Saving Plato From Kant The Term Paper

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Saving Plato From Kant

The Virtue: Gameness

Traditionally: a canine virtue that is most akin to the human virtue of unflagging courage. It is a determination to master any situation and never back down out of fear. It was developed in pit bulls by many generations of selective breeding. It is what allows a pit bull to keep fighting non-stop for two or more hours, in spite of broken bones, torn muscles, blood loss, dehydration, and exhaustion. But it is also valued by... owners who would never think of fighting their dogs. It is manifested in the can-do attitude of pit bulls toward any type of challenge, whether agility competitions, climbing up trees, or protecting their family against an armed attacker, etc...

In Humans: Pretty much the same thing... On two legs. In mythology, one would see this in Camus' Sisyphus, or in the Spartan warriors who held Thermopylea.


Gameness is persisting in one's path of action in the face of adversity, vs. giving up because things become difficult.

Gameness is determination back with strength and skill, vs. determination without foundation in reality, or strength and skill without the courage to use it.

Gameness is a transcendence of pain and physical limitations, vs. allowing pain and the physical to cloud one's emotions and actions.

One who is gameness persists in their character, vs. allowing externalities to change personality.

Gameness is typified by a willingness to undertake great difficulty, vs. avoidance of the difficult and unknown.


Gameness is not a lack of fear based in ignorance or desperation, but rather a lack of fear based in self-confidence, faith, love, and will to overcome.

Gameness may seem to be a form of aggression and by typified by anger and wrath, but it is not the aggression or anger which is honored, but the willingness to do what the situation requires without fear of violence or pain if they are necessary. This can be seen in advice to walk softly and carry a big stick

Gameness may be resembled by foolhardiness which rushes into danger unprepared, but this is not admirable - what is admirable is knowing the risks and undertaking them because one is committed to do so by honor, self-will, or loyalty.

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