Ethics HRM Ethics Job Description ABC And Essay


Ethics HRM Ethics Job Description

ABC and Co. has a position open for the following designations.

Job Title: Corporate Ethics Officer

Reports to: Managing Director

Based at: Los Angeles, California

Job Purpose: Identifying the key corporate ethics values of the company and devising a code of conduct for the company that incorporates the ethical values in the company's long-term strategic goals so as to take the rights and safety of stakeholders in to consideration.

Key Responsibilities:

The Corporate Ethics Officer should be able to take all organizational aspects and stakeholders into account and identify the corporate ethical values.

The Corporate Ethics Officer will be responsible for devising a code of conduct that incorporates all ethical values identified earlier and implement the code of conduct in the organization.

The Corporate Ethics Officer will be responsible for developing training programs and training the employees about organizational health and safety and ethical business practices.

The Corporate Ethics Officer will be responsible for monitoring...


has evolved over decades and today has a…

Sources Used in Documents:


Boyd, C. (2003). Human resource management and occupational health and safety. New York: Routledge.

French, P. (1995). Corporate Ethics. USA: Harcourt Brace.

Barth, S. (2003). Corporate Ethics: The business code of conduct for ethical employees.

USA: Aspatore.

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