Gun Control Is Largely An Ineffective And Term Paper


Gun control is largely an ineffective and potentially discriminatory practice that infringes upon Constitutional rights. Supporters of gun control often argue that firearm ownership is linked to accidental deaths and violent crime, and that the majority of Americans support some sort of gun control. In contrast, those who oppose gun control argue that controls infringe the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans, and potentially place the nation's liberty at risk. They also argue that the number of guns in a society is not linked to the amount of crime, and that gun ownership is a deterrent to crime. Further, gun control discriminates against blacks and women. Gun control is an issue that impacts many people in the United States. Close to 40% of American homes have a gun. Even more Americans consider gun control to be an important issue (

Those who advocate gun control argue that the ownership of firearms is linked to violent crime and accidental deaths. In the United States, approximately 1,500 children are injured by guns each year ( Further, 30,708 Americans died from gunfire in 1998 alone (The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ). As such, gun control advocates argue that strict controls of gun ownership will reduce violent crime.

Gun control advocates note that the majority of Americans support some sort of restrictions on gun ownership. Close to 57% of Americans support major restrictions or a ban on gun ownership, while 91% say that there should be at least minor ownership restrictions (

The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence argues that gun control laws are successful tools for keeping guns out of criminal's hands. The Brady Campaign notes, "By 2000, violent...


Constitution. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution (1791) states, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed" (
Opponents of gun control note that it is an infringement on the constitutional rights of Americans who obey the laws of the nation. In effect, they argue that gun control laws essentially punish those who do no harm, while doing little to deter criminals. Those with criminal intent will ignore gun control measures, and obtain guns illegally, they argue, while those who intend to use guns only for self-defense or hunting will be unduly restricted by gun control measures.

Those who oppose gun control argue that the right to bear arms is strongly linked to an American's ability and right to self-defense. Writes Robert W. Lee, "During the 20th century, totalitarian and authoritarian regimes have used gun registration records and other means to confiscate firearms from those who might otherwise jeopardize their rule." Lee goes on to give the example of gun control laws used effectively by Fidel Castro and Nazis to effectively limit opposition to their rule. Notes Lee, "Government oppression thrives when a people are disarmed."

As such, argue gun control's opponents, gun control is directly opposed to the wishes of the founding fathers. To the…

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Works Cited

Lee, Robert W. Firearms and Freedom. The New American, Vol. 16, No. 25, December 4,

2000. 20 March 2005.


Kopel, David B. Trust the People: The Case Against Gun Control. The Cato Institute, Gun Control. 20 March 2005.

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