Ethics And Morality -- Don't Case Study

Thousands of other equally well qualified and combat-decorated military personnel must hide a fundamental aspect of their personal makeup from their comrades, most of whom could not care less about the sexual orientation of their fellow enlisted personnel. Fundamental Ethical Issues

In principle, the ethical dilemma involved in the DADT policy issue is simply that, much the same as race, ethnicity, and gender, sexual preference is not a matter of choice and does not have anything at all to do with the relative worth of a person or, for that matter, with whether or not one possesses any of the qualities necessary for military service. The U.S. Constitution affords Equal Protection under the 14th Amendment to all persons and protects minorities from discrimination and from persecution and all other forms of unequal treatment. Prior to the 20th century, the descendents of former slaves were widely and systematically deprived of their constitutional rights. Those wrongs were only redressed very gradually during the second half of the 20th century. In fact, one of the most important impetuses for the improved status of African-Americans in the second half of the 20th century was precisely the fact that so many black service men had fought honorably during the Second World War. At that...


Specifically, certain high-profile politicians, public figures, and military brass argued that desegregation would be detrimental to morale.
Policy Issues

The fundamental problem with the DADT policy is that it forces military personnel to lie despite the fact that the honor code of the very institution in which they serve includes honesty and promotes it as a core value. From an operational perspective, the current DADT policy is harmful to the mission of the U.S. Military in that it results in the mandatory discharge of qualified personnel, exactly in the manner of Daniel Choi and Victor Fehrenbach. Choi is an expert in one of the most important operational areas and Fehrenbach represents more than $1 million in training in addition to having been a decorated squadron leader of an F-15 squadron with almost 20 years in the honorable service of his nation. Ultimately, the only way to resolve the obvious ethical issues raised by the DADT policy is to repeal it so that the military institutions of the nation that represents equality of opportunity and justice does not violate those very principles.

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