Council is sweeping in its prohibition: 'That no bishop shall in any way interfere with any monasteries dedicated to God nor take away forcibly any part of their property'. Canons of the penitential grant to the monastic community the right of selecting its own abbot (canons I and III). Moreover, the sins or errors of abbots do not give grounds to a bishop to seize monastic property (canon V). Also consistent with Benedictinism is the disapproval expressed against double monasteries in canon VIII:

All the way through the next two centuries, Britain experienced the reintroduction of Christianity and the political amalgamation of England. Christianity was reintroduced to Britain from two fronts: Ireland and ome. The Irish Celtic church which had been pressed…...



Bettenson, H. (Tr.) St. Augustine Concerning the City of God Against the Pagans (London 1972)

Bradley, I. Celtic Christianity: Making Myths and Chasing Dreams (Edinburgh 1999)

Carey, J. King of Mysteries: Early Irish Religious Writings (Dublin 2000)

Cook, a.S. The Anglo-Saxon Cross (Hamdon Ct 1977)

Christianity and Paganism at the
Pages: 5 Words: 1815

They used concepts with which pagans had long been familiar to construct a world in which individuals could no longer roam alone, without the benefit of priests, and be safe. Medieval theologians complicated what had once been simple, if at time frightening. One can infer from this that the medieval mind viewed the world as dangerous; magic had been one way to control it. However, it appeared that magic sometimes failed. It would be tempting, then, to accept a belief system that promised it would never fail, at least not in the long run, in the next life. That there was no way to empirically prove the truth of this would not have bothered the medieval mind very much; after all, they had been long used to accepting the invisible and ineffable in the far less ordered cosmos of the pagan world.
orks Cited

Hillgarth, J.N., ed. 1986. Christianity and Paganism,…...


Works Cited

Hillgarth, J.N., ed. 1986. Christianity and Paganism, 350-750: The Conversion of Western Europe. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Mann, Jill. 1994. "Allegorical Buildings in Mediaeval Literature." Medium Aevum 63, no. 2: 191+. .

McVeigh, Dan. 2002. "Is Harry Potter Christian?" Renascence: Essays on Values in Literature 54, no. 3: 196+.

Christianity and Islam
Pages: 2 Words: 634

Christianity vs. Islam: Interpreting the Bible and Koran
Abraham's Sacrifice

Christianity and Islam interpret this event very similarly; both the Koran and the Bible acknowledge that Abraham was willing to make a "tremendous sacrifice" in this particular event (Shamoun, 2003). The difference however, between the Koran and the Bible rests in the name of Abraham's son. For example the bible says as follows:

By faith, Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only son..." (Hebrews, 11:17; Shamoun, 2003).

The bible then, affirms that Isaac was offered up to God. The Koran however claims that Ishmael however, was offered up by Abraham as his only son. Muslims support this claim by affirming the notion that the Bible states that Abraham offered his "only son" who had to be Ishmael (Shamoun, 2003). Christians argue however that Isaac was the true promised child…...



Brother Mike. (n.d.) "Islam in the Balance." {Online addition}. Available:

Dew, Diane. (2001). "Islam and Christianity." {Online} Available:

Kreeft, Peter. (1987). "Comparing Christianity & Islam." National Catholic Register. (May, 1987).

Shamoun, Sam. 2003. "Answering Islam." {Online} Available:

Christianity vs Islam vs Hinduism Comparing and
Pages: 5 Words: 1503

Christianity vs. Islam vs. Hinduism
Comparing and Contrasting Christianity with Islam and Hinduism

Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are among the five most practiced religions in the world. Christianity, with its top position, shares common grounds with both Hinduism and Islam. However, there are several differences that make Christianity a unique religion in comparison with Hinduism and Islam.

Christianity and Islam


Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic religions and monotheistic in nature. Abrahamic religions are the ones in which Prophet Abraham is regarded as the ancestor and patriarch of the followers. Monotheism means to believe in the Oneness of God or to believe in one god as the Creator, Master and Sustainer of the Universe. The belief that there are multiple gods ruling the universe is strictly disapproved in both the religions. Instead, they firmly believe that there is only one God who has supremacy and authority over the whole creation. This unique God was, is…...



"A Quick Comparison between Hinduism and Christianity." Sun & Shield. WordPress, June 20, 2008. Web. 20 Dec 2011. .

Hoskins, Walt. "A Soldier's Guide to Understanding Christianity and Islam." Infantry May-June 2008: 32+. Questia. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. .

Knapp, S.. "Christianity's Similarities with Hinduism." The New York Times Company, n.d. Web. 20 Dec 2011. .

Machado, F. "How do Hindus View Jesus Christ?" HVK Archives. Dharma Universe, October 10, 1998. Web. 20 Dec 2011. .

Christianity and Judaism Have Close
Pages: 5 Words: 1750

In this way, I would show that Christianity is the one true faith.

Christianity's Old Testament is founded in the Jewish faith. Yet, the major beliefs of this religion, without the acknowledgment that Jesus is the prophesied Messiah, has made it a religion completely separate. There are critical theological differences in the two faiths, including Judaism's belief that man is inherently good. The conversion processes to Judaism, no matter what the sect, is a lengthy process of study as well as physical rites. In addition, Judaism has significant objections to Christianity, as well as the Islamic faiths. For this reason, if I were to share Christianity with a Jewish individual, I would start with the similarities between the two faiths and then show how Christianity is based on the word of God, not the word of man.


Epstein, L. (2009). The conversion process. etrieved July 22, 2009, from

Ergun, M. (2005).…...



Epstein, L. (2009). The conversion process. Retrieved July 22, 2009, from .

Ergun, M. (2005). When worldviews collide: Christians confronting culture. Nashville, TN: LifeWay Press.

Friedenberg, R. (Sept 1984). Rabbi Isaac Meyer Wise and American Judaism's rhetorical indebtedness to the Reverend Hugh Blair. Religious Communication Today, 7. Retrieved July 23, 2009, from Communication and Mass Media Complete.

Fusch-Kreimer, N. (Winter 2006). Seventy years after Judaism as a civilization. Jewish Social Studies, 12(2). Retrieved July 23, 2009, from Academic Search Complete.

Christianity and Islam by the
Pages: 4 Words: 1314

The way they are different, is Christianity is not as strict in areas such as: the consumption of alcohol and sex. While Islam, forbids the use of alcohol and will allow men to have more than one wife. The combination of these factors is showing how the two religions are similar and different. (Malloy, 1942) (Shipp, 2002) (Shenk, 1980) (Kidd, 2009)
Please read the chapter on Jehovah's witnesses in the Cults, World eligion and you text. How would you evaluate the New World Translation as a sacred text?

The New World Translation and sacred text are where Jehovah's Witnesses are rejecting many of the ideas of traditional Christianity. Instead, they are focusing on a several different principles to include: to deny that God is a spirit vs. An active force, the lack of faith in the belief of Christ as the savior, the view that only 144 thousand will be saved…...



Malloy, M. (1942). Experiencing the World's Religions.

Kidd, T. (2009). American Christians and Islam. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Shenk, D. (1980). Islam and Christianity. Narobi, Uzama.

Shipp, G. (2002). Bridging Two Worlds. New York, NY: Glover Shipp.

Christianity and Islam
Pages: 2 Words: 625

Christianity and Islam
Both Christianity and Islam are so much a part of human civilization that it is hard to imagine a world without them. However, both these major world religions began as humble sects with a small group of followers. That small group grew and grew, until it became large enough to amass significant political, financial, and cultural capital. Via a series of religious crusades, both Christianity and Islam used violence, force, and multiple types of warfare to impose their dogmatic belief systems on the indigenous peoples in conquered regions. Therefore, these two religions highlight the role of religion as a means of social control. The religions continue to serve as means of social control, but currently conversions are more common than crusades.

Moreover, the history and evolution of Christianity and Islam show how religion can become a unifying force. Christianity and Islam both united disparate people and diverse cultures under…...



"Explore Byzantium," (2003). Retrieved online:

The University of Calgary (1998). Introduction. Retrieved online:

Christianity the Christian Religion Sprouted
Pages: 2 Words: 693

Papal authority is challenged by Protestants, who generally support a more personal relationship between the individual and the divine.
However, all Christians share several fundamental philosophical beliefs in common, including monotheism; dualism; sin and salvation. These beliefs are expressed through the Christian worldview, concepts of afterlife, and commentary on the major metaphysical problem of human existence: sin.

First, monotheism precludes anyone sympathetic to polytheistic worship from completely embracing Christianity, although Catholic veneration of saints can approximate such an approach to the divine. Second, dualism pervades Christianity and has powerfully influenced the worldview of most persons in Western society. The notions of absolute good and absolute evil are central concepts in Christianity, influencing moral philosophy as well as concepts of afterlife. For instance, the Christian afterlife is divided into Heaven and Hell, both of which are considered to be eternal states of being. Dualism provides a simple means of dividing human acts…...

Christianity v Islam Christianity and
Pages: 4 Words: 1243

It should be clear that the basic underlying concepts of both Christianity and Islam are remarkably similar. Yet despite these similarities, different interpretations of the two religions' theologies concerning the ethos and telos have created many conflicts over the centuries. Oddly, it is similar interpretations of these theological imperatives that has led to the misunderstandings between the people of these religions. Both religions have an underlying purpose, or telos, of reuniting its adherents with God/Allah after death through service and devotion in life (Smith 1991; Ibrahim et al. 1997). This has played out in different ways throughout history in the two religions; different sects in both religions have at certain times interpreted this telos in a way that demands the unification of this world under the theology of only one belief system. Certain branches of Islamic mysticism or Sufism promote the idea that this world is a fragmentation of…...



Ibrahim, I.; Peachy, W. & Kuofi, H. (1997). A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. Houston: Darusalaam Publishers.

Smith, Huston. (1991). The World's Religions. New York: Harper Collins.

Christianity and Islam Was Very
Pages: 1 Words: 362

The way in which Dr. George and the film's makers are able to step back from the epic conflict currently waging in some parts of the world and many people's minds and present an accurate and fair picture of these two world religions in union with each other is truly remarkable, and evidence of how much he cares not just about the people of his own religion -- who believe exactly the things he believes -- but for all of humanity.
In a world full of the news of the horrors of religion, from Muslim suicide bombers to bigotry and hatred being spouted from Christian fundamentalists, this film points out the good that religion is capable of and ultimately consists of. That is the greatest similarity between Christianity and Islam, and in almost any religion or spiritual belief system: love for other humans is paramount, and that love comes from…...

Christianity Called Outward Signs of Inward Grace
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Called "outward signs of inward grace" by the Catholic Encyclopedia online, the sacraments form an integral part of Christian ritual worship (Kennedy). However, the ways the sacraments are interpreted and valued by various Christian sects differs greatly. Seven sacraments were outlined in the 12th century by the Roman Catholic Church: Baptism, Communion (Holy Eucharist), Confirmation, Penance, Anointing of the Sick (or Extreme Unction), Holy Orders, and Marriage. After the schism within Catholicism that split the Church into Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic, both factions still recognized the seven sacraments. However, they interpreted the philosophical meanings of the sacraments differently and in many cases administer the sacraments differently. On the other hand, Protestant churches hold only two of the seven sacraments as being essential: Baptism and Communion. Some Protestant denominations also recognize Penance as an essential sacrament. ithin the Protestant Church, baptism and communion are called "ordinances" rather than sacraments. Because…...


Works Cited

Azkoul, Michael. "What are the Differences Between Orthodoxy and Roman Catholocism?" Originally printed in The Orthodox Christian Witness, Vol. XXVII (48), Vol. XXVIII (6) and (8), 1994. Online at .

Beaumont, Doug. "Eastern Orthodoxy." 2002. .

Kennedy, D.J. "Sacraments." Catholic Encyclopedia.. Volume 13. Online Edition 2003. .

The White Robed Monks of Saint Benedict. .

How can I relate the Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare to liberty and freedom rather than the normal themes of justice and mercy?
Words: 398

One of the cornerstones of the idea of liberty and freedom, especially when viewed from a religious perspective like Thomas Merton’s, is the idea of free will.  Whether human beings truly have free will is a surprisingly divisive philosophical question that, by design, must consider questions like natural versus nurture, motivation, the influence of society on people, and even the nature of good and evil (O’Connor).  However, the idea of free will is central to Christianity and also to Merton’s explorations of liberty and freedom in a Christian context.

Using the concept of free will to explore the....

Can you explain and discuss how the theme of resistance in relation to politics, religion, parents, etc.) in Heart of Darkness by Conrad, Things Fall Apart by Achebe, and Purple Hibiscus by Adichie?
Words: 393

In order to really understand resistance in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness, it is important to look at all of the characters and not just the highlighted European males, such as the protagonist Marlowe, that sit at the center of the story.  That is because resistance is the undercurrent behind all of the action in the story.  The main characters are always acting against the threat of resistance by the African people who are often portrayed as victims, but are consistently offering resistance to the colonizers, as evidenced by the arrow attack by the natives on the ship. ....

Need help with my assignment, which is to write a reaction paper on the following movies: Never Hear and A Twist of Faith addressing pastoral care and counseling implications and appropriate intervention?
Words: 409

We are starting with the assumption that the two movies in your assignment are A Twist of Faith and Never Heard.  We cannot locate a movie called Never Hear, but Never Heard is a popular movie for pastoral or theological classes because it explores the role that faith plays in redemption set against the backdrop of some pretty significant criminal activity.  We are proceeding as if that is the movie being discussed.

Both of the movies focus on crimes, specifically on the crime of murder.  In one movie, the main character is accused of murder, though he claims....

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