Diet Essays (Examples)

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Diet Analysis Project
Day Food ecord

Having a diet does not necessarily mean a balanced diet where proteins, carbohydrate and vitamin-rich food are spread out in the individual's daily eating habits. The first day's diet for 28th January 2013 is therefore highlighted below.

Breakfast (7.00am):


tbsp. canola oil margarine

1/2 apple sliced

piece whole-grain bread

cups green tea

Lunch (12.30pm):

tuna sandwich on whole-grain bread w/lettuce and tomato and 1 tbsp. low-fat mayonnaise

1/2 cup baked chips

glass juice

Snack (3.00pm):

whole orange and 4 slice of 3-4-inch celery sticks with peanut butter

Dinner (8.30pm):

cup chicken casserole with mozzarella cheese, onions, scalloped potatoes, low-fat milk

cup green salad with 1 tbsp. olive oil and vinegar dressing

pieces whole grain bread (baguette)

glass water

Dessert (9.00pm):

3/4 cup chocolate frozen yogurt

The daily food and beverage consumption for the second day 29th January is given below as well as the proportions and amount.

Breakfast (7.30am):

1/2 cup cooked oatmeal

8 ounces slivered almonds

1 medium apple

8 ounces water

Snack (10.00am):

1 medium banana

24 ounces water

Lunch (1.00pm):

3 cups….

Dieting Makes People Fat
The rising epidemic of obesity makes the news nearly every day: We are constantly reading or hearing about how Americans are getting heavier and heavier. This in turn subjects Americans to a range of possible other ills including increased cardiac disease, increased chance of stroke, diabetes, and arthritis. It also subjects Americans to a range of fad diets. These latter might seem to be far less pernicious and dangerous than the terrible diseases listed first, but in fact they themselves take a terrible toll on the physical health of those who turn to them time and time again. They also pose costs in terms of mental health and -- and this is no small cost itself -- they also deplete people's wallets. Often, in fact, a person's wallet is the only thing that gets any lighter.

Before I distributed a survey to my fellow students I investigated the….

According to a famous TV dog-trainer, a regular daily walk is the first step to a well-behaved dog. Therefore, I am hoping that my daily walks will have a positive impact on my home life.
The second change I plan to incorporate is to avoid eating meat for most lunches. Instead of eating lunch choices like tuna fish sandwiches or cheeseburgers for lunch, I will try to select choices that are higher in fiber, incorporate vegetables, and might feature legumes. For example, I could eat hummus with flatbread, and spinach. The hummus would provide me with protein, but is also a vegetable product. In addition, the spinach would provide me with a serving of the green, leafy vegetables that I lack. Therefore, I need to stock my refrigerator with easy, healthy lunches that are not meat-based. The other thing I need to do is make sure that I make appropriate….

Diet Analysis
I am female, 40 years old, and I exercise frequently. My height is 5'5," and my weight is 120 lbs. I undertook the dietary analysis for two days in order to gain more insight into my diet. The diet recorded is indicative of my normal eating habits, and reflects my active lifestyle in its composition.

The total number of calories for the two days was 2088. The total number of carbohydrates was 95.16 grams. The total number of fiber was 71.4 grams. The total amount of protein was 190.3 grams and the total amount of fat was 49.7 grams.

The macronutrient content of each input must be calculated in order to determine my macronutrient distribution. Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram; protein the same and fat is 9 calories per gram. My macronutrients per day were as follows:




Macronutrient distribution (g)

Day 1

Macronutrient distribution (g)

Day 2



% calories

Day 1




Day 2




The carbohydrates AMDR range is….

This put me far short of the mark.
The matter is complicated by the fact that foods only list whole proteins in the nutrition facts. In third world countries where food is scarce and meat is at a premium, the primary fare is rice and beans, which combine to form a complete protein.

The primary failing of the food pyramid is that the USDA was under pressure to communicate simply to a vast number of people with varying ages, levels of education, and backgrounds. "Nutritionists fell victim to a desire to simplify their dietary recommendations" (illett 23). Ultimately, dietary concepts must be applied at an individual level. The issue with my diet was not too little or too much of anything; rather, it was a saturation of unhealthy foods with a high percentage of saturated fat and a minimal amount of protein and a modest amount of carbohydrates. hile the low….

This is the first step in making diets for young people more realistic, achievable and more aimed at health and less about perpetually attempting to win favor with peers.
Second, educational and awareness programs need to concentrate on assisting young people to see the value of themselves as innately who they are. The use of Myers-Briggs personality tests to assist young girls with the discovery of their innate strengths and abilities in addition to tests to capture their innate cognitive abilities would give them an opportunity to see themselves more in a holistic perspective of total abilities. This would get them out of seeing their values only in the context of their image or appearance. As the cases in Argentina indicate, the valuation of beauty as a proxy for competence dominates their culture (Ballve, 2006) yet does not produce any increase in women who have advanced degrees or seek PhDs….

Diet How Many Grams of


Did your choices provide enough folate to meet your requirement?

My folate levels were insufficient. Had I added some foods with grain, I may have been closer to the recommendations.


What are the sources of niacin in your day's meals?

My cereal had the most niacin in it at approximately 10.9 mg per 200 calories. The pastrami in my lunch sandwich was also a contributor to the niacin levels at approximately 10.7 mg per 200 calories.


What about Vitamin C? What percentage of your daily need of Vitamin C did your meals provide? Which individual foods were the main contributors? To what food groups do they belong?

My Vitamin C levels were not very good, and were somewhat reflective of my poor vitamin and nutrient intake. My recordings showed that I was roughly 20% off from the recommended amounts. The main food contributors in my intake that did help my recommendation levels were in the….

Diet of Worms and the

The Reformation altered forever medieval life in estern Europe and initiated the era of modern history (Reformation pp). Although the movement is generally dated from the early 16th century during Luther's era of defying Church authority, the conditions that led to this revolution actually existed for hundreds of years and involved complex doctrinal, political, economic, and cultural elements (Reformation pp).

The German scholar and religious reformer Melanchthon authored a conciliatory statement of the Lutheran tenets in 1530, known as the Augsburg Confession, which were submitted to Emperor Charles V as well as to the Roman Catholic faction (Reformation pp). And although it failed to heal the differences between Roman Catholics and Lutherans, it remained the basis of the new Lutheran church and creed (Reformation pp).

Charles V was prevented for using military force against the Lutherans because he was busily involved in a series of wars with France and the Ottoman Empires,….

Dieting Makes People Fat

Dieting makes you fat:" Old wives tale or scientific fact?
'Dieting makes you fat.' On the surface, this assertion seems counterintuitive. After all, dieting for weight loss usually involves calorie or carbohydrate reduction; restricted eating; eating by certain 'rules;' and/or exercise. This usually results in weight loss in varying degrees for the dieter. Yet most dieters gain the majority of the weight they lose back. The lack of success of most popular 'diets' has caused many people to assert that dieting 'makes' the dieter fat, based upon metabolic damage combined with the psychological deprivation that dieting causes. This paper will argue that, given the weight of the evidence, although the physiological evidence is inconclusive that dieting itself leads to weight gain due to metabolic damage, there is substantial evidence that dieting can lead to a negative relationship with food that causes weight gain in the long run.

"A decreased rate at….

Diet and Exercise There Are

" The patients in the study had "previously failed to lose weight in multiple medically supervised attempts, and were given a standardized form with instructions on the amylase-free diet (Jancin, 2001)." There was no exercise program provided, as the patients were unable to exercise without extreme difficulty.
The results showed that "three-quarters of participants who were compliant with therapy averaged a 4.6% loss in body fat and a 3.1 pound gain in lean body mass in 12 weeks (Jancin, 2001)." Researchers are hopeful this program will work for individuals who have not achieved results from a low-fat diet and exercise.


Overweight individuals have an increased risk of contracting diabetes. Some patients are now being diagnosed with 'pre-diabetes', which "indicates a partly elevated blood sugar level that will likely develop into full diabetes within 10 years if nothing is done to stop it. Scientists now have proof that something can: a healthy diet….

High Fat Diet Introduction
High-fat diets have caused a major controversy during the past decade. In fact, the Western diet, ketogenic diet and other types of high-fat diets have become more and more popular even though studies have been produced that link high fat diets to obesity, brain damage, cardiac disease, liver disease and cancer (Branco et al., 2016; Francois et al., 2016; Freeman, Haley-Zitlin, Rosenberger & Granholm, 2014; Wilson, Deasy, Hayes & Cooke, 2017). Therefore it is extremely important to understand both the benefits and negative effects of a high fat diet on the human body. New research has unmasked the myths that have been believed and applied through the years about this type of diet and its effects on morbidity and mortality in the long run. This paper will examine those issues by defining the high fat diet, where it is practiced, who is impacted by it, when it came….

Lifestyle Choices and a Plan Part I: Identifying Ares in My Current Lifestyle That Need Improvement so That I Can Get Back to a Healthy Path
Three areas to make improvements in my current lifestyle are: 1) the area of exercise, 2) the area of diet, and 3) the area of commitment to spirituality. Each of these areas is important in and of itself—but together they form a holistic approach to physical, mental and spiritual health that I feel, if embraced, can lead to the flourishing of health and positivity in my own life—which I would then expect to be able to transfer to the patients I serve. The more that one is satisfied and happy in one’s own life, the more likely that person is to provide quality care to one’s patients (Laschinger, 2008). Additionally, it has been well established that physical exercise and diet and two of the major cornerstones….

Diet Life Is All About

Cereals and pulses are also one of the most important constituents which form my diet. It is extremely important to consume Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, Fibre and Mineral salts. I make it a point to eat fruits every day; this ensures sufficient Fibre intake takes place in my body. To satisfy other important aspects, I make it a point to include meat, cereals and pulses etc. In my diet. I drink a lot of water to ensure sufficient mineral intake, in addition to this I drink fruit juices to ensure that I get good energy to burn at work or when I work out in the gym. This sums up my diet and I believe that only a healthy body can have a healthy mind and this paper certainly has got good dietary tips which when followed can keep any human being healthy.

diet and diabetes.
Review 2-3 sources of information on diet and its effects on diabetes.

Diet and diabetes are closely linked and very often this diet can be diet controlled.

Diabetes is a disease that makes it hard for the body to control the level of glucose (the main form of sugar in the body) in the blood. There are three main types of diabetes: Type 1 which is insulin-dependent, Type 2 which is the most common and is not insulin-dependent and Gestational which occurs during pregnancy and goes away when the baby is born.

Diet is an integral part of managing diabetes and is based on the treatment goals and a nutritional assessment that will take into account blood lipids, caloric needs and prevention of diabetes related complications.

Because the body's ability to make and use insulin is compromised, the body can't regulate glucose and therefore, the diabetic has to regulate their sugar….

The third group served as a comparison group. They were not put on a diet at all, they simply received information on healthy eating. All women received the same advice to increase physical activity, especially walking.
The women were followed for 40 weeks, with an additional follow-up visit at 65 weeks. The researchers took weekly measures in a variety of areas. These included body weight, episodes of binge eating, depression levels and difficulty sticking with the diet.

The different data from the groups were collected and measured statistically to see if there were any differences in the areas looked at in the study, in particular, if women on a low-calorie diet were more likely to develop a binge eating disorder.

The original belief of the researchers as they went into this study was that the women in the two diet conditions would be more likely than the non-dieting women to lose control….

While stress is a commonly used term, it is a poorly defined term that can refer to a wide scope of things, depending on the context.  Generally speaking, stress refers to the person’s response to some sort of aversive stimuli or stressor, though stress can also be used to refer to the stimuli that causes the stress.  The perception of stress appears to be related to whether a person finds a particular stimulus to be overwhelming. Therefore, a stress concept analysis can have different meanings and is personalized for each person experiencing a particular stressor.  Generally, we....

Writing an article may seem intimidating, but if you have written an essay in the past, then you have all of the skills necessary to tackle writing an article.  The first thing to do is familiarize yourself with your topic.  Since your husband has diabetes, you are already familiar with the disease, which gives you an advantage when writing your article.  Unless you are writing a really broad article, you are going to want to differentiate between Type I and Type II diabetes, since their causes and treatments are significantly different. 

The next....

When writing an argumentative essay, you are encouraged to take strong positions that might not be appropriate in other types of academic writing.  This is especially true when you are crafting your hook, which is a dramatic statement, usually a sentence or two, designed to capture the reader’s interest and get them interested enough to read the rest of the essay.  You might find this type of task challenging when focusing on a topic like zoos.  However, if you consider how popular the Netflix Series Tiger King was in the summer of....

Much has been made of the possible relationship between obesity and gut bacteria. Rather than the simplistic view of obesity that once posited that obesity was always simply a matter of consuming too many calories or being too sedentary, modern research has revealed that a number of factors contribute to obesity. This has helped lead to epidemic levels of obesity, which has a domino effect on other health issues.  Determining which factors help influence obesity is one of the keys to fighting this epidemic. Gut bacteria is one of these factors. 

The human....

3 Pages

Not Specified

Diet Analysis Project Day Food Record Having

Words: 949
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Diet Analysis Project Day Food ecord Having a diet does not necessarily mean a balanced diet where proteins, carbohydrate and vitamin-rich food are spread out in the individual's daily eating habits.…

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8 Pages

Business - Small

Dieting Makes People Fat the Rising Epidemic

Words: 2305
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Dieting Makes People Fat The rising epidemic of obesity makes the news nearly every day: We are constantly reading or hearing about how Americans are getting heavier and heavier. This…

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5 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Diet and Activity Plan What

Words: 1677
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

According to a famous TV dog-trainer, a regular daily walk is the first step to a well-behaved dog. Therefore, I am hoping that my daily walks will have…

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4 Pages

Not Specified

Diet Analysis I Am Female 40 Years

Words: 978
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Diet Analysis I am female, 40 years old, and I exercise frequently. My height is 5'5," and my weight is 120 lbs. I undertook the dietary analysis for two days…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nutrition

Diet Analysis Since the Conception

Words: 1408
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This put me far short of the mark. The matter is complicated by the fact that foods only list whole proteins in the nutrition facts. In third world countries…

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8 Pages

Family and Marriage

Dieting Young People's Dieting Behaviors

Words: 2482
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

This is the first step in making diets for young people more realistic, achievable and more aimed at health and less about perpetually attempting to win favor with…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nutrition

Diet How Many Grams of

Words: 1143
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

J. Did your choices provide enough folate to meet your requirement? My folate levels were insufficient. Had I added some foods with grain, I may have been closer to the recommendations. K. What…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Diet of Worms and the

Words: 1882
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Reformation altered forever medieval life in estern Europe and initiated the era of modern history (Reformation pp). Although the movement is generally dated from the early 16th century…

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5 Pages


Dieting Makes People Fat

Words: 1649
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Dieting makes you fat:" Old wives tale or scientific fact? 'Dieting makes you fat.' On the surface, this assertion seems counterintuitive. After all, dieting for weight loss usually involves…

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12 Pages
Term Paper


Diet and Exercise There Are

Words: 3822
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" The patients in the study had "previously failed to lose weight in multiple medically supervised attempts, and were given a standardized form with instructions on the amylase-free diet…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


The Ketogenic Diet and Risks

Words: 1463
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

High Fat Diet Introduction High-fat diets have caused a major controversy during the past decade. In fact, the Western diet, ketogenic diet and other types of high-fat diets have become more…

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11 Pages


Making Health Changes in Life

Words: 3409
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

Lifestyle Choices and a Plan Part I: Identifying Ares in My Current Lifestyle That Need Improvement so That I Can Get Back to a Healthy Path Three areas to make improvements…

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1 Pages

Business - Miscellaneous

Diet Life Is All About

Words: 336
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Cereals and pulses are also one of the most important constituents which form my diet. It is extremely important to consume Carbohydrates, proteins, fats, Fibre and Mineral salts.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper


Diet and Diabetes Review 2-3 Sources of

Words: 355
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

diet and diabetes. Review 2-3 sources of information on diet and its effects on diabetes. Diet and diabetes are closely linked and very often this diet can be diet controlled. Diabetes…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nutrition

Dieting and Eating Disorders Dieting

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The third group served as a comparison group. They were not put on a diet at all, they simply received information on healthy eating. All women received the…

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