Nursing Theory Application Research Paper


Nursing Theory Application Case Study Overview from the viewpoint of a new EMT -- Patient was a 78-year-old mail presenting breathing difficulties. Patient had early stage cancer with a DRN bracelet and note. Patient's wife was aware of the DNR, but her natural reaction was to try to save her husband. The call, then, was more to assure the wife than the husband, who accepted the situation but was still distressed.

Nursing Theory Applied -- "Nursing as Caring" was developed by Boykin and Schoenhofer in the 1980s when looking at the dimensions of caring and how it applied to the overall patient/health care paradigm. In general, the theory is a framework that guides and acts as a tool box when dealing with common issues in modern health care. The central dimensions of the theory is that caring is what makes humans 'human,' that caring is a moment to moment and uniquely individual model that is required within health care, and that the medical professional's own personhood and empathy are developed through a caring model (Cardinal Stritch University, 2010).

Borrowed Theory Applied -- In primitive cultures, the process of...


In the modern developed world, death is feared and those who are dying are often institutionalized and removed from general society, often rather than allowing one to die with dignity everything "possible" even if uncomfortable and invasive is done to keep the loved one alive -- not for the patient, but for the living. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross believes the opposite, that grief and loss are transformative and that a person's stage of dying is a natural outgrowth of life (Kubler-Ross, 2007)
Analysis of Theory and Evaluation- In the presented case study there are certainly elements that fit both Kubler-Ross and The Theory of Nursing as Caring. In fact, the two have a great deal in common in their basis on the paradigm of individual empathy and caring for the patient. However, because of the patient's decision for DNR, Kubler-Ross may be slightly more relevant.

Kubler-Ross' theory was developed as a response to the view that death and dying were processes to be feared and hidden within modern society. The overall purpose of the theory is that patients…

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Works Cited

Cardinal Stritch University. (2010, June). Anne Boykin & Sarvina Schoenhoffer - Nursing as Caring. Retrieved from

Kubler-Ross, E. (2007). On Grief and Grieving. New York: Scribner.

Kubler-Ross, E. (2007, April). The Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle. Retrieved from Changing Minds:: / change_management/kubler_ross/kubler_ros s.htm

Kubler-Ross, E. (2013, January). On Death and Dying. Retrieved from ELR Foundation:

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