Children S Development During Their Early Years Essay

¶ … Children's capacity to choose appropriate behaviour is influenced by their developmental ability, temperament, interactions, life experiences and environmental factors." (Government of South Australia, 2004) Children are known to accumulate a great deal of information in their early years and to use this information in situations when they believe it would be required for them to do so. Society thus created educational tools with the purpose to control the information being provided to children and to make it more likely for them to develop into moral individuals who are able to integrate the social order properly. The developmental changes occurring in children during the ages of 6 and 14 are especially intriguing, considering that it is during this time that they come to gain a more complex understanding of the world and their role in it.

A child's behavior can be a collection of actions in and as a result of the environment he or she is present in. While some of these actions can be voluntary (with the child being well-aware of the consequences of his or her actions), lots of them can actually be involuntary -- the child behaves in a particular way but he or she has a limited understanding of why they are doing this. "Play and interactions with other people and objects within the environment are important in cognitive and behavioral development." (Stanton)

There are a series of milestones that a child typically comes across as he or she develops their personality. One of the first behaviors that a child is likely to put across during the...


It is also during these months that a child is probable to develop an understanding of events that happen regularly and start to use correct responses to these respective events. By twelve months a child is already aware of his or her family and begins to develop a fear of strangers. By twenty-four months a child is likely to gain an understanding of defiance and even to show defiant behavior. During this period he or she is also probable to replicate behaviors seen in his or her parents or in other children that they interact with (Stanton).
From three to five years a child begins to differentiate items and to separate them in several categories. At this point he or she is likely to be able to complete inter-locking puzzles. Time becomes a clearer concept and the child is likely to question his or her parents with regard to a series of ideas that he or she comes across. Parents thus step in at this point and shape the child's thinking, making it possible for him or her to share their opinions. Imaginary play can also develop significantly at this moment in the child's life and he or she is also likely to identify aggression as a form of achieving his or her goals (Stanton)

Children's behavior is largely the result of the environments they come across in their early years. This respective set of environments can be considered to be a fragmented collection of ideas that each influence the child in a particular way. "Cognition is conceived…

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Works cited:

Eccles, J. S. "The Development of Children Ages 6 to 14." Retrieved November 15, 2015, from

Perlmutter, M. "Cognitive Perspectives on Children's Social and Behavioral Development: The Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, Volume 18." (Psychology Press, 14 Jan 2014)

Stanton, K. "Developmental Milestones: Intellectual and Behavioral." Retrieved November 15, 2015, from

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