Biography Of Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon Research Paper


¶ … Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon Biography Of Archaelogist Kathleen Kenyon

To many it might be understood that it was actually predictable that Kathleen Kenyon could possibly turn into one of the great women archaeologists throughout all of the 20th century. She was born on January 5, 1906, Kathleen was the eldest daughter of well-known theological intellectual Sir Frederick Kenyon, who was beyond 20 years administrator of the British Arts center. Sometime down the road her father's daughter, Kathleen came up with the exact same appreciation of order and charm with a lot of detail -- qualities that demonstrated valuable over the years. However, likewise like her father, she was distant and not one to representative. These last individualities would obstruct her aptitude to efficiently examine and present her discoveries. With that said, this essay will give the reader a glimpse of the life history Archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon.

History of Kathleen Kenyon

Kathleen's coming on the scene to archaeology happened at Oxford, where she turned out to be the first woman president of the Oxford Archaeological Humanity. Succeeding graduation in 1929 Kenyon was able, with her father giving her some help, to get involved with an African archaeological site which took place at Great Zimbabwe as a photographer

. When Kathleen went back to England, she then joined Mortimer Wheeler's team which was at his archaeological site at Roman Verulamium (St. Albans), north of London. Here, she was able to do some studying with the Wheeler's technique of stratigraphic excavation, which put down the foundation for what was perhaps her greatest influence to the arena of archaeology.

During the course of the 1930s and a lot of the '40s, decelerated merely by the outbreak of World War II, Kenyon did get a lot of experience, however it was not just in ongoing diggings which are in England nonetheless likewise at the place of Samaria which theological metropolitan of with John and Grace Crowfoot, and at Sabratha in Libya. Here she was able to teach pretty much of the time at the recently shaped the Formation of Archaeology of the University of London and then served as local superior of the Red Cross in Hammersmith, London, when the war was going on .

In the meantime there was another British archaeologist, named John Garstang, who happened to set out to dig up Jericho with the impression of starting some kind of proof that will be utilized for evidence regarding the biblical description of Joshua and the Israelite downfall that happened in the land of Canaan. Throughout the time of six years, starting sometime in 1930, he decided to transport about a thousands of tons of earth and is said to have inspected about 200,000 pieces of artifacts. By the time that it was all over, he was able to discover that Jericho had been engaged before pottery was even invented, but that strange thing that a lot of experts ponder on is that fact that he never discovered the proof of Joshua and the Israelites that he was looking for.

In 1949 he made the decision to invite Kenyon to look over his widespread findings. This would then turn out to be an important moment that would start in her life and the introduction of her most well-known work. Kathleen then made the decision that Garstang's work should have some sort of change to it. She wanted things to be modified and that another, more whole digging was important, which had been started during the 1950s

Importantly, Kathleen also brings with her a sophisticated form of the excavation method that had actually been established by Wheeler. The Wheeler-Kenyon Technique, as it is now been named, was achieved all through her Jericho archaeological site. A lot of experts believe that it could possibly be thought of as a vertical as in opposition to a horizontal method. In the concluding technique, layers were merely peeled off an archaeological site. This had been the shared technique up until that point. But then again as layer after layer -- frequently some inches thick -- was exposed, a significant measurement was lost in the procedure: time.

By contrast, Kathleen's technique had a lot to do with the digging ditches or squares which are like a checkerboard, with walls or balks that are among the squares. The balks are what exposed the coatings of time and actions at a specific place. From things like the soil arrangement, archaeologists were the ones that were able to record the vertical connection of one soil layer or time period to another and the association...


This considerably enhanced the aptitude to date answers and delivered an amount of control that happened to come over the site previous to full-scale diggings and clearing. Kenyon decided to leave the place of Jericho sometime during the year of 1961 thus choosing to dig in Jerusalem all the way to the 1967 Six-Day War which caused the project to come to an end. This would turn out to be Kathleen's final excavation.
Eventually, her deductions from Jericho surprised and really shocked a lot of people. She documented the idea that Garstang's dates were wrong and that, consequently, there was not any kind walled city for Joshua to overcome. Archaeology did not bring any kind of upkeep the biblical text, she mentioned. On the other hand if archaeology is a science, it is an explanatory science, and some understanding is dependent on reinterpretation. One of the Archaeologists named Pere de Vaux, who was working with Kenyon in the city of Jerusalem, made the following reflection, "Archaeology does not make the confirmation regarding the text, which is what it is, and it can merely approve the clarification which we give it. If the outcomes of archaeology appear to be contrasting to the deductions of text criticism, the reason could possibly be that not enough archaeological truths are recognized or that they have not been resolutely recognized; the motive could also be that the text has been incorrectly understood."

During the early 1980s, as her raw data became published and then turned into something that was public, reinterpretation turned out to be the order of the day. There are even some academics that have started to reinterpret what she had discovered and also putting new dates on events in regards to what was going on at Jericho

Whether or not her suppositions were actually accurate, Kathleen did aid to promote archaeology. Throughout the time of her excavations she was able to take time out in order to present some slide shows and speeches and then also write for some very prevalent British and American periodicals. In Jericho: Ruins, Phantoms, Dreams, Robert Ruby makes the point that Kenyon "was not able to do the best job in tantalizing. She succeeded in making her name well-known. There were irregular progress news that were written in the Times by Kenyon, who could have been stretching the truth a little all for the sake of making her story much better. Experts beg to differ, she had not yet discovered walls from Joshua's time. She did discover a jug that was sort of small -- 'maybe uninhibited when the housewife had left way before the impending Israelites.' This was not looked at as being obviously untrue, not obviously factual. It was a masterful 'maybe'; maybe the Old Testament account would be long-established."

Oppressive and maybe arrogant, Kenyon was looked at as a larger-than-life character. She really did take it upon herself to make sure that she was able to maintain the control needed. Despite the fact that these characteristics were able aid her well in the arena, they frequently unfulfilled her exertions in report her discoveries and to reach a precise mixture of her work. She shaped for herself a job outside her aptitude to finishing out. Ruby makes the point: "Kathleen persistence on wanting things done her way really did play a huge position in her succeeding disappointments. Not even Kenyon is able live up to the values she required."

Nevertheless she will be significantly recollected for her considerable assistances to the arena of archaeology. Kathleen's field methods are what have reinforced the science. During the same time, they located the need to introduce other approaches and connected arenas of study with the intention of developing a more whole and accurate image of history. In 1973, Queen Elizabeth II recognized her work, identifying her Dame of the British Empire for her actions. Dame Kathleen Kenyon did not ever have a husband, she chose to be single and not to marry; in the year of 1978 she died of a stroke at the age of 72.

History of Kathleen Kenyon Contributions to Archeology

Kathleen Kenyon's leading area involvement was as a photographer for the ground-breaking archaeological site that took place in the Great Zimbabwe in 1929, led by Gertrude Caton-Thompson. Going back to England, Kathleen made the decision to get involved with the archaeological twosome Mortimer and Tessa Wheeler on their archaeological site of the Romano-British expenditure of Verulamium (St. Albans), which…

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Callaway, Joseph A. "Dame Kathleen Kenyon, 1906 -1978." 125-126. New York: Penguin, 2005.

Davis, Miriam. "Dame Kathleen Kenyon: Digging Up the Holy Land." 304. Walnut Creek (CA): Left Coast Press, 2006.

Herr, Larry G. "W.F. Albright and the History of Pottery in Palestine." Near Eastern Archaeology 13, no. 6 (2002): 56-67.

Herr, Larry G. "W.F. Albright and the History of Pottery in Palestine",." 22-56. New York: NEA, 2002.

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