Psychology Trends Psychology Has Undergone Term Paper


Psychology Trends

Psychology has undergone significant transformations since it first became a science in late 19th and early 20th centuries. This evolution continues day and will do so in the future to meet the changing psychological needs of society's members.

One of the major changes that have occurred over the past 50 years, and especially over the past several decades, has been the introduction of numerous pharmaceuticals to help people cope with their problems such as depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, and bipolar disorders. Although a combination of therapy and medicine is recommended by most psychologists, psychiatrists and other physicians, it is recognized that the medicine provides additional support and assists the patients to function more effectively than they could without it. Every day there are new types of pharmaceuticals being developed that relate to specific psychological issues.

Another trend is the research being accomplished by scientists that is providing a much better understanding of the brain and its functioning. It is increasingly being recognized that psychological problems can be a function of more than what occurs in one's external world. These issues can be the result, in part or entirety, of a physical malfunction or genetic structure. With the most modern technology, it is possible to actually see the workings of the brain in action. Further, with empirical research and laboratory studies, it is possible to see how certain physiological traits go hand-in-hand with psychological problems. For example, scientists increasingly believe that schizophrenia arises from disruptions of brain development before or shortly after birth.

The fascinating and positive aspect of these trends is that people can be helped more quickly and effectively. Instead of spending years in therapy or perhaps in mental institutions without any change, in many cases people can be aided by pharmaceuticals and/or a better understanding of their physical abnormalities. More than likely, as more is known about the brain in the coming decades, scientists will be better able to hone in on the problems and more closely work with individuals as they are also undergoing therapeutic support.

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