American Civil War Essays (Examples)

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American Civil War

American Civil War transformed the country's policies and culture, and its wide-ranging ramifications are still being felt to this day, offering an ideal case study in the multi-faceted phenomenon of war. Although the ostensible reasons for the war are generally clear to anyone with a grade school education in American history, assigning the outbreak of the war to any one factor unnecessarily disguises the myriad political, economic, and social forces which intersect in order to justify and catalyze the use of violence to achieve political objectives. By examining these distinct but not unrelated factors, one is able to intelligibly discuss not only the relationship between war and statecraft, but also the way in which war, like a state, has aspects of continuity and change as a result of evolving conditions and unforeseen events. Investigating the American Civil War in light of its political, social, and economic context reveals how the….

American Civil War

Civil War
Between 1861 and 1865, the United States was engaged in a Civil War between the states in the North, and the Southern states who seceded from the Union to form the Confederacy. The war, also known as the War between the States, the War of the Rebellion, the War of Secession, and the War for Southern Independence, is widely believed to have been fought due to differences in the treatment of slaves, and the legal issues of those slaves. In reality, the Civil War was a result of a combination of causes, including political unrest, economic hardships, and social issues ("The American Civil War," 1993). The end result was a situation that was unable to be resolved through traditional means.

One of the causes for the Civil War was the economic properties of both the North and the South. In the years before the war, both the Northern States and….

American Civil War and the

In fact McClellan insists that notwithstanding all of Grant's capabilities and resources, Grant was not able to maneuver successfully against Lee until "Lee's field transportation gave out" (Hagerman, 66).
Hagerman makes many assertions about the Civil ar's generals that a reader of his book cannot immediately verify, but must take at face value. Deep in his book, for example, Hagerman claims that General Lee's cavalry battle at Yellow Tavern (May, 1864) "…was the only truly mounted engagement" for Lee's cavalry. These cannot be taken as flaws, however, and even though there are some typographical errors that editors allowed to get into the final published copies, and some of his writing is a little slow and even awkward, all-in-all the narrative is smooth and it reads very well.

He spells out how the federal government (the Union, under Lincoln) experimented with the "flying column concept"; how the government had problems with getting….

It was indeed a time of severe misery for the black community that was deprived of all its rights-even the most basic ones. These were the conditions in the South. In North, things looked different. Slavery was not rampant and progressive nature of this part had led to better treatment of minorities. North was essentially industrialized and blacks were employed in factories instead of plantations. This was a better option since they were given wages and couldn't be denied their fair share. South was not only actively violating human rights; it was also endangering the future of American Federation by threatening secession. Southern states wanted to withdraw from the Federation on some grounds and this was unacceptable to the country especially the North since it could severely hurt the future of America. Abraham Lincoln took the courageous step of launching military attack against South, which triggered the Civil war.

Civil Death
Death and the American Civil War: Disruptions of Decency and a New Awareness of Reality

Victorian notions of the body and its functions were complex given the combination of the rise in biological and medical knowledge that occurred during the nineteenth century and the prudery that gained such traction during the same era. These two trajectories were likely not in simple conflict as they might appear, but rather the increasing awareness of the body as an almost mechanical entity rather than the soul-filled object of majesty it had long been appreciated as likely fueled the reluctance to admit to bodily functions and certainly to bodily decay. In the United States, the Victorian Era brought with it a stark and unavoidable reminder of the body's frailties and ultimate lack of majesty with the onset and prolonged casualties of the Civil War. The half-decade of conflict is famously the bloodiest of American….

American Civil War Causes

In many ways, the how of the evolution of the Civil War is a pseudo-chicken-and-egg question; which issue supported the other? Did the slave labor of the South spawn the abolition rampant throughout Union ideology or did the economics of one-sided success and agricultural threat pose a fundamental insecurity system? New Jersey highlighted the road in between. "Let the south be protected in all her rights but let the rights of the North also be respected." (Gillette, 27.)
The country stood divided, and while the North stood strong knowing its military capabilities were powerful and comforted by the nobility and justice in its ideals, the economic tensions between the North and South were irreparably compromised. The plantation system that defined the structure of Southern Society posited the white, land-and-slave owning men at the top of the system, with the slaves at the bottoms and the "plain folk" making up the….

American Civil War/Sioux ndians
Cowboys and ndians in Hollywood:

The Treatment of Quotidian Life of the Sioux People

in Dances With Wolves

The old Hollywood Westerns that depicted the heroic cowboy and the evil ndian have past; they no longer sell out the movie theaters and are inundated with critique instead of cinematic favor. n the last thirty years, new Hollywood has attempted to correct this revisionist history, as embodied by Kevin Costner's "Dances with Wolves" (1990), a film sensitive to cultural differences and committed to reflecting the accurate lifestyle of the Sioux it portrays. While the technological prowess of the last century has given way to the planet-busting, Armageddon struggles between good and evil, Earth and Stars, many successful films of the recent past are carefully situation in precise time. Unforgiven (1992) chronicled the1881 assassination of President Garfield, The Patriot (2001) depicted the strife of revolutionary America in gory detail.

However, the films that….


The American Civil War represented the largest loss of life in the West during the 100-year period between the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and World War I in 1914 (McPherson, 2013). The number of Americans who lost their lives in this war is equivalent to the total American lives lost in all other conflicts in this nation's history. Any conflict of that magnitude is bound to reveal the worst and the best traits of its country's citizens.

The two main issues that led to the Civil War was states rights and slavery, with the latter representing the dominant issue by far (Holzer, 2011; Finkelman, 2011). At risk was whether the United States would remain an undivided nation or be broken up into different countries. The issue creating the conflict between states and the national government was the ability to legally engage in human bondage. At the….

Much is written about the influence on the Southern plantations and cotton and tobacco industries. However, the northern industries were also influenced. The Civil War's effect on Northern industry was inconsistent. Many materials from this time report to evidence that the North's industrial capacity was greatly expanded by the conflict. On the other hand, other significant statistical information suggests that the war exercised no major influence on Northern industry and may have even reduced its growth. Several historians have been studying this topic, including Faust (2002).
Faust (2002) states that one considerable economic result of the war was that it helped change the nation from a country with a primarily agricultural society to one reliant on mechanization and a national market system. Prior to the war, only the North had an industrial base, although quite small. During the fiscal year ending in June of 1860, the country possessed some 128,300….

A year later, May 8-19, 1864, Lee was again in Virginia at the Battle of Spotsylvania, leading 50,000 men against Ulysses S. Grant's Union forces of 83,000. Again Lee won the battle which resulted in 27, 399 casualties, 18, 399 Union and 9,000 Confederate. The Battle of Antietam in Maryland, on September 17,1862 was commanded by Lee with 51, 844 troops and George B. McClellan with 75,316 Union troops. The Union won with 12,410 casualties, against the 13,724 Confederate casualties.
The Battle of the ilderness, in Virginia, May 5-7, 1864, was decided 'inconclusive,' although Lee, with 61,025 men was up against Grant's 101,895 troops, moreover, the Union suffered 17,666 casualties while the Confederates, only 7,750 casualties. Lee won another Virginia battle, the Battle of Second Manassas, August 29-30, 1862, with 48,527 men against John Pope's 75,527 men, resulting in Union casualties of 16,054 and 9,197 Confederate. On December 31, 1862,….

U.S. Civil ar
The American Civil ar is the bloodiest conflict that the United States has ever been involved in. The conflict between the Union and the Confederacy lasted from 1861 until 1865. The conflict between the Union and the Confederacy was centered on issues of states' rights vs. federal authority, westward expansion, and the most prominent issue, slavery.

The Union was comprised of 23 states and was led by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln with the aid of military leaders that included Generals Ulysses S. Grant, illiam Tecumseh Sherman, George Meade, Ambrose Burnside, and George McClellan ("Civil ar: Union Military Leaders Photo Gallery"). The Confederacy was comprised of 11 states, which seceded from the Union in 1860 and 1861. The first Confederate states to secede from the Union were located in the Deep South and included Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas. Arkansas, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia seceded….

Such developments were the product of new types of social organization brought about by the late industrial age. High commands developed new types of organization as individual commanders became less of a factor and teams of staff became more important working together. While still informal, good staff work became more and more important in and of itself.
As Hagerman points out, it was not really von Clausewitz, but Henri Jomini that largely influenced Civil War officers. Jomini was better know in America and was the tactician that American officers wanted to follow. Von Clausewitz would become more widely know only after the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-71. In the chapter on Jomini, Hagerman notes this "French Connection" fully that "Jomini's writings set the dominant trend in Continental and American strategic thought until German victories in 1870 pushed Karl von Clausewitz's interpreters to the center…"

To sum up, Hagerman….

Article ReviewA part of learning history is understanding who is making what argument or claim about a subject. What is the strength of the argument and how does the author support the argument with evidence.In the article review, you will identify the thesis or primary argument made by the author. You will identify the main arguments stated in the first or second paragraph and found in the body of the article with evidence.Thesis: America has always been conflicted between whether it should go with leaders or managers, professionals or amateurs, genius or intellect. Yet for the most part in antebellum America, the idea that military genius was better than military intellect (i.e., military education) prevailed. Ultimately, when the Civil War began in 1861, the debate about who should lead included factors of genius, intellect, and character.Main Arguments by Author: The North turned to genius (Scott), then to intellect (McClellan) and….

updated June 1, 2002. April 23, 2009.

Leidner, Gordon. "Causes of the Civil ar: A Balanced Answer." Great American History.

April 23, 2009.

Litwak, Leon. "Results of the Civil ar." Funk & agnalls® New Encyclopedia. 2005 orld

Almanac Education Group. April 23, 2009.

"The Secession Crisis: Bleeding Kansas." The Civil ar. April 23, 2009.

"The Secession Crisis: Dred Scott." The Civil ar. April 23, 2009.

"The Secession Crisis: The Missouri Compromise." The Civil ar. April 23, 2009.

John B. Gordon, "Causes of the Civil ar," Reminiscences of the Civil ar, page updated June 1, 2002, April 23, 2009,

"Causes of the Civil ar," KET, 2009, April 23, 2009,

Gordon Leidner, "Causes of the Civil ar: A Balanced Answer," Great American History. April 23, 2009.

Leidner, 2009

"The Secession Crisis: The Missouri Compromise," The Civil ar, April 23, 2009,

"The Secession Crisis: Bleeding Kansas," The Civil ar, April 23, 2009,

The Secession Crisis: Dred Scott," The Civil….

The differences between the Northern and Southern states regarding states' rights issues and industrialization also affected federal policies toward new territories acquired during Westward Expansion. Before the Civil War, the federal government had issued a series of "compromises" designed to appease both northern and southern interests. The Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Bill were both issued in response to Southern interests but they reflected weakness in the federal government. The Compromise of 1850, for instance, sparked controversy over admitting California to the nation as a free state. Southerners had hoped that new states would at least be able to choose their own policies regarding slavery: to have "the power to choose whether it entered the United States as a slave or free state," ("Causes of the Civil War").

Finally, the issue of slavery itself became a major cause of the Civil War. Southern states prospered as a result of slavery,….

While people often lump the American colonies together, there were significant differences between the New England colonies, Middle colonies, and Southern colonies. These differences were not only geographical, but also based in who had the grants for the colonies, their favor in the British government, and who eventually settled in the lands. These differences initially impacted how successful the American colonies were and how prosperous they would become. They eventually impacted industrialization and, in many ways, could be cited as one of the root causes of the eventual American Civil War and even some of....

1. The Struggle for Autonomy: The Impact of British Colonial Policies on Colonial Identity

Discuss the British policies that restricted colonial autonomy, such as the Navigation Acts and the Stamp Act.
Analyze how these policies fostered a sense of collective grievance and the desire for independence.
Examine the ways in which colonists resisted British control through boycotts, protests, and the formation of political organizations.

2. The Economic Foundations of the American Colonies: Agriculture, Trade, and Manufacturing

Describe the various agricultural practices and products that formed the backbone of the colonial economy.
Trace the development of trade networks between the colonies and....

Unit Lesson Essay Topic Ideas


The Causes and Consequences of the American Civil War: Analyze the complex factors that led to the outbreak of the American Civil War and explore its far-reaching social, political, and economic consequences.
The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on European Society: Examine the technological, economic, and social changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution, considering its effects on workers, urbanization, and the balance of power.
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire: Investigate the reasons for the rise and eventual decline of the Roman Empire, analyzing its political, social, military, and economic strengths and....

Outline: Across Five Aprils

Introduction (3-4 sentences)

Hook: Begin with a captivating statement or anecdote that introduces the topic.
Background: Briefly introduce the novel "Across Five Aprils" by Irene Hunt and its historical context during the American Civil War.
Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument of the essay, which will explore the arrangement of the novel.

I. Chronological Structure (250-300 words)

Explanation: Describe how the novel is arranged chronologically, following the events of the Civil War from 1861 to 1865.
Impact on plot: Discuss how this arrangement provides a clear progression of events and allows the reader to witness the characters'....

10 Pages

American History

American Civil War

Words: 3483
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

American Civil War transformed the country's policies and culture, and its wide-ranging ramifications are still being felt to this day, offering an ideal case study in the multi-faceted phenomenon…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

American History

American Civil War

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Civil War Between 1861 and 1865, the United States was engaged in a Civil War between the states in the North, and the Southern states who seceded from the Union…

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3 Pages
Book Review


American Civil War and the

Words: 1026
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

In fact McClellan insists that notwithstanding all of Grant's capabilities and resources, Grant was not able to maneuver successfully against Lee until "Lee's field transportation gave out" (Hagerman,…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

American History

American Civil War Marked the

Words: 378
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It was indeed a time of severe misery for the black community that was deprived of all its rights-even the most basic ones. These were the conditions in…

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6 Pages

Drama - World

Civil Death and the American Civil War

Words: 1750
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Civil Death Death and the American Civil War: Disruptions of Decency and a New Awareness of Reality Victorian notions of the body and its functions were complex given the combination of…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


American Civil War Causes

Words: 2506
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

In many ways, the how of the evolution of the Civil War is a pseudo-chicken-and-egg question; which issue supported the other? Did the slave labor of the South…

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12 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

American Civil War Sioux Indians

Words: 3379
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

American Civil War/Sioux ndians Cowboys and ndians in Hollywood: The Treatment of Quotidian Life of the Sioux People in Dances With Wolves The old Hollywood Westerns that depicted the heroic cowboy and the…

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7 Pages

Drama - World

Civil War Understanding the American Civil War

Words: 2034
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

CIVIL WA UNDESTANDING THE AMEICAN CIVIL WA The American Civil War represented the largest loss of life in the West during the 100-year period between the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


American Civil War Surely Had

Words: 1166
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Much is written about the influence on the Southern plantations and cotton and tobacco industries. However, the northern industries were also influenced. The Civil War's effect on Northern…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Drama - World

American Civil War in Which

Words: 2380
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A year later, May 8-19, 1864, Lee was again in Virginia at the Battle of Spotsylvania, leading 50,000 men against Ulysses S. Grant's Union forces of 83,000. Again…

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2 Pages

American History

U S Civil War the American Civil War

Words: 674
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

U.S. Civil ar The American Civil ar is the bloodiest conflict that the United States has ever been involved in. The conflict between the Union and the Confederacy lasted from…

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3 Pages
Book Review


Hagerman's the American Civil War

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Book Review

Such developments were the product of new types of social organization brought about by the late industrial age. High commands developed new types of organization as individual commanders…

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3 Pages
Article Review


Intellect vs Genius in the American Civil War Debate

Words: 823
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Article Review

Article ReviewA part of learning history is understanding who is making what argument or claim about a subject. What is the strength of the argument and how does the…

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4 Pages

American History

Civil War the American Civil

Words: 1537
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Page updated June 1, 2002. April 23, 2009. Leidner, Gordon. "Causes of the Civil ar: A Balanced Answer." Great American History. April 23, 2009. Litwak, Leon. "Results of the Civil…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

American History

Civil War Although History Is

Words: 1093
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The differences between the Northern and Southern states regarding states' rights issues and industrialization also affected federal policies toward new territories acquired during Westward Expansion. Before the Civil War,…

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