Goddesses The Goddess Concept In Term Paper

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The Goddess concept in ancient cultures was often balanced with the concept of the male God. In this way, a balance of worship was achieved between the male and female aspect. This is concomitant with ancient cultures' closeness to nature. Everything in nature is balanced in terms of male and female. The female was important for the perpetuation of all species, while the male was important in terms of hunting and gathering. The fact that Goddess worship existed provided not only balance between male and female, but also provided females with the paradigm of power.

In ancient cultures, females were powerful because they had the ability to bear children. This was extremely important in an environment that was often hostile towards human life. Women were therefore seen as a powerful force in ensuring the existence and the very survival of humanity. Spiritually, as mentioned above, the balance between male and female in worship also translated to a social balance between men and women. There was a mutual respect between male and female for the strengths and abilities of each.

I believe that the goddess concept is vital, especially for the development of our society in modern times. While it is no longer vital to bear children, women have much more than only biology to offer the world. Unfortunately, many men are still grounded in the patriarchic paradigm that women are not to be provided with opportunities to prove themselves, because they are somehow not as good as men. The most important contribution of the Goddess is therefore to prove once again that there need be no battle between men and women; the two can compliment each other.

The idea of matriarchy is a rather alien one in our society. As such, not only men, but also many women believe that positions of power are not for them. The matriarchy concept overrides this idea. Women and men can be equally powerful.


Angier, Natalie. Goddess Theory. Sept 17, 2000. http://www.nytimes.com/books/00/09/17/reviews/000917.17angiert.html

Robinson, B.A. Goddess Worship. 1995-2006. Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. http://www.religioustolerance.org/goddess.htm

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