Corporate Ethics Essays (Examples)

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Corporate Ethics Responsibility Over
Pages: 10 Words: 3536

This is highlighting the overall culture of unethical behavior inside P. ("The Explosion at Texas City," 2006)
As the company, would engage in policy of denying their involvement of: responsibility and attribute the incident to employee error. This would tie up the proceedings for many years, allowing for them to maximize their profits (while being able to avoid the ethical challenges they were wrestling with). ("The Explosion at Texas City," 2006) as a result, these unethical views would have a dramatic impact upon the culture inside the organization itself. Where, mangers would often encourage employees to overlook safety and environmental regulations (in order to remain in line with the company's financial objectives). This meant that the odds increased dramatically, that the company would have an accident with: dire safety, economic and environmental consequences.

As a result, the Deepwater Horizon incident was the pinnacle of: the lack of investment and disregard surrounding…...

Corporate Ethics Business - Or
Pages: 3 Words: 986

Develop metrics. -- put tangible ethics measures in place and consider connecting compensation to ethical principles.
3. Create a cross-functional team. - include an HR professional in auditing team as well as an ethics and compliance manager and internal auditor and legal managers.

4. udit efficiently. -- udits frequently disrupt regular business schedule. Krell recommends conducting audit in such a way that it will limit disruption as much as possible.

5. Look for other issues. -- conducting the audit may reveal needs for improvement in other ethical-related matters. Share these with relevant sources.

6. Respond consistently and communicate. -- adhere consistently to ethical requirements and penalize ethical violations when they occur.

In short, Krelll believes that an ethics code can build a true corporate ethics and that HR professional have a core role to play in building this ethics.

(Krell, E. (2010) How to Conduct an Ethics udit SHRM, Vol. 55 No. 4 )


Ethics codes…...


A reputation for poor ethics can lead to costs of replacing lost partners or going it alone. Labor, operating, and overhead costs may increase if the enterprise is perceived to be so unprincipled in its conduct toward employees that its recruiting and retention of skilled personnel are at risk. Similarly, purchasing, logistics, and overhead costs may increase if suppliers judge the enterprise to be unfair or dishonest. (p.38)

Seeing ethics in terms of the various legal instruments (such as the SOX) that have been created to promote it not only distorts people's understanding on the matter but also makes them see the principals in negative way. What ERM does, however, is that it presents the principles in a positive way whilst enabling managers to recognize their advantage. This leads to corporations more likely accepting and implementing ethical principles.

(Young, Greg; Hasler, David S. (2010)Managing Reputational Risks Strategic Finance;Nov2010, Vol. 92 Issue 5, p37)

Corporate Ethics in the 21st
Pages: 6 Words: 1619

Having a code of conduct that is actively implemented must seem like the most visible way to regain that trust and reinstall a semblance of corporate ethical behavior. However, in the true spirit of inquiry, we should evaluate whether or not the grandiose values and lists of acceptable behaviors outlined in codes of conduct -- like BP's -- will really have the effect of improving the morality of corporate policies.
Unfortunately, corporate codes of ethics are not the same thing as a corporate culture, which cannot be artificially created no matter the best efforts of executives. We must return to our original definition of a code of ethics, which describes it as a management tool. In this sense, a corporate code of conduct is a tool used by corporate executives to advance certain policies and appearances, whether or not those values ever become integrated into the entire corporation. In order…...



BP sacked 252 for unethical behavior. (2005, April 12). The Financial Times. InfoTrac OneFile. Retrieved July 15, 2006.

Clark, A. (2001, April 20). BP chief fields barrage of questions on ethics. Guardian Unlimited. Retrieved July 16, 2006, at,475635,00.html 

Code of conduct. (2006). BP. Retrieved July 16, 2006, at 

Codes of ethics. (n.d.). Institute of Business Ethics. Retrieved July 15, 2006, at

Corporate Ethics and the Age
Pages: 4 Words: 1588

(Lenzner, 2008) hen scrutiny revealed that Madoff has for years fabricated these returns as a way to court wealthy investors, his would prove to be both the largest of such scams in history and demonstrative of the ethical void defining today's corporate culture. Indeed, "the shocking revelation that prominent investment manager Bernard Madoff's hedge fund, Ascot Partners, was a giant scam will intensify redemptions from scores of other hedge funds that will be forced to liquidate holdings and increase downward pressure on stock prices." (Lenzner, 2000)
This pattern is tied to the perception that behaviors such as those demonstrated by Madoff, and by Fuld and Stewart for that matter, are indicative of corporate culture absent of ethics, an individual disposition of moral ambivalence and an overarching detachment of corporate culture from a healthy or mainstream value system. In correspondence with the primary text by Ferrell et al., this constitutes a…...


Works Cited:

Caruso, D. (2008). Prosecutors Subpoena ex-Lehman CEO Richard Fuld. Nachrichten English News. Online at 

Changing Minds. (2009). Values, Morals and Ethics. Changing Online at 

Cline, a. (2008). Ethics, Morals, Values: How Do They Relate? About Philosophy. Online at 

Ferrell, O.C., Hirt, G., & Ferrell, L. (2007). Business -- a Changing World, 6th edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Corporate Ethics as One Analyst
Pages: 12 Words: 4342

Capitalism does force us sometimes to make decisions in a context narrower than we need in order to make them morally, socially, environmentally (olston, 1988, p. 324).
olston points to several cases of corporate myopia that was changed as customers and potential customers made their views known and demonstrated that hurting customers would harm shareholders as well. He points to the DDT scare in the early 1960s which led to the banning of the chemical, which harmed shareholders of the company producing it; the improvement of the Alaska pipeline so consumer complaints served the needs of shareholders and added to the value of the pipeline; and automobile companies that responded to consumer complaints and produced cars with better emissions standards, thus serving shareholders by maintaining sales (olston, 1988, p. 325).

However, it is also evident that companies that pretend to be responsible toward their customers and the demands of those customers…...



Cascini, K. & Vanasco, R.R. (1992). FCPA: The American Antibribery Legislation. Managerial Auditing Journal, 24-29.

Carroll, a.B. (1979). A Three-dimensional Conceptual Model of Corporate Performance.

Academy of Management Review 4, 497-505.

Coping with the Ups and Downs (1996, April 27). The Economist, 3-5

Corporate Ethics and Hacking Although the Predominant
Pages: 5 Words: 1768

Corporate Ethics and Hacking
Although the predominant opinion expressed by governments and mainstream press regarding hacking is one of disapproval and unsubstantiated fear, the truth is that hacking may be deployed ethically or unethically depending on the situation, and in fact, hacking into a website or database is entirely justifiable in certain contexts. In order to see why this is the case as well as understand the complex role of corporations and CEOs in responding to hacking attempts, it will be useful to examine a variety of instances in which corporations have been hacked or otherwise had their data or systems compromised. By looking at the recent hacks of the security firm HBGary, the search engine giant Google, and the collection of blogs run by Gawker Media, it will become clear that not only do corporations have a social responsibility to protect their customers and clients from hacking attempts, but that…...


Works Cited

Anonymous. (2010, December 4). China leadership 'orchestrated google hacking'. Retrieved


Bright, P. (2011, March). Anonymous speaks: the inside story of the HBGary hack. Retrieved from

Palmer, C. (2001). Ethical hacking. IBM Systems Journal, 40(3), 769-780.

Corporate Ethics OSHA Ethics and
Pages: 8 Words: 2247

Here, "the governing statute and formal regulations give OSHA wide freedom at higher agency levels to make decisions and formulate programs concerning the inspection of workplaces. It does not follow, as the government seems to argue, that an employee who performs an inspection has the type and breadth of discretion which makes the inspection a discretionary function." (Fairchild, 23)
This would implicate political imperatives in shaping an OSHA policy of legal responsibility that should instead by determined by real and accurate field-compiled safety requirements. Any indications that a failed safety inspection might have contributed to the presence of the offending machine is also a support for the argument that more careful reflection must be engaged of Irving's testimony. Using the discretion clause, no such testimony is even heard. Indeed, according to the details of the case, "the District Court did not analyze the evidence and made no findings concerning OSHA's…...


Works Cited:

Fairchild, SCJ. (1990). 909 F2d 598 Irving v. United States. United States Court of Appeals: First Circuit.

OSHA. (2006). Fire Safety Standards. U.S. Department of Labor. Online at .

Corporate Governance Has Attracted Attention of a
Pages: 4 Words: 1054

Corporate governance has attracted attention of a number of people due to its emerging importance for a proper economic development of corporations and the society in general. According to Trevino, Weaver and Toffler (1999) what has been seen as a practice within the corporation in the last two decades showed a sad tale of corporate ethics. In a number of times corporation managers or the CEO usually work together with stakeholders to protect each other interest in the corporation, a practice which has made a lot of investors to pull out their investments from such corporation.
However, corporate governance can be defined as a method in which the corporations are usually being directed and controlled. Its framework highlights how the rights and duties are distributed equally among various participants in the corporation, such as managers of the company, the board members, shareholders and it also highlights ways and procedures which are…...



Dandino P. (2004), "Corporate Governance: Something for Everyone," Franchising World, 36(1), pp 41.

Halbert, T, & Ingulli, E (2012). Law and Ethics in the Business Environment. 7th Edition. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Muhi.

Sethuraman, S (2006) Road Map for Information Security:What to Do After BS 7799 Certification.ISACA. Available online at 

Trevino L., G. Weaver, D. Givson, B. Toffler (1999), "Managing Ethics and Legal Compliance: What Works and What Hurts," California Management Review, 41(2), pp131-151.

Ethics HRM Ethics Job Description ABC and
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Ethics HM
Ethics Job Description

ABC and Co. has a position open for the following designations.

Job Title: Corporate Ethics Officer

eports to: Managing Director

Based at: Los Angeles, California

Job Purpose: Identifying the key corporate ethics values of the company and devising a code of conduct for the company that incorporates the ethical values in the company's long-term strategic goals so as to take the rights and safety of stakeholders in to consideration.

Key esponsibilities:

The Corporate Ethics Officer should be able to take all organizational aspects and stakeholders into account and identify the corporate ethical values.

The Corporate Ethics Officer will be responsible for devising a code of conduct that incorporates all ethical values identified earlier and implement the code of conduct in the organization.

The Corporate Ethics Officer will be responsible for developing training programs and training the employees about organizational health and safety and ethical business practices.

The Corporate Ethics Officer will be responsible for monitoring health…...



Boyd, C. (2003). Human resource management and occupational health and safety. New York: Routledge.

French, P. (1995). Corporate Ethics. USA: Harcourt Brace.

Barth, S. (2003). Corporate Ethics: The business code of conduct for ethical employees.

USA: Aspatore.

Ethics Policies on 3 Companies
Pages: 8 Words: 2159

Aside from the previously mentioned policies, the Intel ethic code also contains reference to intellectual property, gratuities, reciprocity, publicity, small and minority suppliers, controlled substances, environment, health and safety. The intellectual property right protection policy states the fact that Intel completely respects the rights of all business partners, suppliers and competitor companies. However, the publicity policy mentions that business partners are denied the right to sell their own products by associating them with Intel products.

In addition, the document of Intel's Ethics and Compliance provides that all Intel activities will be performed in total accordance with the laws applied in the United States and in the countries they collaborate with. Also, the company adopts transparency as means of conducting business and promises to make truthful statements to the press and the public. The ethical code of Intel forbids bribes within the company and mentions the sanctions applicable upon employees' engagement in…...



Wikipedia, the Free Online Encyclopedia, March 6, 2006, Ethics

  last accessed on March 6, 2007 ,

American Heart Association, March 2007, Ethics Policy

  accessed on March 6, 2007,last 

Ethics and Management and Ethics
Pages: 55 Words: 17336

Theefoe, copoations have had to change thei viewpoints and stat looking at the long-tem consequences of thei behavio, as well as looking at the bottom line.
Businesses also have to be concened because consumes have also become awae of envionmental concens, and many consumes ae demanding eath-fiendly poducts and have shown a willingness to pay moe money to competitos who obseve envionmentally-fiendly pactices. Inteestingly enough, this demand has given ise to its own ethical dilemma; because thee is no eal egulation egading what a poduct must do to be egaded as eath-fiendly, companies detemine which of thei own poducts ae envionmentally fiendly. The esult is that some poducts ae labeled "geen" o "oganic" even though they have been poduced in a nomal manne, which means that consumes ae likely to pick them ove competing poducts, and may even pay a pemium pice fo those items. Theefoe, it is clea that…...



Management Decision, vol. 40, no.9, pp. 862-870.

Key, S & Popkin, S 1998, 'Integrating ethics into the strategic management process: doing well by doing good.' Management Decision, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 331-338.

Klenke, K 2003, 'Gender influences in decision-making processes in top management teams.'

Management Decision, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 1024-1034.

Ethics and Decision Making a Definition of
Pages: 6 Words: 2275

Ethics and Decision Making
A definition of ethics broadly stated could be as that 'ethics is the science that deals with conduct in so far as this is considered as right or wrong, good or bad.' (Shapiro; Stefkovich, 2001) The word 'Ethics' has its root in the Greek language where ethos was the word used for a custom or usage for individual groups. This later moved on to mean the general character of transactions, individuals and the way of acting and conduct. The question then is who has to approve the ways of acting? No doubt ethics is an important part of human life. If humans lack ethics they tend to become criminals and the decisions that they take tend to harm other individuals or the society. (Guy, 1990)

Ethics, laws and morals are different concepts but have a binding unity in the fact that in all these there is restraint in…...



Beach, Lee Roy. (1996) "Decision Making in the Workplace: A Unified Perspective."

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, NJ.

Fairholm, Gilbert W. (2001) "Mastering Inner Leadership." Quorum Books:

Westport, CT.

Corporate Ethics vs The Bottom Line
Pages: 6 Words: 1740

CSR in Beijing
Independent and dependent variable

Qualitative Case study

Research design Multiple case study and document review

Sampling selection and Data collections

Quantitative Survey

Questionnaire Design and scale measurement

Data collection and Response rate

Data Analysis of the Pilot test

Quantitative Data Analysis

Sampling Design

Reliability and Validity of Scaling echnique

Exploratory Factor Analysis

he overriding aim of the proposed project is to investigate the effect of CSR on the financial performance of Chinese companies. his, on one hand includes an investigation of how Chinese companies perceive the concept of CSR and how much they have incorporated the same into their corporate operations; and on the other hand, an exploration of the correlation between CSR and corporate performance. he specific research questions guiding the investigation have been restated;

RQ1: Is there a relationship between CSR and corporate performance?

RQ2: Does company CSR improve financial performance?

his chapter outlines the theoretical fundamentals and practical procedures that were deemed most suitable for responding to the research questions…...


The Likert non-comparative scaling technique, in which case respondents point out some level of disagreement or agreement with a number of questions or statements, has been deemed appropriate. The questionnaire employs an odd-numbered Likert scale as proposed by Baker, Singleton and Veit (2010). According to the authors, having an equal number of favorable and unfavorable categories helps a study obtain objective data, free from forced choices. For this particular study, the middle/zero value has been labeled as 'neutral' to avoid situations whereby respondents with no opinion on a particular matter opt to leave a question unanswered.

Data Collection and Response Rate: respondents will be selected randomly among employees in the five companies selected for analysis. With the consent of management, and the go-ahead from the environmental bureau, questionnaires will be administered at different locations within each of the five companies to minimize the risk of bias. The researcher reckons that the steel manufacturing and cutlery industries are often very busy, and companies would most likely be reluctant to halt production for workers to be surveyed. In this regard, the questionnaires will only be administered during lunch breaks.

Participation will be entirely voluntary; the researcher will approach employees, explain the study objectives to them and ask if they were willing to spare fifteen minutes to take part in the survey. No reward will be given for participation. Willing participants will be given the questionnaire in a sealed envelope and will be required to fill the same out in the full glare of the researcher, re-seal it, and then hand it over. The researcher will then thank the participants, and reiterate that confidentiality would be

Memorandum to a Decision-Maker on How to Reform Corporate Ethics in American Business Today
Pages: 4 Words: 1804

Ethics and CSR
President Barack Obama

hite House

Dear Mr. President:

First, let me congratulate you on your recent stance regarding both the U.S. Budget and your healthcare package. Indeed, both of these issues speak to the reason for my letter today. In general, I am concerned that the 21st century, while certainly improving organizational opportunities at home and abroad through technology and globalization, have not been as robust within the area of business and organizational ethics as both expected by 21st century stakeholders, or necessary to proactively and positively interact in a global environment.

Much like the First Lady's initiatives for movement and health, I would like to encourage you to form a bipartisan Congressional Committee to examine ways in which the government can assist and encourage Corporate Social Responsibility within the American business and organizational community.

There are numerous ways we have all noted how organizations have changed in the 21st century: new technologies,…...


Works Cited

ASHE-ERIC. (2002). Understaning and Facilitating Organizational Change in the 21st Century. ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 28(4), 1-162.

Burke, F. (1999). Ethical Decision-Making: Global Concerns, Frameworks and Approaches. Public Personnel Management, 28(4), 529-31.

Jahdi, K., et al. (2009). Marketing Communications and CSR. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(1), 103-13.

Kamm, F. (2007). Intricate Ethics: Rights, Responsibilities and Permissible Harm. New York: Oxford University press.

Ethics the Company Can Source
Pages: 2 Words: 670

The second step is to initiate a supplier code of conduct. The greatest potential for ethical violations falls with suppliers such as agricultural firms or offshored service providers, and these violations can result in negative publicity for the company.
Ultimately, it is not expected that these ethical standards will form a competitive advantage for the company. Having high ethical standards is more of a hygiene factor in that it is something a company needs to have to avoid negative impacts, but few companies get any particular competitive mileage from their ethical policies. There is little impetus to join the fair trade or organic businesses for most of the products we sell. hile many consumers are willing to pay more for said products, it remains a niche category especially in Europe and the UK. This usually means that the volumes are too low to justify the effort. Overall, the best approach…...


Works Cited:

FAO. (2001). Ethical issues in food and agriculture. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. Retrieved March 22, 2011 from 

HRW. (2010). Hellish work. Human Rights Watch. Retrieved March 22, 2011 from 

Hussein, M. (2009). Hiring and firing with ethics. Human Resource Management International Digest. Vol. 17 (4) 37-40.

Van Tulder, R. & Kolk, a. (2001). Multinationality and corporate ethics: Codes of conduct in the sporting goods industry. Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 32 (2) 267-283.

How can we distinguish between an employee gift and bribery in organizations?
Words: 460

1. Understanding the Difference Between Employee Gifts and Bribery in Organizations

    This title focuses on the importance of distinguishing between genuine employee gifts and unethical bribes in the corporate world.

2. Ethics in Corporate Gift Giving Preventing Bribery in Organizations

    This title highlights the ethical considerations that organizations need to be aware of when giving gifts to employees.

3. Recognizing the Thin Line Employee Gift or Bribery?

    This title emphasizes the fine line that separates an acceptable employee gift from a corrupt act of bribery.

4. Strategies for Preventing Bribery Through Employee Gift Policies

    This title delves into the....

How can we distinguish between an employee gift and bribery in organizations?
Words: 346

1. Navigating the Fine Line: Gifts vs. Bribery in Corporate Culture

    Exploring the ethical boundaries between acceptable gifts and corrupt practices within organizations.

2. The Ethics of Giving: Understanding Corporate Gift Policies

    An analysis of how companies define and enforce policies regarding gifts to prevent bribery.

3. Gift or Graft? Decoding Organizational Gift-Giving Practices

    Investigating the nuances that differentiate a gift from a bribe in the corporate environment.

4. Corporate Gifts: A Gateway to Bribery or a Token of Appreciation?

    Discussing the potential risks and ethical considerations of gift-giving in business settings.

5. From Presents to Problems: The Role....

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