Gambling He That Hastens To Term Paper


Also, the more the person loses money, the more likely they are to become emotionally distraught and potentially violent, especially when under the influence of alcohol and drugs. As organized crime and gambling go hand-in-hand, so too do organized crime and drugs, which is why gambling and drugs are closely related sociological deviant phenomenon, phenomenon that all Christians should firmly oppose. Gambling creates widespread familial and personal problems as well as sociological ones. For example, people who gamble sometimes spend their life savings or their spouse's hard-earned income. Throwing money away on betting can completely tear apart families. When the spouse expresses disapproval, the gambler will retort with a slew of excuses or justifications. Arguments and outright fights might ensue, and all too often children are involved in the cross-fire. Gambling can be a major marital issue that can lead to divorce and even spousal or child abuse.

Gambling is also a symptom of and cause of personal psychological problems. Many people gamble because they are depressed or when they are depressed. Gambling offers a psychological "rush" much like a drug does. When the gambler loses all of his or her money, the high wears off fast and a serious low sinks in. When the low sinks in, the person may be prone to any number of crazy actions, ranging from picking fights in a bar to stealing money from one's employer. As the gambler loses -- and inevitably...


Instead of turning to spiritual healing, to God, or to the Church, the person may instead turn to drugs, alcohol, or more gambling. Gambling can become an addiction as serious as any other, and can be just as tough to quit as any drug.
Unfortunately, some churches are turning to gambling as a way to raise money ("Gambling and the Bible"). Most Christians oppose gambling on moral and spiritual grounds. There is no clear scriptural admonition against gambling, but the Bible contains passages that clearly oppose greed, the accumulation of excess or ill-begotten wealth, and placing faith in any other force but God's. Because gambling relies on chance and false hope, it is in some ways a direct abnegation of God's will. Gamblers ruin their lives by accumulating debt, upsetting their families, contributing to mental illnesses like depression, and promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. Moreover, gambling can lead to political corruption, law enforcement corruption, and the prevalence of special interest-driven politics at the local, state, and federal level.

Works Cited

The Christian and Gambling." Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland.

Dew, Diane. "Gambling and the Bible.

Gambling and the Bible." The Interactive Bible.

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited

The Christian and Gambling." Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland.

Dew, Diane. "Gambling and the Bible.

Gambling and the Bible." The Interactive Bible.

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