The Foods That Can Help Stop Hypertension Essay

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Dietary approaches to stop hypertension

Hypertension has become a rampant disease in the contemporary generation. It is no longer a disease of the rich or the fact or the old, but a problem that people of all ages, from the young to the elderly face. There have been efforts to reduce the incidences of hypotension within the American society especially among the teenagers most of whom are school going students. The most important aspect to look at as proposed by dieticians and doctors is the diet of an individual. What one eats and avoids eating is key to stopping and avoiding hypertension. It is important to have diet low in fat and sodium. Pickles, canned chicken noodle soup, French fries, bacon, whole milk, frozen pot pies, donuts, ramen noodles, margarine, sugar, alcohol, red meat and table salt are all foods and indulgences that Americans often have in their meals but contain saturated fats and sugars that are key in causing hypertension.

Apart from avoiding these above mentioned foods, it is important that one eats foods that are rich in whole grain, eat lots of vegetables, fruits as well as foods that are generally low in dairy products fats, low on cholesterol and low on saturated fats. Even if one has hypertension, these foods can lower the blood pressure by up to 11 mm Hg.

Generally changing the eating habits one has been used to over many years can be challenging. It is advisable hence to have some food diary where one writes whatever they eat over a period of time as a way of monitoring what you eat, how much, when and why one eats such. The individual should also strive to boost the potassium levels in order to lower the effects of sodium on blood pressure. The individual also needs to cut down on caffeine, read food labels before they buy, quit smoking and generally reduce stress in order to manage hypertension though dietary approach (Mayo Clinic, 2018).


Mayo Clinic, (2018). 10 ways to control high blood pressure without medication. Retrieved April 15, 2018 from

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