Dell Computers Incorporated Is A Global Technological Essay


Dell Computers Incorporated is a global technological corporation that develops, manufactures, sells, and supports personal computers and computer and electronic-based devices. Dell was indeed the first company in the IT sector to ordain that no computer should be built without first being sold in advance. This also ensures that Dell holds no extra surpluses. The stock in the company does not stick at a place for a long time. Dell best understands consumer needs and efficiently provides the most effective computing solutions to meet those needs by selling computer system directly to the customer. This direct business model eliminates retailers, who added unnecessary time and cost, and also allowed the company to build every system to order, offering customers powerful, richly configured systems at competitive prices. Dell introduced the latest relevant technology much more quickly than companies with slow-moving, indirect distribution channels, turning over inventory an average of every four days. Part 2- Computers are extremely competitive and technology changes rapidly. While Dell's model keeps up with the newest trends, a substantial portion...


This is also an extremely unstable market. Dell also has a model that supports a certain type of consumer, if that mix changes or if that demographic niche changes, Dell is not necessarily poised to change rapidly and reinvent itself. Dell is highly dependent upon its own particular paradigm and infrastructure, if something were to impair that (virus, disaster, etc.) the company model would be in trouble.
Part 3- The SOX act, enacted in 2002, set new standards for U.S. public company reporting in the wake of a number of scandals. It requires Dell to report any off-balance sheet transactions to corporate officers and be transparent as to any potential conflicts of interests. SOX also required that Michael Dell himself certify the tax and fiscal disclosure forms and become personally liable for any errors.

Part 4- Dell is a direct to consumer manufacturer that has certain merchandising aspects (e.g. website, etc.). Their business is technically assembly of a number of components into a computer based on the specifics from…

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