Self-Control Theory Of Crime One Essay


(Nofziger, 2001, p. 10)

All sociological (subculture) theories do not blame the parents of deviant children for bad parenting, some in fact say it isn't an abundance of bad parenting but a lack or limitation of positive parenting in a subculture that has peers training individual children, regardless of risk status to be deviant. (Brendtro, Mitchell & Mccall, 2007, p. 200) Most stress the need for parents to reassert focus on the family, and yet very few discuss much more difficult questions of social disparity and observed social helplessness, that contradicts the teaching of parents. When a parent tells a child that they can achieve anything they set their mind to and then they repeatedly see clues and cues in their environment that contradicts this observation, by omission when those who succeed in legitimate manners leave the community to by commission when society offers alternative (deviant) choices in abundance but limits positive socially acceptable decisions. One aspect of serious concern is the depiction of stereotypes of certain subcultures that stress their deviant nature, not only in appearance but in action over more positive role models.

A in order for this system to even begin, parents must be willing and able to devote time and energy to the individual child. Generally we hope and assume that parents will naturally want to protect and care for their children. However, as numerous studies of child abuse and neglect remind us (Buchanan 1996; Frehsee, Horn and Bussmann 1996; Straus and Gelles 1990; Zuravin 1987), this is not always the case. Estimates indicate that nearly 7 million children in the United States are abused every year by their parents (Straus and Gelles 1990). Putting aside this extreme lack of parental interest or concern for children, more subtle differences in the level of parental support and affection for children have also been found to be extremely important for predicting deviance (Kakar 1996; Baumrind 1991, 1978).

(Nofziger, 2001, p. 16)


Some espouse a general idea of changing society rather than the child but fail to engender enough support to make such observations concrete in action plans and best practices. There may be some serious connections between the reality of absentee parent and juvenile delinquency but the fault is not necessarily in the parent or the child it is in a society that stresses economic success over family strength and continues to strengthen the demand for hours worked while keeping compensation at the same level. (Elikann, 1996, p. 261) in short fault likely lays in more than one causal factor and making hard decisions about how to change the environment is often trumped by the ease of blaming parents' inability to "control" children for the ills of society.

Sources Used in Documents:


Bartkowski, J.P. (1995). Spare the Rod..., or Spare the Child? Divergent Perspectives on Conservative Protestant Child Discipline. Review of Religious Research, 37(2), 97-116.

Bowman, P.J., & Sanders, R. (1998). Unmarried African-American Fathers: A Comparative Life Span Analysis. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 29(1), 39.

Brendtro, L.K., Mitchell, M.L., & Mccall, H. (2007). Positive Peer Culture: Antidote to "Peer Deviance Training." Reclaiming Children and Youth, 15(4), 200.

2001). Bullies, Fights, and Guns: Testing Self-Control Theory with Juveniles. New York: LFB Scholarly Publishing.

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