Effects Of To Err Is Human In Nursing Practice Essay

¶ … Err is Human: Summarize how informatics has assisted in improving health care safety in your organization and areas where growth is still needed. The 1999 report "To Err is Human" shocked the medical establishment with its reports of high levels of medical errors in hospitals throughout the country. Patients were worried about how fallible health providers could be, and the extent to which they often denied or ignored the fact they were at fault. However, the report always stressed that improved safety was the primary concern of the report, not to blame doctors and nurses. Today, more than ten years since the report was issued, providers are searching for ways technology can be used to improve patient safety through creating an additional barrier against error for the healthcare provider.

One of the most frequently-cited justifications for electronic medical records is the extent to which they can improve accuracy of diagnosis and treatment. EMR can provide complete information about a...


Technology in general has been very helpful in improving the accuracy medical care -- it can automatically monitor everything from patient's heart rate to blood sugar to how much medicine is dispensed. However, providers must know how to use the technology properly and accurately, which is no less true for EMR. Data must be completely and accurately recorded for EMR to genuinely improve patient welfare.
To understand the types of technology that can guard against errors, one must understand the types of errors healthcare providers are prone to: "the first type of task occurs when people engage in well-known, oft-repeated processes, such as driving to work or making a pot of coffee. Errors may occur while performing these tasks because of interruptions, fatigue, time pressure, anger, distraction, anxiety, fear, or boredom. By contrast, tasks that require problem solving are done more…

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Donaldson, Molla Sloane. (2008). Chapter 3: An overview of To Err is Human: Re-emphasizing the message of patient safety. Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Retrieved:


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