Casual Essays (Examples)

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Dining Analysis
hen deciding to visit a casual dining restaurant, the first choice one makes is whether to choose a restaurant from a chain or to choose an independent restaurant. This decision is an important one. Chain restaurants tend to offer consistent dining experiences, so that a person can anticipate the level of quality and service he or she will receive at the restaurant. However, as restaurant chains grow, they often lose touch with their roots: "the more the priorities of the management seem to shift from taking care of its patrons to serving the needs of owners and stockholders" (Marvin, N.p.). Therefore, rather than choosing to evaluate a chain restaurant for this analysis, I chose to evaluate an independent casual dining restaurant: Hoggs N. Chicks in Missouri City, Texas. I chose this restaurant because I had heard good reviews about it from friends and had previously enjoyed my experiences….

Throughout that time, full-time corresponding enrollment, consisting of students who took twelve credit hours per semester, saw a fourteen percent increase, as compared with a nine percent increase in total enrollment at other institutions. In the summers of these years, full-time enrollment (FTE) grew by fifteen percent, while total enrollment saw a ten percent increase. Researchers have concluded that extended Pell grants appear to be enabling students to attend community colleges full-time, predominantly in the summer, and therefore are increasing drop out rates when these same students are not academically prepared (ISU researchers on team showing Pell Grant impact on community college expansion, 2011).
Because of the current economy many people are either going back to school and are choosing community colleges over four-year institutions because of money. This means that the enrollment in most community colleges is up. This also means that they amount of Pell grants that are….

According to Dripps (2001), "Few debates in American law are as sustained, or as bitter, as the debate over the exclusionary rule. Critics have attacked the exclusion of unconstitutionally obtained evidence for compromising the pursuit of truth in adjudication, for exceeding the constitutional authority of the judiciary, and for fostering police perjury and judicial hypocrisy" (p. 1). Proponents of the exclusionary rule maintain that there exists a fundamental need for some type of protections against constitutional violations, and argue that the exclusionary rules provide a superior alternative to reliance on damage actions that result from such violations (Dripps, 2001). Because there are some exceptions, such as the good faith exception, to the exclusionary rule, there appears to be enough latitude in this law to make its continued enforcement relevant and appropriate. Absent the protections afforded by the exclusionary rule, it is conceivable that law enforcement authorities could use virtually….

The newer restaurants are also more open, with more tie-ins to nature and the Everglades lodge theme. The menu proclaims it is "where the locals go." Waiters and waitress, called Everglades Guides, wear shorts and bright shirts. One of the new dining areas is a patio for up to 50 guests with less clutter and kitsch than before, but that still includes stuffed alligators and the rocking chairs and tables. Timoteo is looking for a broader demographic and is getting more of the midscale family people, empty nesters and babyboomers.
Despite the fact that Florida is not the easiest state for restaurants due to high land and utility costs, a rotating crowd of customers and a lot of competition, it seems that the R.J. Gator's has been experiencing success for a number of reasons. The owner has been locating his restaurants near malls to draw crowds. The fact that his….

California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) is a casual dining food service chain that specializes in California style pizza (as opposed to deep dish New York Style). CPK opened in 1985. As of March, 2011 they are global in scope, having recently moved into India with 265 restaurants in 32 states and 10 foreign countries, in malls and airports, as well as frozen products available in most grocery stores. 2010 revenues were almost $650 million, but showed a decrease of 1.2%. The chain is known for innovative pizza ingredients: Thai Chicken, Jamaican Jerk Chicken Pizza, etc. They also have an extensive pasta, desert and kids menu. Kraft was the original licensee for CPK's frozen pizza, but sold to Nestle in 2010 (California Pizza Kitchen, 2011).
History of the Company -- The company opened with $550,000 from owner's equity and personal loans in 1985, by 1992 there were 26 CPKs. In 1992, PepsiCo paid….

Five Guys Burgers is a casual restaurant chain that focuses on a limited, but tasty menu of hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries. The chain was founded in 1986 with company headquarters in Virginia. The company has several kudos, GC Magazine said, "The Best $5 Burger a Man Can Eat," and the Washington Post called the company "The Willie Wonkas of Burgercraft." Five Guys' operates in 48 States (no Alaska or Hawaii yet), and 6 Canadian Provinces. Their unique appeal lies in several areas: free in the shell peanuts for snacks while awaiting your meal; a consistent product, limited menu, and cooked to order with side items. By offering a limited menu, Five Guys can better control the quality of the meal (, 2012).
Company founder Jerry Murrell said Five Guys has five core concepts that set them apart from other fast food chains: 1) Make really good food with no….

tone of the memo is too casual. Instead of setting up the memo with empty, 'filler' comments such as the fact that the poster found the topic fascinating, she should 'get right to the point' about what she believes she learned about workplace violence. She also restates information that the reader already knows, such as the fact that she was the 'rep' for the company at the event.
The memo contains many extraneous, subjective comments such as when a candidate for employment withdraws him or herself from consideration for a job that surely means he or she has something to hide. That is not necessarily the case. The writer also reveals that she may have a bias regarding the subject matter, noting how she supports anonymous reporting because she wished to report employees in the past at her old company through such a method.

Her notes on what constitutes red flag….

Personality and Personality Disorders
Causal Factors and Influences in the Development of Personality

Personality Development

Personality refers to the characteristic pattern or behavioral style of a person as manifested by his external and internal properties (IGNOU, 2012). These properties are distinct and unique to every person. His external properties are directly and outwardly observed, such as his dress, speech, actions, postures, habits and gestures. His internal properties are overt, such as motives, beliefs, intentions and feelings that can only inferred by others. An individual's personality can, therefore, be perceived and shaped by the observations and inferences made from the outside according to his response patterns to outside stimuli (IGNOU).

Concept and Criteria, Nature of Personality

The concept of personality is derived from the person's characteristic responses (IGNOU, 2012). It is derived in three ways. The first is by subjective impressions made in outsiders by the person's response pattern. The second is by the objective description….

Casual Analysis Advice

Causes of Heart Attack
Heart attack and the relating diseases are some of the major killers in the United States. Heart attack cases turn out repeatedly and have killed hundreds of thousands of people each year, not to mention leaving the survivors in uncomfortable life and growing risk for its recurrence.

A regular fact that explains about how the attack happens is about the abnormal blood circulation in the vessels. Human body consists of thousands of arteries and intersection that needs to keep clean to allow the blood to run smoothly, supplying enough oxygen throughout the body. In one way or another, the minimum space of the artery does not allow normal passage since the arteries get partially blocked by plaque substances.

The article "Arterial Disease" explains that atherosclerosis, the artery disease, most commonly is caused by the accumulation of substances such as "fatty substances, cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium, and fibrin." Those….

Media Analysis Argument
Television is frequently implicated in a cause and effect relationship with moral decline, but I believe a closer examination demonstrates this causality to be spurious. It was ten years ago, more or less, that the Super Bowl halftime show featured a rather surprising incident: Justin Timberlake performed a duet with Janet Jackson, which concluded with what was infamously described as a "wardrobe malfunction." The image of this event -- which was determined to have lasted for only nine-sixteenths of a second -- is unforgettable for the mass audience of those who saw it, and remains readily available online. But can we say ten years later that it actually caused or contributed to a widespread moral decline between 2004 and 2014? I would like to focus my discussion on Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" because I think it, on closer examination, it will turn out to show that the moral….

Levi Strauss Case Study
Conceptually, four types of customization -- collaborative, adaptive, cosmetic and transparent -- are possible (Geekie, Section 4). Both Levi Strauss and Dell Computers' mass customization offerings are based on the collaborative model of customization, where customers and manufacturers collaborate on product specifications prior to production. However, Dell's delivery lead times are much shorter owing to the fact that Dell restricts its computers to several key modules, within which it allows a wide choice of customer specifications. Thus, Dell is able to put together a PC in 4 minutes, with an additional 90 minutes needed to load the software, which is where most of the customization comes in (The Economist, 2001, para 11). Levi's, on the other hand, has a longer lead time owing to its offer of customization on several hundreds of patterns and combinations thereof. In addition, ordering a pair of customized jeans still requires the….

Marketing Plan
oyal line clothing Marketing Plan

oyal line clothing is a company that undertaking production and distribution of casual clothing for both men and women. The company's clothing lineup is ideal for individuals with a passion for outdoor activity as well as those aspiring to embrace this type of life style. Manufacture of the clothing lineup is undertaken in such a way to afford the users a feel for their love and passion for outdoor activities. This is by making logos on the clothing for different sporting and outdoor activities. This labeling creates an opportunity for royal line clothing to capture interest of many outdoor enthusiasts thus widening the potential customer base.

oyal line clothing understands that casual clothing line up needs to deliver to the potential and existing clientele a feel of the outdoors. This is achieved by picking colors for the clothing closely related to nature. The colors used in….

Gender Differences

Man and Woman, Casual Sex and Jealousy:
Insight from the Field of Evolutionary Psychology

'Our modern skulls house a stone age mind."

Cosmides and Tooby, 1997

If questioned today, many people might agree with what seems to be an illogical coupling of statements: (1) A man is more likely than his female mate to feel comfortable about having casual sex with multiple partners, but (2) the same man is likely to feel jealous about his mate having sex with someone else. Yet, when the underlying causes for a male's apparently inconsistent behavior are explored from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, a logical explanation emerges.

Evolutionary psychology is a branch of study focused on the problems and stress factors that ancestors of humans faced, the "psychological mechanisms" that natural selection developed to address these problems and stresses, and the ways in which these ancient mechanisms work today (Crawford and Anderson, 1989, cited in Crawford and Salmon,….

Yum Brands

Aspects such as weight reduction, disease reduction, and overall peak performance will be emphasized (Jeffery, 2006). Sponsoring many of Australia's more popular sporting events with the products would also be very beneficial. Placement of these products will occur within all of the Yum! Brands locations. As mentioned above, two strengths of the company are its global positioning in regards to its brand, and its overall depth of franchises (McGinley, 2004). With more locations than any of its competitors in emerging markets, the company has a distinct competitive advantage relative to its peers in the industry. By effectively utilizing this franchise to unveil its healthier product segment, Yum! Brands can capitalize on its location density. The locations are also very useful in regards to cross selling many of the newer health option that customers may not be aware off. By placing the new products in all of its location simultaneously….

In addition to capitalizing on this trend, the Assemblage's strategy also helps to mitigate the damaging impacts of a double dip. The Assemblage essentially captures customers on their way up or down the dining market. A double dip recession may cause some consumers to trade down from fine dining. They do not currently trade down because there are no casual dining establishments able to deliver the innovative food, interesting beverages and dynamic service that the Assemblage promises. This gives consumers another option, one that allows them to have a home no matter what the economic climate. The Assemblage benefits from any economic condition in one way or another, allowing it to flourish in any scenario.

orks Cited:

Horovitz, B. (2008). Casual dining chains hunger for change. USA Today. Retrieved June 3, 2010 from

Mintel Internatioanl. (2009). Casual dining -- U.S.. Mintel International. Retrieved April 24, 2010 from

Banerjee, R. (2010). Marketers must….

Operation Anaconda was, at the time, the largest combat operation in Afghanistan as part of the War on Terrorism that was declared after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.  It was launched on March 2, 2002.  Major General F.L. Hagenback, the commander of the U.S. Army 10th Mountain Division, was responsible for leading an offensive attack on al-Qaeda and Taliban forces that were located in the Shahi-Kot Valley/ Arma Mountain region near Zormat in Afghanistan.  It was the first major battle after the Battle of Tora Bora and was the first battle to feature American....

Writing an essay about drug abuse, it is important to start by distinguishing it from drug usage. Most people use some type of drugs casually or recreationally.  Whether it is a morning caffeine fix, a glass of wine with dinner, over-the-counter painkillers when a headache strikes, or some recreational marijuana, substances are a part of everyday life.  While using drugs may be an acceptable way to relax, to ease pain, or to handle other issues, drug abuse can have profoundly negative effects on a person’s life.

Unfortunately, there is not a bright-line between drug use and drug abuse. ....

Given the popularity of online dating and dating apps, writing an argumentative essay against online dating is a good choice.  It is always more interesting to write a position paper that may be unusual, because it is unlikely to recycle the same arguments that your professor will see in other papers.  There is actually a myriad of reasons that online dating may not be as successful (or as safe) as traditional in-person dating, and any of these reasons could serve as the basis for an argumentative essay.  They include but are not limited to potential....

There are a number of different subtopics you could explore when writing a paper about the general topic of alcohol consumption.  How to choose the right topic depends on what type of paper you want to write about alcohol consumption.  If you are looking to write an informative essay, then you could write about the impact of alcohol consumption on the body, while an argumentative essay might focus on whether having 21 as the legal drinking age is logical given that 18 is considered an “adult” for all other purposes.  So, it....

6 Pages
Research Paper


Casual Dining Concept Analysis

Words: 2243
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dining Analysis hen deciding to visit a casual dining restaurant, the first choice one makes is whether to choose a restaurant from a chain or to choose an independent…

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3 Pages

Sports - College

English Literature Casual Argument the

Words: 1040
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Throughout that time, full-time corresponding enrollment, consisting of students who took twelve credit hours per semester, saw a fourteen percent increase, as compared with a nine percent increase…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Exclusionary Rule a Casual Observer

Words: 642
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

According to Dripps (2001), "Few debates in American law are as sustained, or as bitter, as the debate over the exclusionary rule. Critics have attacked the exclusion of…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Rj Gators Casual Diners Are

Words: 1251
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The newer restaurants are also more open, with more tie-ins to nature and the Everglades lodge theme. The menu proclaims it is "where the locals go." Waiters and…

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3 Pages


California Pizza Kitchen Cpk Is a Casual

Words: 1258
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) is a casual dining food service chain that specializes in California style pizza (as opposed to deep dish New York Style). CPK opened in 1985.…

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2 Pages


Five Guys Burgers Is a Casual Restaurant

Words: 757
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Five Guys Burgers is a casual restaurant chain that focuses on a limited, but tasty menu of hamburgers, hot dogs and French fries. The chain was founded in 1986…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Tone of the Memo Is Too Casual

Words: 461
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

tone of the memo is too casual. Instead of setting up the memo with empty, 'filler' comments such as the fact that the poster found the topic fascinating,…

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9 Pages
Research Paper


Casual Factors and Influences in the Development of Personality

Words: 2691
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personality and Personality Disorders Causal Factors and Influences in the Development of Personality Personality Development Personality refers to the characteristic pattern or behavioral style of a person as manifested by his external…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Casual Analysis Advice

Words: 970
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Causes of Heart Attack Heart attack and the relating diseases are some of the major killers in the United States. Heart attack cases turn out repeatedly and have killed…

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6 Pages


Casual Analysis Argument About the Media

Words: 2024
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Media Analysis Argument Television is frequently implicated in a cause and effect relationship with moral decline, but I believe a closer examination demonstrates this causality to be spurious. It was…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Levi Strauss' Selling Customized Casual Clothing

Words: 681
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Levi Strauss Case Study Conceptually, four types of customization -- collaborative, adaptive, cosmetic and transparent -- are possible (Geekie, Section 4). Both Levi Strauss and Dell Computers' mass customization offerings…

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5 Pages
Marketing Plan


Royal Clothing Marketing Plan and Price Strategy

Words: 1514
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan oyal line clothing Marketing Plan oyal line clothing is a company that undertaking production and distribution of casual clothing for both men and women. The company's clothing lineup is…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Gender Differences

Words: 802
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Man and Woman, Casual Sex and Jealousy: Insight from the Field of Evolutionary Psychology 'Our modern skulls house a stone age mind." Cosmides and Tooby, 1997 If questioned today, many people might agree…

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6 Pages
Book Report


Yum Brands

Words: 2118
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Book Report

Aspects such as weight reduction, disease reduction, and overall peak performance will be emphasized (Jeffery, 2006). Sponsoring many of Australia's more popular sporting events with the products would…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Business - Advertising

Assemblage Marketing Plan There Are

Words: 1534
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

In addition to capitalizing on this trend, the Assemblage's strategy also helps to mitigate the damaging impacts of a double dip. The Assemblage essentially captures customers on their way…

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