Ethics The Manager Or Managers Essay

408). If what Berenbeim states as truth, is true, then it is important to the business community as well as specific business' to have employees that understand the difference(s) between ethical and unethical behavior. The question then remains, where would these employees acquire that knowledge. Many students of business could be missing a key component to their future success by not having access to ethical studies and training. Therefore, teaching ethics at the university level becomes of paramount importance. 3. Recently a manager at a small financial advisors firm was offered a contract by a large financial services firm to transfer the assets under his control to the larger firm and accepting a bonus to move from one firm to the other. Events such as these take place on a regular and consistent basis in the financial services industry, however, in this particular case, the manager was told that the new...


In return for this information, he was promised additional bonus money and title. In this specific case, the manager, denied the new firm any information on clients that were not under his specific control. Additionally, he contacted his current boss and informed him that he was leaving and that he was going to attempt to take his clients with him. He was thanked for his ethical behavior, and wished good luck.
Unethical behavior could have resulted in some serious misbehaviors by the manager, but he chose to travel the high road, eschewing the easy money and recognition that he would likely have received from the new firm.

Sources Used in Documents:


Berenbeim, R.; (2012) Capitalism and the moral economy: Part of a conversation without end, Vital Speeches of the Day, Vol. 78, Issue 12, pp. 407 -- 410

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