AIDS In South Africa In Term Paper


It is through education that people can understand that AIDS is a disease like any other and there is no reason to keep it taboo. It is also through education that people must be made to understand the risks which this disease implies. The attitude needed in order to approach this issue is a very rational one. African people, starting with very young children, must be taught that there are diseases which cannot be cured, with chemicals or with herbal medicine from the local doctor and that prevention could spare everyone the dramatic consequences of this phenomenon.

My family...


And yet the mentality that they have was one of the factors which contributed most to their contamination and that of their spouses and children. This shows that mentality is a key issue all over the world, not just in Africa. Had my cousin not been ashamed of getting herself tested, other people might have been healthy today. Therefore, an important part of the educational process which is required in Africa needs to solve a mentality issue according to which sexual issues and sexually transmitted diseases must be ignored because of the reactions they could create in other people.

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