Asthma Research On Medline Using Thesis


This study shows a strong correlation between ignorance and a lack of control of asthma symptoms. The second study by Ulrik et al. (2009), "Disease variability in asthma: how do the patients respond? -- and why?" from the Journal of Asthma was to explore patterns of self-management in adult asthmatics, and found, interestingly enough, that education was not necessarily a panacea: despite instruction, two-thirds of the study subjects would increase their use of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) when their symptoms worsened, but only 23% took their controller medication in the case of deterioration, although 59% were instructed to do by their physicians. Despite doctors' efforts to educate patients on the importance of minimizing inhaler use and using medication to prevent attacks, the study concluded that the patients' preferred strategy for management of disease variability did not seem to be driven by their knowledge of the disease.




One shows that a lack of instruction regarding the use of inhaler medication can result in more preventable trips to the emergency room, and greater healthcare costs to the system as a result, overall. However, the second study shows that other issues besides 'ignorance' regarding appropriate self-care must be addressed -- education alone will not solve the problem of patient's ineffectual 'tweaking' of their own treatment at home.
Works Cited

Adeyeye, O.O & B.O. Onadeko. (2008, July). "Understanding medication and use of drug delivery device by asthmatic in Lagos" West African Journal of Medicine. 27.3:155-9.

Ulrik C.S., U. Soes-Petersen, V. Backer, P. Lange, H. Harving, & P. Plaschke. (2008, August).

Disease variability in asthma: how do the patients respond? -- and why? Journal of Asthma. 45(6):507-11.

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Works Cited

Adeyeye, O.O & B.O. Onadeko. (2008, July). "Understanding medication and use of drug delivery device by asthmatic in Lagos" West African Journal of Medicine. 27.3:155-9.

Ulrik C.S., U. Soes-Petersen, V. Backer, P. Lange, H. Harving, & P. Plaschke. (2008, August).

Disease variability in asthma: how do the patients respond? -- and why? Journal of Asthma. 45(6):507-11.

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"Asthma Research On Medline Using" (2009, July 19) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Asthma Research On Medline Using" 19 July 2009. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

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