Human Development Essays (Examples)

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Human Development
Pages: 10 Words: 3069

Human Development
In order to learn about the development of males in their late teenage stage, between the ages seventeen and twenty, an eighteen-year-old male was interviewed. An individual of this age was chosen since it is believed as the age that acts as a transitory period between teenage and adulthood thus the developmental features are explicitly displayed at this age within the period targeted. The individual interviewed was a student undertaking his A-level studies in a public university. A student at this age was appropriate since common teenagers are still at this level of education apart from a few who could have got a chance in full employment or probably dropped at some level for various reasons. The individual has an African origin but has been brought up in a western culture and he totally adapted to the culture.

In the current society there are a number of emerging issues with…...



Alderfer, C. (1969). An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, vol. 4, pp. 142 -- 175

Maslow, A. (1954). Motivation and Personality. New York: Harper & Row

Porter, L. & Lawler, E. (1968). Managerial Attitudes and Performance. Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey Press

Human Development
Pages: 2 Words: 666

Human Development:
Human beings develop from childhood into adulthood not only through the natural aging process, but equally important by an education process that extends right through their lifetime. Memorization forms an integral part of education as memory functioning determines our ability to receive, process, store and recall information for relevant use. The information processing approach includes the input processes concerned with stimuli analysis, the storage processes which entail all internal handling of the stimuli information within the brain, including any coding or manipulation of the stimuli and the output processes responsible for preparing the appropriate response to a stimulus (McLeod, 2008).

Several assumptions are made when it comes to explaining the influence on memory by the information processing approach. First, all information received from our environment is handled by processing systems including perception, short-term memory, and attention. Secondly, such information is systematically altered and transformed by these information processing systems. Thirdly,…...



Gilmore, R.O. (2005, February 14). Probing Questions -- Do Children Have Better Memories

than Adults Do? Retrieved from The Pennsylvania State University website:

"Information Processing." (n.d.). School of Education. Retrieved from Purdue University

Calumet website:

Human Development
Pages: 5 Words: 1663

Human Development: Hypothetical Case Study of Angela Wu
Angela Wu, age sixteen, was referred to the guidance department of the high school after several of her teachers noted that she had seemed unusually "stressed out, even for Angela," after mid-term exam week. Later, it was noted that her academic performance on her midterms was notably weaker than it had been over the past several semesters at the high school. After mid-term grade reports were sent, Angela's parents called and expressed concern, asking if it was possible if she could retake several of the tests.

Angela is a junior at the high school, and her parents noted that junior year is particularly crucial in terms of assembling a strong college transcript of grades when considering competitive universities. They said Angela has expressed her intention to apply for a scholarship to the state university and to several Ivy League schools. Angela is active in…...

Human Development Erikson's Eight Stages of Man
Pages: 3 Words: 948

Human Development
Erikson's "Eight Stages of Man"

Erik Erikson was a student of Sigmund Freud's who developed a theory of personality development. According to Erikson, there are eight psychosocial stages in which the individual faces a crisis or developmental task (Broderick & Blewitt, 2010). If the individual successfully completes the developmental task, there is a positive outcome; if not, there is a negative outcome. The first stage, which is called trust vs. mistrust, occurs from birth to age 1 year. During this stage as a result of sensitive caregiving, the child develops a sense that the world is a safe and reliable place. The positive outcome of this stage is hope, while the negative outcomes are fear and mistrust of others. The second stage is autonomy vs. shame and doubt, which occurs from age 1 to 3. During this stage, the child uses his new mental and motor skills to develop a…...



Broderick, P.C. & Blewitt, P. (2010). The life span: Human development for helping professionals. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson.

Hernandez, C. (2008). Lifespan perspective on human development. Retrieved from 

Lazinski, M.J., Shea, A.K., & Steiner, M. (2008). Effects of maternal prenatal stress on offspring development: A commentary Springer Science & Business Media. doi:10.1007/s00737-008-0035-4

Human Development The Importance of
Pages: 4 Words: 1389

This is expected in American culture, indeed, the fact that we speak of generations, as in Generation Y or Generation X, the Greatest Generation, indicates how it is normalized for children to ally with their peers in their social habits and attitudes. Perhaps the most profound difference between this generation and the past generation is the influence of new media upon children's development. The impact of high levels of violence and sexuality on television and how this affects children's attention spans, sense of self, propensity towards shows of aggression, and other aspects of development is still quite contentious. However, there is agreement that more than television or music, the Internet has had the most profound influence upon the current generation of teens.

The new media, as well as exposing teens to new information, music, and influences, also provides a potent source of social connectivity. "Between 75 and 90% of teenagers in…...


Works Cited

Asher, S.R. & Williams, G.A. "Children without friends: The reasons for peer rejection." In Todd, C.M. (Ed.). Day care center connections. 3(1): 3-5. Urbana-Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, 2003. 3 Dec 2007.

Developmental psychology: The peer context." The PSI Cafe. Page Updated 10 Apr 2003. 3 Dec 2007.

Sleek, Scott. "Blame your peers, not your parents." APA Monitor. 28. Oct 1998.

Dec 2007.

Human Development Stage Theory
Pages: 13 Words: 3589

As for supernatural acts, the primary sources of these are God and Satan. Satan or the Devil constantly urges the individual to adopt sinful ways, to behave contrary to God's directives. To combat Satan's influence, God is always available as a guide and supporter for people in moments of indecision, of spiritual weakness, and of temptation. God's guidance and strength may be sought directly through prayer and through reading passages of Holy Scripture, or sought indirectly through consulting a priest or pastor. Not only do Christians believe God serves as adviser and spiritual supporter, but also that he can intervene to change either the individual or the environment so as to cause an event to turn out as the individual has hoped it would. This conviction that God at any moment can manipulate events to affect a particular outcome is suggested in many passages of the Bible.
A familiar example…...



Derezotes, D.S. (1995). Spirituality and religiosity: Neglected factors in social work practice. Arete, 20(1), 1-15.

Dunstan JL (1961) Protestantism. Braziller, New York

Gruber, H. And Voneche, J. eds., (1977) the Essential Piaget. New York: Basic Books.

Nee, W. (1968). The spiritual man (Vols. 1 -- 3). New York: Christian Fellowship Publishers.

Human Development in the Dominican
Pages: 2 Words: 585

None of these countries are at the top or bottom of the scale of human development in the world today, though. Topping the list is Norway, which has a life expectancy of 81.1 years, 17.3 years of expected schooling for each individual, and an annual per-capita income of $47,557 (UNDP, 2012). The United States is ranked fourth in human development, with a per-capita income of $43,017 and a life expectancy of 78.5 years, with each citizen of the United States receiving an expected 16 years of formal education in their lives (UNDP, 2012). Comparing these numbers to those of Latin America truly puts the world's issues into perspectives, and a comparison with a country at the bottom of the index makes the realities of global human development and its imbalance all the more palpable. Much of Africa occupies the lowest ranks on the Human Development Index, and citizens of Niger…...



Arab Human Development Report. (2009). Accessed 7 December 2012.

UNDP. (2012). Human Development Index. Accessed 7 December 2012.

Human Development Overview One of
Pages: 3 Words: 894

This is often considered a highly impersonal and therefore largely imprecise and impractical framework for viewing development, especially since the purported events which have supposedly shaped the brain through evolution can never be observed. A more popular type of theory is cognitive development. Jean Piaget is considered the founder of this school of thought; after noticing that responses from children of different ages were qualitatively different, he identified several distinct stages of cognitive development and saw cognition as the primary facet of development, affecting the other areas more than vice versa (Newman 2007).
There are, of course, some serious ethical considerations when engaging in experiments with human beings, especially children who are not able to provide informed consent. Most scientific experiments require as many variables as possible to be controlled, so that a singular aspect of a phenomenon can be observed. This is usually ethically impossible when dealing with human…...



Clifton, A. (1995) Psychological Theory: Erikson. Accessed 9 July 2009. 

Newman, B. (2007). Theories of Human Development. New York: Routledge.

Papalia, D.; Olds, S. & Feldman, R. (2004). Human Development, 9th ed. New York: McGraw Hill.

Human Development and Drug Addiction
Pages: 9 Words: 2929

Human Development and Drug Addiction
People's response to drugs varies as some may have the advantage of using drugs without any side effects while others become addicted after the first intake. The impacts of substance abuse are different depending on the person using them. If the use is continued for a long time, addiction will be inevitable. Addiction and substance abuse are bound to turn one's life upside down in a short time. In course of addiction, one's mental and physical abilities will highly rely on the drug and they will need the drug as a basic need. The intensity with which the drug will dictate the person depends on many aspects. These aspects include genes of the person, environment, physical health, and mental health. Drug addiction has its consequences; users may be eventually addicted making it hard for them to stop the use (Abramson & Assembly of Behavioral and Social…...



Abramson, M.A., & Assembly of Behavioral and Social Sciences (U.S.). (2008). The funding of social knowledge production and application: A survey of Federal agencies. Washington: National Academy of Sciences.

Bernstein, D.A. (2007). Psychology. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin.

Galizio, M., & Maisto, S.A. (2010). Determinants of substance abuse: Biological, psychological, and environmental factors. New York: Plenum Press.

Hales, D.R. (2006). Invitation to wellness: Making healthy choices. Australia: Thomson Wadsworth.

Human Development
Pages: 10 Words: 2760

Human Development

Human Development -- the Elderly

The purpose of this paper is to examine human development from the perspective of sociocultural concepts regarding the elderly as well as from the healthcare provider's view and heatlh care services delivery in the elderly population.

Generally, in terms of the elderly and the cognitive aging which is experienced one assumes that is purely a time of decline in the areas of memory, linguistics and processes of attention as well as the problem-solving skills. The decline is believed, and studies support the idea as well, that the cognitive decline begins sometime during the years of the person having reached the age of sixty. However, according to Schaie, 1993, while it is true that a few of the individuals mental abilities experience declines that most cognitive abilities experience only small declines. However, this small declines are sure to occur.

The Aging Process:

One hypothesis that has been purported…...



Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. HCUPnet [Online] available at: http://hcup.ahrq.gove/hcupnet.asp.

A Profile of Older American's (2003) Administration on Aging 2004 [Online] available at: Kanapaux, William (2004) Palliative Care Seeks Structure for Growth. Geriatric Times: A Interdisciplinary Approach to Healthy Aging Sep/Oct 2004 Vol.V Issue.5 [Online] avialable at:

Kagan, Sara H. (2004) Delirium doulas: An Innovative Approach to Enhance Care for Critically Ill Older Adults (Clinical Article) Critical Care Nurse 2004 Aug 1 [Online] available at:   .asp?ctrl Info=Rou nd9a%3APro d%3ADOC%3APrint& DOCID=1G1:120773318& print=yes 

Vladeck, Bruce C. (2000) Health Care Financing Review; 6/22/2000; [Online] available at: ttp:// & num=1& ctrlInfo=Round9a%3AProd%3ASR%3AResult& ao=

Human Development
Pages: 3 Words: 819

Philanthropy is at least as old as recorded human history and most likely began near the same time that humans began to organize into social groups. There are many charitable aspects to most organized religion. For example, Christ was recorded to have cured the ill and fed the hungry. However, philanthropy and charitable giving are not universally global phenomena across all countries and cultures and there are many factors that must be considered; in the U.S., they have origins in religion, in the idea of mutual assistance, in democratic principles of civic participation, in the acceptance of decentralized and varied approaches to problem solving, in individualism, and in limited government (Billiteri, N.d.).
As a result of the culmination of factors that can be used to underpin the historical foundations of philanthropy, each culture and civilization must be considered independently. In most cases there are cultural influences that affect how people and…...


Works Cited

Alexander, D. (2011, May 16). Understanding How Money Works in Different Cultures. Retrieved from The Chronicle of Philanthropy: 

Bernholz, L. (2012). Public Good Politics. Retrieved from Stanford Social Innovation Review: 

Billiteri, T. (N.d.). A Brief History of Philanthropy in the United States. Retrieved from The East Bay Community Foundation: 

CDC. (2015, February 4). 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. Retrieved from CDC:

Human Development Address Items Explain Human Development
Pages: 3 Words: 979

human development. Address items: Explain
Human development is a particularly fascinating area of study, for the simple fact that it cross references and influences a variety of disciplines such as psychology, biology, sociology, and many others. One of the most interesting aspects of this area of study is the lifespan perspective, which deals with the continuing growth and changes that a person experiences from the time of earliest childhood to the old age. There are several theories of life span development that are instrumental in correctly interpreting the overall journey that is human development. Two of the more salient of these are known as plasticity and contextual theory. Both individually and collectively, these two theories help to explain how diverse factors such as heredity and environment are able to account for profound changes in individuals, which helps to form the very notion of individualism itself. All of these facets of…...



Belsky, J., Pluess, M. (2009). "The nature (and nurture?) of plasticity in Early Human Development." Perspectives on Psychological Science. 4 (4): 345-351.

Boyd, D., Bee, H. (2006). Lifespan Development, Fourth Edition. Boston: Pearson Education.

Davis, D., Clifton, A. (1995). "Psychosocial theory: Erikson." Retrieved from

Human Development the Profession of
Pages: 9 Words: 2765

Hence, this has influenced her behaviour and coping mechanisms. Although there is considerable disagreement about the verifiability of behaviourism and external influence as the exclusive determiner of human development, Lilly's case should, at least initially, be regarded with this approach in mind.
The main reason for this is Lilly's drastic behaviour change since the hospitalization of her mother. Clearly, external influences have caused her to form coping mechanisms such as family loyalty and an over-developed sense of care for her younger sister, along with a sense of responsibility when it comes to attempting to dress herself and attend school. This then leads to the assertion by Llewellyn, Agu and Mercer (6), that individual behaviours and experiences do not occur without the influence of environmental factors. oth social and structural processes influence the way in which individuals behave.

This is also true for Lilly. Her immediate environment, which is her family situation,…...



Cunningham, J. And Cunningham, S. 2008. Sociology and Social Work. Sage.

Green, L. 2010. Understanding the Life Course: Sociological and Psychological Perspectives. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Howe, D. 2011. Attachment Across the Life course: A brief introduction. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Hutchison, E.D. And Charlesworth, L.W. Theoretical Perspectives on Human Behavior. Retrieved from:

Human Development in Classroom We All Started
Pages: 10 Words: 2747

Human Development in Classroom
We all started in school having no knowledge at all about the learning that we obtained throughout our years of attending educational institutions. However, after finishing our studies, all of us are able to acquire knowledge at different levels. Such differences in level at which how much we are able to attain knowledge is dependent, according to researches and studies, on two major factors. These are the ability of an individual to grasp knowledge and the ability of a learning instructor to deliver knowledge to his students. In view of this, in the part of the teachers, delivering an effective process of teaching depends on many strategies and methods. One of which is the understanding of the stages of human development in a classroom.

According to the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University (Online, 2005),

In order to make effective classroom decisions, teachers must have a…...



Bergen, D. (1993). Facilitating Friendship Development in Inclusion Classrooms.

Childhood Education, Vol. 69, N4, pp 234-235.

Program Goal II: Student Learning

Retrieved on October 27, 2005, from Online.

Human Development Story Heinz Explain Reasoning Process
Pages: 2 Words: 661

Human Development, story Heinz explain reasoning process underlying decisions made stages Kohlberg's continuum moral development. Based, develop a case study a moral dilemma faced individual stage middle childhood.
ackie is ten years old. She recently discovered that life is not as beautiful as people might think it is when considering the condition of other children in her classroom. She has two friends (Sarah and Tim) in her group who have abusive parents and who are often left to starve by their unsympathetic tutors. She knows her mother and father are unwilling to allow her to befriend poor children and that it is impossible for her to influence them in intervening and helping her two friends. All that she can do is to try to sneak out small amounts of food out of the house when no one is looking. However, the food that she takes is barely enough to feed…...


Jean Piaget's studies in the field of moral development point toward the belief that Jackie was not in a position where she could understand the best solution to Sarah and Tim's problem. In spite of the fact that she had the tendency to help these two individuals, she was in a stage of early moral reasoning and did not have the ability to correctly tackle such situations. Jackie had just found out that other children in her classroom came from a different world and that she could do something to help them. She was in a Concrete operational stage and she was barely aware of what was happening around her. She had not reached the Formal operational stage, where she would be better prepared to deal with situations involving morality. Jackie appears to be particularly intelligent and caring for her age, but her thinking is still guided by social conventions and she considers that it would be impossible for her to express indifference regarding the rules that she has been taught ever since her early childhood. She knows that she does good by helping others, but she is unable to fully understand the concept of moral assistance as she only focuses on helping Sarah. She basically considers Sarah to be better prepared to enter her world because they are both girls.

"KOHLBERG'S STAGES OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT," Retrieved December 26, 2011, from the Pegasus Website:'s%20Stages%20of%20Moral%20Development.htm

"Piaget," Retrieved December 26, 2011, from the Learning and Teaching Website:

Could you offer some ideas for titles for my essay examining Imagination?
Words: 374

1. Imagination: A Journey Through the Mind's Uncharted Territories: An exploration of the boundless realm of imagination, examining its mechanisms, its impact on human experience, and its role in shaping our perceptions and realities.

2. Imagination: The Catalyst for Human Creativity and Innovation: An investigation into the intricate relationship between imagination and creativity, exploring how imagination serves as a fertile ground for the genesis of groundbreaking ideas and transformative solutions.

3. The Power of Imagination: Unlocking the Secrets of Human Potential: A comprehensive analysis of the profound influence of imagination on human development, examining how it enhances problem-solving skills, fosters empathy, and....

Share your best advice on writing a compelling The Effects of Coastal Erosion on the Decline of Marine Life thesis statement!?
Words: 499

Crafting a Compelling Thesis Statement on the Effects of Coastal Erosion on the Decline of Marine Life

Step 1: Understand the Issue

Coastal erosion is a pressing environmental challenge, eroding beaches, cliffs, and other coastal landforms. This erosion directly impacts marine life by degrading vital habitats, reducing food sources, and increasing vulnerability to predators.

Step 2: Identify the Central Argument

The central argument should assert a clear relationship between coastal erosion and the decline of marine life. Avoid overly general or vague statements. Instead, focus on a specific aspect of the impact, such as:

Coastal erosion leads to habitat loss for marine species.

I\'m interested in debating life experience as coming to us very poor. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 395

Essay Topic 1: The Benefits of Adversity: How Life Experience Enriches Our Perspective

Argument: Life experience, even if it involves adversity, has profound benefits that shape our perspective and enhance our resilience.


Exposure to challenges and hardships fosters problem-solving skills, adaptability, and self-reliance.
Overcoming obstacles builds confidence, perseverance, and a sense of accomplishment.
Difficult experiences can teach valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and gratitude.
Resilience developed from adversity reduces vulnerability to future stressors and promotes overall well-being.

Essay Topic 2: The Fallacy of the Poor Life Experience: How Poverty Limits Opportunities and Development

Argument: Poverty can severely disadvantage individuals, limiting their life experiences....

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about economic growth?
Words: 246

1. Exploring the Determinants and Consequences of Economic Growth: A Multidimensional Analysis

2. The Role of Innovation and Productivity in Driving Sustained Economic Growth

3. Economic Growth in Developing Countries: Challenges and Opportunities

4. The Paradox of Economic Growth and Income Inequality: A Critical Examination

5. The Environmental Implications of Economic Growth: A Delicate Balance

6. The Impact of Government Policy on Economic Growth: A Comparative Analysis

7. The Relationship between Economic Growth and Human Development: A Cross-Country Study

8. Economic Growth and the Future of Work: Automation and the Reskilling Imperative

9. The Role of Technology in Accelerating Economic Growth: A Digital Transformation

10. Economic Growth in the....

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