Educational Policies/Social Issues A Define Term Paper


Introduce programs that assist students develop admiration and broadmindedness towards others, their moral and religious values, aesthetic understanding and compassion.

Benefits of the Program

It is apparent that misinterpretation and misperception about the Muslim culture and ethnicity has justified the disinclination of teachers to risk interfering with the Muslim heritage in the classrooms. Muslim ethnicity deals with the tradition and history of successive Muslim generations. The culture of the Muslims is the thoughts, traditions, as well as, art of the present generation of Muslims. The Muslim culture has not been motionless instead it has been in an active environment of social life. The educational program will clearly differentiate amid the Muslim culture and ethnicity so as to maintain and protect their ethnic characteristics while liberating them to show their culture to the American society in their own way.

When these educational programs are put into action, the American youth can turn out to be more aware and sensitive about the cultures and norms of the Muslims. Cultural relativity will be the most logical result. Teachers will gain many insights into the nature of the Muslim culture and civilization. Ultimately, this educational program will offer exceptional measures to eradicate prejudice against the Muslims and serve as a foundation in promoting admiration for racial and ethnic diversities.

This educational program will also assist the youth in acknowledging stereotypes, prejudice, as well as, racial and hatred crimes carried out hostile to the Muslim-Americans. Students will be taught new behaviors in which to dismiss stereotypes and avoid prejudice and racial crimes hostile to others, particularly the Muslim-American population. Students will have a widened admiration for the cultures and traditions of the Muslim-American population.

G): Cost Issues

How does the Congress fund the Program

The United States Department of Education (ED) has been giving approximately $35 to $40 billion grants every year. This year the United States Department of Education (ED) will give $36 billion in grants to the states as well as, the districts. These grants are basically formula-based grants, which mean that their primary objective is to serve students and the teachers in solving their existing complex problems. However, it has been a widely known fact that the grants given out to the educational institutions by the American Government have never been properly utilized. These grants are either spent in areas where there is either no urgent need or areas where some vested interest is apparent.

Therefore, it is imperative that the congress reviews its educational spending and diverts its under-utilized or badly utilized resources on educational programs that serve to end the racial prejudice against the minorities.

Direct and Indirect Costs

The Direct and Indirect Costs associated with this program have been listed in the table chart below. These costs are realistic and essential for accurate and well-organized management of the Federal funding. Furthermore, they are endorsed and not banned under any State or district law and regulation. In addition, these costs have been constant with guiding principles, policies, and measures that pertain to both Federal grants, as well as, other LEA actions. Likewise, special notice has been given to ensure that no cost has been allocated to a Federal grant having the status of a direct cost if the related cost sustained for the similar function has been billed to the Federal grant having the status of an indirect cost. In addition, all costs, direct and indirect, have been verified in reference to commonly acknowledged accounting principles. Lastly, these costs have been totally priced to an individual Federal grant and are the net of all relevant acknowledgments

Table 1. Cost Analysis Estimates

Cost Analysis

Estimated Total Direct Costs

Estimated Total indirect Costs

Estimated Cost Per Student

Estimated Total Program Cost

Value Issue

The American values advocate democracy, social equality and freedom. The American people do not think that any race, culture or sect should take no notice of the popular force and infringe and undermine individual freedom (George, 2004).

The American values advocate internationalism. The American people want to move forward with this global village with high hopes of mutual growth and development (George, 2004).

The American values advocate equity. Americans support the principle that everyone has been created equal and should enjoy similar rights. This consists of women, as well as, men of all cultural and religious communities living in America. In fact, there are laws that safeguard the "right to parity" in its diverse shapes (George, 2004).

The American values advocate solidarity. The American people stand for and with all the underprivileged and the barred. In spite...


Americans stand for a stop to racial discrimination aimed at migrants and inhabitants of different color. The Americans advocate an end to oppression both at home, as well as, overseas. The Americans have been a society well-off in diversity. Americans rejoice diversity and acknowledge the restrictions of anyone's viewpoint. The Americans value their country's diversity and endeavor to reproduce that diversity by offering a full variety of services and resources to the different communities that are a part of the American society (George, 2004);
The American values advocate justice. The Americans stand against political, economic, and cultural establishments that encourage a rat race frame of mind, huge economic and power disparities, sexual, racism, and gender social structures (George, 2004).

All in all, the American values advocate a global order whose economic, political, as well as, social organizations promote harmony, foster equality, get the most out of community and government involvement, rejoice diversity, as well as, support complete and real democracy (George, 2004).

Power / Interest

It is quite apparent that the Republican Party has won the election 2004. Therefore, in order to make the congress provide the necessary funds for educational policies that teach young people about Arabs, Muslims, prejudice against both with federal funding, it is imperative that the Republican Party is on our side. It is necessary for the Republican Party to note that the "clash of civilization" is not amid the Eastern countries and the Western countries, however, it is amid democratic freedoms and secularism, on one hand, and dictatorial religious radicalism, together the repression of rebels, on the other hand. If the Republicans can see the world from this perspective, there is a resemblance amid the constricted ideas of 'religious' fanatics, whether they are Muslims or not, and the certified American prejudice after September 11 attacks.

Democracies are a system of life, not a simple sporadic process of choosing a government. The essence of democracy lies in the reflection and application of untying the minority who route to terror from the numerous who make use of their right to be different from certified guiding principles. Freedom of speech has been a precious quality for permitting both individual articulateness and a guide for non-violent swapping of thoughts. Disagreement by means of nonviolent ways is a democratic apparatus for social transformation, which the law enforcers ought not to repress. The United States ought to carry on recognizing the well-grounded legitimacy of the appropriate procedures. All in all; migrants, refugees, and even citizens from Muslim-American, Arab-American, Middle Eastern, as well as, South Asian countries should not put up with the impact of ill-treatment and discrimination (Richard and Greg, 2003).


The racial discrimination is not an issue that can be resolved by applying effortless transformation. Instead, solutions will most certainly come from augmented understanding, awareness and appreciation, pledge from the government and the various communities to not only recognize the predicament but work in the direction of dealing with it, and extensive supportive and accommodating endeavors from all stakeholders in American society to make a determined attempt to end racial discrimination in America.

No longer should racial discrimination be blindly acknowledged as "common" in diverse societies, with little concern for the influence on the minority groups in America, particularly Muslim-American. No longer should the enormous federal donation to the education system be misused or underutilized by educational institutions. No longer should teachers stand lazily when thousands of students are becoming victims of racial discrimination. It is fair to say that solutions will not be straightforward and uncomplicated, but as a Great Nation, the American society cannot allow not to deal with the issue of racial prejudice existing in the society. The discrimination against Muslim-Americans is factual, and it should be tackled for the good of the social fabric of the American Society and for the good of the American Nation.


Elaine Cassel. The War on Civil Liberties: How Bush and Ashcroft Have Dismantled the Bill of Rights. Lawrence Hill Books. 2004.

George Soros. The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power. NewYork, Public Affairs. 2004.

Grand Rapids, W.B. Erdmans. Muslims in America. Trenton, New Jersey, Africa World Press. 1994.

Jay a. Sigler. The Arabs. Civil Rights in America: 1500 to the Present, ed. Detroit, Gale. 1998.

M.A. Muqtedar Khan. American Muslims: Bridging Faith and Freedom. Amana Publications; 1st edition. 2002.

Richard C. Leone, Greg, Jr. Anrig. The War on Our Freedoms:…

Sources Used in Documents:


Elaine Cassel. The War on Civil Liberties: How Bush and Ashcroft Have Dismantled the Bill of Rights. Lawrence Hill Books. 2004.

George Soros. The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power. NewYork, Public Affairs. 2004.

Grand Rapids, W.B. Erdmans. Muslims in America. Trenton, New Jersey, Africa World Press. 1994.

Jay a. Sigler. The Arabs. Civil Rights in America: 1500 to the Present, ed. Detroit, Gale. 1998.

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