Career Counseling And Basic Forces Of Human Development Questionnaire


¶ … individual from childhood, and they are biological, socio-cultural, psychological, and life-cycle in nature. Counselors are expected to have a full understanding of all the biological forces and psychological developments that lead to maturity. This includes certain things like the genes of the individual, hormones, nutrition, and several other biological factors. The sole concern of the biological forces is the body and its development processes. They equally need to have a full understanding of all the psychological forces involved, which are normally a group of related thoughts, emotions, as well as behavioral development that lead to maturity, personality development, learning, and choices. They are also expected to understand all the socio-cultural forces such as ideas, values, and all beliefs that influence maturity. Examples of such forces include habits, morals, and practices (Kowalczyk, n.d). Career Counseling

Choosing a definite career and deciding on your career goal is of utmost importance. It is also important to choose the appropriate career option with the market in mind. Additionally, the essence of selecting the right educational institution cannot be ignored. Regrettably, most people are unable to discover their potentials and interests on time, leading to...


In this kind of scenario, it becomes necessary to seek the help of a qualified and experienced career counselor who can help you discover your true potential. Discovering your aptitudes and potentials with the help of your counselor will enable you choose the right course. Every career counselor makes use of three factors-aptitude, interests and your personality. These three factors enable the counselors to choose the right course for each individual. With the increased number of career opportunities today, the importance of having a career counselor has also increased a great deal. People now understand why everyone cannot be a doctor or an engineer, and now explore other career choices, depending on their interests and skills in alternative areas (Pinto, 2012).
Benefits of Career Counseling

When you are not very sure about choosing the right career, seeking the help of a career counselor can do you more good than harm. Your course of life is determined by your career choice. While making the right decision can make your life pleasant, a wrong decision can ruin your life. Don't forget that these are irreversible decisions. In case you find yourself in a dilemma, seeking professional help is the right thing to do. Seeking the help of a career counselor…

Sources Used in Documents:


Kowalczyk, D. (n.d.). The Forces of Adult Development: Biological, Psychological, Sociocultural & Life-cycle. Retrieved October 3, 2015, from

Pinto. (2012, January 25). Career Counseling. Retrieved October 3, 2015, from

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"Career Counseling And Basic Forces Of Human Development" (2015, October 14) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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