20th Century, Political Philosophers In Term Paper


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One of the most important technological developments that occurred during the Industrial Revolution was the assembly line. Used in large factories so that more goods could be manufactured in a shorter period of time, assembly lines totally transformed the way people lived and worked. First, the assembly line created a plethora of new jobs, encouraging previously self-sufficient farmers to move to urban centers. Families were occasionally disrupted and old social codes were too. Women who had previously worked on their family farms found themselves toiling away in factories, and in some cases assembly line maximized the division between the genders. In other cases, women entered the workforce alongside of men and therefore minimized the gap between the genders. Second, the assembly line led...


With more regard for profit as a bottom line than humanity, companies neglected safety concerns. Workers started to form labor unions that symbolized the overall system of democracy and human liberty. Labor unions emerged directly out of the Industrial Revolution.
A second technology that was invented during the Industrial Revolution that transformed society was the radio. Before the invention of the radio, long distance human communications were not instantaneous. The printing press had enabled the rapid dissemination of information yet with the radio, information could be transmitted instantly. Instantaneous communication impacted the ways governments and their militaries worked, and also offered individuals the opportunity for new forms of entertainment.

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"20th Century Political Philosophers In", 24 January 2008, Accessed.1 May. 2024,

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