Job Description Essays (Examples)

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Job Descriptions
There are a number of elements to a good job description. In order to create the job description, the interview will need to find out as much about these elements as possible. The Small Business Association (2013) produces a guide to help entrepreneurs understand the elements of effective job descriptions. The first is to simply define the job in terms of its title and level. Then the broad function and scope of the position need to be understood. Then there needs to be a list of the key duties and tasks that are performed, both ones that have been officially understood and those that are perhaps unofficial. (So a dishwasher would have an official task of cleaning the dishes but unofficially is also the person who takes the trash out most of the time). The job description should have an understanding then of the skills, experience, abilities, education and….

Job Description -- School Secretary
The following duties and responsibilities comprise the assigned tasks for this position.

Act as frontline liaison with the community, staff, and students

Maintain record of faculty attendance

Ensure classroom coverage at all times

Maintain inventory of all office supplies

Responsible for accounts payable:

Track all invoices and enter into accounting database

Compare invoices against inventory received

Issue checks for payment to outside vendors

Prepare and submit bank deposits

Balance faculty fund bank account

Prepare all written correspondence from the principal's office

Maintain inventory of school uniforms

Disburse and collect all classroom and building keys at the beginning and end of the school year

Manage the audio visual equipment (maintenance and disbursement)

Ensure proper maintenance and upkeep of an office equipment

Issue maintenance work orders for the facility

Coordinate extracurricular activities and assembles

Answer telephones

Other duties as assigned

Performance Evaluation


Campus: xxxxx

All categories are ranked on a scale of 1 to 5.

5= Outstanding

4= Exceeds Expectations (excels in some major areas but not all)

3= Satisfactory (meets expectations)

2= Below….

Depending on how fast the company is able to grow and produce more hats, the sales representatives may or may not have a quota of new clients. 2. The sales representative retains existing clients by keeping track of inventory data and making frequent follow-up communications. Each sales representative will be assigned to specific clients so that inventory data can be easily managed. The sales representative should make regular check-up calls to clients at intervals determined by the sales manager. This function also comprises a little less than half of the sales representative's time. 3. Identifying new markets or marketing techniques. The sales representative should be able to identify new target markets and make suggestions to his or her supervisor during meetings. This comprises a relatively small portion of the representative's time and may only be a function reserved for the sales manager.
Working Conditions: The working conditions of the position….

Job Analysis and Job Descriptions in Recruitment and Selection
Job analysis and description is a specific approach used by modern business organizations to identify and attract the most suitable employment candidates for positions (Kinicki & Williams, 2005; Scott, Reynolds, & Church, 2010). However, it also comprises much broader functions that are conducive to organizational success and growth. Specifically, the job analysis and description process allows business (and other employing) organizations to maximize employee satisfaction, minimize employee turnover, optimize training systems, and to reduce the costs associated with all of those elements collectively. Generally, contemporary job analysis and description methods include direct observation, work methods analysis and microanalysis (particularly in connection with industrial and repetitive processes), critical incident technique (CIT), interviews and questionnaires, and analysis if specific vocational competencies (Kinicki & Williams, 2005; Scott, Reynolds, & Church, 2010).

The Concept and Purpose of Job Analysis

In principle, the main purposes of job analysis are….

Job Description
Business manager job description

Following the availability of the above mentioned vacancy, the person who will be found suitable to fill in the position is expected to be able to adhere to the following guidelines and requirements.

The business manager will be required to meet the following tasks

Strategic planning which will involve developing business goals, organizing business as well as designing strategies for the organization.

Decision making including capital resources allocations as well as selecting suppliers.

Informational role which will involve collecting, monitoring and reporting any relevant data to the organization as well as dissemination of information to outside organizations.

Interpersonal role which will include creating an atmosphere that can connect the management and the other members of staff.

Tools and Technology

The manager is required to posses the essential skills of operating and properly utilizing the contemporary technology in carrying out their daily activities like the use of computers, fax machine, using the internet in….

Upper-level managers may have to have a MBA, depending upon the nature of the organization. And some may have more unconventional majors and backgrounds, although business education of some sort is required.
Skills: Knowledge of computers is a must, as is a keen interest and familiarity with organizational psychology. Some knowledge of employee testing may be required, if these techniques are used at the company to profile and type positions. Additionally, the HR staff should be knowledgeable enough about organizational functions, including technology and finance, to have some idea of the suitability of potential employee's education and background for these positions. Communicating with peers, subordinates, and superiors in an effective manner through written, spoken, and online communication is a must so people can understand their benefits packages and sensitive aspects of discrimination policy. Some legal knowledge may be helpful, and depending upon the type of position, required. The ability to….

Job Description Analysis
Creating and sustaining a viable base of candidates is the most critical function in any Human esource Management (HM) and Talent Management department of an organization. Using an example from State Farm Insurance and a position they have open today for a Marketing Manager, key aspects of this company's recruitment and selection methods and a concept map are provided in this analysis.

Analysis of State Farm Insurance ecruitment and Hiring Practices

State Farm Insurance is the most diverse insurance provider in the United States with insurance services for both consumers and businesses. Their recruitment practices today include intensive use of the Internet, including job boards, CareerBuilder and their own website, which is today among the best in the insurance industry. State Farm also uses event marketing, sponsorships of on-campus interviews and social media. Just as software leader SAS does, State Farm also receives far more resumes than open positions,….

Job Description
Position Title

etail Manager, Walgreens Drug Store

Position Overview

The retail store manager is responsible for managing the retail operations of Walgreens drug store. This involves managing stock and inventory, developing and maintaining relationships with suppliers, assisting with store layout and store displays, and assisting with advertising campaigns and promotional activities. This also involves managing store sales staff, which includes hiring, training, and supervising staff. The retail store manager is also expected to work as a member of the sales team for a minimum of ten hours per week. The retail store manager is also responsible for implementing the relevant store policies, with these including providing quality customer service.

Duties and Tasks

ordering, receiving, and maintaining stock and inventory developing and maintaining relationships with suppliers sourcing new suppliers when requested

assisting with store layout and store displays assisting with advertising campaigns and promotional activities, in consultation with marketing staff sourcing, interviewing, and hiring new staff….

Job Description
Opening: Executive Administrator Needed

The head administrator for Melchester High School will play an important role in the education of the youth in our community. The Head administrator will be responsible for assuring that school operations run smoothly in all aspects of the educational system. This person will be responsible for making certain that an atmosphere that promotes the maximum learning potential in each student in the High School as they prepare to embark on their adult lives.

The general duties of the Head Administrator will include assuring that teachers are performing their jobs to the minimum required standards and beyond. This person will assure that employees are performing their jobs in adherence to all district and governmental regulations and policies. The Head Administrator will be responsible for regular review of the school curriculum to make certain that it is not only up to the minimal standards required by law, but….

Job Description -- Senior Project Manager, Cloud and SaaS Services
The Senior Project Manager, Cloud and SaaS Services will provide leadership to project teams serving our clients with state-of-the-art cloud and SaaS services deployments. This role is directly responsible for revenue and requires excellent solutions discovery, design, and development & implementation skills in conjunction with orchestration of global teams. The ideal candidate will have deep expertise leading global teams that have successfully deployed enterprise-wide cloud platforms that serve to unify diverse SaaS applications across multiple geographies.

Responsibilities of the Position

The Senior Project Manager, Cloud and SaaS Services will be responsible for the following activities on our company's current and future cloud and SaaS services deployments:

Excellent skills at managing the day-to-day operational and tactical aspects of multiple large scale projects including orchestration across multiple time zones.

Ability to manage a diverse series of client engagements on a global level by providing leadership across five….

Job Descriptions

Marvin that he begin by describing the company and its sutuation regarding job descriptions. Obviously, these are outdated with regard to the new developments that have taken place within the company. I would then begin by explaining exactly how the existing files have been outdate.
I would then explain exactly the new developments that have taken place within the company. Obviously any company needs to change with the times. New and uptdate job descriptions should reflect the changing ideals within the company, because these reflect the changing philosophies within the company.

When times and customer requirements change, a company is obliged to comply. If a business is not able to change with the times surrounding it, it is impossible for the specific company to be successful. Jobs within a company are the lifeblood of the business, so updated and new job desriptions are an essential part of the business.

One of the….

HM/300 Fundamentals of Human esource Management
Job Description and ecruiting Strategies Worksheet

Conduct an interview with someone who has a career or job position that is different from your own. Identify the duties associated with his or her position, as well as any skills and abilities necessary for the position. Use the information gathered in the interview, to complete the following worksheet. Answer each question in paragraph format.


What are the duties and job responsibilities associated with the position held by the individual you interviewed?

As an executive chef in a cruise line, the interviewee has a managerial role, overseeing food preparation in the kitchen area, and directing the ten cooks under his supervision. One of his core duties is communicating the company's vision to team members and setting a positive example for them to follow. As the manager of the kitchen team, he is tasked with ensuring that his team members are….

job descriptions and research. Specifically it will discuss two U.S. web sites and a specific job on those sites. The job chosen is a Public Affairs Specialist, located in a Department of Labor (DOL) office in San Francisco, California.
The pay range for this job, which can be a GS 12 or GS 13 pay level, is "GS-12 $79,781 - $103,710 per annum and GS-13 $94,871 - $123,335 per annum. Salaries include applicable locality pay" ("Public Affairs Specialist). The published duties of the job include this job description. "The mission of the regional office is to provide the Department with a comprehensive regional public affairs program designed to enhance program effectiveness and inform the public of the Department's policies, programs and activities, primarily through interaction with the media" ("Public Affairs Specialist"). It also notes that the job will fill in for the egional Director of Public Affairs if they are….

Job Description
When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive global landscape of business today, firms must stay at the cutting edge of their respective fields in order to sustain profitability in the long-term. With the current exponential growth of technology and the computerization of business and learning, consumers and investors have become much more connected to the businesses they patronize (Kurzweil, 2001). Accordingly, companies are faced with the continuous task of finding new ways to understand and subsequently accommodate the needs of those customers and shareholders, while simultaneously securing lucrative business models and job environments. In achieving these goals, it is critical for firms to seek out and obtain the most qualified and reliable human resources. Many firms have begun to elicit the services of individuals over the Internet. One popular website that provides this type of employment platform is This organization provides firms with customizable templates for the….

Job Description
United Express Couriers

Position Title: Operations Coordinator

Job Location: Chicago, Illinois

Job Type: Permanent

Hours/week: Full-Time (40-50 hours for most weeks -- sometimes higher during peak season)

Summary of Position

• Will work with primarily with dispatchers

• Will work as a liaison between dispatchers, delivery drivers and customers

• Many of the delivery customers are restaurants and hotels

• Contact with these clients will be common and experiences with the same is a huge plus

• Many deliveries will involve suppliers and suppliers for the food/kitchen, restaurant and banquet hall industries

• Delivery of equipment and utensils will be common

• Cargo will commonly involve fragile and/or perishable items that need to be handled based on temperature, fragility and so forth

• elaying the proper time, temperature and handling constraints to drivers will be required and it must be accurate

• Must ensure that proper milestones are met, problems that arise are dealt with and proof of delivery is properly collected on….

A job analysis paper refers to a specific type of essay that examines different aspects of a job. The type of tools and methods you choose to analyze a job depends on a few factors, such as what job you are analyzing and the purpose of the analysis.  If you are in management or human resources, you might use metrics like output or time to complete a job to help determine job requirements, while if you are a prospective employee or looking at a career, you might choose an entirely different approach.  Whatever approach you choose, an effective job analysis....

Requirements for Operationalizing a New Institution

Operationalizing a new institution requires meticulous planning, resource allocation, and compliance with regulatory frameworks. Here are the key requirements to consider:

1. Define Objectives and Vision:

Establish a clear mission statement and strategic plan outlining the institution's purpose, goals, and values. (Drennan et al., 2016)

2. Secure Funding and Resources:

Determine the sources of funding, including government grants, private donations, or student fees.
Manage and allocate resources efficiently to ensure operational sustainability. (Brewster, 2017)

3. Establish Governance Structure:

Create a board of directors or governing body responsible for oversight and decision-making.
Define roles, responsibilities, and legal compliance for....

Addressing the Persistent Gender Wage Gap in Canada

The gender wage gap, where women earn less than men for comparable work, remains a persistent issue in the Canadian workforce. Addressing this disparity requires a multifaceted approach that involves government, employers, and individuals alike.

1. Strengthen Pay Equity Legislation

Expand the scope of pay equity laws to cover all sectors and industries.
Introduce stricter penalties for non-compliance and establish transparent mechanisms for enforcement.
Ensure that job evaluation tools used for setting salaries are bias-free.

2. Promote Workplace Transparency

Require employers to disclose salary ranges and job descriptions for all positions.
Encourage companies to publish....

Sources of Job Applicants for Apple

1. Employee Referrals

Offer incentives and bonuses for employee referrals.
Create an employee referral program with clear guidelines and support.
Leverage employee social networks and internal communication channels.

2. University Partnerships

Establish partnerships with top universities and colleges.
Attend career fairs and host on-campus events.
Offer internships, research opportunities, and mentorship programs.

3. Online Job Boards and Career Websites

Post jobs on reputable online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Monster.
Create a comprehensive career website with detailed job descriptions, company profiles, and application processes.

4. Social Media Recruitment

Leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and....

3 Pages
Term Paper


Job Descriptions There Are a Number of

Words: 918
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Job Descriptions There are a number of elements to a good job description. In order to create the job description, the interview will need to find out as much about…

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2 Pages


Job Description -- School Secretary the Following

Words: 512
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Description -- School Secretary The following duties and responsibilities comprise the assigned tasks for this position. Act as frontline liaison with the community, staff, and students Maintain record of faculty attendance Ensure…

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3 Pages
Research Proposal


Job Descriptions Customer Service Representative

Words: 821
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Depending on how fast the company is able to grow and produce more hats, the sales representatives may or may not have a quota of new clients. 2.…

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6 Pages


Job Analysis and Job Descriptions in Recruitment

Words: 1700
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Analysis and Job Descriptions in Recruitment and Selection Job analysis and description is a specific approach used by modern business organizations to identify and attract the most suitable employment…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Job Description Business Manager Job Description Following

Words: 536
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Description Business manager job description Following the availability of the above mentioned vacancy, the person who will be found suitable to fill in the position is expected to be able…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Job Description My Ideal Job

Words: 613
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Upper-level managers may have to have a MBA, depending upon the nature of the organization. And some may have more unconventional majors and backgrounds, although business education of…

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4 Pages

Business - Advertising

Job Description Analysis Creating and Sustaining a

Words: 1049
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Description Analysis Creating and sustaining a viable base of candidates is the most critical function in any Human esource Management (HM) and Talent Management department of an organization. Using…

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9 Pages
Term Paper


Job Description Position Title Retail Manager Walgreens

Words: 2483
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Job Description Position Title etail Manager, Walgreens Drug Store Position Overview The retail store manager is responsible for managing the retail operations of Walgreens drug store. This involves managing stock and inventory, developing…

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2 Pages


Job Description Opening Executive Administrator Needed the

Words: 669
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Description Opening: Executive Administrator Needed The head administrator for Melchester High School will play an important role in the education of the youth in our community. The Head administrator will…

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2 Pages

Business - Management

Job Description -- Senior Project Manager Cloud

Words: 598
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Description -- Senior Project Manager, Cloud and SaaS Services The Senior Project Manager, Cloud and SaaS Services will provide leadership to project teams serving our clients with state-of-the-art cloud…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Job Descriptions

Words: 311
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Marvin that he begin by describing the company and its sutuation regarding job descriptions. Obviously, these are outdated with regard to the new developments that have taken place…

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6 Pages


Job Description and Recruiting Strategies Worksheet Job Description

Words: 1638
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

HM/300 Fundamentals of Human esource Management Job Description and ecruiting Strategies Worksheet Conduct an interview with someone who has a career or job position that is different from your own. Identify…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Communication - Journalism

Job Descriptions and Research Specifically it Will

Words: 730
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

job descriptions and research. Specifically it will discuss two U.S. web sites and a specific job on those sites. The job chosen is a Public Affairs Specialist, located…

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3 Pages


Job Description When Considering the Ever-Changing and

Words: 1062
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Job Description When considering the ever-changing and highly competitive global landscape of business today, firms must stay at the cutting edge of their respective fields in order to sustain…

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2 Pages

Human Resources

College Degree and Chicago

Words: 453
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Corporate

Job Description United Express Couriers Position Title: Operations Coordinator Job Location: Chicago, Illinois Job Type: Permanent Hours/week: Full-Time (40-50 hours for most weeks -- sometimes higher during peak season) Summary of Position • Will work with…

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