Components Of Successful Project Management Is The Article Review

¶ … components of successful project management is the ability of managers to effectively assess the concerns of various stakeholders, or those parties with a vested interest in the project, while balancing those concerns with the project's primary priorities. Cultivating positive relationships with the stakeholders whose lives a project may affect is an extremely useful skill to develop as a project manager, and the external resource entitled Your Role in Building Stakeholder Relationships which was received during this course served to emphasize this point. This handout presented a training module for council members tasked with guiding the University of Missouri Extension project, observing that "a stakeholder is someone who is involved with an organization and therefore has responsibilities towards it and an interest in its success" before reminding council members to "understand their role in: establishing and maintaining positive relationships with Extension's stakeholders,...


While the importance of recognizing and reacting to stakeholder input has been covered exhaustively by project management researchers, an article published in 2008 by Marjolein C. Achterkamp and Janita F.J. Vos refocused its analysis on the specific roles that key stakeholders are capable of playing within the overall project management process.
The comprehensive empirical review contained within the article Investigating the Use of the Stakeholder Notion in Project Management Literature, A Meta-Analysis examines a total of forty-two publications in a meta-analysis of how stakeholder's roles are perceived by project managers. As the authors of the article state explicitly in their introduction, "this article reports the findings of a meta-analysis of these publications (to) show the lack of attention paid to conceptualizing the stakeholder…

Sources Used in Documents:


Achterkamp, M.C., & Vos, J.F.J. (2008). Investigating the use of the stakeholder notion in project management literature, a meta-analysis. International Journal of Project Management, 26, 749-757. Retrieved from F%B9%DC%C0%ED/Project%20Management.Data/PDF/stakeholder- 2260649216/stakeholder.PDF

Brambaugh, W. University of Missouri Extension, (2005).Your role in building stakeholder relationships. Columbia, MO: Missouri Extension County Council Leadership Council

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