Dealing With Stress Case Study

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Stress is a very real issue in any walk of life, in online learning it present, especially when there are many different callings on time. Looking at strategies put in place to reduce or manage stress, they have resulted in mixed, but generally positive results. The two main strategies have been the development of a support network and undertaking effective time management. Each of these will be considered separately.

The development of a support network extended beyond family, and also included a few friends. Ensuring family and friends know of the course commitments, and the need to spend time studying has been a benefit both in reducing the manifestation of some types of stress, as well as coping with existing stress. Firstly, by understanding the study commitments and my need to concentrate I have received a greater level of consideration to support the study. Prior to developing the support network in a conscious manner, I would have different friends and family asking me to undertake tasks for them, attend events, or help them in different way, with the expressed expectation being my immediate compliance, even where there were conflicts in terms of timing and my availability. With an understanding of my study commitments I have found a greater level of understanding, I still get asked to help with the same things, and to the same events, but it is now easier to decline or delay with the understanding of those asking. There has also been increased support, with family...


I can talk to friends about my worriers and concerns, some of which may not always be related to studies. One friend, who has already attended collage, is partially helpful, as they understand the processes, and the worries associated with higher education.
Time management has also been very useful. Planning out activities, not only educational activities, has created a stronger foundation for study. It means that I am not longer leaving things until the last minute, which is extremely stressful. The time planning has not always been effective, as it is easy to become distracted or delay items on the schedule. However, the ability to get work done in a timelier manner has reduced the level of rushing, and a sense of relief, and when undertaking the work in advance, there is a greater ability to concentrate on the work rather than the time. This helps to reduce the manifestation of unneeded stress, but it does not always prevent it.

There are many effective ways at dealing with stress when it does manifest and goes beyond a healthy limit. When writing an essay or studying, and stress starts to negativity impact on performance, a healthy strategy is to take a break and change the environment, such as going for a walk. This helps to refresh the mind and allows one to go back…

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"Dealing With Stress" (2015, February 25) Retrieved May 18, 2024, from

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"Dealing With Stress", 25 February 2015, Accessed.18 May. 2024,

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