Analyzing The Parenting Scrapbook Essay


Childhood Development and Technology The Science of Early Childhood Development

The National Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2007) claims that any society's future hinges on its capacity of fostering the succeeding generation's well-being and health. In a nutshell, the children of today represent tomorrow's workers, citizens, and parents. If present-day adults fall short of providing the young generation with all the requisites needed for developing a strong base for productive, healthy lives, our society's future security and prosperity is jeopardized. Science can offer a lot, in terms of how mankind as a united community can employ collective resources in the most efficient and effective manner possible for developing the aforementioned, sturdy base. A wise investment in families and kids ensures the succeeding generation will reciprocate, via a lifetime of responsible citizenship and productivity. A failure to make wise investments in the initial years will result in us paying the substantial costs of an increasing number of school-going kids requiring special education, as well as an increasing number of unemployable, under-employable, or incarcerated adults.

Core Concepts of Development

The bedrock of economic and community development is child development, since capable kids form the basis of a sustainable, flourishing society. Brain...


In fact, interactive genetic influences and the influence of experience shape the developing mind's structure, with its active ingredient being the "serve and return" character of kids' engagement in their relationships with familial (mostly, parents) and community caregivers. The mind's developing abilities as well as architecture are constructed in a bottom-up fashion. Over time, simple skills and circuits offer support to more advanced skills and circuits. Toxic early childhood stress is linked to persistent impacts on stress hormones and one's nervous system, and this may damage the growing brain architecture, leading to lifelong challenges with regard to behavior, learning, and mental as well as physical health. Cultivating the appropriate conditions for development in early childhood will likely be more economical and effective than tackling problems that develop over time (National Council on The Developing Child, 2007).
This image was obtained from the California Department of Public Health website. The reason for choosing it is that it succinctly sums up, without words, the significance of development in the early childhood years, by pointing out that development in childhood is crucial to a child's growth, right from toddlerhood.

The above article - "The Science of Early Childhood" -- was obtained from the California Department…

Sources Used in Documents:


National Council on The Developing Child. (2007, January). The Science of Early Childhood Development. Retrieved February 12, 2016, from California Department of Public Health:

The Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood. (2015). Facing the Screen Dilemma: Young Children, Technology and Early Education. Retrieved February 12, 2016, from The Campaign for Commercial-Free Childhood:

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"Analyzing The Parenting Scrapbook" (2016, February 14) Retrieved May 13, 2024, from

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"Analyzing The Parenting Scrapbook", 14 February 2016, Accessed.13 May. 2024,

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