Cyberbullying Campaign Term Paper


Cyberbullying Beyond Blue is a campaign that is designed to help with depression and anxiety in Australian youth. They tackle a number of issues related to this, including getting help during times of distress. Cyberbullying is one campaign issue that Beyond Blue can work with, because cyberbullying is a major cause of depressions and suicide among teenagers. Addressing this cause of depression at its root can help teenagers to tackle their depression more effectively.

It is important to outline the key roles and responsibilities for the team in order to build the most effective campaign possible. Beyond Blue's organisational structure has three main leaders -- the Chairman Jeff Kennett, the CEO Kate Cornell and the Deputy Chair Tim Marney. There is a Board of Directors that provides leadership to...


From there, Beyond Blue is designed around a geographic structure. There is on overarching Commonwealth of Australia unit, and then departments for the six states, Northern Territory and ACT (Beyond Blue, 2014). The organisation chart is provided in Appendix A.
Each geographic unit has a series of managers and volunteers who run the different programs at the functional level. Designing a new campaign for cyberbully will be done at the national level, and thus will require the input of the national unit, the Board of Directors, outside experts in the field and should also involve members of the individual teams as well who have experience with this area. In particular, those who are actively dealing with suicide and depression issues, and the hotlines, will be able to offer first hand…

Sources Used in Documents:


Beyond Blue. (2014). Our governance structure. Beyond Blue. Retrieved May 19, 2014 from

Sveticic, J., Milner, A. & De Leo, D. (2010). Suicide Research: Selected Readings, Vol. 4. Australian Institute for Suicide Research and Prevention: Bowen Hills, Qld.

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"Cyberbullying Campaign" (2014, May 19) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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