Arms Control Essays (Examples)

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George W Bush's Arms Control Policies Following
Pages: 8 Words: 3577

George W. Bush's Arms Control Policies
Following the end of the Cold War, the United States found itself the sole remaining superpower with an arms control policy geared largely towards winning a race that was already over. George W. Bush's arms control policies were an attempt to make a clean break from the past, reasserting and verifying American military power and projection through a new set of policies designed to maintain the United States hard fought opportunity to remain the world's single superpower. Bush's policies can be understood largely in the terms of attitude and an event. Namely, the neo-conservative attitude primed Bush to respond precisely the way he did to the attacks on September 11th, such that the entirety of his arms control and national security strategy can be seen as a response to that event, filtered through the ideological framework of neo-conservatism. By parsing the Bush administration's nuclear arms…...



Anthony, I., 'Chapter 9. Arms control after the attacks of 11 September 2001', SIPRI Yearbook

2002: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security, Oxford University Press:

United Kingdom, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), pp. 469-488,

Poli Sci Arms Control One
Pages: 4 Words: 1213

Public concern over safety, which was fueled by the rhetoric and misinformation of the Bush administration and others, enabled swift and sweeping reforms in the way the federal government and the military conducts itself both at home and abroad. The recently released torture memos are emblematic of the shift in attitude that took place amid the power structure of the national government of the United States, and to a large degree among the people of this country as well.
The most obvious structural change that took place during the years immediately following the attacks was the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, which comprised the biggest reorganization of the federal government since Roosevelt's New Deals in the 1930s. The newly formed Department, which has itself already undergone several massive internal reorganizations, functions as the hub of all intelligence and defense agencies, both at home and abroad. Even the Coast…...

Arms Sales to the Third
Pages: 4 Words: 1297

S.S.R.'s collapse have left America as the only global Super Power, but burdened with a $4/5 trillion deficit, declining economic- military resources and uncertain leadership. America's internationalism will increasingly rely on closer cooperation with the United Nations and the West to foster international stability and stronger Western solidarity (2).
Chinese arms sales to the Middle East became controversial, particularly in the United States, because of China's willingness to export tactical and strategic missiles, regardless of the consequences to regional stability. In response, the United States began to pressure and to restrain its ballistic-missile exports. Chinese leaders maintained that their country had adopted a prudent and responsible policy on arms sales, selling only a limited quantity of weapons. Nevertheless, China's attempts to use the international security framework to its own advantage were contradictory. China's withdrawal from the Perm Five arms-transfer talks, sale of M-11 missile components to Pakistan, undercut the credibility of…...



Keller, William W. & Nolan, Janne E., the Arms Trade: Business as Usual?. Vol. 109, Foreign Policy, 12-01-1997

Rimanelli, Marco, East-West arms control and the fall of the U.S.S.R., 1967-1994: radical change or expedient accommodation?. Vol. 29, East European Quarterly, 06-22-1995pp 237(37).

Sismanidis, Roxane D.V., China and the Post-Soviet security structure.. Vol. 21, Asian Affairs: An American Review, 04-01-1994 pp 39.

Author not available, arms trade., the Hutchinson Dictionary of World History, 01-01-1998

Illicit Arms Trade in South
Pages: 7 Words: 2310

Involved people in these illegal transfers take advantage of institutional weaknesses and corruption to achieve their objectives.
One of the constant features found along the research is the weak handling of systematic information by the state authorities, especially from the police bodies. At the same time, the lack of channels that facilitate the free access to information about official proceedings make it difficult for the citizens to take part in solving the problem (ibid.).

The borders' porosity is another risk for democracy because bordering zones are strategic spaces for different illicit traffics which look to be controlled by organized crime. Internationalization of crime and its organization structures represent a problem for national security and for the region's stability.

Illegal traffic of fire arms is associated with other illicit traffics which are complemented mainly with drug traffic. Economic resources generated with those actions at the sideline of law are higher than state budgets…...



Camacho, Daniel Avila . " Interrelationship between Drug Trafficking and the Illicit Arms Trade.", 2012. Web. 9 Apr 2012. .

Cullinan, Jeanna . "Latin American Leaders Demand Action on Illicit Arms Trafficking ."

Cohesive Examination of Arms Sales
Pages: 8 Words: 2358

But evidence indicates the true motive for the increased arms sales since the dismantling of the former Soviet Union is not about peacekeeping at all but about the bottom dollar.

According to the annual assessment, the United States supplied $8.1 billion worth of weapons to developing countries in 2005 -- 45.8% of the total and far more than second-ranked ussia with 15% and Britain with a little more than 13% (Bender, 2006)."

Arms sales (agreements) ranked by Supplier, 1998-2005 (in constant 2005 million U.S. Dollars and percentage of world sales).


Total Dollars

Percentage of total sales


Conventional Arms Transfers to Developing Nations,

eport for Congress, U.S. Congressional esearch Service, Library of Congress, October 23, 2006. (Dollar values are constant 2005 dollars)

Each country shown as follows:

developing countries industrialized countries

If you are viewing this table on another site, please see further details and context.

United out of 97,144 out of 41,600 out of…...



Bender, Brian (2006) U.S. is top purveyor on weapons sales (Accessed 3-22-07) list   grow to unstable areas by Bryan Bender, Globe Staff 

Lewis, James (2005) Arms Control Today. LOOKING BACK: Multilateral Arms Transfer Restraint: The Limits of Cooperation

Roberts, Tom (1999) New battles brew over defense spending, arms sales.

National Catholic Reporter

Control of Rr During Civil
Pages: 20 Words: 5091

(Steamboats, incidentally, did even better.)
Due to the heavy emphasis on steam transportation, especially by rail the government was better equipped to man and supply vast areas of the nation in combat. The train also traveled at a far greater speed than other more traditional forms of transport, as much as 5 times faster than the mule-drawn wagons of the day. Therefore fewer vehicles were needed and supplies and people arrived in far better condition than they had in the past.

Troops traveling by train rather than on foot experienced less fatigue and fewer instances of straggling and desertion, even though the freight cars used for most troop movements were anything but comfortable. Supplies hauled by rail were more likely to reach the troops in useable condition, owing both to the speed of delivery and to the shelter afforded by enclosed railroad cars.

There are countless examples of the alterations that these…...


Works Cited

Basler, Roy P., ed. Abraham Lincoln: His Speeches and Writings. Cleveland, OH: World Publishing, 1946.

Black, Robert C. The Railroads of the Confederacy. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1998.

Fite, Emerson David. Social and Industrial Conditions in the North during the Civil War. Williamstown, MA: Corner House, 1976.

Gable, Dr. Christopher R. "Railroad Generalship: Foundations of Civil War Strategy " at

Controlling Organized Crime
Pages: 5 Words: 1634

Organized Crime Control
Controlling Organized Crime

The purpose of this paper is to research "Organized Crime" historically and what effects it has on society in the present time as well as implications for the future and then to examine what suggestions have been offered for asserting effective control over that which is termed "organized crime."

Organized crime can be defined as structured business framework that with no regard to moral, ethic or societal concerns or standards prospers from that which promises to prosper the individual and group within that network the most. Some examples of organized crime are the drug trafficking trade, illegal weapons and nuclear arms trade, slave trade, gambling rings, pornography rings among many other variations of the major crime categories.

Many of the Organized Crime networks are based on familial relations although there are networks defined by religion, government, country, political persuasion among other groups which characteristic of some sort remains…...



DeYoung, Karen (2001) "Alarm on Spreading Ecstasy; Illegal Pills Fly in from Europe, Eluding Standard Remedies for Smuggling: Washington Times Aug 2001 [Online] available at: & num=1& ctrlInfo=R

International Organized Crime and Global Terrorism: "Testimony of Louise Shelley" American University Prof. & Dir. Transnational Organized Crime and Corruption [Online] available at;   p-ct rlInfo=Round9a %3AProd%3ADOC%3APrint& DOCID=1P1:28418991& print=yes 

Kaufman (1990) U.S. History 1990: Americas' Habit: "Drug Abuse, Drug Trafficking, & Organized Crime": Chapter VI Part 2: Interdiction U.S. History 1990: 9/1/1990;

Pro-Gun Control
Pages: 10 Words: 3131

Gun Control
Laws & regulations not adequate enough:

Constitutional ight:

egistration & Licensing

Background Checks:

Federal egistration:


National ifle Association (NA):


Gun violence:

Gun crimes:


Sandy Hook and Colorado:

Black Market:

No need for assault rifles:

Government and Private protection:

Hunting Laws:

Political and Social pressure:


Public Opinion:

Counter Argument & ebuttal:

Public will not be able to protect itself:

Hand guns and law enforcement enough for public protection:

The possession of guns is considered as a matter of tradition and heritage of the society. However the usage of automatic guns in violent crimes has initiated a concern for society to urge government for imposition of strict gun control laws. The previous laws should be changed to restrict automatic rifles possession and sales. The high powered weapons should also avoided by the public to evade unnecessary violence. United States is country that allowed its citizen to possess fire arms for their protection. The rights to keep guns are also protected under the federal constitution. The guns kept by citizens…...



Bright, J.C. (2010). Violent Felonies under the Residual Clause of the Armed Career Criminal Act: Whether Carrying a Concealed Handgun without a Permit Should is considered a Violent Felony. Duq. L. Rev., 48, 601.

Carter, G.L. (2006). Gun control in the United States: A reference handbook. USA: Abc-clio, LLC.

Cook, P.J., Ludwig, J., Venkatesh, S., & Braga, A.A. (2007). Underground Gun Markets*. The Economic Journal, 117(524), F588-F618.

Kellner, D. (2008). Guys and guns amok: Domestic terrorism and school shootings from the Oklahoma City bombing to the Virginia Tech massacre. USA: Paradigm Pub.

Gun Control in New York
Pages: 10 Words: 3571

S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reaffirm restrictive gun laws since the Second Amendment was not infringed by a law that requires firearm owners to demonstrate proper cause (Nimmo par, 2).
The unanimous decision by the three-judge panel was regarded as a victory for the New York State law, the American constitution, and families throughout New York who are appropriately concerned regarding the plight of gun violence that is a major problem to all communities. There are various groups in the gun industry such as the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association have been filing cases against cities and states throughout the country on the basis of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling re-affirming restrictive gun control laws has followed the significant increase in the number of the sale of guns.

Gun Control Laws in Other States:

Generally, crime rates associated with gun violence have increased unusually in…...


Works Cited:

"Banning Assault Weapons - a Legal Primer for State and Local Action." Legal Community Against Violence. Legal Community Against Violence, Aug. 2005. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Baynes, Terry, Eddie Evans, and Todd Eastham. "Appeals Court Upholds New York Gun Licensing Law." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Garrett, Ben. "New York Gun Rights - an Overview of Gun Laws in New York." - Civil Liberties., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Gius, Mark. "The Effect of Gun Ownership Rates on Homicide Rates: A State-level Analysis." Applied Economics Letters 16 (2009): 1687-690. Print.

Federal Gun Control Gun Control
Pages: 5 Words: 1835

It is essential for the population to become aware of the dangers brought by owning and using firearms and contribute to policies that can better regulate this aspect. It is not about taking away a constitutional freedom; it is about creating a safe environment for every citizen.

Barth, T. (2013, January 10). A gun culture in America?. etrieved February 12, 2013, from StarNewsOnline.

Bill of ights. (n.d.). etrieved February 12, 2013, from the Charter of Freedom:

Council of Foreign elations. (2012, December 21). U.S. Gun Policy: Global Comparisons . etrieved February 11, 2013, from PBS NewsHour:

Gilovich, T., Nisbett, ., & Keltner, D. (2006). Social Psychology. USA: W.W. Norton & Company, Inc.

Hofstadter, . (2013). America as a Gun Culture. Gun Control Now USA [web log]. etrieved February 12, 2013 from

Lenz, M. (2004). Guns, Gun Culture, and the oots o the Second Amendment. Cologne: University of Cologne.

ogers, S. (2012, July 22).…...



Barth, T. (2013, January 10). A gun culture in America?. Retrieved February 12, 2013, from StarNewsOnline. 

Anti Gun Control Despite Constitutional
Pages: 4 Words: 1328

The government has no right turning a blind eye to criminals who possess arms, allowing innocent citizens to live unprotected in their own homes. It is far too late to restrict access to guns, anyway. The market has already opened its arms to criminals who have stashes of weapons. Those weapons aren't going anywhere and so American citizens must have unrestricted access to the weapons that can protect them from being killed by criminals.
Gun control also prevents objective education surrounding the proper use of guns. If young adults are taught how to properly store and use a firearm they are less likely to use them indiscriminately. espect for guns helps create a more educated, enlightened society instead of one that cowers in fear from the very thought of a weapon that has been around for centuries.

The original purpose of the Second Amendment was to empower the citizens of the…...



Agresti, J.A. (1999). "Gun Control. "Just Facts. Retrieved May 15, 2008 at 

Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. Website retrieved May 15, 2008 at 

Gun Control." Almanac of Policy Issues.Retrieved May 15, 2008 at

National Rifle Association. Retrieved May 15, 2008 at

Anti-Gun Control Gun Control Is
Pages: 15 Words: 4001

Moreover, the increase in firearm-related homicide within this age group occurred among all race-sex groups (Fatal). Rates of suicide by firearm were especially high among the elderly in the United States, and increases occurred in all race-sex groups except African-American females, for whom the number of suicides were too small to produce stable rates (Fatal).
The CDC report cautions that the surveillance data in this report are intended to familiarize public health practitioners, researchers, and policymakers concerning the problem of firearm-related deaths in the United States (Fatal). And although these data help to characterize the magnitude of the problem and identify groups at risk, there are still gaps in knowledge, thus current surveillance efforts need to be expanded to include information about nonfatal injuries (Fatal). Moreover, there needs to be a greater understanding of the causes of firearm deaths to identify modifiable individual and societal risk factors, thus, further research…...


Works Cited

Case for Gun Control. Retrieved November 06, 2005 at 

Fatal Firearm Injuries in the United States, 1962-1994. Retrieved November 05 from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention Web site: 

Firearm Injury and Death from Crime, 1993-97. Retrieved November 06, 2005 from U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Statistics Web site. 

Firearms and Crime Statistics. Retrieved November 06, 2005 from U.S.

Gun Control They Counter Argumnents I Invalidated
Pages: 2 Words: 597

gun control. They counter argumnents I invalidated Counter Arguments Violation Second Amendment Right Gun control laws directly violate a citizen's bear arms granted amendment constitution.
There is much controversy with regard to gun-control laws and to the effect they have on society in general. hile individuals in the U.S. In particular have been accustomed to living in a gun culture, more and more people have started to express doubt with regard to pro-gun laws and to whether or not they help the masses feel safer. The government has attempted to introduce a series of gun laws in recent years with the purpose of controlling the general public and in order to make it more difficult for potential criminals to get their hands on firearms. "The laws cumulatively provide fewer restrictions than exist in most developed countries, but they nonetheless constitute an impressive effort." (Mears 200)

Gun laws are generally designed to…...


Works cited:

Carter, Greg Lee. "Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law, Volume 1," (ABC-CLIO, 2012)

McDowell, Earl E. "America's Great Gun Game: Gun Ownership Vs. Americans' Safety: an Outline of the Need for Increased Federal Gun Legislation." (iUniverse, 2007)

Mears, Daniel P. "American Criminal Justice Policy: An Evaluation Approach to Increasing Accountability and Effectiveness," (Cambridge University Press, 12 Apr 2010)

Right to Bear Arms Arguing
Pages: 1 Words: 313

The first argument would be to point out that essentially, the right to bear arms is an individual right that can be exercised by any member of the civil society. In so doing, an individual is merely accomplishing a right that is rightfully his/hers from the beginning. The second main argument to be pointed out is that gun ownership does not necessarily translate to its improper use, posing as a threat to civil society. The legislative system has created a system that eliminates the occurrence of improper or inappropriate gun use, to prevent this threat from happening. Given these existing arguments for gun ownership, both anti-gun ownership groups and the general public would hopefully subsist to the view that indeed, exercising the right to bear arms is a privilege that will ensure the citizen of his/her safety and precaution against deviants in the civil society....

Gun Control One Side Rights Benefits Owning
Pages: 3 Words: 1039

gun control. One side rights benefits owning a firearm. The side anti-gun ownership guns illegal. The final part paper position pro-gun ownership! Please make essay original.
There is much controversy regarding fire-arms, their use, and whether or not people should have access to guns. The "guns don't kill people, people kill people" expression is likely to spring to mind when considering issues related to guns. Surely, one might be inclined to say that in spite of the fact that guns are not directly responsible for the fact that people are dying, they provide humanity with a means to killing individuals. Some people are unable to effectively control an excessive amount of power and it thus seems wrong to provide them with access to fire-arms. Even with that, if the authorities focus on establishing harsher laws concerning gun ownership, individuals who are predisposed to committing crimes will no longer be able…...


Works cited:

Cook, Philip J., "The Social Costs of Gun Ownership" Retrieved December 6, 2011, from the Sanford School of Public Policy Website: 

Greenhouse, Linda, "Justices Rule for Individual Gun Rights," Retrieved December 6, 2011, from the New York Times Website: 

Kates, Don B. Mauser, Gary, "Would Banning Firearms Reduce Murder And Suicide?," Retrieved December 6, 2011, from the Harvard Law School Website:

"SAF Gun Rights Frequently Asked Questions," Retrieved December 6, 2011, from the Second Amendment Foundation Website:

I\'m not very familiar with global south in international security p. Could you suggest some essay topics to help me learn more?
Words: 609

Essay Topics on the Global South in International Security

The Global South refers to developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. The Global South has a unique perspective on international security, which is often overlooked in mainstream discourses. This essay will explore the Global South's perspective on international security and its implications for global governance.

Topic 1: The Global South's Concept of Security

How do Global South countries define security?
What are the key threats to security in the Global South?
How does the Global South's concept of security differ from that of the Global North?

Topic 2: The Global South's....

What impact does the US election have on global politics and economics?
Words: 394

The US election has a significant impact on global politics and economics due to the United States' prominent position as a global superpower. A change in leadership can lead to shifts in foreign policy, trade agreements, and international relations.

On the political front, the election of a new US president can change the dynamics of diplomatic relationships with other countries. Different leaders may prioritize different issues, approach international conflicts in different ways, and have varying stances on key global issues such as climate change, human rights, and nuclear proliferation.

Economically, changes in US government policies can have widespread implications on the global....

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