Business Theory Power, Politics, And Term Paper


The functional view of organizational conflict sees conflict as a creative power, one that can inspire associates of the company to augment their information and skills, and their involvement to company originality and output. This advance considers that the keys to organization achievement lie not in arrangement, clearness and organization, but in originality, receptiveness and compliance. The triumphant company needs conflict so that deviating views can be put on the table, and new manners of doing things can be produced. The functional view of conflict also proposes that conflict supplies individuals with feedback about how things are going. On the other hand, this necessitates that conflict not be subdued, since efforts to suppress are more likely to produce very ugly conditions (Organizational Leadership Managing Conflict, Power and Politics, 2004).

Ugly takes place when the boss and perhaps workers try to get rid of or repress conflict in circumstances where it is impracticable to do so. Ugly takes place in a company when:

A lot of conflicts go on for a long time

People have given up on deciding and dealing with conflict troubles

There is a good amount of argumentative but little effort to fix the trouble

Employees show little concern in working to universal goals, but spend more time and force on defending themselves

When one gets ugly taking place in companies, there is a propensity to look to the boss or formal leader as being accountable for the disorder. This is how most workers would look at the circumstances. It is true that executives and supervisors play vital roles in figuring out how conflict is dealt with handle in the company, but it is also accurate that the evading of ugliness must be a collective liability (Organizational Leadership Managing Conflict, Power and Politics, 2004).

When a conflict situation happens, the choice of how to respond is a significant one. There are five things a person can use to deal with conflict:

Dominating - when the people concerned try to attain their own goals with little or no apprehension for the objective or interests of the other party. Conflict is seen as a someone must win and someone must lose circumstance.

Integrating - when each of the parties in the conflict tries to find an answer that suits the objectives of all those involved in the conflict. This is seen as a search for a win-win solution.

Compromising - when there is no obvious winner and loser, but each person tries to give up a little. Neither person attains all their objectives.

Avoiding - when one or both people declines to distinguish that conflict exists or rejects to become involved in an effort to resolve the conflict. Avoidance may be accomplished by the bodily separation of...


Neither person's objectives are addressed there is no alteration in the fundamental condition causing the conflict.
Obliging - when one person to the disagreement places the objectives of the other person above their own interests. Conflict is dealt with by one person giving in to the other.

There are occasions when conflict and disagreements are useful to the company: when originality is necessary; when there are only adequate assets to support some planned projects but not all; when it is significant to find the best player probable; and when training for upcoming demanding and conflict ridden circumstances is necessary (Wagner III, Wagner and Hollenbeck, 2010).


Power, politics and conflict are all things that are found in all companies. It is how these things are managed that will determine whether the company is successful or not. Political behaviors can help to determine company success along with the direction that they want to go. Power is important in order for things to get done. It is important though that power be managed correctly in order for everyone in the company to be effective. Conflict in a company can be a good thing or a bad thing. If the conflict is dysfunctional it will only bring everyone down and no work will be accomplished. People will spend more time focused on the conflict and less on doing what they are supposed to be doing. If the conflict is functional then good things can happen. Disagreement often leads to creativity and thus success. Ugly can occur when conflict takes place in situations in which it is not appropriate. It is the responsibility of the manager to take control of these situations so that they don't get completely out of control. When there is nothing but chaos then productively suffers greatly. It is because of the fact that there are so many facets of these concepts understanding them is consequently critical to managerial achievement and an organizations continued existence in today's business world.


Baligh, Helmy H. (2006). Organization structures: theory and design, analysis and prescription.

New York: Springer Science & Business Media, Inc.

Organizational Leadership Managing Conflict, Power and Politics. (2004). Retrieved March 11,

2011, from Web site:

Power, Politics, and Conflict. (2002). Retrieved March 11, 2011, from Web site:

Wagner III, John a., Wagner, John a. And Hollenbeck, John R. (2010).Organizational Behavior:

Securing Competitive Advantage. New York: Routledge.

Sources Used in Documents:


Baligh, Helmy H. (2006). Organization structures: theory and design, analysis and prescription.

New York: Springer Science & Business Media, Inc.

Organizational Leadership Managing Conflict, Power and Politics. (2004). Retrieved March 11,

2011, from Web site:

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