Feedback Loops Essays (Examples)

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Feedback Loops and Organizational Learning at Whole Foods Market

To remain competitive and responsive to internal and external pressures, firm need to observe and monitor the outcomes of their activities (Mintzberg et al., 2011). Feedback loops explain the way in which processes may be maintained, or change takes place. In line with other businesses, Whole Food Markets cannot avoid the presence of feedback loops. When the feedback loops are recognized, they can provide a useful source of data that a firm may use to maintain and improve performance. The aim of this report is to review the two different types of feedback loop which may exist, and then look at some of the feedback looks that are found in While Foods Market.


Types of Feedback Loops

There are two types of feedback loop exist, the first type is a reinforcing loop and the second is a balancing loop, each operates in different ways….

System Feedback Loops
einforcing Loop

einforcing Loop reflects the ability of one action to produce an outcome that influences more of the similar action thus resulting into eventual growth or decline (Bellinger, 2004). einforcing loop represents one of the foundational structures in relation to systems of thinking. Virtuous Cycle is the ability of reinforcing loop structure to produce desirable result in the process of its application. In the incidence of desired result, organizations and business entities have the tendency of ignoring the influence of reinforcing loop. This is dangerous for growth and development of the organization because aspects of the entity do not grow forever. In the presence of desirable results, individuals and business entities have the opportunity to adopt new strategies to ensure that the systems and processes continue to experience growth. Viscous cycle is the ability of reinforcing loop to produce undesirable results in relation to growth and development.

The most….

System Feedback Loops of Whole Foods
Systems model use two basic feedback loops, so-called Balancing and einforcing loops, to illustrate the relationships between growth and goals. This paper identifies one Balancing Loop and one einforcing Loop that are critical to Whole Foods Market's performance and success. An explanation of each of these feedback loops, including the causal factors and how they affect each other, is followed by a discussion concerning an area of growth for the einforcing Loop and goal behavior for the Balancing Loop. An assessment concerning how Whole Foods Market has generated organizational learning and how this organization can go further and generate additional organizational learning is followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion.

eview and Discussion

Balancing and einforcing Loops at Whole Foods Markets

All systems thinking models use two basic feedback loops, Balancing and einforcing loops, to depict the relationships between the constituent elements….

In these cases, Whole Foods will encourage executives and staff members to work together in helping to enhance the quality of life for everyone inside the communities where various stores are located. This increases favorable perceptions and it allows the organization to build upon the image it has established. This shapes their global behavior, by showing the way Whole Foods is taking into account the needs of the environment, specific regions and the people who live there. ("Feedback Loops," 2012) ("Whole Foods Market History," 2013)
These elements are important, in illustrating how the different loops are building off each other. This helps the firm to establish basic procedures for improving their reputation and offering customers with more. The way they affect each other, is one practice will influence the perceptions of clients and if they choose to shop at different locations. ("Feedback Loops," 2012) ("Whole Foods Market History," 2013)

Identify how….

The goal in this loop is to improve the perception. Thus, more innovations are required. However, there is not a clear-cut reinforcement mechanism, if only because the industry is highly competitive and many firms are viewed as innovators. The perception of being innovative in the smartphone industry is more of a hygiene factor than anything else -- you need to be an innovator to even be in the market right now. Thus, while Palm may focus on improving its perception as an innovator, this does not create a reinforcing loop.
hat Palm needs right now is to take advantage of the opportunities that these loops and the interference of HP in these loops provide. The company is now aware of the relationships that form the foundation of these two loops. It understands that perception must match reality with respect to the company's innovation in order to attract not only better….

These learning opportunities will ensure that the University maintains and indeed improves its reputation for excellence among existing and future students. Hence, the growth of the University will be ensured.

Organizational learning opportunities also exist within the balancing feedback loop. The geographic expansion of the University means the appointment of additional personnel, as indeed indicated by obert Silberman (2009). As representatives of Strayer University, these personnel will need to be trained in order to maintain consistent standards of excellence within the University. Those in charge of training also have the opportunity to create a shared vision of the components of the University, and in this way maintain the high standard that the institution is known for. The challenge is to create and maintain a shared a vision for all the geographic locations of the University, and to not only maintain, but improve this throughout the years of the institution's existence.

This means….

Many times, people who lose weight on very low calorie diets gain it back again due to a resetting of homeostatic mechanisms to a lower than normal value. This reduction in the body's metabolic rate is an attempt by the body to avoid starvation. After the initial weight loss, patients find they gain weight back, even at the lower caloric intake level, simply because a change in the metabolic set point. Some patients may be able to overcome the metabolism by effective levels of exercise, since the metabolism responds to exercise by providing energy for muscle work based on expenditure needs rather than reduced intake.
It is unlikely that humans are genetically predisposed to metabolic set point reduction. While obesity and weight problems often run in families, no studies to date have associated this issue with genetic problems, except in the very rare cases of congenital abnormality. Rather, it is….

Business Management
Feedback Loops at Whole Foods Market

In any business there will be the presence of feedback loops. Effective businesses are likely to pay attention to the different feedback loops which exist, using them loops to support and enhance the businesses in achieving its' goals. Whole Foods Market has a number of different types of feedback loops, looking at the firm in more detail will allow the loops to be identified. The paper will start by discussing the manifestation of feedback loops and the different types of loop that exist, and then apply the theory to Whole Foods Market.

Different Types of Feedback Loops

Feedback loops may be divided into two categories; referred to as reinforcing loops and balancing loops (Bellinger, 2004). The category names are relatively self explanatory, defining the way in which the two loops may be observed operate. The first category, the reinforcing loop refers to a circular pattern of….

Electronic Prescribing is a critical feedback loop that helps maintain master patient index along with routes inquires and allows enrolled pharmacies to route prescriptions to desired locations. The pharmacy receives the benefit of quickly receiving prescription status and is able to then communicate to the prescriber the prescription fill status as well as whether the medication is covered under the patient's insurance or if it must be paid for. Things like patient information, history, and eligibility are passed back and forth from the pharmacy to the pharmacy benefit manager to the prescriber. What would normally take longer now happens within minutes.
Patients remain satisfied with the service and get quick access to their medications. The loop exists from the communication that exists with the pharmacy and the prescriber. A doctor, nurse, or other healthcare professional licensed to prescribe medication, needs a continual pathway to send prescription information. This helps avoid confusion….

The second and third runs, therefore, were largely based on making adjustments to the first run strategy. In each instance, the adjustments made increased the total profit over the four years and it is believed that continuing along that same path of making slight adjustments would consistently increase the profits earned. It is for this reason that the strategy changed little -- there was no insight that was believed to lead to a better strategy and in lieu of such major insight there was no reason to pursue a radically different strategy.
The most useful concepts in this exercise were contribution margin (CVP analysis) and elasticity of demand. Understanding the cost structure of each product allowed for more intelligent pricing decisions. For example, the price cut in the X7 was significant at 25% from the base price in the base case run to 31.5% of that price in the later….

Balancing loop and einforcing Loop

Understanding how systems works constitute one of the most challenging aspects of information technology irrespective of the significance of the phenomena. The aspects of structures and how they are associated with systems is essentially one decisive factor. The way in which various components influence one another depends on the way structures are instituted within a system. Thus, structures are the main determinants of relationships between components. The processes of looping clearly indicate these trends and serve generally to indicate the interaction between productivity with the view of adding to the finished goods inventory. As a matter of fact, this process indicates instances where resources are added or subtracted within certain tasks. The two kinds of looping systems in Information Technology are the balancing loop and the reinforcing loop, all of which are classified into a number of categories. These loops are found in various applications like….

These loops are focused towards existing Harley-Davidson customers, but they can also be adapted to reach out to non-customers as well. The Internet and motorcycle events are two of the best places to reach bike enthusiasts who ride other brands. If Harley can adapt these loops to non-customers they may be able to gain insight into how they can expand their potential market by reaching non-customers better.
Organizational learning can flow from strong feedback loops. Harley-Davidson has supported their brand with strong balancing and reinforcing feedback loops directed at existing customers. The techniques and technologies behind these loops can be applied to non-customers as well. This would represent a shift in thinking for the Harley-Davidson organization, which to this point has focused on existing customers. Such a move would require a shift in goals for Harley, but in the face of a strong but stagnant market share, such a goal….

This means that problems are dealt with quickly, before they become a drag on performance. The singling out of underperformers for the week helps in the problem identification process. By bringing different store and regional managers together (between 400 and 600 each week), al-Mart also eliminates the possibility that problems can arise independently in different stores. Instead, problems are identified and rectified while they are still minor is scope.
The Saturday Morning Meetings also have several long-term impacts on al-Mart's organizational effectiveness. One of their most important roles is to reinforce the organizational culture. The culture of al-Mart is essential to its cost leadership strategy and its ability to deliver a high level of customer service despite the focus on cost reduction. The meetings also reinforce key messages regarding strategy. One component of the Saturday Morning Meeting is the use of media presentations regarding merchandising. These presentations in part represent….

Loop Below Is in Regards

In essence Palm can learn through acknowledgment of the lack of communication taking place, as well as the lack of application of current resources. New technology continues to be added in the loop however there is no indication of the application and refinement process associated with the research and development.

Burrows, P. (2009, March 24). Palm's Secret Weapon for the Pre. Business Week. etrieved from

Cangelosi, V., & Dill, W. (1965). Organizational Learning: Observations toward a Theory. Administrative Science Quarterly, 10(2), 175-203.

Schimmel, ., & Muntslag, D. (2009). Learning barriers: a framework for the examination of structural impediments to organizational change. Human esource Management, 48(3), 399-416.

Tofel, K. (2010, April). Could a Better Carrier Have Sold Palm's Pre. Business Week. etrieved from

Weigelt, C., & Sarkar, M. (2009). Learning from Supply-Side Agents: The Impact of Technology Solution Providers' Experiential Diversity on Clients' Innovation Adoption. Academy of Management Journal, 52(1), 37-60.

Wildstrom, S.H. (2008,….


When io de Janeiro recently won its bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games, they had one world famous representative on their Olympic committee that may have actually been more famous than our President Barak Obama. This individual may not be a household name in America, but he is most famous for scoring 2 goals in the 1958 World Cup championships when he was only 17 years old. This made him the youngest player to ever play in these renowned championships and over the course of his distinguished career; the majority of the football world would certainly consider him to be the best soccer player ever. Brazil actually has declared this individual as a national treasure in order to thwart other teams and countries from stealing him away and out of their country. His name is Edson Arantes Do Nascimento, but you may know him simply as -- Pele. So….

1. The Impact of Alcohol Consumption on Physical and Mental Health

The physiological effects of alcohol on the liver, brain, heart, and other organs
The psychological consequences of alcohol abuse, including depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment
The link between alcohol use and chronic diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and stroke

2. Alcohol Consumption and Social Behavior

The role of alcohol in social interactions, including its effects on communication, mood, and aggression
The impact of alcohol consumption on relationships, family life, and work performance
The social consequences of alcohol abuse, such as domestic violence, child neglect, and crime

3. Alcohol Policy and....

1. Analyzing the impact of employee turnover and training on the success of the Benihana simulation.
2. Exploring the role of communication and teamwork in achieving optimal performance in the Benihana simulation.
3. Investigating the effectiveness of decision-making strategies in maximizing profitability in the Benihana simulation.
4. Evaluating the importance of customer satisfaction and feedback in the Benihana simulation.
5. Examining the potential challenges and obstacles faced by participants in the Benihana simulation and strategies to overcome them.
6. Comparing and contrasting different approaches to managing and optimizing resources in the Benihana simulation.
7. Discussing the role of leadership and delegation in achieving success in the....

1. Greenhouse gas emissions: The burning of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and industrial processes releases a significant amount of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide and methane, into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat and contribute to global warming.

2. Deforestation: The clearing of forests for agriculture, logging, and urban development reduces the Earth's capacity to absorb carbon dioxide through photosynthesis. Deforestation also releases stored carbon into the atmosphere, further exacerbating climate change.

3. Industrial agriculture: The expansion of industrial agriculture practices, including the use of chemical fertilizers and deforestation for crop cultivation, contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, livestock farming....

Primary Factors Exacerbating Global Climate Change

Climate change, a pressing global crisis, has witnessed an alarming acceleration in recent decades, primarily driven by human activities. The primary factors contributing to this acceleration include:

1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions:

The burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) for energy production releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, causing global temperatures to rise.

2. Deforestation and Land Use Change:

Large-scale deforestation, primarily for agriculture and urbanization, removes vast areas of forests that absorb CO2. The clearing of forests also releases....

5 Pages
Capstone Project

Business - Management

Feedback Loops and Their Application at Whole Foods Market

Words: 1524
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Business Feedback Loops and Organizational Learning at Whole Foods Market To remain competitive and responsive to internal and external pressures, firm need to observe and monitor the outcomes of their activities…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


System Feedback Loops Reinforcing Loop Reinforcing Loop

Words: 1283
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

System Feedback Loops einforcing Loop einforcing Loop reflects the ability of one action to produce an outcome that influences more of the similar action thus resulting into eventual growth or decline…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Business - Management

System Feedback Loops of Whole Foods

Words: 1463
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

System Feedback Loops of Whole Foods Systems model use two basic feedback loops, so-called Balancing and einforcing loops, to illustrate the relationships between growth and goals. This paper identifies one…

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3 Pages


System Feedback Loops Over the

Words: 932
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

In these cases, Whole Foods will encourage executives and staff members to work together in helping to enhance the quality of life for everyone inside the communities where…

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6 Pages
Capstone Project

Business - Advertising

Palm Feedback Loops Feedback Loops

Words: 1782
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

The goal in this loop is to improve the perception. Thus, more innovations are required. However, there is not a clear-cut reinforcement mechanism, if only because the industry…

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5 Pages
Capstone Project


System Feedback Loops According to

Words: 1559
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

These learning opportunities will ensure that the University maintains and indeed improves its reputation for excellence among existing and future students. Hence, the growth of the University will be…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Miscellaneous

Negative Feedback Loops the Human

Words: 375
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Many times, people who lose weight on very low calorie diets gain it back again due to a resetting of homeostatic mechanisms to a lower than normal value.…

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5 Pages
Case Study


Reinforcing and Balancing Feedback Loops at Whole Foods Market

Words: 1572
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Business Management Feedback Loops at Whole Foods Market In any business there will be the presence of feedback loops. Effective businesses are likely to pay attention to the different feedback loops…

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3 Pages


Critical Feedback Loops Found in the Mayo Clinic Organization

Words: 766
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Electronic Prescribing is a critical feedback loop that helps maintain master patient index along with routes inquires and allows enrolled pharmacies to route prescriptions to desired locations. The pharmacy…

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4 Pages
Capstone Project


System Feedback Loop From This

Words: 1394
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

The second and third runs, therefore, were largely based on making adjustments to the first run strategy. In each instance, the adjustments made increased the total profit over…

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5 Pages


Loop Balancing Loop and Reinforcing Loop Understanding

Words: 1546
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

LOOP Balancing loop and einforcing Loop Understanding how systems works constitute one of the most challenging aspects of information technology irrespective of the significance of the phenomena. The aspects of structures…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Advertising

Loops Are Cycles of Communication

Words: 1555
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

These loops are focused towards existing Harley-Davidson customers, but they can also be adapted to reach out to non-customers as well. The Internet and motorcycle events are two…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal

Business - Management

Loops at Wal-Mart Relies on

Words: 1438
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

This means that problems are dealt with quickly, before they become a drag on performance. The singling out of underperformers for the week helps in the problem identification…

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5 Pages
Capstone Project


Loop Below Is in Regards

Words: 1504
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

In essence Palm can learn through acknowledgment of the lack of communication taking place, as well as the lack of application of current resources. New technology continues to…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Application of Feedback in Motor Learning

Words: 2367
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Exercise Philosophy When io de Janeiro recently won its bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games, they had one world famous representative on their Olympic committee that may have actually been…

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