Ethics The Core Values And Term Paper

Educational programs are expected to produce competence, professional credentialing bodies are required to certify individuals as competent, policymakers laud competence, and consumers demand it (Hoge et al., 2005). As professions are regulated to ensure public protection, we have a responsibility to ensure via education, training, and ongoing lifelong assessment that practicing psychologists and future generations of psychologists provide quality and safe services. Assessing competence throughout the training and career of a professional psychologist facilitates the determination of what one knows, if one knows how, if one shows how, and how one does things (Kaslow et al., 442). Psychologists are educated in a standard way and they are also expected to conduct themselves in a standard way which is established by the APA. The purpose of the standards in this regard is to create uniformity within the profession. Scuch uniformity is necessary to ensure that patients receive the proper care. The standards are also present because they assist psychologists in improving their skills and developing professionally.

Additionally for psychologists behaving in ways that are not in congruence with these standards can be punishable by law. Psychologists can also be suspended or stripped of their licenses if they fail to adhere to these standards. There can also be negative effects for their patients and the public if a psychologist makes a decision that is not consistent with established standards. With these things understood, the APA standards carry much more gravity because there is more at stake if the principles and standards are ignored. The APA's standards are also important because of the stigma attached to issues dealing with mental health. Patients must feel comfortable when they seek help and assistance. The presence of these standards establishes the type of respect...


The research revealed that there are some similarities in the code of ethics amongst the APA and the college. Both of these communities have high standards as it relates to integrity, respect and responsibility. The codes of ethic for both organizations seem to reflect the need and desire to set a tone that is conducive to personal development. The codes of conduct for the college are designed to establish the rules and guidelines that students faculty and staff must adhere to. Additionally the code of conduct is designed to assist students in getting acquainted with following certain codes of conduct because once students join the workforce they will have to adhere to similar codes of conduct regardless of what type of profession they enter. The codes of conduct are also different in that the Codes of conduct for the APA were written for a specific profession and failure to adhere to these principles can have real consequences for patients, psychologists and the general public. As such these particular principles are much more essential.
Works Cited

Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct With the 2010 Amendments.

Kaslow et al. Guiding Principles and Recommendations for the Assessment of Competence. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, 441 -- 451

Rezaee Z., Elmore, R.C., Szendi J.Z. Ethical Behavior in Higher Educational Institutions: The Role of the Code of Conduct Journal of Business Ethics 30: 171 -- 183, 2001

Shattock M. Managing Good Governance in Higher Open University Press, 2006.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct With the 2010 Amendments.

Kaslow et al. Guiding Principles and Recommendations for the Assessment of Competence. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, 441 -- 451

Rezaee Z., Elmore, R.C., Szendi J.Z. Ethical Behavior in Higher Educational Institutions: The Role of the Code of Conduct Journal of Business Ethics 30: 171 -- 183, 2001

Shattock M. Managing Good Governance in Higher Open University Press, 2006.

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